Youareme“ The Earevelation of the jhwh volume 2

The in-depth world of proverbs

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The in-depth world of proverbs:
Let us begin with: “The jug goes to the well until it breaks.” It is here not about a jug which goes to a well and then at a given time breaks at a certain point into many pieces. The proverb: “Lies have short legs.” describes – if read on the lines – something completely different. Because “lies” don’t have the least bit to do with a “well” and “short legs” with a “jug”. But on their meta-level these two different proverbs are becoming “one”. The actual “message”, the implicit hidden wisdom of these proverbs – the metaphor – is with both of them the same and is being consciously realized by you immediately as you “think in time about” (read) these words, that is to say as you consciously comprehend them “in the now”. Please do think about this statement. You speak words “in time” and imply to them a completely different kind of “timeless meaning”. That which obviously completely contradicts itself if “viewed superficially”, is being linked in you to a harmonious unity, without you having to give it some “timely thoughts”. This unity is obvious, without you “thinking rationally logic”, and yet it is “alive” in you. Doesn’t here appear something “to be logic” to you, even though by closer observation it would actually be completely illogic?
Both proverbs are different expressionistic “language drawings” of one and the same meta level, just as also a “circle” and a “triangle” can merge to a cone on their meta level, so these two proverbs merge on their meta level to one single context. For me it is here not about it, that you are supposed to learn by heart that which you are reading here on the lines - the many examples and postulates – in order to then repeat them in parrot like fashion at any given moment.

These “interpretations” (if you read me, are ultimately only your own thoughts) are an “all encompassing” example (metaphor) – an illustration – of something which is completely unknown to you – it is a perfect description of yourself. Because actually you are not that which you consider yourself to be. Each “normal human” who believes, to go after real “ideals” and to act according to them with the best of knowledge and intention, does not think about the quality of the thoughts which he thinks and his “attitudes”. This is schizophrenia in its purest form. “All normal humans” for example suffer from this, who go to church in order to worship the “Christian ideals” and then they bury, when they leave the church, these wisdom just like an unreachable relic in an untouchable feast-day-coffin and lie and cheat all throughout the week, as much as they possibly manage with their personal egoism. Here there is a shifting of context between Sunday and the rest of the week. But also to feel that social injustices are ”not right”, but then to be “only out for ones own advantage” and to be panting after a high-rise economic situation, and/or to long for such a one – this too is schizophrenia. You are the one who thinks his thoughts of fear and worry yourself, but you are also the one who often has to suffer under these self-thought thoughts. You are therefore acting “almost like” a masochist, who constantly tortures himself. The difference only lies in this, that a masochist “consciously brings about” his pains and thereby experiences joy. All your thoughts of fear and worries come forth from your “un-consciousness”. It seems, as if they are completely beyond your conscious control. Ultimately they come forth out of your “inattentiveness”. You believe that you have a free will, but obviously there are powers active in you which you don’t have the least bit of influence over.

