Course work theme: technology in education teaching listening

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Regularity of classes
Constant practice is the key to success. Half an hour of daily activities will be more useful than a three-hour lesson once a week. Listening to a foreign text should be given at least some time every day. This significantly speeds up the learning process. If your level of knowledge allows, you can listen to songs and watch movies, TV shows and TV shows. Podcasts are also very useful-short audio releases on various topics, which discuss language phenomena, traditions and Customs, society, news, etc. Another method that deserves attention is listening to audiobooks in the background. That is, you do not need to try to learn and understand absolutely everything. You will gradually get used to the sound of English speech.
What to pay attention to when preparing for exams?
If you are working with texts in a textbook, pay attention to the name of the lesson, pictures and a list of questions before listening. Try to understand and predict what exactly you will hear. This will help you tune your brain to perceive the information you need.
If you need to take the unified state exam (English), you need to work out a close listening, like any other question, and prepare long before the exam. When preparing, try to recreate the conditions that will be in the exam:
Try to complete the task in a limited time.
Use speakers, not headphones.
Since this is a task listening session, take the time not only to listen, but also to fill out the forms.
Read the questions carefully, because most often mistakes arise from misunderstanding the task.39
If possible, find out approximate topics in advance and find the necessary guides. Start preparing early, regardless of whether you take a Grade 11, IELTS, or TOEFL listening exam.

Conclusion on chapter two
Tone and intonation of speech. Many people who learn English without speaking to native speakers transfer the intonation of their native language to foreign speech. To fully master another language, you need to know not only the grammatical system, general pronunciation rules and vocabulary. Mastering the emotional side of communication is also very important.
Pronunciation. Despite the fact that all lexical units are accompanied by a transcription in almost any English dictionary, it is not possible to convey all the nuances using a graphic reproduction of sound features. Many moments can only be understood and felt through practice, listening and repetition.
Ambiguity. English words have many meanings and uses. Listening is a way to help you understand the use of words through concrete examples.
Language assumption. When communicating in their native language, everyone can fill in the missing information if they don't hear something. It is this skill that should be acquired by learning a foreign language. Another aspect is the ability to predict the meaning of a new lexical item from the context, as well as by understanding the structure of the language.

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