Nobody knows that Zionism appeared as a Marxist movement, a socialist one Zionism is actually a revolution

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The Jewish executioners used to shout: "Long live the red terror! Death to the bourgeois!" They soon enforced work duty. Vagabonds were exe- cuted on the spot.

The Times admitted on September 18, 1920: "The Soviet regime relies on Jewish brains, Latvian [i.e. German] and Chinese bayonets and the terrible Russian ignorance."

In 1922, the correspondent for the British newspaper the Morning Post, Victor Marsden, published the names of all 545 civil servants within the government administration. 477 of them were Jews and only 30 were Russians (5.5 per cent).

In 1920, a total of half a million Jews already worked in the Soviet party and state apparatus, in various institutions, as company leaders and in all other possible fields of practice within the Soviet regime. Many of those Jews had moved to Russia, primarily from Poland and Lithuania. ("The Book of Russian Judaism", New York, 1968, p. 137.) The Soviet

Union's most important diplomats were also Jews. There were also Jewish functionaries within the first Soviet representation in Stockholm, for instance Aaron Zimmermann.

Here follows a list of just a few of the most powerful Jews in the early Soviet administration. The prosecutor general was D. Kursky. The lawyer of the Council of People's Commissaries was Vladimir Bonch-Bruyevich (1873-1955). Yemelyan Yaroslavsky (Minei Gubelman, 1878-1943) became the Kremlin's Commissar and the secretary of the Central Com- mittee. It was he who led the take-over of power in Moscow.

Other leading Jews: Moisei Frumkin (who became people's commissary for finance and foreign affairs), Adolf Yoffe, Karl Radek (Tobiach Sobel- sohn), Sara Khavkina (worked in the Central Committee), Alexander Ghe (Goldberg), Yuri Larin (actually Mikhail Lurye, 1882-1932), Vatslav Vorovsky (Orlovsky), Mieczyslaw Bronski (actually Moisei Warszawski, who became deputy commissary for trade and industry), Abram Skovno (1888-1938), David Rosenblum, Christian Rakovsky (Bulgarian Jew who became head of the red government in the Ukraine), Mikhail Lashevich, David Ryazanov (Goldenbach, 1870-1938, a Jew from Odessa, arrived from Switzerland with the second train, became director of the Marx Institute), Aaron Scheinman, Georgi Safarov, Yakov Surits, Aaron Soltz, Nikolai Krestinsky (member of the Central Committee), Yevgenia Bosh, Rulkovsky, Rozovsky, Samuel Kaufman (who became a people's com- missary), Isidor Gukovsky (people's commissary), Feningstein (people's commissary), Olga Ravich (Sarra Gavvich, worked with people's commis- sary Feningstein), Yelena Stasova (secretary of the Central Committee), Theodor Rothstein (leading man in the Foreign Commissariat), Ivan Maisky (actually Steinman), Yan-Yakov Gamarnik, Moisei Rukhimovich, Alexander Shotman (1880-1939), Dashevich, Mikhail Kobetsky, Mikhail Goberman, Nikolai Gordon (Leiba Alie Chael, close collaborator with Grigori Zinoviev), Sergei Syrtsov, Mikhail Tomsky (Honigberg), Mikhail (Meier) Trilisser, Joseph Unschlicht, Arkadi Rosengoltz, Grigori Chud- novsky, Joseph Pyatnitsky (Tarsis), Yevgeni Gnedin (Leon Helphand, son of Alexander Parvus who became head of the Paris Bureau of the Cheka), Bor and many, many others.

The Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party, which was elected in August of 1917, was comprised of 24 members. Of these, at least 14 were Jews and 2 half-Jews. Even Moisei Uritsky's secretary was a 17-year-old

Jewish girl. (Heinrich Laretei's memoirs "To the Toy of Fate", Lund, 1970, p. 75.)

All kinds of Jewish speculators and anarchists, who were enamoured with Bolshevism, travelled to Soviet Russia at the very beginning. They came from many countries (from Turkey, Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Bohemia, Slovakia, and the United States of America). For example, a Bohemian Zionist communist from Prague, Ernest (Arnost) Kolman, worked in Moscow as a party functionary between 1918 and 1919 and as a politruk in Moscow and then in Siberia in the 1920s. He later worked with subversive activities in Germany where he was arrested and expelled to the Soviet Union. Most of them came from the United States.