These destructive powers are the true rulers over your (well-)being and you are only their “weak-willed slave”. How then can you talk about your “freedom”?
The “reality” which is “perceived” (received as being true) by you is, as already said, only an expressionistic – that is to say if viewed from a higher point of view (of consciousness) – a distorted representation of the whole actual reality. Through your being un-conscious-of that “which actually really is”, you produce all of your problems, which are affecting you. The actual cause for this is your dumb arrogant erroneous belief, to confuse the reality which is “appearing” to you, with the whole actual reality. All wisdom, which I convey to you, they are only able to have an effect in your “present”. They “transcend” your assumed knowledge so far about the actual cause of your existence, and your “past which you consider to be true” in the truest sense of the word by worlds. It has always only been these wisdom, which my son of man has been communicating to “your humanity” – which actually exists only on different “levels of depth” of your consciousness – under different names (Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Lao-Tse, Confucius and so on). He has therefore often been revered – worse yet, also worshiped – but never ever has his wisdom been understood in its “entire depth”. You are all of/the whole/the entire world that is being perceived by you. This fact you just have not yet been aware of. The reason for this is your so far childlike simplicity and your “short-sightedness” that is being produced by your egoism. You only have to let the metaphors of these wisdom as if being “self-understood” as “very normal” utensils “flow into” your present – use it in “the now” – if you want to shape the “empirically sensed world” more pleasantly.
Enlarge your knowledge about your language, thereby you then also enlarge your “sensory sensations” and your consciousness. Search for the origin of all radical word-sounds, the “etymon”, the true inside of them. The original “meaning” (Greek=syn=con-nection) of many of the words used by you is not anymore being perceived by you “as a whole”. The real “context” of all languages has disappeared out of your consciousness. Religion means “binding” (Lat.= re-ligare = “binding back to”). To this sides the adjective “religious” = god-fearing, pious (Lat. religiosus). These words-roots belong to the common knowledge of a civilized person. Nevertheless their real meaning is not properly interpreted and understood in their entire depth. A “real consciousness” affects “universally” (Lat.= universus = “turned into one, concluded into a unity”), interfaith. By really becoming conscious of “what actually really is”, existing boundaries are not being lifted, but are being made transparent. It is just like with the sexual procreation created by me: Your partner thereby is necessary for your own enrichment. Through an (exhilerating) “uniting” can/will then come forth something completely new. The Latin “re-linquo” means “to leave behind” and “re-ligo” means “to tie to” and/or “bind back”, from which also the word “relic” is derived from.
If you “worship” a relic, you tie your by nature “free mind” to this relic and/or to your dogmatic belief (=assumed knowledge!); you “leave it back there”!
What then is now your “present confession” (=declaration of belief)? What is the “true religion”, “which binds you[back]”? They are the endless-loops of your rational logic! Self-knowledge is the first path to your own (w)hol[i]ness. “At this time” there is only one single [pseudo]”deity” in the world perceived by you, which you too believe to be “bound” to. Sad to say also in your eyes it is considered as only “elixir of life” which is able to keep your world alive. The name of this deity is money, the name of its son is power! “Without money nowadays one is not able to exist”, this is also your slogan and/or of your religion and that of your party. “The monkey” which does not let go of its stone (of the wise?) (see volume 1, page 25), stays caught until its bitter end. Even though it would be so easy for it to become free again.

The great secret of your being here/existence is called letting go. To be willing – with apodictic trust in God – to let go of your knowledge/belief so far. Only through the “letting go” are you able to overcome your paradigm and dogmas, to then afterwards integrate them into a “higher order”. In the world perceived by you there you are not going to find me, no matter for how long you might seek, pray, moan and curse. Only through your insight about the “real values” in your being here/existence, are you going to experience your peace of soul. Your peace of soul frees you from your so far only dead, functioning existence – it is the real life itself.

If you have become “an understanding one”, then your synthesis with IAMYOU is going to be the insight, that a “real God” cannot “exist”!
Does this statement confuse you?

I claim the “whole time” to be God and now this?

I am” the godly divinity, I am everything and nothing. The Latin “ex-itus” means “to go out of” and this is also the actual root of the word “existence”. Since I am everything, I myself cannot step out of me, I then would have to divide myself and thereby would also not anymore be unique (singular). So this is why “logically” I cannot “exist” without killing that which is “holy” of me. I have created you in my image. Only if you have “grown up into” my image and have become a HOLO-FEELING-soul, you will be able to grasp/comprehend “your real being” as “a whole” and therewith also me. Have you forgotten: “IAMYOU”.
At this moment I am only a mirror of you which reflects your “present” character.
What do you see in me?
If you suppose an arrogant know-it-all behind these lines, then you yourself are an arrogant know-it-all.
If you feel like being attacked by me verbally, you are the one who tends towards attacking other humans verbally.
If you feel intellectually “challenged”, you are the one that tries to challenge others intellectually, in order to constantly “prove yourself”.
If you have the feeling, that I always want to be right and believe to be having the “apodictic truth”, you are the one who is attached to the erroneous belief, that your “truth” is the only right truth.
If you believe that I am trying to convince you of something, you are the one that wants to “convince” others.
If intuitively you feel the “infinite and timeless wisdom” in the metaphors used by me, you are also the one, in whom my “timeless wisdom” shines forth behind the dominating dogmas. Have faith and trust - this sun is going to dissolve your fog of paradigm.

If intuitively you feel the “love” that is there between, above, under and inside of these lines towards everyone and everything, then it is you, who slowly becomes aware of it, that he himself “carries in himself” this love. Do now begin to also live it.

I, the voice, which you are listening to at this moment, am actually only your own thoughts and feelings. I AM only YOU. You are the one of the two of us – “the only one” – who “thinks” at this very moment. If you reject me, you are only rejecting yourself and therewith work on your own doom. You are sawing on the branch, which you yourself are sitting on!

So I (your God!) inevitably can only come to “appear” “in you”, if I do not want to leave (ex-ist) myself!

