Nobody knows that Zionism appeared as a Marxist movement, a socialist one Zionism is actually a revolution

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When the Illuminati were banned on 4 August 1785, Zwack fled to Augsburg and from there to Weslar. After the death of the Elector, Zwack returned to Bavaria, where he was reinstated as a civil servant. Von Knigge travelled to Bremen, where he died as a British officer on 6 May 1796. Several other members were dismissed from their posts. All according to the Grand Master of the Illuminati, Leopold Engel.

Even the great poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe became a freemason in 1780 and joined the Illuminati somewhat later in the 1780s. His alias within the Order was Abaris. ("Geschichte des Illuminaten-Ordens" /
"History of the Order of the Illuminati" by Leopold Engel, Berlin, 1906, pp. 355-356). But eventually he was able to see through their deception.

The Illuminatus Goethe wrote to Bode, a fellow member, on the 22nd June 1784: "Believe me, our moral world is undermined by sub-terranean tunnels, basements and sewers, like a large town usually is, without anyone usually thinking of their connections. It is comprehensible to me or any other enlightened person if smoke sometimes rises from a crack or if strange voices are heard..."

The Murders of Schiller and Mozart

The great poet and playwright Friedrich von Schiller moved to Mannheim on the 27th July 1783. In June 1784 Christian Gottfried Korner (1756- 1831), an important Illuminatus, sent Schiller a letter suggesting he join the Illuminati. Korner saw to it that all Schiller's debts were paid off and following this, he joined the Order.

An Illuminatus was bound by the codex of the Order: "I shall perform an action, if asked by the Order, which I may not consent to, inasmuch as it (when seen as a whole) would truly be wrong. Furthermore, even if it might seem so from a certain point of view, it would cease to be improper and wrong if it served as a means to thereby achieve blessedness or the final aim of the whole." This quote comes from the documents of the Order which were taken during the police search of Baron Bassus' castle in Sandersdorf and later published under the collective title "Nachtrag von weitern Originalschriften" in Munich, 1787. Two defectors from the Order - Professors Cosandey and Renner - also confirmed in April 1785 that an Illuministic principle was "the ends justify the means".

It was only later that Schiller was able to see through the deception. Deception and blackmail were the order's ways to reach its aims. Weis- haupt had advised his closest Illuminati brothers: "Devote yourselves to the art of deception, the art of disguising yourselves, of masking your- selves, spying on others and perceiving their innermost thoughts." To make sure that the secrets of the Order were not leaked, Weishaupt created a secret police corps within the Order which he called the "insinuating brothers". These worked in the same manner as the Bolshevik's Cheka and its successors: denunciation, provocation, blackmail and terrorism. The

"insinuating brothers" acted with full force during the reign of terror which is called the "Great French Revolution", which was largely the work of Illuminati agents. Following the French Revolution, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe declared his detestation of it to Eckermann. He said that all sudden changes brought about by violence were repugnant to him because they went against the order of nature ("Goethe" by Karl Vietor, Stockholm, 1953, p. 100).

Naturally, Friedrich von Schiller could not suspect that Heinrich Voss, a young doctor who took care of him, was one of the "insinuating brothers" who reported everything he heard and saw to Weishaupt.

Schiller, Pestalozzi and several other Illuminati from Germany were given French citizenship as "prominent foreigners" in 1792. Schiller read about this in the newspaper Moniteur.

After seeing through the Illuminati's evil nature, Schiller planned to write a play called "Demetrius", the working title of which became "The Bloodbath in Moscow". This play was to uncover some of the atrocities behind the scenes of those in power.

Heinrich Voss reported this to Weishaupt who wished to stop this play at any cost. Fortunately for the Illuminati, Schiller died after a long illness at around six o'clock on the 9th of May 1805. Hermann Ahlwardt claims in his book "Mehr Licht" / "More Light" (1925, pp. 60-69) that Schiller was murdered by the Illuminati.

A collective of German and foreign experts (including Sten Forshufvud from Gothenburg and Professor Hamilton Smith from Glasgow) found airsenic in samples of Schiller's hair. The 45-year-old Schiller's work was never completed; instead he ended up in a mass grave. (Henning Fikentscher, "The Latest Developments in Research of Schiller's Mortal Remains".)

