Glossary of pelagic biogeography r. K. Johnson†, B. J. Zahuranec*, D. Boltovskoy and A. C. Pierrot-Bults

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Study and description of mass and energy flow in a food web or chain, including input

of solar energy, and output via the decomposer chain and into the sediments.

(1) Oceanic zone where surface waters are at or in excess of 25° C throughout the year.

(2) Pertaining to the zone between the Tropic of Cancer (23° 27' N) and the Tropic

of Capricorn (23° 27' S).

tropical species

especie tropical

A species limited to the tropical zone (cf tropical).

tropical submergence

submersión tropical

Hypothesis that amphitropical populations are continuous (in deeper water),

following temperature isotherms (cf antitropical).
tropical-subtropical species

especie tropical-subtropical

A species occurring in both the tropical and subtropical zones; for oceanic pelagic

species, occurring in both central and equatorial water mass regions (qv) of one, two or all three warmwater oceans (cf warmwater species).


Change in directional orientation or movement, or (plant) growth, due to an external stimulus.






Of or pertaining to water this is not clear, usually because it contains fine suspended particulate matter (cf nepheloid layer).

turbidity current

corriente de turbidez

A form of density current. A downflow of water made more dense relative to surrounding

waters by suspended particulate materials. Commonly initiated on a slope by strong

wave action, seismic events or slumping. Such flows may reach the deepsea and indeed are credited with creating the peneplain-like abyssal topography of the western North Atlantic.



Eddy generation by a moving fluid or by an object moving through a fluid; dissipates

turnover rate

tasa de renovación

Measure of the velocity of movement of an element or compound in a biogeochemical

cycle (cf residence time).


Used of organisms that are normally benthic but have been carried up into the water

column by chance factors, such as storm events.


A zoological or botanical object (specimen, indication, etc.) which serves as the basis for the

name of a taxon.
type genus

género tipo

The genus that is the type of a family level taxon.

type species

especie tipo

The species that is the type of a genus level taxon.


localidad tipo

The locality at which a holotype, syntype, lectotype or neotype was collected.



A classification approach based on the assumption of an idealized uniform body plan (type) with any variation representing imperfections in the expression of this form, AKA "pigeon-holing" (comparable concepts include eidos; essentialism; gestalt).


ubícuo, omnipresente

Meaning "to occur everywhere", actually true of virtually no organism. Applied to the distribution of very broadly-distributed species.

ultra-abyssal zone

zona ultraabisal

Hadal zone (qv)



See hadopelagic.

underdispersion (regular distribution)

subdispersión (distribución regular)

See even.



Of or pertaining to single-celled organisms.



Statistics: The entire statistical population.

unweighted pair group method

Phenetics: clustering OTU's joining the smallest branches of the dendrogram

first and the two largest last; each step groups together that pair of OTU's showing the

greatest overall similarity (without averaging) to each other.

upper water masses

masas de agua superficiales

Principal tropical and subtropical water masses lying below the main thermocline and

above intermediate water, typically between depths of 200 - 800 m.


Wind-driven upward movement of subsurface waters caused by displacement of surface waters

by prevailing winds and Ekman surface drift (cf Ekman layer). Upwelling is an important source of nutrient replenishment in tropical and subtropical waters where it occurs (eg in eastern boundary current regions, equatorial divergence zones, in association with monsoonal wind fields, etc.) (cf coastal upwelling).

Floating close to shore.



Applied to an organism free to move about (cf sessile).



(1) Freedom of motility of an organism.

(2) The tolerance of an organism to a wide range of environmental conditions, may be

qualified as "high" or "low".



Taxonomy: Used of a name or nomenclatural act that is correct according to the

provisions of the Code. (cf ICZN; ICBN)


The confirmation by data or a specialist that information is correct

Venice System

sistema de Venecia

System for the classification of brackish water based on the chlorinity.

vernacular name

nombre vernáculo

Taxonomy: The common name of a species or group; not used in accord with ICZN naming rules.



Of or pertaining to the spring season of the year, that period between the vernal equinox and the summer solstice, in the northern hemisphere from about March 21 to June 21 (cf autumnal).



Organisms with backbones or vertebrae.



Pertaining to evening; the civilized part of crepuscular (qv).

vicariance biogeography

biogeografía vicariante

A "school" of biogeographical thought derived from Croizat's Panbiogeography. Supporters

believe that disjunctions in ranges much more commonly derive from interposition of new

barriers in formerly continuous ranges (dividing whole floras and faunas) than from chance dispersal events (affecting single species and populations (usually)). They basically reject sweepstakes routes and land bridges in biogeographic explanation.