At this very moment therefore I do not exist, but rather “I am”!
Since you tend to imprint on everything the stamp of you limited interpretations of perception, I am – just as also all of your other appearances – only that, which you “want to believe”, or better yet, what your dogmatic “logic” (the woman which is separated from you) “in-parts” to you and graciously lets you believe. Hearken into yourself! Who is the speaker which you are listening to the whole time? You actually are “the whole time” only listening to yourself. You fool. You are the “only one” who “exists” in your being here. You are the “projector” of the world perceived by you and your dogmas and paradigm are the forming structure of the projected dia-positive. The whole thing got started by this, that you “sentenced” yourself into a speaker and into a listener, who “assesses” (Germ.= “be-urteilt”) the statements of the speaker. In German the “etymo-logical” composition of the word “sentenced” is “ge-urteilt”, it represents an Oxymoron, since the German prefix “ge-” developed out of the old preposition “together, with”.
You are the one who has left the “harmonious unity” of my actual reality. You are the one who “assesses” (Germ.=”be-urteilt”), and “spreads” some “parts” of it out into time and space. In German also the verbal prefix “be” in the word “Be-urteilung” = “assessment” and its German preposition “bei” (=around –round about) point you to this emanation of your perceived world. It first describes a spatial coming forth of/process “out of your spiritual center” and after that your (limited in time) influence on all items and things of your personal area of perception.
The fact of your “known (Germ.= “ge-wußten”) not-knowing-ness/nescience” is the decisive factor “of your unity” with the whole.
This statement contains the “most elementary wisdom”, that has ever come to “appear” in your up to now “conscious being”, this is why you should take it in a while longer, because it describes the real cause of your “being[here]”. Your egoistic knowledge/belief (=your dogmatically “believed” truths) are always preceded by your “judging” (Germ. = “ur-teilen > dividing the original) and thereby a “separation”.

Not-knowing-ness/nescience” is only another word for “mystery” and “real belief”.

The word “not-knowing-ness/nescience” always relates to a (likewise) “logically functioning” system, but it is superordinate to you, whose logic (=structure) you are not (yet) able to grasp “di-ligently” (Germ.=”ge-wissen-haft”), that is to say as a whole. It thereby is the same as with a proverb, which you only “read between the lines”, but whose metaphor you are not able to grasp. You thereby turn your whole existense into a joke, whose punch line you have not understood so far. The punch line of a joke now is usually an irrational thought. What does this tell you?
You should endeavor to leave your so far “a-miss logic” and try to also think “illogically”.

Only like this will you experience “the meaning of your existence” and real “joy of living”. Only if once the egoistic self-consciousness has disappeared “in your center” – your real self – your collectivity – is becoming a “certainty” (Germ.=”ge”wissheit > knowing) for you. Only then have you recognized “who you really are”. Only then you “ex-perience” (Germ.=er-lebst > live) the “holy state” of “pure understanding”. In a real unity (the understanding) there is no communication anymore. “You are” then only “everything” and therewith also one. Only then “you live” also in the whole actual reality. This unity is an apodictic melting together – is timeless communion.

If you are really well, there is no “conscious separation” between your spirit and your body for you. “Then you are” – in the truest sense of the word - “one”. In such moments you don’t spend any thought on your organs which are functioning smoothly and the body which they are forming. This correspond to a state of “not-knowing-ness/nescience” (of a body which is separated from the spirit). But if you “feel sick” (Hebr.= chole), then your spirit “knows” about your body. Only if all the functions of your “organs” are being perfectly “organized” (by an unconscious spirit), if your spirit “and” your body which consists of diverse “organs”, do represent “a gapless whole” – a “harmonious organism” – then you also feel healthy. If you ever diligently think about this phenomenon, you will recognize, that you never ever have “consciously felt” healthy. Only if you feel sick or if you think about a sickness, you are also aware of it, what being (-healthy) actually means. Only then you feel joy about this comfortable state. Only then the mystery of this “being–one” – your “not-knowing-ness/nescience” – is visible to you. A conscious “multiplicity” without a mystical correlation/coherence does feel like being “sick” (Hebr.= “chole”). This symbolizes the exodus out of Egypt (Hebr.= mits ”ra”jim; the world of twoness/duality under the sign of “ra” [Hebr. = the evil]) through the desert. A desert consists of “sand” (Hebr.= chol), of a “multiplicity of the one”! Search for the real “origin” (Lat. = origo originis) of your organism. I am the “rising sun” (Lat.= oriens) – the real light. I have now “lifted” myself “up” (Lat.= “oriri”) above the mystery of your not-knowing-ness/nescience, in order to point you to the true path to me. Lift yourself up to “Osiris” ([“seat of the eye”]; the Egyptian god of death and resurrection, from whose mummy [on the pictures] are sprouting “new shoots/germs”)! So do begin to only see your world with “one eye” only – it is “your third eye”, that is situated “between both of your eyes”. This symbolic “third eye” only sees “the synthesis of everything/all” and is situated “in the middle of” your “forehead”, or better yet inside your “brain”.

