Nobody knows that Zionism appeared as a Marxist movement, a socialist one Zionism is actually a revolution

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"Nobody knows that Zionism

appeared as a Marxist movement,

a socialist one... Zionism is actually a revolution."

Sergei Lezov, scientist at the Soviet Academy of Science, Institute for Scientific Information.

Strana i Mir magazine (Munich), No. 3, 1988, p. 94.

"The ideals of Bolshevism

at many points are consonant with

the finest ideals of Judaism."

Jewish Chronicle, 4th April 1919 (London).

The Soviet Empire was established at four minutes past two o'clock on the 8th of November 1917 in the Russian capital, Petrograd. In astrological terms, the sun was just then precisely at the centre of the sign of Scorpio. Thus Scorpio can be regarded as the symbol and guardian of Soviet power.

The planet Pluto in turn, affects those under the direct influence of Scorpio. In the past, Mars was said to rule Scorpio but since Pluto's discovery in 1930 and its subsequent integration into the astrological system, it has assumed its rightful place in the sign of Scorpio. The effects of Pluto, even before its discovery, have always been the same, whether or not they were attributed to another planet.

The fact that the Soviet empire was born under the "wrong" planet demonstrates the inscrutable nature of Pluto, which does not show its true face until the time is ripe to restructure power to its own advantage. It has recently been revealed that the Bolsheviks were well versed in astrology.

Scorpio's field of influence includes power and financial developments at the expense of others. This is why the power-mongers of Scorpio need to stick together - to establish a political Mafia, in other words. Pluto in Scorpio also involves certain hidden circumstances, which are revealed only with the passing of time. The astrologer E. Troinsky claimed as early as 1956 that the Soviet Empire would break up at the beginning of the 1990s.

Due to their vindictiveness, cunning, brutality and art of dissembling, the wards of Scorpio are characterised as extremely dangerous opponents. Those under the power of Scorpio are deeply materialistic extremists who like to exploit others and neither forgive nor forget. If their aims are crossed they become possessed by fury. They stop at nothing to reach these aims. Their true nature remains shrouded in mystery. Scorpio's colour is red and its symbols are the vulture, the snake and the lifeless desert.

In the animal kingdom, the scorpion is known as a poisonous creature that prefers the cover of darkness. It has been known to sting others of its kind if they get in its way.
The reader will see that this description suited the Soviet system, its ideology and leaders. The brutality of Soviet power is well documented. Its ideology bore a distinct likeness to the mirage of the desert, since neither of the two have anything at all to do with reality.

Despite personal experience of Communism, the average subject of the Soviet Empire knew nothing of the fundamentals or essential points of Marxism-Leninism, or of its true origins and history. Everything of impor- tance or in the least bit compromising has been concealed in both Western and Soviet history books.

The former president of the United States, Ronald Reagan, stated that concealment was a kind of falsehood. Therefore, the author would like to reveal a few facts, which corrupt historians usually pass over in silence.

This book deals with Adam Weishaupt, who founded the Illuminist- Socialist movement in the Bavarian town of Ingolstadt on the first of May 1776, and Moses Hess, Karl Marx's guide and teacher, two names, which are not generally known to those who have passed through Marxist educational institutions.

There is a saying: communism is the bloodiest, most difficult and the most terrible way from capitalism to capitalism. The truth of this now appears to be proved by reality.

The representatives of the criminal powers who halted Russia's development and threw the country into chaos have now themselves admitted that life was better in tsarist Russia than in the Soviet Union. As an example of this, a Soviet Russian head clerk in 1968 lived at a standard, which was only 18 per cent of that which a normal Russian clerk enjoyed in 1914. It has also been calculated that a Russian labourer in 1968 lived at a standard, which was only half of his counterpart's in 1914, even coun- ting an inflation rate of 8 per cent per year. Even so, life in Russia was not so hard in 1968 as in 1991, the last year of Soviet power. Workers during the tsarist regime earned 30 roubles per month, teachers and doctors 200. A loaf of bread (410 g) cost 3 kopecks, 410 g of meat 15 kopecks, 410 g of butter 45 kopecks, 410 g of caviar 3 roubles and 45 kopecks.

