Nobody knows that Zionism appeared as a Marxist movement, a socialist one Zionism is actually a revolution

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Shadow," San Francisco, 1998).

The slogan which best summed up the Jacobins' aims was: "All power to the bourgeoisie!" (the Illuminati). And the power certainly became centralised in France, according to Leo Gershoy, "The Era of the French Revolution 1789-1799" (New York, 1957, p. 41).

Everything that was non-essential was suddenly presented as essential. However, the Buddhist work Dhammapada (11-12) says of this:

Those who take the non-real for the real

and the real for the non-real

and thus fall victims to erroneous notions

never reach the essence of reality.

Having realised the essential as the essential

and the non-essential as the non-essential,

they by thus following correct thinking

attain the essential.

Illuminist Jews saw to it that everything that was good about France was destroyed during the "revolution". What was good disappeared at the same rate that the evil grew. The road network was allowed to fall into disrepair, overseas trade ceased almost entirely and it took until 1809 for the industrial production to reach its pre-Revolutionary levels again, according to the historian Rene Sedillot ("Le cout de la Revolution francaise" / "The Cost of the French Revolution"). Many villages were razed to the ground, churches and castles were destroyed on purpose. The cultural heritage was ravaged, including medieval buildings. The largest Romanesque architectural structure, the 10th century abbey in Cluny, was destroyed. Only one tower remains today. Those barbarians even began to tear down the Papal Palace in Avignon. The steeple on the Notre-Dame of Paris was considered offensively tall and was torn down.

At the same time, the "revolutionaries" began to plunder castles of their art treasures. The Jewish writer Anatole France described in his book "The Thirsty Gods" how inspectors with tricolour ribbons around their collars began to turn up at the homes of the wealthy to search for riches. Delighted foreign art dealers bought sculptures and fragments of frescoes. Load after load of confiscated art collections were shipped over the English Channel. The "revolution" was lucrative for the Illuminati and the speculators. All of this was repeated during and after the so-called Russian revolution. The mighty finance dynasty of the Rothschilds was born out of the French "revolution". The Rothschilds are still in control behind the scenes today, especially within the European Union.

The government reached a deficit that made the pre-Revolutionary debts seem quite modest in comparison. The debt equalled 800 tons of gold, or 40 per cent of the total gold production of the world during the entire 18th century.

The real losers in the "revolution" were the Illuminati's tools - the simple people. The land rights of the small peasants were taken away. The church charities ceased abruptly and any attempt at improving the conditions for loan-takers was regarded as a conspiracy against the state. The ranks of derelicts swelled. During Napoleon's days one in five Parisians lived by begging.

The myth maintains that this was done to throw off the yoke of tyranny and to protect human rights. In actual fact, the Illuministic reign of terror abolished human rights altogether. It became forbidden for workers to organise and strike for better conditions. This prohibition was legislated on the 14th of June 1791. (Etienne Martin-Saint-Leon, "Les deux C.G.T., syndicalisme et communisme", Paris, 1923, p. 7.)

The theatres were given free rein at the beginning, but later the actors began to be punished for undesirable productions. The Academy of Art

was closed and anyone who wanted could call himself an artist. Anyone was allowed to be a doctor and to mix medicines, which had a very negative effect on the state of general health in France - but then, maybe this was the intention?

The 21st of January 1793, the Jewish chief executioner and freemason,

Samson, and Samson's son Henry executed Louis XVI. Samson said: "Louis, son of the holy one, rise up to heaven!" The execution of the king

was celebrated every year until Napoleon's coup in Bruimare (November) 1799. (Dagens Nyheter, 25th January 1989.) Even the word "roi" (king) was abolished. Marie Antoinette was executed on the 16th of October (Yahweh's Doomsday) in 1793.