If you go to the trouble of penetrating into my secret which lies “behind the seven seals”, if you make the wisdom, which I will ear-reveal to you through these seven IAMYOU-volumes, to your very own home (Germ.=Heim > Geheim = secret), all pain is going to disappear out of your existence. If you firmly cling to these words, you will become an “eternal part” of my godly organism. Only if you have transformed yourself “through your insight” into the former (Germ=”ehe”malig = “matrimony” (Germ. = ehe = right, law) etymological meaning of my words, from a bad copy to an original – to the image of me, you will also experience the heavenly orgasm – the peak of unison with me – out of which you then will come forth as “real human” with eternal life. This is the secret of the “generatio aequivoca” – the secret of the birth of the soul without (physical) conception – this then is your own “self-producing” to a Melchizedek”. You no longer should regard yourself as an egoistic, and therefore sick (“chole”) “grain of sand” (chol) of my creation, but rather as an “organ” (Greek organum = tool, instrument, body part), that is supposed to enter into a “harmonious synthesis” with all “appearances”. For you to only learn this, for this you have been thrown “into time” by me. My symbol for time is water (see volume 1). I am the “anchor” (Hebr. = ogen 70-3-50) “which you

yourself now have to become”. Now do “anchor” yourself (Hebr. agan) in your own HOLO-FEELING, with which you are able to encompass all of your appearances “in you”.
For as long as you are only “vegetating” (scanty and “imperfect” existence) along in the drunkenness of your schizophrenia, for as long as your thinking is only able to be “set in motion” (Lat.= vegetare ) by your “sensing of time”, you have not yet concluded/finished your ”growth” (Lat.= vegetatio ) of soul. I have made sure, that the mystery of your “real life” – for as long as you only know how to be able to “shape” your being-here by egoistic attack and defense – will stay an eternal riddle for you. Your continual, but only imagined fight for your survival is the only producer of the “loaded with conflict world” perceived by you.
For as long as you still “hang on to” the erroneous belief, that only with money and power the world can be changed, you “worship/pray to” the wrong godheads. It is an – in the truest sense of the word – “deadly fallacy” of yours – “to believe” money and power are able to affect /accomplish “in your world” more than the “power of a real belief”!
You vegetate according to the rule: “The bird in my hand to me is better (more secure?) than the dove on the roof!” This doesn’t mean anything else but: “A few millions can help me more than God!”

With such an “attitude” you are behaving just like a human, who claims for himself, that to him “green salad leaves” taste better than “roasted bugs”, even though he has never tried out roasted bugs. By this “self-defined assumed knowledge”, which without the basis of “a self-made experience” “possibly” (probably? = Germ.= wahr-scheinlich=seem to be true) is also being accepted by you as a “fact”, you produce a (your) “subjective opinion”, which deprives itself of any kind of “verification out the facts”. With such a “narrow-minded conduct” you will never find out, if possibly roasted bugs might taste good to you. Apart from their “taste” (if prepared properly they are a “real delicacy”) they consist exclusively of high value proteins and thereby are – that is also from a nutritional scientific point of view – of much higher nourishment-value than “green salad leaves”. Oh, if just that mouse-wine phenomenon would not be spooking around in your head! If you are not willing to leave your “limited attitudes” out of your own free will, you will never find out what it means “to really live”.