Two other major schools are the center of origin/dispersal approach (qv) and cladistic

biogeography (qv). With respect to predicted location of plesiomorph taxa, the former

predicts extinction of such species within the evolutionary centers, and their occurrence in sites / habitats peripheral to such centers. Cladistic biogeography predicts the reverse. Vicariance biogeography takes no position in this debate. (cf historical biogeography)
vicariant event

evento vicariante

The geographical separation of a species by interposition of a new barrier, with

allopatric speciation a quite likely consequence. Also the separation of formerly

continuous floras and/or faunas.



The condition or vigor of organisms in a community, mainly their capacity to live and

complete their life cycle within the community.


(1) A single organism or small group of organisms found outside of its (their) normal

range, presumably thereto advected by unusual current or weather conditions.

(2) Members of a population which are predictably transported to a "sink", outside of their normal reproductive range where they do not reproduce (cf allogenetic plankton, expatriation).


Wallacea encompasses the eastern Indonesian seas, the major tropical seaway connecting

the Indian and Pacific Oceans and their only tropical connection during Pleistocene

glaciation. Wallacea lies between Wallace's Line (east of the Philippines and south to between Bali and Lompok) and Lyddecker's Line (west of New Guinea, east of Ceram and the Kai and Tanimbar Islands).

warm core ring

anillo de centro cálido

A mesoscale (cf mesoscale feature)( anticyclonic gyre with downwelling at the center of the system, typically formed as an eddy from a western boundary current such as the Gulf Stream.

May entrain localized populations for periods lasting weeks to months.
warm-water species

especie de aguas cálidas

Species occurring in the open ocean between the subtropical convergences (ca 40° N

to 40° S).
warmwater cosmopolitan

cosmopolita de aguas cálidas

A species very broadly distributed in the warmwater ocean ie that fraction of the

global oceanic environment between (about) 40° N and 40° S.
water mass

masa de agua

Here meant as principal water mass defined by a near constant and predictable envelope of temperature and salinity relationships (cf T-S curve, T-S envelope). Water mass properties imply a restricted locality or zone of origin, typically at or near the surface, at high latitude, in winter.

water pollution

contaminación acuática

Any detrimental changes in water quality (temperature, chemical composition, etc) usually due to human activities.

water-mass boundary

límite de la masa de agua

The (typically) ecotonal zone separating core regions underlain by the principal

upper water masses (qv). The water mass boundary may affect the distribution of organisms, and does not extend to the surface of the ocean, although the vertical distribution of the organism may do so.
water-mass hypothesis

The concept that distributional boundaries of pelagic species and pelagic species assemblages are caused by ocean circulation, and associated with water mass boundaries. The cyclonic and anti-cyclonic gyres and boundary currents then form different biological provinces with climatic differences and different sets of nutrient and temperature characteristics .

water-mass region

A sea surface plot of the area underlain by the core (typical and diagnostic

T-S envelope and other features) of one of the principal upper water masses.
West Wind Drift

Deriva Oceánica del Oeste

The largest and most important ocean current in the southern hemisphere, flowing in

an easterly direction around Antarctica. The total transport of this system, ca

100 Sv. (qv) is roughly two orders of magnitude greater than the total output of all the rivers of the world. Typified by low salinity (less than 34.7 ppt) cold temperatures (-1o to 5o C), and large sea waves and swell.

western boundary current

corriente de margen occidental

The relatively deep, fast, narrow, low productivity near-coastal limb of the great

subtropical anticyclonic gyres found on the western margin of oceans (especially the

Atlantic and Pacific); eg the Gulf Stream and Kuroshio Currents.

wind forcing

forzante de viento

An event or series of events driven by wind energy. Such phenomena occur over a wide

variety of spatial and temporal scales, from short-lived and local, to major ENSO (qv)

and monsoonal events (cf monsoon) that can affect significant portions of whole ocean basins.

winter kill

mortalidad masiva invernal

Death of large numbers of organisms due to adverse winter conditions.

X, Y, Z

eje x

Horizontal axis of a two-dimensional graph -- the abscissa.



Allochthonous (qv).



A dry habitat, as opposed to wet (hydric) or intermediate (mesic) environments. Even

environments with ample free water may be physiologically xeric, as in salt marshes and

mangrove forests.


eje y

Vertical axis of a two-dimensional graph -- the ordinate.

yellow matter

Gelbstoff (qv)


Any external stimulus that acts to trigger or phase a biological rhythm; a synchronizer.



The highest point in the sun's daily traverse across the sky; position of the sun at local apparent noon.