The most famous of these were Emma Goldman and Alexander Berk- man, who were sent to Petrograd by the American authorities in January 1920. Those anarchists had praised the Soviet state as paradise on earth around the United States. Later, they described how the Bolsheviks in Smolny's restaurant had introduced a system of privileges, where the leading Communists received better food than the others. A total of 34 levels of privileges were established.

Here follows a list of the names of some important American Jews who worked in the Soviet state apparatus: Minnor was active as a political commissar at the Commissariat for Internal Affairs, Kisswalter worked in the Supreme Soviet as chairman of the economic restructuring committee, Kahan was active in the committee for the abolition of private banks, Simson co-ordinated the work of the Soviets, Gubelman was political commissar in Moscow's military district, Michelson was named adviser to the People's Bank and a high post was also held by Isaac Don Levine.

Of course, the American Jews held high posts within the Cheka. Meich- man and Meherbey, who proved themselves especially dangerous, were among the most important Chekists in Petrograd. (Maurice Pinay, "The Secret Driving Force of Communism", p. 45.)

Trotsky's comrade Clara Sheridan wrote quite openly in the New York World on December 13, 1923: "The Communist leaders are Jews and Russia is entirely dominated by them. They are in every town, in every government bureau, in the offices and in the editorial staffs of the news- papers. They drive away the Russians and are responsible for the increasingly anti-Semitic attitude."

John Gates (actually Israel Regentreif), one of the Communist leaders in the United States, has also confirmed in his autobiography that the Jews held an absolutely dominant position in the Russian and the international Marxist movement. (John Gates, "The Story of an American Communist", New York, 1958.)

Here I must point out that the Russian extremist Jews and their fellow travellers were only tools in the hands of Jewish international bankers, who wanted to transport as much wealth as possible out of Russia. Everything that happened during the Jacobin's reign of terror in France was repeated in Russia.

The banker Jacob Schiff had given Leon Trotsky 20 million dollars to organise a Bolshevik take-over. That gamble certainly paid off. 600 million roubles in gold were transferred to the United States of America between 1918 and 1922, according to the historian Gary Allen. In the first half of 1921 alone, the banking house of Kuhn, Loeb and Co. made a profit of 102 290 000 dollars on the wealth the Bolsheviks had robbed, according to the New York Times, August 23rd, 1921. Multiply that sum by one hundred and you have the present-day value of that money.

The Russian historian Dmitri Volkogonov revealed after findings in the Communist Party archives that "just the Tsarina's private reserves amounted to 475 million roubles in gold (plus 7 million for the crown jewels)". (Dagens Nyheter, 31st of August 1992.) The Bolshevik financial

department Goskhran confiscated all of this. Some Swedish journalists (including Staffan Skott) have, in accord with the prevailing myth, tried to explain that most of this wealth was handed over to the Communist parties in other countries, while millions of Russians died of starvation. That is not entirely accurate. According to the historian Igor Bunich, Lenin and Trotsky took care of this money personally. The gold, meanwhile, was smuggled out of Russia and deposited into personal bank accounts around the world. (30 tons of gold per year were produced in the Tsarist era in Russia.)

That was apparently the reason why the British newspaper The Guardian, in March 1923, called the Bolsheviks the Party of the Yellow Satan. Here follows an actual case.

The freemason Yuri Lomonosov, who was the right-hand man of the minister of communications during the time of the Provisional Govern- ment, lived in the United States between 1918 and 1919. He returned to Russia and held a high post in the Bolshevik regime. In 1920, the Tsar's gold was exported to the United States of America under the control of this same professor Lomonosov and by the aid of Jacob Schiff's banking corporation Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and the Jewish banker Olof Aschberg (Nya Banken) in Sweden.

Three shiploads with a total of 540 packing-cases of gold were sent away from the harbour of Tallinn in the Republic of Estonia. (U.S. State Department Decimal File, 861.51/837, 4th of October 1920.) Professor Lomonosov returned to the United States at the same time, when his mission had been accomplished. Each case was worth 60 000 roubles in gold. The total value was thus 32.4 million. The Bolsheviks also used the Harju Bank in Estonia to transfer money.

Eventually, all of the Bolsheviks' gold reserves ended up in the United States, according to the Russian historian Igor Bunich. Over 600 000 miners died under forced labour in the gold mines of Kolyma alone.

To ensure an even greater success, the banker James Warburg from New York and Frankfurt am Main also financed Lenin and Trotsky. (Gary Allen, "Say 'NO!' to the New World Order", California, 1987, p. 22.)