On 5 December 1784, the freemasons asked the brilliant Austrian

composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart to become a freemason. He joined the lodge Zur Wohltatigkeit (To Charity) on 14 December 1784. He was also a member of another lodge, Zur wahren Eintracht (To True Concord). This was a double lodge. Soon Mozart reached the very highest degree, the 33rd. Mozart wrote many compositions for Masonic ceremonies.

The most important freemasons in Vienna were Illuminati at the same time. In 1783, 36 of the 83 brothers in Zur wahren Eintracht were Illuminati. There were also many conspirators among the members of To

Charity. Mozart's powerful friend, Baron Gottfried van Swieten was an Illuminatus. Also his closest friend Count August von Hatzfeld was an Illuminatus. In his obituary notice for Hatzfeld in 1787, the local leader of the llluminati, Christian Gottlob Neefe, praised him in Magazin der Musik. Neefe was Beethoven's teacher. It was for this reason that Beet- hoven became a freemason and gained close ties to many llluminati, including Gemmingen, who had helped Mozart in Mannheim and recruited him as a member of To Charity.

Mozart was impressed by the official intentions of the llluminati. He did not know any more details. He had no idea what his influential friends really intended. There is no clear information about whether Mozart even knew that his friends were members of the subversive llluminati. They only revealed their membership to those whom they might be able to recruit. Adam Weishaupt had taught: "To some of these freemasons we shall not even reveal that we have anything more than what the freemasons have... All those who are not suitable for the work shall remain in the Masonic lodge and advance there without knowing anything about the additional system." ("Einige Originalschriften des Illuminatenordens", Munich, 1787, p. 300.)

In December 1785, the llluminati's activities in Vienna were prohibited. The llluminati were forced to leave their lodges. Despite the ban, they continued to act as ordinary freemasons. They went over to The Crowned Hope. The llluminati Ignaz von Born, Joseph von Sonnefells and Otto von Gemmingen founded a new lodge, The Truth, the Grand Master of which was Born. The llluminati believe that they preach the ultimate truth.

On 14 January 1786, Mozart joined the new lodge The Crowned Hope. But he was not present at the opening ceremony and later he seldom attended their meetings. During this period, Mozart seldom wrote Masonic music.

Mozart belonged to the society where the llluminati still dominated. Only during the last year of his life, 1791, did he produce new pieces of music for the freemasons. This music contained secret codes and moods.

Mozart desired true friends. This was why he became a freemason. All his friends were freemasons. As a very sociable person, Mozart could not be alone and therefore needed friends to associate with.

It has been observed that Mozart, due to his membership in Masonic lodges, found it easier to succeed and to make a name for himself in

Europe, since high-ranking Masonic brothers supported him. Nearly half of the members of To True Harmony were aristocrats who helped Mozart, for example Esterhazy. Mozart's publishers were also freemasons: Pasquale Artaria, Cristophe Torricella and Franz Anton Hoffmeister.

Mozart could always count on the brotherly hospitality of the freemasons, and during his sojourns abroad, he always received economic support and free lodgings. During his travels 1787-1791, the freemasons in Prague and other places helped Mozart in various ways. There is written evidence which proves this. Friends among the freemasons played a crucial role in aiding Mozart financially: Lichnowsky, Franz Hofdemel and Michael Puchberg were among his most important creditors. Mozart, in his turn, helped other freemasons by acquiring loans for them.

In December 1787, Mozart was appointed the imperial chamber composer. This gave him requisitions for greater operas. The Illuminati had become a state within the state. Despite all the prohibitions, they continued with their subversive activities against society. At that time, people lacked experience and resources to protect themselves against freemasonry, which was under the influence of the Illuminati.

The prominent Austrian composer Franz Schubert was not a freemason and he died poor and unappreciated.

As a gifted man, Mozart finally managed to see through the Illuminati's evil, despite the fact that it appeared to be an angel of light. He intended to protect society by founding a secret society with several of his friends, Die Grotte ("The Cave"). Mozart was well aware of the deadly risk he was taking. Already in April 1787, he wrote in a letter to his father that death was actually the friend of man and that he could never lie down to sleep without thinking that he, despite his youth, might not see another day. (Maynard Solomon, "Mozart", Stockholm, 1995.)