Term used to describe objects or events mainly in a longitudinal (east-west) direction,

eg the zonal flow of the equatorial currents and countercurrents (cf meridional).


The distribution of organisms in distinctive and sequential layers, zones or areas.



Animals living on (epifauna(qv)) or in (infauna (qv)) the bottom.

zoogeographic region

región zoogeográfica

Biogeographic region (qv), pertaining specifically to animals.



The study of the distribution of animals in all spatial and temporal scales,

including both historical and ecological approaches. The biogeography (qv) of animals.


Heterotrophic (protists and animals) plankton (qv).



Endosymbiotic mutualistic dinoflagellates associated with hermatypic scleractinian corals and certain other marine invertebrate groups (eg tridacnid bivalves).


(when the spelling of Enlish and Spanish terms is the same they are not in this list so please check also the main Glossary)


a lo largo de la costa = longshore

abisal = abyssal

abisobéntico = abyssobenthic

abisopelágico = abyssopelagic

abundancia = abundance

aclimatación = acclimation

aclimatación transitoria = acclimatization

acomodación biológica = biological accommodation

adaptación = adaptation

adecuación = fitness

adnato = adnate

advección = advection

afloramiento = upwelling

afloramiento costero = coastal upwelling

agregación = aggregation

agregación = patchiness

agregado = aggregated

agregados = aggregates

agua central = central water

agua de talúd = Slope Water

aguas cálidas vs aguas frías = cold-water vs warm-water

aguas costeras = coastal waters

aguas dulces = freshwater

aguas salobres = brackish waters

aislamiento = isolation

aislamiento geográfico = geographic isolation

al azar = random

albedo = albedo

albufera = lagoon

aleatorio = random

alelopatía = allelopathy

alelos = alleles

algoritmo = algorithm

alimentación no selectiva = fine-grain exploitation

alocórico = allochoric

alóctono = allochthonous

alóctono = endemic

alometría = allometry

alopatria = allopatry

alotipo = allotype

alotópico = allotopic

alozima = allozyme

altricial = altricial

ambiente = environment

ámbito = ambit

amensalismo = amensalism

amíctico = amictic

amplitud del nicho = niche breadth

amplitud ecológica = ecological amplitude

anádromo = anadromous

anagénesis = anagenesis

análisis de componentes principales (ACP) = principal component analysis (PCA)

análogo = analogous

anfi- = amphi-

anfitropical = amphitropical

anillo de centro cálido = warm core ring

anillo de centro frío = cold core ring

anomalía = anomaly

anóxico = anoxic

antártico = antarctic

anticiclón = anticyclone

anticiclón subtropical = subtropical anticyclone

apomorfo = apomorphous

aptitud, adecuación = fitness

árbol de estados de caracter = character state tree

árbol filogenético = phylogenetic tree

archipiélago = archipelago

área = range

área T-S = T-S envelope

arenícola = arenicolous

arquibéntico = archibenthic

arrecife coralino = coral reef

arrecife costanero = fringing reef

arrecife de orla = fringing reef

asimetría = skewness

asociación = association

atalón = atoll

Australasia = Australasian Region

autóctono = autochthonous

autoecología = autecology

autofecundación = selfing

autogénico = authogenic

autopomorfía = autapomorph

autotrófico = autotrophic

auxotrófico = auxotrophic

ave marina = sea bird

bacterioneuston = bacterioneuston

bacterioplancton = bacterioplankton

barlovento = leeward

baroclínico = baroclinic

barotropismo = barotropism

barrera = barrier

barrera del Pacífico este = East Pacific Barrier

barrera terrestre del Nuevo Mundo = New World Land Barrier

barrera terrestre del Viejo Mundo = Old World Land Barrier

batimetría = bathymetry

batipelágico = bathypelagic

béntico = benthic

bentónico = benthic

bentopelágico = benthopelagic

bentos = benthos

bioacústica = bioacoustics

biocenosis = biocoenosis

bioestratigrafía = biostratigraphy

biogénesis = biogenesis

biogenia = biogeny

biogeografía = biogeography

biogeografía cladística = cladistic biogeography

biogeografía de islas = island biogeography

biogeografía dispersiva = dispersal biogeography

biogeografía ecológica = ecological biogeography

biogeografía histórica = historical biogeography

biogeografía pelágica = pelagic biogeography

biogeografía vicariante = vicariance biogeography

bioherma = bioherm

biología marina = marine biology

biología pesquera = fisheries biology

biología poblacional = population biology

bioluminiscencia = bioluminescence

bioluminiscente = luciferous

bioluminiscente = noctilucent

bioma = biome

biomasa = biomass

biometría = biometrics

biomonitoreo = biomonitoring

biota = biota

biotopo = biotope

bioturbación = bioturbation

bipolaridad = bipolarity

borde de plataforma = shelf break

braditélico = bradytelic

cadena alimentaria = food chain/food web

cambio del nicho = niche shift

camino = pathway

camuflaje = camouflage (crypsis)