While the murdering and plundering was going on, over 1.6 million Russians escaped abroad. The Communist Party's 19 564 leading Jews and the Jewish Communist Parties Bund and Po'alei Zion tried to gain complete control over the Russian society. Hundreds of thousands of Rus- sians were forced to become Communists. Meanwhile, these Jewish extre- mists, who were obsessed by Marxist hallucinations, transformed Russia into a temple of evil. Soviet Union became a new perfect temple of Solomon for the Jewish freemasons. Over one hundred million people were sacrificed there.

In the Soviet Union, Masonic terms typical of the Communist movement were used constantly. They wanted to "build a new society" and a "better and brighter future". Or they wanted to rebuild the old (perestroika).

The emotive propaganda apparatus was completely in the hands of "re- volutionary" Jews. They even had their own news agency, YETA, which diligently reported all manifestations of anti-Semitism. The Jewish functionaries even began to publish Pravda in Yiddish (Varhait) on the 3rd of March 1918, and from August 1918, the same newspaper was also published in Hebrew (Emet). (The Greater Soviet Encyclopaedia, Moscow, 1932, Vol. 24, p. 120.)

Jewish authors produced combat literature. Jewish composers com- posed all kinds of marches and mythsongs to inspire ordinary Russians to heroic acts in the name of Socialism. Much was staked, also abroad, on the songs of Isaac Dunayevsky and the Pokrass brothers.

Dmitri Pokrass' work included the well-known "Konarmeiskaya",

which the Swedish socialists eagerly sang under the name of "The Song About the Reaction", and the "Budyonny March". The latter was composed by Dmitri Pokrass at twenty years of age in Kiev in the summer of 1920. In the same year, his brother who was two years older, wrote "We Build the Nation", where it is claimed that the Red Army was the strongest of all. The Red Army soldiers hold their weapons firmly in callused fists. This revolutionary song was taken over by the Swedish socialists who made it their own anthem. This song was sung at the funeral of Olof Palme (the Swedish Prime Minister, murdered in 1986) in Stockholm.

Samuil Pokrass was later invited to Hollywood. Of course, there was nothing to prevent his emigration to the United States. He died in New York in 1939. His brother, Dmitri Pokrass, later won the Stalin award for his contribution to the process of indoctrination.

Isaac Dunayevsky's most famous melody was named "The March of the Young Enthusiasts". Jewish composers (Leon Knipper, Alexander Tsfasman, Matvei Blanter, Yan Frenkel, Alexander Kolker, Mark Fradkin, Oskar Feltsman, N. Brodsky, I. Shvarts, Eduard Kolmanovsky, Venyamin Basner, Alexander Flyarkovsky, Alexander Bronevitsky, David Tukhma- nov and others) maintained their control over the Russian musical culture.

The Jews, of course, also dominated the most important branch of the media - the film industry. The most important film directors were: Leo Arnstam, Abram Room, Leonid Trauberg, Friedrich Ermler, Dziga Ver- tov, Josef Heifitz, Mikhail Romm, Mark Donskoy, Sergei Jutkevich, Juli Raizman... Vsevolod Meyerhold developed the new theatre.

The Jewish director and freemason Sergei Eisenstein made several propaganda films ("The Armoured Cruiser Potyomkin", "The Strike", "October"). The screenplay for his most famous film, "The Armoured Cruiser Potyomkin", was written by a Jewish publicist, Alexei Kapler. Even the advertisement poster for this film was drawn by the Jewish Steinberg brothers from Sweden.

The Jews dominated the Ukrainian cultural life to an even higher degree (76 per cent of those registered in the cultural unions were Jews).

Lenin also took the opportunity to proclaim sexual freedom in December 1917 (even homosexuality was decriminalised), as happened after the Jacobin coup in 1791. Stalin, however, prohibited homosexuality in 1934, at the same time as he banned abortion and made the very liberal

marriage laws stricter. Lenin made the Soviet organs proclaim: "From the age of 18, every young woman is the property of the state." Unmarried women had to register themselves at the Bureau of Free Love. Omission was punished severely. Each registered woman had to choose a man between 19 and 50 years of age.

The men also had the right to choose women, but they had to carry documentation that they belonged to the proletariat. The others were not allowed to have a sex-life since they were class-enemies (i.e. enemies of the Jews). In the interest of the state, men had the right to choose women registered at the Bureau of Free Love, even if the said women did not comply. The children that were born from these unions became the property of the republic. (Mikhail and August Stern, "Iron Curtain for Love", Stockholm, 1982, p. 26.)