If we compare the conditions in the USSR with those in the West, we find even sharper contrasts. In 1968, the average standard of living in the United Kingdom was 4.6 times higher than in the Soviet Union. The figures are taken from Anatoli Fedoseyev's book "About the New Russia" (London, 1980).
The last dictator of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev (a member of the Trilateral Commission), sought only to mend the roof of his giant empire when its socialist foundations were rotten to the core.

In the West and even in the East, the symptoms of the Socialist disease have been discussed but not its ideological, political, or economic causes. For this reason, I would like to take this opportunity to inform the reader about the ideological foundations of Soviet power and about the real reasons behind the decision to spread Socialism-Communism throughout the world using cunning and violence, a decision, which has resulted in the greatest spiritual, social and ecological catastrophe in the history of mankind.

Important facts, hitherto unknown, about Soviet Communism, its crimes and its criminals, are continually publicised in present-day Russia. Therefore, intelligent Russians are aware of essentials that are very little known in the West. I have included many such new facts in this second edition of "Under the Sign of the Scorpion", and can present an enlarged work to the reader.

Juri Lina

Stockholm, January 2002.



In the autumn of 1989, the crimes of the Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu against the Romanian people and the Hungarian minority were discussed on Swedish television. In the studio was Jorn Svensson, a functionary for the Left-Party Communists (VPK), who claimed that the eastern European communists were not true followers of the workers' ideology because they had deviated from the Marxist doctrine.

Since then, the crimes of the eastern European communists have come increasingly to the public's attention. Therefore, their sympathisers in the West sought to take a symbolic distance from them, so as not to jeopardise their own chances to missionise in the future. Naturally, they regarded themselves as true communists, despite having previously given their full support to the Bolsheviks in the East. This has become so serious a matter that they now claim these sympathies to have been a grave mistake. Some of the western communist parties began to camouflage themselves to hide their true principles, like the Swedish Left Party Communists, who re- named themselves simply the Left Party.

The French communists demanded that their leader, Georges Marchais, step down because he had taken a holiday by the Black Sea as a guest of Ceausescu. Marchais tried to save himself with a cheap trick: he claimed that he had distanced himself from the communist regime in Romania a year earlier, when he said on television that the government of Bucharest had nothing in common with socialism. On the 28th of December 1989, he expressed his hope in the newspaper l'Humanite that true socialism might now begin to be built up in Romania.

Presumably, the three hundred million victims of communism are not enough for certain naive people to perceive the evil of the Marxist doctrine. There is not one honest person who would accept a similar view of the evils of the German national socialists, namely the regret that the leaders happened to be criminals who departed from the "true and benevolent doctrine", despite the fact that the victims of the Nazi regime
were far less than the number of those who perished in the countries, which the communists took over.

Milovan Djilas, one of the best-known exposers of communism, stated in an interview for the German magazine Der Spiegel (also published in the Swedish daily newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, 13th April 1983) that he believed the idea of communism had evolved from the culture of the West, from Judaism, from the Utopian philosophy, from Christianity and the medieval sects.

We do indeed find some similarities between the communist system and the power structure of the Christian church, especially regarding the ideology and the intolerant attitude. Even a few Christians (not many) have, in retrospect, condemned the Fathers of the Church for their atrocious acts of violence and for laying the foundations of a system of religious totalitarianism in Europe. Certain Christians have called these criminal Fathers of the Church and other barbaric lay members "sham" Christians.

At the same time they make a point of claiming there is nothing intrinsically wrong about the doctrine; that the fault lies with the sheep, which have strayed from the path of the true doctrine. It is quite improbable that such a doctrine would be without error. The Buddhists have not waged any religious wars or tortured any of their dissidents. Neither have they, like the Christians and the communists, forced their teachings on anyone with violence. The Christians and the communists have both been especially intolerant towards their dissidents.