He wished to expose the magic and the conspiracy of the freemasons to the public. For this purpose he intended to use his opera "Die Zauberflote" ("The Magic Flute"), where Sarastro's prototype was the Grand Master of the freemasons, Ignaz von Born. Mozart had a perfect memory. Once he had heard a melody, he could play it again later without making any mistakes. "The Magic Flute" (1791) contained many revelations about the secrets of freemasonry. He used the pyramid of the Illuminati, the all- seeing eye, the temple and other secret symbols. These metaphors were later removed. Mozart also used musical means of expression by

contrasting lyrical and tragic themes, elegance and folklore, fantastic details and the solid atmosphere of the orchestra. The opera premiered in the autumn of 1791. The Illuminati could not forgive Mozart for this.

"Requiem" was requisitioned from him anonymously in order to celebrate his own death. He was also paid in advance. The freemasons poisoned the object of their hatred slowly. "Requiem" was finished up to the second-to-last row of verse: lacrymosa dies ilia. Sussmayr finished the opus.

Hermann Ahlwardt claimed in his book "Mehr Licht!" ("More Light") that Mozart was murdered. He died on 5 December 1791, precisely seven years after his initiation into the Masonic lodge. Salieri was later made the scapegoat. Hermann Wagener's "Staats- und Gesellschaftslexikon" (volume 18, 1865) confirmed that Mozart was poisoned.

In 1990, several doctors tried to claim that Mozart died of a kidney disease. (Dagens Nyheter, 19 September 1990.) But if he had died a natural death, the freemasons would not have taken away Mozart's body to prevent an autopsy after he died, or laid him in a grave for the poor together with quicklime.

If Mozart had been faithful to the freemasons, he would have been buried with great honours. His hypocritical "Masonic friends" wept crocodile tears. If "The Magic Flute" had been accepted, those in power would not have sent Johann Emanuel Schikaneder, author of the opera's libretto, to a lunatic asylum, where he died in 1812.

In Austria, freemasonry was forbidden in the middle of the 1790s. Society managed to keep its ban on this subversive movement until 1918, when the freemasons in Austria came to power with the aid of the false socialist doctrine. The freemasons continue to smear and depreciate Mozart today (for example Milos Forman in his film "Amadeus").

The Illuminati as Infiltrators

The Illuminati moved freely within the many secret societies of the time seeking to utilise the liberal ideology of freemasonry as a bait for those who lacked knowledge of its true purposes. "All Illuminati are freemasons but far from all freemasons are Illuminati," stated Professors Cosandey and Renner from Munich in their testimonies in April 1785.

Only a minority was allowed to reach the highest mystery degrees. Only those few knew of the true intentions of the order. Cosandey and Renner, together with several other witnesses, claimed that "there was constant talk of the purpose" without any explanation of what this was. Those of the lower degrees ("useful idiots") were only to obey, without under- standing why.

Weishaupt's plan for seizing power was ingeniously simple. The moul- ders of public opinion (priests, writers, public officials) were to be made obedient tools, whereupon they would, in Weishaupt's words "surround the princes". As "advisors" they were to influence political decisions in favour of the Illuminati's aims. When entering the Order, the new brothers had vowed: "I shall never use my position or post against another brother."

This corrupt group loyalty did not relate to the brothers as individuals, however; they were only tools for the invisible powers within the Order. It could just as easily be turned against any particular brother if the "purpose" (i.e., Weishaupt himself) decreed it.

So the brothers of the lower degrees were made to provide information (on printed forms) each month on their own actions and those of fellow brothers (the so-called Quibus licet).

The leaders of the Order compiled information from these "con- fessions" which they could use later against any refractory brothers. Weis- haupt also encouraged the Illuminati to steal or copy secret and government documents. The Order needed these documents for its revolutionary activities but it also wanted the brothers to lose any feelings of loyalty for the established order by having them constantly seeking to betray it. Religion, nationalism, patriotism, loyalty to the ruler, family ties

- all such feelings were to be replaced by a single strong loyalty to the Illuminati's cause. A defector, Joseph Utzschneider, a professor at the Military Academy in Munich, revealed that the constant preaching against the fatherland disgusted him so much that he left the Order.