canalización = canalization

capa de mezcla = mixed layer

capa de mínimo de oxígeno = oxygen-minimum layer

capa difusora = scattering layer

capa difusora profunda (CDP) = DSL

capa nefeloide = nepheloid layer

capa superficial = surface layer

capacidad de carga = carrying capacity

capa de Ekman = Ekman layer

caracter = character

caracter = trait

caracter dicotómico = dichotomous character

caracter merístico = meristic character

caracteres correlacionados = correlated characters

caracter poligénico = polygenic character

carcinología = carcinology

cardúmen = school

carnívoro = carnivorous

carta = map

catádromo = catadromous

categoría = category

célula de Hadley = Hadley Cell

cenit = zenith

cenoclina = coenocline

centro de origen = center of origin

cetología = cetology

ciclo biogeoquímico = biogeochemical cycle

ciclo de vida = life cycle

ciclo del taxón = taxon cycle

ciclo hidrológico = hydrologic cycle

ciclomorfosis = cyclomorphosis

ciclónico = cyclonic

ciénaga = helic (helium)

ciénaga salina = salt marsh

cieno de foraminíferos = foraminiferan ooze

(CINB) Código Internacional de Nomenclatura Botánica = ICBN

(CINZ) Código Internacional de Nomenclatura Zoológica = ICZN

circulación abisal = abyssal circulation

circulación de Langmuir, células de Langmuir = Langmuir circulation

circulación termohalina = thermohaline circulation

círculo de especies = Artenkreis

círculo de formas = Formenkreis

circulo de razas = Rassenkreis

cladística = cladistics

clado = clade

cladogénesis = cladogenesis

cladograma = cladogram

cladograma de área = area cladogram

clase de edad = age class

clasificación = classification

clasificación artificial = artificial classification

clasificación de Braun-Blanquet = Braun-Blanquet Classification

clasificación natural = natural classification

clave dicotómica = dichotomous key

climatología = climatology

cline escalado = stepped cline

cline gradual = smooth cline

clorinidad = chlorinity

clupéido pelágico = pelagic clupeoid

coadaptación = co-adaptation


Código Internacional de Nomenclatura Botánica (CINB) = International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN)

Código Internacional de Nomenclatura Zoológica (CINZ) = International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN)

coevolución = coevolution

cohorte = cohort

colonia = colony

color del océano = ocean color

comensalismo = commensalism

comensalismo = inquilinism

competencia = competition

comportamiento antagónico = antagonistic behavior

comunidad = community

comunidad climax = climax community

comunidad de plantas acuáticas sumergidas = hydatophytium

comunidad de torrente = rhyacium

concepto de superorganismo = super-organism concept

conexión terrestre = land bridge

congenérico = congeneric

conjunto = assemblage

conjunto aleatorio = random assemblage

conjunto de especie = species assemblage

conspecífico = conspecific

consumidor de material depositado

consumidor de material en suspensión = suspension feeder

consumidores = consumers

contaminación acuática = water pollution

contínuo = continuum

convergencia = convergence

convergencia subtropical = subtropical convergence

convexión = convection


corología = chorology

corredor = corridor

correlación = correlation

corriente de densidad = density current

corriente de margen = boundary current

corriente de margen occidental = western boundary current

corriente de margen oriental = eastern boundary current

corriente de turbidez = turbidity current

corriente geostrófica = geostrophic current (flow)

cosecha = standing crop

cosecha máxima sostenible = maximum sustained yield

cosecha óptima = optimal yield

cosmopolita = cosmopolitan

cosmopolita de aguas cálidas = warmwater cosmopolitan

costero = nearshore, coastal

coterminal = coterminous

crecimiento determinado = determinate growth

crecimiento exponencial = exponential growth

crecimiento indeterminado = indeterminate growth

crecimiento logístico = logistic growth

cresta centro-oceánica = mid-ocean ridge

criopelágico = cryopelagic

crioplancton = cryoplankton

cripsis = crypsis, camouflage

cuadrado = quadrat

cuadratura = quadrature

cualitativo = qualitative

cuantitativo = quantitative

cuello de botella = bottleneck

cuenca = basin

curtosis = kurtosis

curva de especies-área = species-area curve

curva de supervivencia = survivorship curve

curva T-S = T-S curve

de marjal = helic (helium)