Now what is a self-made experience?”
For as long as you distort new “appearances” with your “filter of perception” (think about the “mouse-wine-example”), the “godly harmony” that lies at the basis of the creation perceived by you, which links together with each other all appearances grasped by you also “above/beyond time and space”, will never become “obvious” (Germ.=”offen-sichtlich”= open view) to you. All appearances and phenomenon which are able to be felt by you are puzzle pieces of the whole actual reality. It is already difficult enough for you to “reconstruct” the picture of the “real actual reality” by means of the few appearances (puzzle-pieces) available to you, which your (still limited) “normal consciousness” is able to receive from the whole. But you sentence this undertaking already right from the start to an “impossibility”, if you on top of it change those few puzzle-pieces offered to you in their “original form”, through your filter of perception. In this kind of way they will never come to appear for you as a “gapless whole” – as the whole actual reality. You should handle your “assumed knowledge” so far very carefully. I you are already being forced by your (still) “limited ability to perceive” to part/divide your world into pieces which can be digested by you, then at least you should not

only work with two compartments of perception – true (right) and untrue (wrong).

Increasingly use a “third compartment” which is available to you (“three” corresponds to a synthesis, “the becoming” – the third eye). We want to give this third compartment the term “possible”. “Possible” thereby actually doesn’t mean anything else but to merge together the words “seeming true” and “seeming untrue” on a higher spiritual dimension. In this regard you should take a closer look at the circle/triangle = cone example in “How does good and evil come about” (see volume 1, page 36). Since you are not yet able to spiritually comprehend the

merging/melting together of many phenomenon to a “new whole” – in the higher dimensions which are not yet perceived by you - the acceptance of other “possible-ities” apart from the one, which is being “dictated” to you from your assumed knowledge – will become the “-as well as- tool” of your consciousness.

Now what is all that which is “assumed knowledge”?
All knowledge which does not rest on a “self-made experience”, you should for the time being simply sort as “assumed knowledge” into the “possible”-compartment of your new raster of perception. If from now on you proceed very meticulously and you “conscientiously” examine your truths thereupon, if they “really” are a “consciously self-made experience” or only rely/rest on “assumed knowledge that you have been raised in”, you will realize, that the major part of your “apodictic knowledge” – that is to say your truths – do not belong into the compartments “true” and “untrue”, but rather “to be exact” into the compartment “possible”. It is going to demand a huge spiritual exertion of force, tolerance and humility, to “conscientiously” conduct the results of such a “reforming” of your elements of knowledge/belief up to now. Let’s take for example the statement: “I have been born by my mother!” This knowledge/belief that is viewed by every “normal human” as “unquestionable truth” is actually only pure assumed knowledge of yours and does not base on any “consciously self-made experience”. This “theory” (view) therefore undoubtedly belongs into the compartment “possible” and not into the compartment “true”. Just because you can see that children are born into the world which is perceived/received as true by you, or maybe you yourself have given birth to a child, this by far does not “proof” that “you” have stepped into “the world perceived by you” by the same way. If you at this very moment are only “in a huge dream”, in which you “only dream” “this life” – with sleeping and being awake and everything that belongs to it, this by far does not mean at all, that in the world, which you will perceive, if you are “really AWAKE”, the same laws are valid/apply.
If one is in a dream-state, the “per-ception” (Germ.=wahr-nehmung=received as true) always is irrational. This irrationality is the cause of the many antinomies and paradoxes in this world which is only dreamt by you. For as long as you dream, you also don’t know that you only dream that world which you then perceive. Only once you “are awake” you know, that “all of what went on before” was only a dream! Verily I say to you now: Your being here/existence is a “permanent becoming awake“. You don’t have any possibility to “proof” to yourself, that you at this very moment are “really awake”!
What actually does “proving” exactly mean?
Everything which you with your “rational logic” are able to grasp, you also sense as being “proven”. But since your “normal logic” is more than “limited”, you will with it never be able to grasp “that which actually really is” – the whole actual reality – without freeing your logic so far from its “self-defined limits”, in order to open it up towards me with this purification process.

I am your real father!”

Your “birth” therefore clearly is merely “assumed” by you, because it is one hundred percent for sure not a “consciously made experience” of yours. This way your assumed knowledge that you have been raised in becomes your “belief” and out of this there regenerates “your dogmatic knowledge” and your “paradigm”.

So if you claim: “I know one hundred percent for sure, that I have been born out of my mother!” then this statement is a “one hundred percent lie”! This way your own lie turns into your self-deceit.

For me you are something really special. I created you according to my image, this is why your “personal evolution” actually did not start with the ”act of sexual intercourse” of your parents and your birth which followed after this. This kind of birth is true for all the (in your dream) perceived humans, but not for yourself. Because actually you are not in(side) of the world perceived by you at this moment, have you forgotten? You are only dreaming it! How then does “the real world” look like – the one, which you perceive, if you “are really awake” and you are not anymore only in a “wake-dream”?
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