Nobody knows that Zionism appeared as a Marxist movement, a socialist one Zionism is actually a revolution

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The freemason Coudenhove-Kalergi asserted in his autobiography that the Pan-European Union was, at the beginning, sponsored by a circle of Jewish bankers led by Rothschild and Warburg.

In 1925, the Grand Lodge in Vienna sent an appeal to different Masonic federations to support Kalergi's Pan-European movement.

Even Swedish Jews have used the racist myth about the Jews being the chosen people and admitted that there is a particular conspiracy against mankind. Herman Greid very nastily wrote the following: "But God has not chosen them because they are a holy race, but they are holy because it pleased God to choose this race to complete a certain task in his plan for mankind." {Judisk Kronika, No. 4, 1971, p. 4, column 2.)

In this book I have tried to show what this so-called plan has meant for us all. No thanks to all crimes, terror and oppression in camouflaged forms! To stop this process, it is necessary to recreate our history and avoid new mistakes by putting no faith in the new, treacherous actions of the financial elite. These plans have so far included manipulation with inferior foodstuffs (propaganda for junk-food and aspartam), irradiated and gene-manipulated food, economic manipulation, as practised by the Hungarian Jew George Soros, suppression of environment-friendly inventions and energy sources...

The financial elite has already succeeded in destroying our cultural life. Modern music is twisted and stupefying with its strongly mechanised rhythm. Art evinces many symptoms of decadence, and most novels are spiritually empty. At the same time, they are trying to accustom us to entertainment that openly and insolently propagates violence as a way to solve problems. But has the reader ever seen the so-called holocaust exploited as violence entertainment?

The financial elite manipulates science, hides facts about certain phenomena under the categories 'inexplicable', 'debatable' and 'non- existent'. The schools turn out 'useful idiots'... Instead of Communism, which really is a terrible ghost on the loose in Europe causing spiritual rabies wherever it goes, there is now mondialism (le monde = the world) which involves an even greater danger. It is a new ideology, which is to uphold and justify the build-up of the European Union. Igor Shafarevich's revealing book "La setta mondialista contro la Russia" / "The Mondialist Sect against Russia" was published in Parma in 1991. The main goal of the mondialists, according to this book, is to eliminate the sense of nationality; destroy the minds of young people with hard-rock music, violent films, pornography and drugs; imitate the American way of life in its worst form; blot out historical memory; mix the races by means of mass immigration... The subject of mondialism, which is pure Illuminism in a new form, has hitherto been avoided in Sweden.

The goal of the mondialists is a world government. The freemason Mikhail Gorbachev spoke of this goal in Fulton, United States on the 6th of May 1992 when he admitted that there was a chance to create a "world government" after "the cold war".

Even Lenin suggested the forming of the United States of the World (the World Union of Socialist Republics) in the newspaper Social- demokrat (No. 40) in 1915. Lenin asserted that there would be no national states in the future.

The freemasons, with new versions of their old tricks, are at the head of all the major nations. In Sweden (with, among others, Anders Bjorck as an important and high-ranking freemason) or in Czechia (Vaclav Havel, who was initiated freemason of the 30th degree in the "Ritual of Knight Kadosh" in 1968 in the United States) or in Russia (President Vladimir Putin). The former American President Bill Clinton is a freemason of the 33rd degree.

The present President of the USA, George W. Bush, is a member of the illuminist Bohemian Club, founded as early as 1872 in Monte Rio, 100 km north of San Francisco.

In the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s the KGB effectively infiltrated several important Masonic lodges and used these for its own purposes. Together with the CIA, the KGB was actually among the sponsors of the Masonic lodge P2 in Italy. (Stephen Knight, "The Brotherhood", London, 1985, pp. 271-289, and according to an interview with the former CIA agent Richard Brenneke on Italian TV in the summer of 1990.)

There are some very special plans for Russia now. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) - the primary tool of the international financial elite - has already taken care of the raw materials of the former Soviet Union. At the same time, the nation lacks designs and resources to build an advanced production industry.

Capitalism was reintroduced in Russia not just because of Commu- nism's all too disturbing backward slide, but also in order to plunder the real production more fully and to transfer the surplus value created by the wage-earners into speculation and economic manipulation, as in the West today. The third alternative, that of an economy without interest and inflation, is out of the question, since such an economy would make the financial elite powerless!

There are still some sensible people in Russia who have been able to perceive the game which is being played. Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote the following on the 6th of October 1990: "The Russians have been plun- dered for 73 years, and have thereby fallen into humiliating poverty. Someone thinks that this is not enough and has decided to carry on plundering until nothing remains."