de torrente = torrenticoulous

deficiencia de oxígeno = oxygen debt

degeneración = degeneration

dendrograma = dendrogram

densidad = density

denso-dependiente = density-dependent

denso-independiente = density-independent

depósito = sink

de profundidad = profundal

deriva = drift

deriva continental = continental drift

deriva génica = genetic drift

Deriva Oceánica del Oeste = West Wind Drift

derivativo = derivative

descomponedor = decomposer

desovar = spawn

desove = spawn

desplazamiento de caracter = character displacement

detritívoro = detritovore, scavenger

detritos = detritus

día mareal = tidal day

día sidéreo = sidereal day

día solar = solar day

diádromo = diadromous

diapausa = diapause

diastrofismo = diastrophism

dicopátrico = dichopatric

diferenciación = differentiation

dimíctico = dimictic

dinámica = dynamics

disfótico = dysphotic

dispersión = dispersal

dispersión = dispersion

distancia = distance

distancia cladística = cladistic distance

distancia fenética = phenetic distance

distancia patrística = patristic distance

distribución = distribution

distribución binomial negativa = negative binomial distribution

distribución contagiosa = contagious distribution, patchiness

distribución en banda = ribbon distribution

distribución relictual = relictual distribution

distrófico = dystrophic

disyunto = disjunct

diurno = diurnal

divergencia = divergence

divergencia de Ekman = Ekman divergence

diversidad = diversity

diversificación = diversification

diversificación del nicho = niche diversification

dominancia = dominance

dominio = domain

domo = dome

ecléctico = eclectic

ecofeno = ecophene

ecofenotípico = ecophenotypic

ecofisiología = physiological ecology

ecología = ecology

ecología de sistemas = systems ecology

ecología fisiológica = physiological ecology

ecología marina = marine ecology

ecología poblacional = population ecology

ecosistema = ecosystem

ecotipo = ecotype

ecotono = ecotone

ectotérmico = ectotherm

ecuaciones de Lotka-Volterra = Lotka-Volterra equations

ecuatorial = equatorial

efecto de borde = edge effect

efecto de isla = island effect

efecto fundador = founder effect

efecto invernadero = greenhouse effect

eficiencia ecológica = ecological efficiency

eje x = x-axis

eje y = y-axis

electromorfo = electromorph

elevación continental = continental rise

emigración = emigration

enanismo = dwarfism

endemismo = endemism

endobéntico = endobenthic

endolítico = endolithic

endotérmico = endotherm

enriquecimiento = enrichment

entrada = inlet

epibéntico = epibenthic

epifítico = epiphyte

epilimnio = epilimnion

epipelágico = epipelagic

epipélico = epipelic

epiplancton superficial = phaoplankton

epitóquico = epitokous

epizoico = epizoic

equilibrio de Hardy-Weinberg = Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