Jewish Bolsheviks frequently organised naked marches and propagated group-sexuality. Those new measures caused deep psychological distur- bances in the traditionally family-oriented Russian people. The com- munist leaders wanted to eliminate the concept and practice of family life. Abortion, meanwhile, was legalised. Rape also became far more common. The communist poet Vladimir Mayakovsky immediately propagated the new policy in the following way:

Any girl at all, young and beautiful

will I rape.

And contemptuously

will I spit on her!

The Soviet functionaries later tried to claim that his poems were ironic.

The moral norms were quickly subverted in Soviet Russia. One person who became an especially "good example" for this process of dissolution was the nymphomaniac Alexandra Kollontay. As a people's commissary, she gave orders for several sailors to come to her every day. Their job was to sleep with her. She was especially excited by the sailor's uniform. The party functionary Oleg Agranyants revealed in 1989 that Alexandra Kollontay had earlier been a brothel-keeper.

As soon as the moral norms had been dissolved, sexuality was prohibi- ted. The goal had been reached and a new slogan was invented: "Sexuality is the enemy of the revolution!" Women were to become draught-animals instead. The Jewish commissary for education and culture, the freemason

Anatoli Lunacharsky declared: "That little institution of manners which is the family... that entire curse... shall become a closed chapter."

In this way, the Russian society had been transformed into a herd of cattle, just as the freemason Mikhail Bakunin had predicted. "Dictionnaire Universel" (p. 114) confirms that Bakunin really was a freemason. Bakunin maintained that the red bureaucracy would cramp the morals and ideas of the people.

The Jewish psychologist Alexander Zalkind admitted in his book "The Revolution and the Youth" (Moscow, 1925), that the Communist Party was to subject the Russian people to racial manipulation. He wrote: "Society has the total and unconditional right to intervene in the sexual life of the people and improve the race by introducing an artificial sexual selection." In other words, the Jewish extremists wanted to make sure that they would have suitable (not too intelligent) slaves in the future.

Oleg Platonov writes the following in his book "The History of the Russian People in the Twentieth Century" (Moscow, 1997, p. 520): "One of the first symbols of Bolshevism was the swastika, proposed by Jewish officials as the chief element of the arms of state. Among other uses, the reversed swastika appeared on uniform sleeves in the Red Army, and, in 1918, on bank notes in denominations of five and ten thousand roubles." He goes on to state: "The star of David was used on the first Bolshevik documents and Soviet military insignia. It was later superseded by the five- pointed Masonic star."

The Jewish Communist leadership introduced a great number of Masonic symbols and terms - above all the red, five-pointed star (the star of Solomon). The term of address became tovarishch (comrade). This is what the freemason of the second degree is called. The higher Masonic lodges were called councils, just as in Judaism. There was also a Supreme Council. Those on whom was later conferred the Order of Lenin were called the Knights of Lenin's (Masonic) Order.

Every Master Mason uses a ritual hammer. We can find the background of this tradition in the Old Testament, where it is written that Yahweh has been like unto a hammer in his destruction of other peoples (Jeremiah 50:23). The freemason and communist leader Mao Zedong also declared in 1950: "Communism is a hammer which crushes our enemies."

The sickle also comes from freemasonry. It symbolises destruction (the gelding of Urano). It is also mentioned in Jeremiah (50:16). The Zionist


Socialist Party, which acted most intensively in Russia during the coup attempts in 1905-06, was called The Sickle.

With the help of Great Britain, America, Germany and other countries, the Soviet regime was established in Russia. That regime propagated terror, deceit, plunder and political prostitution. Communism became especially dangerous because it justified its incredibly evil crimes with an equally incredible propaganda of lies.

So, Russia became infected with Marxism which, like a cancer, destroyed the body of society and began to spread the red disease abroad to other countries.

Those Russians who survived were used as cudgels against the other nations, which were subdued by the Communist masters.

The responsibility lies above all with those who used these cudgels as weapons. One nation after another was more or less eliminated. Approxi- mately 800 000 Bashkirians (57 per cent of their population) were liquidated in the years 1917-1922. (Kaarel Haav, Rein Ruutsoo, "The Estonian People and Stalinism", Tallinn, 1990, p. 36.)

Lenin stressed that he welcomed the assimilation of different national groups; everything which led to different peoples becoming a single nation. (Lenin, "Works", Vol. 20, p. 18.)

The reason for the deportation of the Tartars, Armenians and Greeks from the Crimea in World War Two has now also been revealed. The Jewish Communists had suggested the founding of a Jewish republic in the Crimea on the 15th of February 1944, but the plans were never fully realised (Ogonyok, No. 5, 1990, p. 22).