The leading Jewish politicians (Gaidar, Kozyrev, Primakov, Yasin and others) made sure that 60 per cent of the Russian assets (oil, factories, airlines, banks) ended up with criminal Jewish "businessmen" in Russia at the beginning of the 1990s. They plundered the country. The infamous criminal Boris Berezovsky became the new owner of the airline Aeroflot. (Oleg Platonov, "The History of the Russian People in the 20th Century", Moscow, 1997, part II, p. 672.)

The Jew Yegor Gaidar was the most powerful motor behind the so- called shock therapy in Russia. The most important shock therapy adviser to the Eastern bloc was the American Jew Jeffrey Sachs, who devastated

Bolivia's economy in the 1980s. The Russian oppositional press has begun warning about mondialism. This is not the case in Sweden or Germany.

A remainder of less-informed Communist and Nationalist forces (useless idiots) in Russia naively believed that they could still act freely on the political scene and control development. That was why those Communists once again tried to gain control over Russia by attempting to depose Boris Yeltsin in September 1993. But their time was definitively up. The international financial elite made sure they were removed, just like the freemasons did with the nationalist maverick Lavr Kornilov in August-September 1917.

It was obvious that the freemason Boris Yeltsin had great difficulty in putting down the rebellion in the beginning, since the army wanted to remain neutral in the conflict. On the 4th of October 1993, the Minister of Defence Pavel Grachev ordered the elite brigades of the Tamansk division to Moscow. He promised the officers new homes if they obeyed. Grachev wanted at least 10 groups, but only four joined him. They began shooting at the parliament building. The special anti-terrorist force refused to murder Yeltsin's enemies. Only a part of the Omon police forces (riot police) and the presidential guard joined in the battle.

Yeltsin did not dare to trust these completely, as the Russian journalist Vladimir Alexandrov revealed in Russia and abroad, and so Yeltsin agreed to have 35 members of the international Zionist terrorist group Betar sent to Moscow. (The Spotlight, 22nd of November 1993.) When this group first tried to force their way into the parliament building, Cossacks forced them back.

The interesting thing was that there were (according to amazed foreign journalists) so many Jews among the defenders of the parliament. That clique had not yet understood that the epoch of Communist pretexts was a closed chapter.

Afghanistan veterans and criminals from the organised gangs working in Moscow were later sent to attack the parliament building. Betar turned up shortly thereafter with their shock tactics. One could listen to internal radio communication, which revealed how Betar advanced inside the building.

Betar was founded in 1923 by Zeev Jabotinsky in Riga, Latvia. The purpose of the group is to fight "anti-Semitism" by acts of terror. It is very typical of such movements that they can also practise terror against civi-

lised Jews who stand in the way of their racist Utopias and religious hallucinations.

The revolt was put down on the 4th of October 1993, since the Commu- nists were no longer welcome on the Russian political arena and also lacked support from the United States. The evil Communists had earlier been able to advance primarily due to their support from the financial elite and the compliance of good people.

In the meantime, the Jewish activist Vladimir Zhirinovsky (actually Wolf Edelstein) had come onto the scene, of course not without help. He has been forced to conceal his Jewish origin in order to demagogically exploit anti-Semitic attitudes in Russia. In 1988 he was a member of the board of the Zionist Soviet group Shalom. His former comrade on the board, Yuli Kosherovsky in Israel, revealed this. (Dagens Nyheter, 18th of December 1993.) The Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv wrote on the 17th of December 1993 that Zhirinovsky had relatives in Israel. Zhirinovsky was also, as a KGB agent, expelled from Turkey for espionage in the 1960s. Zhirinovsky himself told the newspaper Ma 'ariv that he never wanted to conceal the fact that he was Jewish. He pointed out: "The Jews have a special role in Russia. 90 per cent of Lenin's party were Jews. Also 90 per cent of my party are Jews."

Zhirinovsky's "liberal democratic" party was founded on the 31st of March 1990 by the KGB, by order of the Communist Party so that Boris Yeltsin would not receive too many votes. This fascist movement became the second largest party after the Communist party. Zhirinovsky is no right-winger. Many true Russian patriots say: "Zhirinovsky is a KGB puppet. You must be joking if you say that he is right-wing!"

Zhirinovsky is a common political lunatic who, among other things, has threatened to commit genocide: "If it cost the lives of 90 000 Russians to eliminate a million Estonians, it would be a good deed." (The Baltic Independent, No. 135, 1992, p. 6.)

It is obvious that Zhirinovsky's role is to control and direct the anti- Semitic attitudes of the Russians and to frighten various small nations to join the European Union. Here I must mention a Swedish proverb: "Fools rush in where wise men fear to enter."