The young Hungarian philosopher Ferenc Feher, Lukacs's disciple, living in New York, claimed in 1989 that Louis XVI was judged on political, not judicial, grounds. Because of this, he ascertained that it was terrorism, not democracy that was introduced. Feher believed that what was built up after the French revolution was simply unfounded law- lessness. (Expressen, 21st of August 1989.) The playwright Eugene Ionesco observed in 1990 that this revolution was a big mistake, which led

to the spread of the most terrible false doctrine in history.
The Illuminati wanted to completely politicise society. This was the job of the "insinuating brothers" under the name of the "Committee of National Security " with its chief Chauvelin. At the same time, society was being undermined through the secret lodges, which began to prepare a dictatorship and a world revolution, which was intended to utterly overthrow the social order. This world revolution was designed to be accomplished by a handful of Illuminist conductors. (Svenska Dagbladet, 16th August 1989.) The homosexual Robespierre was publicly regarded as a tyrant or dictator.

The new rulers demanded that the populace address all as "citizens". The year was to begin upon a new day, the months were renamed, and the week became a 10-day period. An hour consisted of 100 minutes. All these idiocies were abolished by Napoleon in 1806.

The peasants in the Vendee province had had enough of all this "revolutionary" stupidity: their king had been murdered, schooling had been abolished, their oldest sons had all been enrolled into the army. On the 10th of March 1793, they rebelled. At the beginning they were quite successful but when the Jacobins realised that the populace was beginning to threaten their position, they imposed their dictatorship, which began on the 31st of May 1793, and lasted until March 1794. The terrorism during that period was the worst yet seen. Virtually rampaging marauders murdered everyone in the province of Vendee. Only 12 000 people in the whole province survived the assaults. One general reported to Paris: "Vendee has ceased to exist." Another wrote that his band of army raiders daily managed to kill 2000 people. A new rebellion went on during the years 1794-95. In total, 600000 lives were extinguished in the Vendee province.

In their struggle for power, some "revolutionaries" even happened to execute each other. Some leaders, above all those who wanted to limit the extent of the terrorism, were done away with (Georges Danton, Camille Desmoulins and other Dantonites went to the guillotine on the 5th of April 1794 as "enemies of the people"). This awful end also awaited Robes- pierre. On the 27th of July 1794, the leader of the Jacobins was arrested together with other leading Communards (his brother Augustin, Saint-Just and Georges Gouthon) and was guillotined without trial. The reign of terror was over. The directors dissolved the Paris Commune on the 26th of October 1795.

The famous French historian Urbain Gohier revealed in his book "The Old France" (1922) how a certain speech, which Robespierre held for two hours at the convention on the 26th of July 1794, had meant his end. He condemned all the eager foreign agents who tried to direct the develop- ment of commerce in France too intensively and demanded that those agents be rendered harmless. On the following day he was arrested together with his brother, Saint-Just and Georges Gouthon. All of them were executed without trial on the 28th of July. This speech has been left out of the official version of events. Officially, the "revolutionaries" justified their craving for power as "moral", but the people were forced to be "virtuous" and to change their minds.

These experiences were exploited later in Russia when the Illuminati, who called themselves Bolsheviks, paid homage to the men responsible for this revolutionary terrorism: a statue of Robespierre (Ruban), whose family had immigrated to France from Ireland, was erected and a massive armoured cruiser (as well as several factories) were given the name Marat (actually Mosessohn).

What have Jewish ideologues said about this "revolution" in France? Archives Israelites admitted very ambiguously on the 6th of June 1889: "The French Revolution has a very expressive Hebraic character."

The aim of this new politics, pursued for the people's (the Illuminati's) own best, was indubitably totalitarian (Svenska Dagbladet, 14th March 1989). Later, the question arose whether this conspiracy to overthrow the church and the state had begun somewhere in Germany (Svenska Dag- bladet, 16th august 1989). Other states now sought to defend themselves

against Illuminism. The Turks dismissed suggestions from Russia to take a joint action against France.

