Youareme“ The Earevelation of the jhwh volume 2

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7 Sajin z „The weapon“

The Sajin is spoken as a vocalized „S“ and it is the sign for the number 7. As symbol it means „the weapon“. In my creation account I always use the formula: „And it was evening and it was morning, the…day.“. At the „seventh“ day however I have omitted this formula. Why this then? Because the seventh day for you has not yet ended. The seventh day „is your world“ – the entire reality perceived by you as time/space. Your world is the world of the sword, of the weapon, not only because one kills there, but because there one constantly occupies oneself only with „the opposites“. The increasing of the spiritual multiplicity which you encounter there, shows you that in my creation there is – besides the „creating of something new“ by/through the six – also an increasing with exactly the opposite character - that is the fragmenting. The hieroglyph of Sajin is a small hatchet (for fighting). If you chop up something, then you also create a „multiplicity“, but not anything new. In your world no one is satisfied with what he has, everyone always longs for something new. Your „world of matter“ is not in order (o.k.), even though with your shortsighted consciousness it might sometimes appear to you as being harmonious, because it is lacking that which is „de-cisive“ – the head – „the spiritual world beyond“.

Each body consists of „eight“ parts. If you divide the size of your body from top to bottom into „eight parts“ of equal size, the „eighth part“ corresponds exactly to your head, and the first „seven“ are all the rest. Your soul finds itself „at this time“ in a body (the world) without head. But all the functions of „the organs“ of an „organism“ are ultimately directed by the „head“. Since there is no „meaningless functions“ in any body, therefore also in your world there are no coincidences. If all cells and organs „work together“ in harmony under the direction of the head (=spirit/God?), you are confronted with a healthy (whole/holy) „living creature“. The saying: „In a healthy body there lives a healthy spirit!“ is a twisting of the „original fact“. Only a healthy creative spirit is capable of producing a harmoniously functioning body. Now if you expand this „symbolic body“ in your imagination – to a family, to a community, to a country, to a peoples, the earth, all the way to the entire cosmic world, you will have to recognize and to accept this elementary law as well.

Harmony in only another word for my „godly synthesis“; it describes „the will“ of a multiplicity to a unity.

No individual should thereby be disregarded. It is here about a „uniting“, where nothing and nobody is allowed to lose its individuality. To the opposite! Only through this uniting „each single one“ is going to become aware of the important function of his „personal individuality“.
As an „awakened soul“ you will become aware of your own „nothingness“, but also of your „godly greatness“ and the „power and responsibility“ that is linked to it.
Let’s have a closer look at these words with this example: Imagine, that you would be „the appendix“ in a body. You were called by creation to a particular „being“ – namely to be an appendix – and with this you also have to fulfill a particular function in your existence. So first of all it is important that you are becoming conscious of what the „actual task/assignment“ of your „appendix-being“ consists of. If you fulfill your function „to the full satisfaction of everyone/all“, you „experience“ a „harmonious existence“ in a „harmonious surrounding“.
I now want to show you your „nothingness“ and your „godly greatness“. If you small appendix (=Germ. Blinddarm=blind intestine) think too highly of yourself and „in you“ an ego gets „inflamed“, you represent a „source of conflict“ for „the whole“. Do thereby not only consider the body, in which you live, as „the whole“, but also all the areas which are connected/linked to this body. A small appendix has the power to influence the whole world and to get it all whirled up. It thereby does not matter at all „whose body“-part it is. If it gets a statesman flat on his back, the complete „political climate“ of a country, yes even the earth, can change, but also the “the messing up of“ an inconspicuous body of a child, according to the „butterfly principle of chaos mathematics“, has the same far reaching consequences, even though „delayed in time“. Since everything is linked to everything, and I am here not only talking about „the invisible world“, it is crucial for the over-all harmony, that each „form of being“ also fulfills the task which it „has to fulfill“ in the most optimal way. So you are in charge of an unimaginable power, but also carry the responsibility linked to it, no matter if now you are an appendix or a human being. Each „form of being“ has to fulfill its „function in the whole“. Now what then is the actual purpose/task of an appendix? Very simple: „It is not supposed to get inflamed“! Only if it does not „consider itself as too important“, it fulfills its „importance“ – which is necessary for the harmony of the whole. Only by your own „humility“ – this is „self-awareness“ about how important „you“ are for the harmony of „the whole“ – then harmony is

also going to prevail in the world which you perceive. But if you „consider yourself as being

too important“ – if your „ego has gotten inflamed“ – and you try to sunbathe yourself in the twilight of this „inflammation“, which you confuse with your „enlightenment“, then „you“, and therewith also your body and everything which is linked to it – namely the whole world – is „sick“. Now what is it that humans do with an „egoistic appendix“ that considers itself as being too important? They simply „remove“ it, since an appendix – in relation to the harmonious functioning of a body – is completely „unimportant“. So actually it should consider it as a gift of god, that it exists „at all“ and that it is allowed to be a part of this „organism“.