equilibrio entre especies = species equilibrium

equilibrio génico = genetic equilibrium

equilibrio puntuado = punctuated equilibria

equitabilidad = equitability

errante = vagile

escala = scale

escala de Beaufort = Beaufort Scale

especiación = speciation

especiación alocrónica = allochronic speciation

especiación alopátrica = allopatric speciation

especiación centrífuga = centrifugal speciation

especiación clinal = clinal speciation

especiación estasipátrica = stasipatric speciation

especiación parapátrica = parapatric speciation

especiación simpátrica = sympatric speciation

especialista = specialist

especialización = specialization

especie = species

especie accidental = accidental species

especie agámica = agamospecies

especie alocrónica = allochronic species

especie antitropical = antitropical species

especie competitivamente dominante = competitively dominant species

especie complementaria = complementary species

especie críptica = cryptic species

especie de aguas cálidos = warm-waterspecies

especie de borde = edge species

especie de giro central = central water species

especie de profundidades medias = mid-depth species

especie de profundidades medias = midwater species

especie dominante = dominant species

especie ecológicamente equivalente = ecologically equivalent species

especie ecuatorial = equatorial species

especie exclusiva = exclusive species

especie fugitiva = fugitive species

especie gemela = sibling species

especie hija = daughter species

especie indicadora = index species

especie indicadora = indicator species

especie indiferente = indifferent species

especie instantánea = instantaneous species

especie introducida = introduced species

especie monotípica = monotypic species

especie nativa = native species

especie oportunista = opportunistic species, fugitive species

especie politípica = polytypic species

especie preferencial = preferential species

especie selectiva = selective species

especie sincrónica = synchronic species

especie subtropical = subtropical species

especie tipo = type species

especie transicional = transition region species

especie tropical = tropical species

especie tropical-subtropical = tropical-subtropical species

espectro de acción = action spectrum

espectro de partículas = particle spectrum

esporádico = sporadic

estabilidad = stability

estación = station

estadío = instar

estadística = statistic

estadística no paramétrica = nonparametric statistic

estadística paramétrica = parametric statistic

estado de caracter = character state

estado de carácter ancestral = ancestral character state

estado seral = seral stage

estática = statics

estenofagia = stenophagy

estenohalino = stenohaline

estenotérmico = stenothermal

estenotípico = stenotopic

estéreotaxis = stereotaxis

estímulo = stimulus

estival tardío = serotinal

estoa = slack water

estratega C = C-strategist

estratega competitivo = C-strategist

estratega S = S-strategist

estrategia del ciclo vital = life history strategy

estratificación = stratification

estratificación faunística = faunal stratification

estratificación química = chemical stratification

estratificación térmica = thermal stratification

estratigrafía = stratigraphy

estratocenosis = stratocoenosis

estructura poblacional = population structure

estuarial = ecronic

estuario = estuary

estuario negativo = negative estuary

estuario neutral = neutral estuary

estuario positivo = positive estuary

estudio = survey

euri- = eury -

eurihalino = euryhaline

euritérmico = eurythermal

euritópico = eurytopic

eustático = eustatic

eutroficación cultural = cultural eutrophication

eutroficación = eutrophication

eutrofización = eutrophication

eutrófico = eutrophic

evento vicariante = vicariant event

evolución = evolution

evolución en mosaico = mosaic evolution

evolución reticulada = reticulate evolution

exclusión competitiva = competitive exclusion

excursión = excursion

exisencia = standing crop

existencia = pool

existencia = standing stock

existencia activa = active pool

existencias = stock

expatriación = expatriation

expatriado = waif

explotación de grano grueso = coarse-grain exploitation

explotación selectivo = selective exploitation

extinción = extinction

facilitación social = social facilitation

factor limitante = limiting factor

factores abióticos = abiotic factors

factores bióticos = biotic factors

facultativo = facultative

familia = family

fango = ooze

fango de diatomeas = diatom ooze

fango de foraminíferos = foraminiferan ooze

fango de globigerinas = Globigerina ooze

fango de pterópodos = pteropod ooze

fango de radiolarios = radiolarian ooze

fango rojo = red clay

fango terrígeno = terrigenous mud

faunística = faunistics

fenética = phenetics

fenocopia = phenocopy

fenograma = phenogram

fenología = phenology

fenómeno de El Niño = ENSO event

fenón = phenon

fenotipo = phenotype

ficocenología = phycocoenology

fidelidad = fidelity

filogenia = phylogeny

filopatria = philopatry

filtro = filter

fiordo = fjord

física = physics

fisionomía = physiognomy

fitobentos = phytobenthos

fitogeografía = phytogeography

fitoplancton = phytoplankton

fitosociología = phytosociology

fitotélmico = phytotelmic

floración = bloom

florística = floristics

flujo génico = gene flow

fluvial = riverine

fondo de reserva = reservoir pool

foresis = phoresy

formación = formation

forzante de viento = wind forcing

fotóforo = photophore

fotoperíodo = photoperiodism

fototrófico = phototrophic

fototrópico = phototropic

fragilidad = fragility

freático = phreatic

frecuencia alozímica = allozyme frequency

frecuencia génica = gene frequency

frente = front

frente hidroquímico = hydrochemical front

función forzante = forcing functions

generación = generation

generación espontánea = spontaneous generation

generalista = generalist

género = genus

género tipo = type genus

genética = genetics