Gustavus III was also prepared to send 16 000 Swedish soldiers to help forge a European alliance to crush the French Revolution. He banned the Marseillaise in Sweden. Because of this, the earlier decision to murder the king was carried out. On the 16th of March 1792, Gustavus III was fatally wounded at a masked ball by the freemason Jakob Johan Anckarstrom. The king had been warned about possible assassination attempts but had not taken these warnings seriously. A bust of Anckarstrom stands in the lodge chamber of the Grand Orient in Paris. In 1818 the freemasons put one of their agents from France on the Swedish throne - Jean Baptiste Bernadotte.

The Illuminati's Way to World Power

Despite occasional setbacks (through Napoleon's treachery) the Illuminati continued on their way to gaining world power. Queen Marie Antoinette had warned her brother, Emperor Leopold II, about this in a letter: "Be very careful of the Masonic lodges; you may already have been told about these. The beasts here count on achieving their aims in all countries. Oh God! Protect my fatherland and yourself from such a fate!"

The international Illuminati leaders held a conference in New York in 1850. They made preparations to start an International. An American com- mittee was set up. Clinton Roosevelt, Horace Greeley and Charles Dana became its leaders. Another group was formed to co-ordinate acts off terrorism. The Italian Jew Giuseppe Mazzini (born 1805 in Genoa) was selected to lead this group. He had been an Illuminatus since 1837 and was a freemason of the highest (33rd) degree. He assumed leadership of the Bavarian Illuminati. After Mazzini's death in 1872 his position was taken over by the Jew Adriano Lemmi, who was a revolutionary conspirator and Grand Master of the Grand Orient in Italy. The first enthusiast for! Illuminism in Italy was Count Filippo Struzzi, who founded many lodges around Italy and acted as their leader. (Charles William Heckethorn, "Secret Societies", Moscow, 1993, p. 206.) Giuseppe Garibaldi was also an Illuminatus. The members of the Garibaldi movement wore red shirts.

Terrible atrocities began to take place in Italy, France, Spain, Austria and Russia after the aforementioned conference. Mazzini had the Duke of Parma murdered in 1854, as well as the judges who sentenced the murderers. Violent anarchists raged about until the beginning of the First World War. Tens of thousands of people lost their lives. The world was to be divided into different blocks, which were to be put into violent opposition to each other. This operation was controlled from London. On the 29th of July 1900, King Umberto I was murdered by the freemason Gaetano Bresci in Monza, despite the fact that he was a member of the lodge Savoia Illuminata. The murderer Bresci belonged to an American lodge in Paterson, New Jersey.

In 1861, Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the U.S.A. He became a stumbling block to the Illuminati, however. First, the Civil War was started (the Confederacy was funded by Illuminist France). The Illuminati had worked hard to get the United States to use the same

banking system as the European countries, where private banks handled the issuing of money so that governments were forced to incur debt at high interest rates.

Lincoln opposed this and refused to give the Rothschild bank control over the American economy. Hence, the Jewish Illuminatus John Wilkes Booth murdered him on the 15th of April 1865 in Washington, only a few days after the end of the war. Lincoln's murderer was also disposed of. Judah P. Benjamin, Rothschild's agent, lurked behind Booth. (William Guy Carr, "The Red Fog Over America", 1968, p. 194.)

The Confederate general Albert Pike (born on December 19, 1809 in Boston) became, as a freemason, a member of the American Illuminati group towards the end of the 1850s. Mazzini's revolutionary activities (anarchic violence) brought discredit on the Grand Orient. Therefore, Mazzini suggested the founding of a new, extremely secret organisation, the Palladium. No mention of it would ever be made in the assemblies of thc Lodges and Inner Shrines of other rites. For the secret of the new insti- tution was only to be divulged with the greatest caution to a chosen few belonging to the ordinary high grades, according to the historian Dome-

nico Margiotta in his book "Adriano Lemmi" (Grenoble, 1894, p. 97).

Giuseppe Mazzini sent a letter to Albert Pike on the 22nd of January 1870, in which he wrote among other things: "With this highest rite, we shall rule all freemasonry; it will become the international centre which will make us all the more mighty because its leadership is unknown."