The supranational socialist power the Illuminati aspired to was summed up in the concept of Novus Ordo Seclorum (The New World Order). Some of the main points of this program were:

  1. Suppression of all religion, including all communions and doctrines which could not be subjected as tools for Illuminism.

  2. Suppression of all feelings of nationality and - in the long term - abolition of all nations and introduction of an Illuministic world-state.

  1. Successive transference of all private and national property into the hands of the Illuminati.

The methods whereby to accomplish this were new taxation laws which Illuministic officials were to introduce. Weishaupt's original plans also in- cluded a progressive income tax (so this is no new invention!) and an even more confiscatory inheritance tax.

Karl Marx, too, wanted a high, progressive income tax in his "Commu- nist Manifesto". The intention was to weaken society.

  1. An all-encompassing espionage and denunciation system with the "in- sinuating brothers" as prototype. The symbol of this was the all-seeing eye, an eye within a pyramid, which was the Illuminati's symbol of power.

And finally:

  1. A global moral rule, a complete standardisation of all people's inner- most will, wishes and aspirations beneath "the one will"; the will of the Illuminati.

The Illuminati simply wanted to abolish all forms of ordered govern- ment, patriotism, religion and the family to finally set up a world govern- ment. Upright people would never work for such an abhorrent program, so the "normal" Illuminati were filled with fair phrases about love, charity and suchlike which we call "ideology" today. The further up one advanced, the more primitive were the members. The more primitive the individuals, the lower the ideals enthusing them.

Therefore, the Illuminati have used all sorts of ideologies (Nihilism, Liberalism, Fascism) or made them up themselves (Marxism, Commu- nism, Socialism) whereas they themselves were perfectly independent of all ideology.

In 1933 The Greater Soviet Encyclopaedia published a large amount of information about Adam Weishaupt and the Illuminati, but after this year the entries were blatantly inconsequential.

A conference was held at Mayer Amschel Rothschild's castle in Wilhelmsbad on the 16th July 1782, where the freemasons and Illuminati forged a complete alliance. In this way, the leading secret societies began a closer co-operation with the Illuminati. Thereby, Weishaupt gained no less than three million tools to work with. In time, the Illuminati were to bring death and suffering to hundreds of millions of people.

At the Masonic conference in Wilhelmsbad, a decision to murder Louis XVI of France and Gustavus III of Sweden was made. (Charles de

Hericault, "La Revolution", p. 104.) The initiative for this conference was Jewish. (A. Cowan, "The X Rays in Freemasonry", London, 1901, p. 122.) A decision to murder emperor Leopold of Austria was also made at the conference. He was poisoned on the 1st March 1792 by the Jewish freemason Martinowitz. Gustavus III of Sweden was murdered the same month.

The freemasons had gathered in Lyon in 1778 to discuss the coming revolution. Further congresses were held in Paris in 1785 and 1787 and in Frankfurt am Main (where Rothschild had his bank) in 1786.

The Illuminati sought control over the press and began placing their infiltrators behind the scenes as "experts". The Order also wanted to influence schools.

In 1800, the Illuminati were active in Sweden, Austria, Russia and many other countries. Three years earlier, Professor John Robison had

written a thorough exposure of the Illuministic plot in his book "Proofs of a Conspiracy" (London, 1797).

The English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley was initially also fooled by the Illuminati's propaganda, despite Weishaupt having stated fairly distinctly that the purpose of the Illuminati was to act tirelessly until "leaders and nations disappear without violence from the Earth, humanity becomes one great family and the world a residence for sensible people". But later Shelley came across a copy of Abbe Barruels' sensational book "Memoirs, Illustrating of History of Jacobinism", which had been published in 1798. This book revealed, with the help of certain Bavarian documents, the Illuministic Jews' conspiracy.

Shelley took these revelations seriously and recommended the book to his friends. He began to regard the Illuminati as evil incarnate and even suggested to Leigh Hunt, the outspoken author that they found a society where the sensible members would stand against "the society of freedom's enemies". Shelley afterwards continued to see through the machinations of the Illuminati behind the political scenes.