genética poblacional = population genetics

genotipo = genotype

geografía = geography

geotrópico = geotropic

gigantismo = gigantism

ginocórico = gynochoric

giro monsónico = monsoon gyre

giro = eddy, gyre

giro central = central gyre

Gondwana = Gondwanaland

gonocorismo = gonochorism

gradiente latitudinal de diversidad = latitudinal diversity gradient

grado = grade

graduaismo filético = phyletic gradualism

gremio = guild

gremio alimentario = feeding guild

grupo hermano = sister group

grupo recurrente = recurrent group

hábitat = habitat

hacia tierra = inshore

hadopelágico = hadopelagic

haloclina = halocline

halofílico = halophilic

halofítico = halophyte

heliotrópico = heliotropic

hemianual = semestrial

hemiplancton = hemiplankton

herbívoro = herbivore

hermafroditismo = hermaphroditism

hermafroditismo sincrónico = synchronous hermaphroditism

heteroconismo = heterochrony

heterógrado = heterograde

heterospecífico = heterospecific

heterotrófico = heterotrophic

heurístico = heuristic

hibridación = hybridization

hibridización introgresiva = introgressive hybridization

híbrido = hybrid

hidrobios = hydric

hidrocórico = hydrochoric

hidrófita = hydrophyte

hidrografía = hydrography

hidrología = hydrology

hidroplankton = hidroplancton

hidrotaxis = hydrotaxis

hidrotectónica = hydrotectonics

hiperbéntico = hyperbenthic

hiperosmótico = hyperosmotic

hipersalino = hypersaline

hipodigma = hypodigm

hipolimnio = hypolimnion

hiponeuston = hyponeuston

hipoosmótico = hypoosmotic

hipótesis de equilibrio = equilibrium hypothesis

hipótesis de perturbación intermedia = intermediate disturbance hypothesis

hipótesis del centro de origen/dispersión = center-of-origin/dispersal approach

hipótesis del tiempo-estabilidad = time-stability hypothesis

hipótesis nula = null hypothesis

hipóxico = hypoxic

holobéntico = holobenthic

holobentónico = holobenthic

holofilétco = holophyletic

holofítico = holophytic

holopelágico = holopelagic

holoplancton = holoplankton

holotipo = holotype

holozoico = holozoic

homeotermo (endotermo) = homoiotherm (endotherm)

homocedasia = homoscedasticity

homoiosmótico = homoiosmotic

homología = homology

homólogo = homologous

homónimo = homonym

homoplasia = homoplasy

horotélico = horotelic

huésped = host

hundimiento (de masa de agua) = downwelling

hurgando = browsing

ictiología = ichthyology

ictioplancton = ichthyoplankton

iliófago = limivorous

iliófago = limophagous

índice de afinidad = affinity index

índice de diversidad = diversity index

indígena = indigenous

infaunal = endobenthic

infraespecífico = infraspecific

infralitoral = infralittoral

inmigración = immigration

insolación = insolation

interacción = coaction

interanual = interannual

interespecífico = interspecific

interfase aire-agua = air-sea interface

intraespecífico = intraspecific

intrusión subsuperficial = subsurface intrusion

investigación = survey

irrupción = irruption

isla continental = continental island

isla oceánica = oceanic island

isobara = isobar

isobata = isobath

isoenzima = isoenzyme

isofena = isophene

isoluma = isolume

isometría = isometry

isoosmótico = isoosmotic (isosmotic)

isopicna = isopycnal

isopleta = isopleth

isostasis = isostasy

isoterma = isotherm

isozima = isozyme

iteroparidad = iteroparity

jerarquía de dominancia = dominance hierarchy

jerarquía taxonómica (linnena) = taxonomic (Linnean) hierarchy

K-selección = K-selection

lábil = labile

lacustre = lacustrine

lago hipersalino = salt lake

lago salado = salt lake

laguna costera = lagoon

lance con red de apertura y cierre = closed net haul

lance con red sin apertura-cierre = open net haul

lance de red estratificado = stratified net haul

latifénico = latiphenic

lecitotrófico = lecithotrophic

lectotipo = lectotype

lenítico = lentic

léntico = lentic

lenítico = lentic

leptofénico = leptophenic

ley de Bergmann = Bergmann's Rule

ley de Jordan, regla de Jordan = Jordan's laws

ley del mínimo = law of the minimum

ley del mínimo de Liebig = Liebig's law of the minimum

libre nadador = free-swimming

ligamiento = linkage

limícola = limicolous

límite biogeográfico = biogeographic boundary

límite de la masa de agua = water-mass boundary

límite faunístico = faunal boundary

limnobios = limnium

limnodio = limnodium

limnología = limnology

litoral = littoral

localidad tipo = type-locality

longevidad = longevity

lótico = fluviatile

lótico = lotic

luminiscencia = luminescence

lutícola = luticolous

macroescala = macroscale feature

macroevolución = macroevolution

macrófita = macrophyte

macronutriente = macronutrient

macroorganismos = macroorganisms

macroplancton = macroplankton

macrozooplancton = macrozooplankton

magnificación alimentaria = food chain magnification

magnificación biológica = biological magnification

malacología = malacology

mamífero marino = marine mammal

manglar = halodrymium

mapa = map

mar adentro = offshore

mar de Tethys = Tethys Sea

mar epicontinental = epeiric sea, epicontinental sea

mar interior = inland sea

mar lechoso = milky seas

marea = tide

marea bajante = ebb tide

marea creciente = flood tide

marea de sicigia = spring tide

marea roja = red tide

marea semi-diurna = semidiurnal tide

mareas de cuandratura = neap tides

mareas de perigeo = perigean tides

margen continental = continental margin

mariscos = shellfish

marisma = helic (helium)

marisma de marea = tidal marsh

marisma salina = salt marsh

marjal salino = salt marsh

masa de agua = water mass

masa de agua de fondo = bottom water mass

masa de agua intermedia = intermediate water mass

masa de agua profunda = deep water mass

masas de agua superficiales = upper water masses

matriz de datos = data matrix

máximo de clorofila = chlorophyll maximum

mecanismo de aislamiento 1. Definición = isolating mechanism(s) 1. Definition

mecanismo de aislamiento. 2. Categorías = isolating mechanism(s) 2. Categories.