Both Church and Marxism were created with a view to slavery. Both doctrines split into different factions, and both have also claimed a monopoly on the truth. The developments of twentieth century history and science have shown these doctrines to be intrinsically wrong and exploded their dogmas. Sovietologists have revealed embarrassing facts about Marxism, and many Christian ideas have been overthrown by research in quantum physics. (Paul Davies, "God and the New Physics", 1983.)

Even a cursory glance at the New Testament, which was claimed to be holy, reveals that descriptions are unsupported by any evidence. For instance, the description of Herod the Great is completely erroneous - there is no evidence that he ever ordered any mass slaughter of children. Compared to others, he appears to have been a benevolent king. Historical evidence shows that he, during the great famine in Judea 24 years before

the Christian era, bought foodstuffs in Egypt with the government's and his own money, whereupon he organised a fleet to fetch the supplies and distributed them within his kingdom. "His generosity proved to be spectacular", according to the historian Michael Grant ("Herod the Great", New York, 1967, London, 1971).

When the Northern (and poorer) half of Sweden suffered from famine at the end of the nineteenth century, the Bishop of Harnosand refused to distribute supplies among the people lest they got the idea that they were entitled to anything for free; it was better the congregation starved to death. (Dagens Nyheter, 24th December 1989.)

Communists are infamous for causing mass famine by confiscating all of the peasants' grain. They nationalised the peasants' land to make them dependent on the state. Both Christians and communists confiscated the lands and possessions of their most dangerous "enemies".

The Roman emperor Gaius Julius Caesar (100-44 B. C.) did the opposite by buying land himself and giving it away to his soldiers to make them independent of the state.

In the 1920s, Soviet ideologues held up the "communist state" founded by Johannes Bockelson in Munster in 1534 as an example. A group of fanatical Anabaptists led by Johannes Bockelson seized power in Minister, Westphalia on the 23rd of February 1534, where they proclaimed the Miinster commune, also called "New Jerusalem". This commune became the abode of extreme ruthlessness.

Three days after the seizure of power, the first leader of the commune, Jan Matthijs, expelled all those who were not ready to accept their beliefs. Later, the leadership passed over to the baptised Jew, Johann Leiden, who proclaimed himself king of New Zion (Miinster), and the town council was replaced by a council of twelve apostles. They confiscated the property of the church and the wealth of those who had fled. They banned trade, enforced work duty and abolished money. Everything was to be owned collectively - the people were only allowed to keep their tools - all the produce was confiscated by the commune and polygamy was introduced. This community was intended to become the "thousand year reign of peace" (the Millennium).

Evil reigned in Miinster for sixteen months before the Bishop's troops arrived on the 25th of June 1535 and executed all the leaders of the commune. Later, the Baptists and the Mennonites arose from the ideology

of the Anabaptists. The Anabaptists also took part in the peasant uprising and incited the poor to revolt in several cities in Germany and Holland.

The Soviet propagandists were particularly impressed by the political terror, which was the basis of the Anabaptist tactics. Both Joseph Stalin and Felix Dzerzhinsky were to have been ordained as priests, and had examples at hand. In the 1930s, Stalin began to officially compare the communist party with the Teutonic Knights of the Sword (Fratres Militiae Christi) from the 13th century.

The Taborite religious fanatic, Thomas Muntzer, attempted to seize power in central Germany during 1524-25 with the help of enraged pea- sants. He believed Martin Luther's reforms to be insufficient and wanted to abolish property and overthrow the aristocracy.

Descriptions of similar events from an even earlier date can also be found. The Brothers of the Apostles, led by the fanatical Fra Dolcino, seized power in Vercelli, northern Italy, in the early 1300s. Only poverty seemed righteous to them, and so they killed every rich person in the city. The terrorist regime of the Brothers of the Apostles lasted three years, from 1304 to 1307. They did not achieve any form of social equality.

The roots of communism can also be found in the book "The Prince", written by Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) who was the secretary of the Council of Ten in the republic of Florence. The book presents techniques of cynical manipulation and falsehood to support an unlimited dictator- ship. It was published after his death, in 1532.