And what does my creation do with an „egoistic human“ who considers himself as being too important? It simply lets him „die“. Egoists only bring “unrest” into the godly harmony of the whole. The task of your being here now is to consciously recognize your own „nothingness“, but also „your importance“, and to „dissolve“ this paradox of your „being here“ in a synthesis. This „fulfilling“ corresponds to the „liberation of your own individuality“. This insight is the key for „your eternal life“! For as long as you integrate yourself into my „godly harmony“, and you fulfill the tasks which I have assigned to you in this „being here“ to „the satisfaction of the whole“, you will “grow eternally” and will climb up my godly ladder of hierarchy of life all the way to the top. This is how out of a small appendix „with a head“ there develops also a „heart for the whole“ and out of this a „real human“. This real human will now in turn find „in himself“ the whole world, in whose infinite harmony he is able to delight himself in – in such a way as you are still not yet able to imagine.

The seven is the stupendous, incomparable life. In this seventh phase you feel my godly breath of the becoming one. The path through the wilderness/desert in Exodus describes the path through the seven, the multiplicity. It is the second phase in your „becoming a human“. The first phase corresponds to the six – the level of the genes und of the womb of the mother. The third phase that is yet to come is that of the holy eight – the kingdom of heaven. But you are still in the world of multiplicity, which seems to be standing opposite of you as „materialized reality“ and whose „scenario“ only „you“ are capable of influencing by your own conduct. The concrete which is perceived by you is subject to constant transformation, to the volatile /changeable. Are you at this moment someone else then who you were at the age of five? Yes and no! Also with this question you are confronted with the multi-dimensionality of your being, which you are not yet able to grasp/conceive as a whole. This yes/no corresponds to the two- dimensional circle/triangle perception of a cone. And just as in „a cone“, where circle and triangle „dissolve“ into a higher quality, the same way you too will – if your consciousness has grown – sense/feel all of your moments of being here as „a whole“. Thereby not only the „moments of existence“ of this being here, but also the ones of all your other existences are going to consciously merge/melt „in your now“. If your consciousness has reached this point of „perception“, then you too have grown up into a son of man – according to my image.
The essence of the seven is movement, this is also made obvious in the ancient hieroglyph, which depicts the rudder of a moving ship in the water. The propelling power between a beginning and an end is the tension which makes you grow. Your path began in Egypt (mizrajim), the world of duality, and drives you through the desert, the seven, towards your perfection. With your „spiritual movement“ you are fragmenting beginning (Alpha 1) and end (Omega 8) – which are „in you“ in a constant/perpetual“ state of calm – „as time“ towards the outside. Your being here corresponds to the arraying in sequence and the interlinking of moments of diverse kinds of colorits (shade differences of color), of small and great cycles, which constantly interlock with each other and influence each other. You are „going through” it, by constantly starting something new and finishing it. And again we are coming across a paradox:

You are afraid of standing still and yet you long for peace and calm!
Life is a constant battle with death!

Movement is a constant battle against stillness!
Does it have to be like that? Life is only another word for movement (and/or for time) and calm/stillness for death. Without question you too are longing for calm/rest. But once you have found it „for a short time“, you get bored „way too fast“ and you then try to kill your „sensing of time“ (in this state of calm) with all possible means. Obviously also the state of calm/quiet (death?) contains a sensing of time, that your rationality which is only geared to space and time does not yet know what to do with. This paradox has its origin in your not knowing that I have given you two diverse kind of ways to think into your „spiritual cradle“. So far you „mainly“ only use one side of your „spiritual balance“ (Germ.=Waage > “Wiege“=cradle). You first and foremost only think „space/time logically“ with the „left“ side of this scale and therefore produce in you a spiritual imbalance. But your spirit also has the possibility to think intuitively and timeless. Timeless thinking means to think with the heart, which in an awakened human soul is in the „right“ place. So I am here not talking about the „right and the left side of the brain“ which is known to you from brain research, but rather about mind-thinking and heart-thinking. The absolute speed which your spirit is able to reach, corresponds to a „pure being“ (=pure spiritual light). This „state“ you are only able to reach with/in your heart. To be able to „experience“ this spiritual state, first of all your sluggish/idle space/time „mind thinking“ has to completely come to rest. As a still immature soul this possibility seems just as foreign to you as the colors do to someone who is blind and the sounds to someone deaf. “If I don’t think anymore”, this is what you will think now, „then I am no more, then it is as if I sleep without dreaming“. You see, exactly the opposite is the case, because then you actually are „really awake“ and in the beyond. There certainly is also a „conscious“ – even an „above conscious“ perception. Space and time are experienced as a unity there, because they only consist of your own „spiritual substance“.
For this do observe for an example a fly. It consists of a body and „propeller organs“. As it flies, it seems to you as if there is only a „hazy cloud“ around its body (the fast moving wings). For as long as your only space/time eyes do not have a firm quiescent point, they sense all of what they perceive only blurred. But exactly the other way around it is now with your „spiritual eye“. It has to be in an absolutely space-/timeless movement to be able to grasp actual reality (= your own not knowing) as a whole. The movement of the wings of the fly move the body of the fly through space and time. The movement of the wings correspond thereby to the „perturbation“ (=disturbance in the movement (of an orb) (Germ.= Gestirn > Hirn=brain), that is to say the „confusion“ of your present rational intellectual thinking. The present paradigm of your logic is the cause for the movement of your body assumed at times through the space perceived by you (received as true). Even though the body of the fly seems to be moving through space and time, the wings of the fly thereby only move around its own „central point of rest“ (center of ones own polarity). Only if once the wings (symbolic of your “mind-thinking”) are in a balanced position of rest, the “haze” around the moving fly dissolves. And then what is it that you have in front of your eyes? The unity of the trinity fly, consisting of the “central spiritual body” (symbolizes the wholeness of your being) to which “two wings” are attached, who alone make the existence (=the stepping out) of that being possible by an “alternating/changing of polarity” around its own position of rest. If now you take the “moving wings” (your mind-thinking) as your spiritual static “point of reference”,