The same Albert Pike set up this extremely secret organisation, which was called The New and Reformed Palladian Rite. The organisation first had three important centres: Charleston in the United States of America,

Rome in Italy and Berlin in Germany. Through Mazzini's work, the organisation set up altogether 23 subordinate councils at strategic locations around the world.

Palladianism actually became a satanic cult. This cult, or religion, worshipped Lucifer as a god. Its oath proves this: "The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine."

General Pike was an exceptionally evil man. During the American Civil War, when he served under the Confederate flag, his army, composed of Indian bands from different tribes, perpetrated such atrocious massacres that Great Britain threatened to enter the war "for humanitarian reasons".

Consequently, the Confederate president Jefferson Davis (1809-1889) was forced to intervene against his own general and disband his troops.

After the civil war, Pike was taken to trial and sentenced to prison for his crimes. The freemasons immediately turned to President Andrew John- son, who was a freemason himself (Greenville Lodge No. 19). On 22 April 1866, President Johnson pardoned him. The following day, Pike visited the president in the White House. Johnson was subordinate to Pike within freemasonry. The press was not informed about this event until nine months later. (William T. Still, "New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies", Lafayette, Louisiana, 1990, p. 123.)

Albert Pike was one of the founders of the infamous racist organisation, the Ku Klux Klan. He was the first Grand Dragon of the Klan and wrote the anthem and the rules of the organisation. The freemasons have erected a monument in honour of Albert Pike in Judiciary Square in central Washington D.C. The plaque on the statue presents Pike as a "soldier" and a "poet".

Albert Pike was very enamoured with the idea of world dominion. In time, he became an Illuminatus of the highest (33rd) degree and in his

mansion in Little Rock, he made plans to gain control over the world with the aid of three world wars and several revolutions.

In a letter to Mazzini, dated the 15th of August 1871, Pike broadly outlines his long-term plan for the seizure of power in the whole world. One might expect the Illuminati to be more careful with their papers, so that their plans were not made public - but anyone who knows their history also knows that humanity will never take warning in time. Professor Carroll Quigley (also an Illuminatus) realised this. Public opinion, the majority of politicians, and social scientists are at any event unable to accept facts, which contradict their deeply held belief that they understand and control all that happens in society. Both Lenin and Hitler openly revealed their real aims years before they ever came to power. Did the nations heed the warning? No, they preferred to go on sleeping. It is no different today. The Illuminati know this.

Pike's plan was ingeniously simple. The inherent antagonism between different ideologies was to be stirred up and made to explode in three world wars and three revolutions. The First World War was to destroy the three European empires, at that time being the last remaining bulwarks against Illuminism. One of these (Russia) was to be made a centre of atheist totalitarianism (Communism). The Second World War was to erupt from heightened tensions between the Jewish race (and its spiteful Zionism) and extreme European nationalism (Nazism and Fascism). This war would weaken Europe economically and politically and Communism wouId expand and become as strong as all Christendom, but not stronger, until the time was up for the final destruction of society. A third reason for the Second World War was to create a Jewish state in Palestine. Gradually, it would be possible to thereby heighten the tensions between Judaism and Islam until they broke out in a war which would bring in all of the world powers. The three revolutions, which would aid this carefully planned dissolution of all human civilisations, were the Russian, the Chinese and the Indo-Chinese. The historian Domenico Margiotta published the letter in his book ("Le Palladisme: Culte de Satan-Lucifer", Grenoble, 1895, p. 186).

The reader will realise that most of this evil plan has already become reality. Concerning the last stage, General Pike wrote the following:

"We shall unleash the Nihilists and Atheists and provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the

effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment on be without compass (direction), anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

The reader will remember how atheist Communism in the Soviet Union suddenly came to an end in 1991. More about this at the end of the book.

Albert Pike wrote in his "Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Scottish Freemasonry" (1871): "Masonry has nothing whatsoever to do with the Bible, it is not founded on the Bible, for if it were, then it would not be masonry, it would be something else!"