A Soviet joke goes: "The Christians only preached the advantages of poverty, the communists enforced them."

The similarities between the histories of communism and Christianity are sometimes shocking. Bolshevik leaders did not shy away from killing nine innocent people if the tenth victim would be a true opponent. Crusaders occupied the French town Beziers in the year 1208, and their leader, Arnold Amalric, a baptised Jew, gave an order typical of that time: "Kill everyone - God will recognise his own!"

When the Cheka's (political police's) chief, Felix Dzerzhinsky reported to Lenin in the summer of 1918 that five hundred intellectuals (scientists and cultural figures) had been executed, Lenin became ecstatic.

When Pope Gregory XIII learned that 60 000 Huguenots had been murdered as heretics on the 24th-26th of August 1572, he was similarly elated and held a great feast, conducted a church service, and even minted

a new coin to celebrate the massacre. This information comes from Buch- wald's book "The History of the Church".

In 1198, the church established a commission to persecute and try heretics. This later developed into the Holy Inquisition. In 1483, Tomas Torquemada (1420-1498), a Marrano (baptised Jew), was appointed Grand Inquisitor of Castilia and Aragon. In 1492, he expelled all Jews who refused to become Marranos.

Torquemada worked intensively for 18 years and burned people at the stake. He is said to have executed many children personally. Symbolic straw dolls were burned in lieu of those who had been charged in absentia. Many people were imprisoned for life, and Torquemada sent thousands to the galleys.

The terror of the Church in Spain was, however, substantially less than in the rest of Europe. Professors Henry Kamen (Barcelona) and Stephen Haliczer (Illinois) have made important revisions to the information regarding the extent of the administration of justice by the Inquisition. According to professor Jose Alvarez-Junco at the University of Tuft, the Inquisition only executed, at the most, 5000 Spaniards during 350 years, while at least 150 000 people ("witches") were burned at the stake as heretics in the other Christian countries. He concludes that all historians have spread exaggerated information and even myths about the Inquisition.

This Grand Inquisitor made torture an efficient tool: certain parts of the body were burned, certain parts had nails hammered through them, certain chosen victims were flayed alive. In order to secure their possessions, he accused other Marranos of faking their allegiance to Christianity. Another Marrano, Isaac Abrabael, controlled Spanish finances at the time.

In December 1917, a special commission for dealing with counter- revolutionaries was set up in Petrograd. This organisation was called the Cheka in Soviet Russia, and was especially infamous under its subsequent abbreviations - OGPU, NKVD, and lastly as the KGB.

The Inquisition encouraged children to betray their "heretical" parents and married couples to hand each other in. Each informer was paid four silver marks. The Soviet officials encouraged a similar type of betrayal.

There are still more similarities between institutions of the Bolsheviks, the Roman Catholic Church, and the freemasons. High church figures had commissars bearing letters authorising them to exercise the authority of

their masters. Similar officials were used in connection with the so-called French revolution and also by the Bolsheviks.

The spies used by the church and the Inquisition were called the Militia of Christ; the law-enforcement and reconnaissance organs of the commu- nist dictators were called the People's Militia. The Soviet system had a hierarchy of councils, or Soviets as they were known, of which only the highest, the Supreme Soviet, had the right of pardon - a system reminiscent of the Judaic kahal.

Both the communists and the Christians have practised a dreadful bar- barism against opponents. After the crusaders reached the river Carnascio on the 23rd of March 1307, they imprisoned the leader of the Brothers of the Apostle, Fra Dolcino, after first destroying his army of a thousand men. He was horribly tortured and then executed on June 1st, 1307. For an entire day he was paraded through the streets of Vercelli in a wagon, whilst pieces of his body were ripped off with a pair of red-hot tongs. His shoulders apparently shuddered a little when they tore off his nose, but he had kept silent the rest of the time.

Lenin and Stalin showed similar sadism when they liquidated their opponents.