medición euleriana = Eulerian measurement

medición lagrangeana = Lagrangian measurement

megaplacton = megaplankton

meiobentos = meiobenthos

meromíctico = meromictic

meropelágico = meropelagic

meroplancton = meroplankton

mesoescala = mesoscale feature

mesopelágico = mesopelagic

mesoplancton = mesoplankton

metapoblación = metapopulation

método de núcleo de masa de agua = core method

mezcla = overturn

mezcla de otoño = fall overturn

microclima = microclimate

microevolución = microevolution

microhábitat = microhabitat

micronecton = micronekton

micronutriente = micronutrient

microorganismo = microorganism

microplancton = microplankton

míctico = mictic

migración = migration

migración vertical diaria = diel vertical migration

migración vertical diurna = diurnal vertical migration

migración vertical inversa = reverse vertical migration

milla náutica = nautical mile

miltivariado = multivariate

mimetismo = camouflage (crypsis)

mobilidad = vagility

moco = slime

modelo = pattern

modelo fuente-sumidero = source-sink model

modelo tricelular = Tricellular Model

modo Q = Q-mode

modo R = R-mode

monitoreo remoto = remote sensing

monofilético = monophyletic

monomíctico = monomictic

monomórfico = monomorphic

monotético = monothetic

monotípico = monotypic

monotópico = monotopic

monsón = monsoon

monsón NE = NE monsoon

monsón sudoeste = Southwest Monsoon

morfoclina = morphocline

morfología funcional = functional morphology

morfotipo = morphotype

mortalidad masiva estival = summer kill

mortalidad masiva invernal = winter kill

móvil = motile

muestreo de profundidades discretas = discrete depth sampling

mutación = mutation

mutualismo = mutualism

nanoplancton = nanoplankton

natatorio = natatorial

necton = nekton

neontología = neontology

neotenia = neoteny

neotipo = neotype

nerítico = neritic, coastal, nearshore

nerítico-pelágico = neritopelagic

neutralismo = neutralism

nicho = niche

nicho ecológico = ecological niche

nicho efectivo = realized niche

nicho fundamental = fundamental niche

nicho potencial = potential niche

nicho realizado = realized niche

nictipelágico = nyctipelagic

nieve marina = marine snow

nivel trófico = trophic level

nocturno = nocturnal

nodo = node

nomenclatura = nomenclature

nombre aceptado = accepted name

nombre vernáculo = vernacular name

nominado = nominate

nudo = knot

nueva especie = sp. nov.

números aleatorios = random numbers

nutriclina = nutricline

nutriente = nutrient

obligado = obligate


oceánico = oceanic

Océano Artico = Arctic Ocean

Océano Atlántico = Atlantic Ocean

Océano Indico= Indian Ocean

Océano Pacifico = Pacific Ocean

oceanografía = oceanography

oceanografía biológica = biological oceanography

oligomíctico = oligomictic

oligotrófico = oligotrophic

omnipresente = ubiquitous

omnívoro = omnivorous

onda interna = internal wave

onomatóforo, portador de nombre = onomatophore

ontogenia = ontogeny

óptimo = optimal

ordenamiento = ordination

organismos sensitivo = sensitive organisms

origen = provenance

orogenia = orogeny

ortogénesis = orthogenesis

ortoselección = kin selection

osmoregulación = osmoregulation

otoñal = autumnal

paidogénesis = paedogenesis

paidomorfosis = paedomorphosis

paleocirculación = paleocirculation

paleontología = paleontology

palingenético = palingenetic

palustre = paludal

palustre = palustrine

panbiogeografía = panbiogeography

pandémico = pandemic

Pantalasia = Panthalassa

paradigma = paradigm

paradoja del plancton = paradox of the plankton

parafilético = paraphyletic

paralelismo = parallelism

parámetro = parameter

parapatria = parapatry

parasitismo = parasitism

parásito = parasite

paratipo = paratype

parsimonia = parsimony

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