Zhirinovsky is a useful scarecrow for certain forces. Because he is useful where he is, he has not been allowed much leeway. The really dangerous enemies of Zionism are simply murdered - this is what

happened to the foremost expert on Zionism in Moscow, Yevgeni Yevseyev, in 1990. He worked as a researcher at the Institute of Philosophical Studies in the Academy of Sciences.

Virtually anything is possible for the international financial elite, who controls 80 per cent of the global capital. The loan-lenders' power grows and the politicians' room to manoeuvre shrinks as the state deficits of the industrial countries grow. The national debts of the industrial countries have risen to the astronomical amount of 15 000 billion dollars over the last 20 years. The super-capitalists have of course become richer in the process. The plundering of the industrial countries continues at full speed. The result may be bankruptcy, hyper-inflation or complete obedience to the financial elite. In the best imaginable case, our great-grandchildren might be free of tax-slavery if they spend all their money paying off the interest and suffer deprivation whilst their parasites grow still richer.

Russia is being plundered especially intensively. There are one or two voices being raised in protest (including Moscow's former mayor Gavril Popov) against the shock therapy of the Jewish advisers (Sergei Shakhrai, Sergei Stankevich), which has meant that Russia has been ruined anew and subordinated to international monopolies. The policies of the Baltic countries are decided by a secret group comprised of high-ranking diplomats from different countries. (Svenska Dagbladet, 28th of March 1994.) The guidelines still come from certain financial forces.

The Financial Times wrote on the 1st of November 1996: "The bankers - several of whom are leading members of Russia's Jewish community - feared they could become the target of an extreme nationalist backlash." Those bankers (Boris Berezovsky, Vladimir Gusinsky, Mikhail Khodo- rovsky, Piotr Aven, Mikhail Friedman and Alexander Smolensky) control about 50 per cent of the economy. They constitute the power behind Boris Yeltsin.

The dark forces, which transformed Russia into a cauldron of evil, must watch as Russia becomes a source of enlightenment for the whole world.

The social myths and false ideas of the Illuminati had catastrophic consequences, which I have shown in this book. Unfortunately, their activities continue in new, camouflaged forms. That is why we must not forget the mocking paradox the French writer Jules Verne has formulated: "The more things seem to change, the more the situation remains the same." And the German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

ascertained: "The only thing we learn from history is that no one learns from history."

The European Union was also founded under the sign of Scorpio - on the 1st of November 1993. The reader might wonder whether there really are any parallels between the Soviet Union and the European Union. Unfortunately, there are plenty of them.

The EU Parliament is simply an advisory organ with no legislative powers. The parliament of the former Soviet Union (the Supreme Soviet) had no legislative power either. The EU Council (the government) is dependent upon propositions from the EU Commission in order to make its decisions. The Ministerial Council of the Soviet Union, too, was unable to make any decisions without directives from the Politburo.

The EU Commission has the real power and can make decisions with 8 out of 17 members present. The deliberations are not public and the minutes are classified. The supreme organ of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union, the Politburo (normally with 15 members), also held the real power. Their deliberations were likewise kept secret.

When the EU was founded on the 1st November 1993, the chairman of the EU Commission, Jacques Delors (a Socialist and freemason), was given more power than the governments of the member states. All the candidates for the post of Commissioner have to be approved by the chairman. The general secretary of the Politburo also held totalitarian power, which, in part, is reminiscent of the powers invested in the chairman of the EU Commission when it was founded in 1993.

There are many high-ranking EU officials, who are also freemasons, and who organise crime within the framework of Masonic Lodges of the Girand Orient and the Italian Mafia Cosa Nostra, according to information from Brian Freemantle's book "The Octopus: Europe in the Grip of Organised Crime" (London, 1995). High-ranking party functionaries in the Soviet Union also organised crime together with criminal organisations.

High-ranking freemasons within the EC, and later the EU used their knowledge of astrology to strengthen their position. It was in this manner that the high-ranking freemason Francois Mitterand, who had become president of France, found the best date to hold a referendum on the Maastricht Treaty. He also had horoscopes made for several members of the socialist government of the time. (Svenska Dagbladet, 9th of May 1997.)

The same financial and Masonic forces (the Rothschild, Warburg and Rockefeller families) who created the Soviet Union, are also behind the European Union and its "free market economy". They utilise their knowledge of astrology to increase and extend their secret power-base. Officially, astrology is just superstition without any basis in reality.

So - do not believe everything these false power-mongers tell you! Think for yourself and the secrets of the world will begin to open before you! Even the secret power of the Illuminati can be broken. The Illuminati cannot stand the light of truth and seek to avoid it, just as the scorpion hides from the sun. The dark forces will inevitably fail and light will once more reach the souls of men.

A Masonic symbol: "Ring of European Freemasons Organisation for the Reform of Masonry". The observant reader will note a certain similarity to the current European Union flag.
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