The Americans Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton became

acquainted with Weishaupt's doctrine in the 1790s. Jefferson and Hamil- ton opened the Masonic lodges in the United States of America to European Illuminati, despite many voices being raised in warning against this action. Among these protestants was John Quincy Adams, who was later elected president (1825). He wrote a letter to Colonel William L.

Stone revealing how Jefferson exploited the Masonic Order to undermine society.

The Illuminati retaliated by making Adams' attempted re-election im- possible. Adams was subjected to a vicious smear campaign by the national press, which had already come under the control of the Illuminati. Adams also tried to publish a revealing book about the Illuminati but the manuscript was stolen.

Captain William Morgan, who had reached a high degree within freemasonry and had a central position in the order, found some of the terrible secrets of the Illuminati in his Batavia Lodge No. 433 in Batavia, New York. He became aware of the Illuminati's goals and travelled around the USA to warn the Masonic lodges. In 1826, he explained that it was his duty to warn the public about the secret plans of the Illuminati. Morgan wanted to expose the shady activities of the Masonic elite in a book. He signed a contract with the publisher, Colonel David C. Miller. The book, "Freemasonry Exposed", was published in 1826.

This brought the members of the concerned lodges to the verge of nervous collapse. At that time there were 50 000 freemasons in the USA. After the publication of this book, 45 000 freemasons left their lodges. Nearly 2000 lodges were closed. Many of the remaining lodges cancelled their activities. In the state of New York alone, there were 30 000 freemasons. After Morgan's book was published, the number of members decreased to 300. (William J. Whalen, "Christianity and American Freemasonry", 1987, p. 9.)

Richard Howard, an English Illuminatus, was sent to America to murder Morgan. Together with four others he kidnapped Morgan and drowned him in a lake, the intention being to scare other freemasons into sub- mission. (Michael di Gargano, "Irish and English Freemasons and their Foreign Brothers", London, 1878, s. 73.)

The American historian Emanuel M. Josephson revealed in his book "Roosevelt's Communist Manifesto" (New York, 1955, p. 24) that the Illuminati's Columbia Lodge was founded in New York in 1785. Its first leader was Governor DeWitt Clinton, followed by Clinton Roosevelt. In 1786 the Illuminati lodge in Virginia was founded and Thomas Jefferson became its leader. When Weishaupt was exposed in Bavaria, Jefferson defended him as an "enthusiastic philanthropist". Within a short time the Illuminati had opened fifteen lodges in America.

Thomas Jefferson did all he could to finally get the Illuminati's pyramid accepted by Congress as the national (great) seal on the 15th September 1789.

In 1789, the publicist, statesman and scientist Benjamin Franklin (1706- 1790), himself a freemason, demanded that the United States of America defend itself against the Jewish immigration and influence with the help of the constitution, since the Jews had become a state within the state. This demand was refused and instead the Star of David became the symbol of the military and police in America.

George Washington, who had become a freemason in 1752 when he was 20 years old, also attempted to oppose the Illuminati's work in America after he was convinced in 1796 that they posed a threat to the nation. Due to this, Weishaupt had made plans to murder Washington if he became too troublesome. (Neal Wilgus, "The Illuminoids", New York, 1978, p. 33.)

David Pappen, President of Harvard University, also came out with a warning against the Illuminati on the 19th of July 1798, and somewhat later Timothy Dwight, President of Yale University, followed suit.

This led Henry Dana Ward, Thurlow Weed and William H. Seward to form an anti-Masonic party in the United States of America in 1829. The Party took part in the presidential elections in 1832 but 1840 had already outmanoeuvred it...

Weishaupt, like Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) in the Republic of Florence, believed that power should be held exclusively by certain chosen people - all the others were unreliable nobodies. In his post- humously published book "The Prince" (1532), Machiavelli advocated the introduction of an unlimited dictatorship.

The Jesuits' Totalitarianism as a Prototype

Some sources, above all Christian, claim that Weishaupt's ideological prototype was Plato's "Republic". These claims are misleading. Weis- haupt (despite his hatred of them) admired the Jesuits' tactics, discipline and skill at organisation, their ability to put talents to good use and their devotion to their cause. Since Jesuits educated Weishaupt, he was familiar with their experiences of creating totalitarian societies and his prototype

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