Both the Christians and the communists have knowingly employed criminals. In 1095, Pope Urban II Clermonti released murderers, thieves and other criminals so that they might take part in the crusade in 1096. On their way through Europe, these villains plundered all they could. (Mikhail Sheinman, "Paavstlus" / "The Papacy", Tallinn, 1963, p. 32.) The Bolshe- vik leader Leon Trotsky released criminals to terrorise the population. Mao Zedong did the same.
The religion of Marxism had roots in Christianity. As Bertrand Russell pointed out:

Yahweh = dialectical Marxism.

The Messiah = Marx.

The Chosen ones = the proletariat.

The church = the communist party.

The Second Coming of Christ = the revolution.

Hell = punishment of the capitalists.

The millennium or thousand year reign of peace = communism.

The Bolsheviks had their own ten commandments and, like the church, they also mocked their opponents.

The totalitarianism of the church belongs to the past but if the church should ever regain its former power, its atrocities would probably be repeated. The Jesuit historian Luigi Ciccutini believed in 1950 that the church had the divine right to judge and intervene in any matter what- soever. He claims that the church was justified in burning Filippo Giordano Bruno at the stake in February 1600.

A similar danger awaits us if the communists (with the help of the financial elite) should ever grow strong again. After all their atrocities, we should ignore their pretty slogans.

One can characterise both Christianity and communism as extremely anti-cultural ideologies, both of which persecuted leading cultural figures. Both have impeded the free development of science. Due to the reactio- nary attitude of the church, many truths, scientific, religious and esoteric, have still not been accepted.

One of the worst crimes of Christianity was the arson ordered by the patriarch Theophilus, which led to the complete destruction of the ancient world's largest library in the Serapis temple of Alexandria in A. D. 391. The root of this crime was the church's hatred and intolerance of know- ledge springing from classical pagan Greco-Roman culture. Another example is the murder of the female philosopher and mathematician Hypatia in Alexandria in A. D. 415.

The communists also burned books and persecuted cultural figures. They even prohibited the conductor's profession because "the orchestras could play perfectly well without conductors". Later, seeing that their orchestras could not manage without their leaders, the communists had to change their tune.

Pope Leo X (1513-1521) believed it right and proper to use the "wonderful fairy tale about Jesus Christ which has given us so many advantages", as he stood upon the festive board and raised his glass. (Henry T. Laurency, "Livskunskap Fyra", Skovde, 1995, p. 179.)

Moses Hess, one of the most important founders of communist ideo- logy, believed communism to be a perfect lie to spread destruction with. (Moses Hess, "Correspondence" / "Briefwechsel", The Hague, 1959.)

It is regrettable that ideologies whose fundamental principle is intole- rance still halt moral development. Two Swedish bishops, Gottfrid Billing

in Vasteras, 1888, and Bo Giertz in Gothenburg, 1950, believed that it would be better to crush a child's head with a rock than not to baptise it (Henry T. Laurency, "Livskunskap Fyra", Skovde, 1995, p. 185). Even today, Protestant and Catholic Christians continue to brutally terrorise and murder each other in Northern Ireland.

Towards the end of their reign, under Mikhail Gorbachev, the commu- nist leaders in Russia were prepared to ask the Russian Eastern Orthodox Church for help in order to preserve their power. However, what is created by violence cannot long survive.

Despite the fact that none were allowed to leave the Soviet communist party without retribution, it still collapsed when thousands of people began

to leave this criminal institution in 1990. In August 1991, after the Communist party attempted to overthrow Gorbachev's reforms, the Russian president Boris Yeltsin made the communist party illegal, just as the National Socialist (Nazi) Party was outlawed after the Second World War. Life itself forced them to repudiate their primitive and unreal
dialectical materialism as an infallible dogma, to part with the "holy" book

"Das Kapital", and the "prophets" - Lenin, Mao, and other mass-

murderers. These worshippers of violence still have their "holy shrine" - Lenin's Mausoleum - but sooner or later they will come to realise that

their Messiah, Marx, is as dead as his ism.

But the most troubling and challenging question still remains - will we be able to perceive the new incarnations of this evil?

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