Lenin's crime syndicate became more and more powerful, since it was supported by international bankers and in the beginning also by the German government. On the 18th of May 1918, the German Foreign Minister Richard von Kiihlmann sent a telegram to Ambassador Wilhelm von Mirbach in Moscow: "Spend large amounts, since it is in our interest that the Bolsheviks remain in power." On the 3rd of June 1918, Mirbach reported that he needed 3 million marks for this purpose. On the 6th of July 1918, the Bolshevik terror regime was about to collapse in connection with the revolt of the Social Revolutionaries but was saved by the German troops and not by "Latvian riflemen" as the official propaganda claimed. (Akim Arutiunov, "The Phenomenon Vladimir Ulyanov/Lenin", Moscow, 1992, p. 13.)

The Jewish Communist leaders from Soviet Russia arranged a May Day demonstration in 1919 in the capital of Latvia, Riga, where they had erected several obelisks decorated with Masonic symbols and a pyramid crowned with the all-seeing eye that contained secret Masonic symbols. These extremely rare photographs demonstrate the link between the highest- ranking Communists and the hidden network of the Illuminati. A few weeks after this demonstration (May 22) the German Landeswehr (army) crushed the Soviet occupation in Riga.
The German government spent a total of 50 million marks on the Bol- sheviks, according to the Jewish socialist politician Eduard Bernstein in Germany (Vorwarts, 14th of January 1921). After World War Two, American soldiers found the archives of the German Foreign Ministry in the Harz Mountains. The archive contained documents from the years 1876-1920. Some of these papers were published in the periodical International Affairs in London in 1957. In the same year, the collection of documents "Lenin's Return to Russia", edited by Werner Halweg, was published in Holland.

Communism was an ideology, which depended on violence to survive. The truth needs no violence. Meanwhile, the Communist system only encouraged the lowest of all human mentalities. Bandits ruled the good. This reign brought about the spiritual death of the Russian society. This was the very aim of the Illuminati. This time their terror was called revolution, and this time it was a huge one. The Communists primarily propagated class-war and hatred, by which means the people were turned into a rabble, a herd. The Czech author Karel Capek declared that the Soviet system was an attempt to tear the human world to pieces and achieve total international confusion. Nature had to be subdued - it was regarded as an enemy. Their central slogan was: "We need no alms from nature, we will take from nature!" In that way the Bolsheviks began a massive campaign of environmental destruction. It was Lenin who, on the 21st of December 1920, gave orders to irrigate the area around the Aral Sea with artificial canals. Through this decision, he ordered the destruction of the Aral Sea. This salt-lake has almost dried up today and the surrounding land is poisoned with high levels of salt and chemicals.

Lenin also wanted other countries under his sway. That was why he ordered Maxim Litvinov (Hennokh Wallakh) and Theodor Rothstein to begin preparations for an international infiltration net. Lenin financed that operation with diamonds found during the plunder of Russia. Comintern decided in 1919 that they would convert all the European nations into Soviets. The Masonic Bolsheviks made attempts in Hungary, Bavaria, Slovakia. The Jewish Spartacist leadership in Germany also attempted to impose a red dictatorship. Eventually their powers focused on the under- developed China.

Lenin asserted that internationalism meant that one must support the revolutionary movement in all nations, without exception. (Lenin,

"Collected Works", Vol. 30, p. 170.) This was, of course, true imperialism. Karl Radek stated in a similar vein that: "Communists all over the world must also be Russian patriots, since Russia is the only nation ruled by the working class."

Pravda wrote on December 25, 1918: "Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania disturb our penetration of Western Europe. They cut Soviet-Russia off from revolutionary Germany. Such an obstruction must be annihilated. The Baltic ports would give us the opportunity to speed up the revolutionary development in Scandinavia."

It seems clear that Lenin hoped to introduce the Communist system in Germany too. Another Jewish "revolutionary" and freemason, Karl Kautsky, was opposed to this. The leading German freemasons had entirely different plans for Germany. Lenin, of course, was extremely angry with Kautsky and called him a renegade. Lenin, at this point, had to re-draw his plans for world revolution. He had founded a special orga- nisation for this very purpose - Comintern (The Third International). Its executive organ became the International Red Aid. The best Comintern agent was the Jewish Communist Jacob Kirchstein, according to the defected GRU general, Valter Krivitsky (actually Schmelka Ginsberg). Lenin gave 50 million roubles to Comintern in November 1919 to finance subversive action abroad, according to a secret report, which has now been released.

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