The Jewish politician Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881) in Great Britain, a contemporary of Pike and Mazzini, was, as a Frankist, kept well informed about the Illuminati's incredible power. He had always done what Rothschild wished. In his book "Lord George Bentinck: a Political Biography" (first published in 1852) he wrote the following revealing words, which were as valid then as 146 years later (London, 1882, pp. 397-398):

"It was neither the parliaments nor populations, nor the course of nature, nor the course of events, that overthrew the throne of Louis Philippe... the throne was surprised by the secret societies, ever prepared to ravage Europe... The secret associations are always vigilant and always pre- pared."

The leading Jewish Illuminatus Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who

became president of the United States of America in 1933, also admitted: "Nothing happens by chance in politics. If something happens, you can be sure it was planned that way."

Albert Pike worked hard to make the freemasonry more efficient. Among other reforms, he admitted women as members.

Over the years, the Illuminati have moved their headquarters between different cities. In the 1870s it was in Frankfurt am Main. According to

Nordisk Familjebok it was in Berlin in 1907. Brockhaus Enzyklopadie (Wiesbaden, 1970) stated that the Illuminati were legalised in 1896. Their leader then was Leopold Engel, who published the Illuminati's history in 1906 ("Geschichte des Illuminatenordens").

According to "Meyers Enzyklopadisches Lexikon", the various national llluminati groups combined to form a world association in 1925. Accor- ding to Store Norske Lexikon (Oslo, 1979, Vol. 6, p. 183), the Illuminati stil continue their activities as a secret organisation.

The Illuminati's headquarters moved to Switzerland during the First

World War and to New York after the Second World War (The Harold Pratt building, 58, East 68th Street). The Rockefellers now funded the Illuminati instead of the Rothschilds. (William Guy Carr, "Pawns in the Game".) An especially useful tool of the Illuminati in the 20th century has been the I. G. Farben company, led by its Jewish chief Max Warburg. Today, the Illuminati control the whole Masonic movement. They also control Rotary, Lions, B'nai B'rith, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg group, Skull & Bones, Bohemian Club and similar groups. Rotary International was founded by Paul Harris (member of B'nai B'rith) in Chicago in 1905. The Lions Club was also founded by B'nai B'rith in Chicago in 1917.

There are more than six million freemasons (3315 lodges) in the world today (four million in the United States of America, 600 000 in Great

Britain, 70 000 in France). In Sweden there are 16 000 divided into 56 lodges.

A sarcastic survey of various networks was published in the respected magazine The Economist on the 26th of December 1992. The Illuminati were presented as the "mother of all networks" and "the True Rulers of the World". The magazine names Adam Weishaupt and the 1st of May 1776, and states that the Illuminati's "conspiracy is immense and terrifying" and that "it is the network of those who run networks." Then they go on to

point out that many American presidents have been Illuminati; some of them have been killed by the Illuminati and the Illiminati symbol - that of the eye in the pyramid - still graces the dollar bill. I found this symbol in the summer of 1986 among other Illuminati documents in the Ingolstadt archives.

It was the American president Franklin Delano Roosevelt, freemason of the 32nd degree, who ordered the seal to be printed on American one

dollar bills in 1933, 144 years after Congress had accepted this seal. The seal symbolises that the Illuminati claim to control America, no matter who the president is.

* The year MDCCLXXVI on the pyramid stands for 1776, when the Order of the Illuminati was founded, but also when the American Republic was proclaimed.

* The pyramid represents the conspiracy to establish a world govern- ment. The All-seeing eye symbolises the secret police that Weishaupt called the "insinuating brothers".

* Annuit Coeptis means "He has nodded assent to (our) plans".

* Novus Ordo Seclorum means "New World Order".

The Illuminati apparently felt so safe that The Economist (their own publication) was allowed to publish this information. In contrast, there is not a single word about the Illuminati in the new Swedish National Ency- clopaedia.

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