inevitably the world around you will appear to you “moving and blurred”. But it is thereby only about a “relative movement”, that you for sure already have come in contact with unconsciously at some time, and that is in a standing train. If a train next to you starts to move, you believe – if you “are inattentive” – that you yourself seem to start moving and this is also how your “until this very day” assumed movement “through your existence” is only a product of your “lack of attention”. Your entire past is, as I have already said a few times, only a figment of your belief and the (mathematically precise) assumed knowledge that results from it. What about it, if once you would try it out with another belief, whose results would grant you a heavenly kingdom on earth.

The real “thinking in the heart” will appear in you only once that complete peace/calm has entered into your mind-thinking (intellectual thinking). What does that mean?
In a soul, in which there is “fear” and “longing”, there is no “real intelligence”!
Only once you do not have anymore any fear of losing something, you are also willing to rebel against all of your dogmas and norms. An intelligent spirit is a searching spirit, which is not satisfied with logical explanations and convictions. It is willing to observe everything with the utmost meticulousness and to question everything “that is only superficially logic”, until everything gets into accordance with itself. The complete “harmony” of all its appearances is its only goal. This spirit is on the search for me. I am the apodictic harmony. Your dogmatic “longing for security” is therefore the root of all of your fears. Each soul that knows the feeling of “fear”, should reconsider anew its “idea of God” so far, because in it there is no “real believe in God” present. If the “God that you worship” allows it, that your whole being here for the major part is only made up of a continual longing for security, of fear and worries, then he cannot be too mighty, or maybe he does not “really” exist and is only a “figment” of your ideology. It thereby does not matter what you call that God, which is supposed to help you (Jesus, lottery win, God, Jaweh, money and so on) and in which way you worship him. I am the only “f-act” (“Tat-sache”) of your being here – “the only real one” - I am everything/ALL!

Only those souls who recognize the “senselessness” of their existence so far and begin to search for me – the “real one” – the only God who also really “works”/”affects” – out of pure love in their hearts, those I will also hear and “visit” (Germ.=heimsuchen=seek home). You too have so far only been a “sanctimonious scribe” who was only able to repeat in parrot-like-fashion the things which have been rammed into you in your parental home and in school. All of this “seeming knowledge” you then have exalted to the only truth, no matter if thereby it was about mystical or natural scientific insights (both produce “religiosity”, that is to say “a binding”) – in an arrogant and impertinent self-glorifying way. For me it does not matter at all if you as a “brainy” (Germ.= “Hirni” (= an inhibited thinker of his own rationality) (from the „left“ INRI) have “bound/tied” your soul to “a cross”, a Buddha statue, paper-money, stocks or a “silver star” (on a radiator hood) and so on and so forth, fact is, you have thereby sold and betrayed me – the real one and only one – and therewith you carry “the mark of the beast on your forehead” (Germ.=Stirn). Your so far sanctimonious “lip services” (=mindlessly recited prayers and “self-referential” whishes”) obviously do not have any sweeping affect in chasing away your fears for good. You can lie to anybody and cheat as much as you want, ultimately you only lie to yourself and harm yourself with it; this is how my real law of all being requires it.

But me you cannot lie to because I know all of your thoughts, which you have ever thought (also the ones of your earlier existences which you are not conscious of) and also the ones which

you are still going to think. You yourself put before yourself “as world” the kind of world which you “determine” with your belief. If it is heaven or hell, this is your own decision. For as long as you are only able to believe in evil and only try to fight it with evil, you are also going to get to “experience” only evil. But if you believe with all of your heart in the power of love and you make the start, to love everything and everybody “selflessly”, without expecting a reward for it, you show me, the “mysterious inconceivable one”, that you are beginning to understand the meaning of my creation. You love only for the sake of love and I will reward you for it more than abundantly. I am the spiritual father of your and also of all the other existences, and I desire from you just like a natural father does, that you do not worship me, but rather esteem me, respect me, love me unconditionally and “most of all trust” me!

You are supposed to love me and your neighbor as you do yourself, this is the only thing which I require of you.
Your new world is only going to be lightened up by “paying attention to” (Germ.=Acht-ung = eight) this simple law. Is it your home already now? Yes and no; because with the eight we have nowhere near reached the end of the primal pictures.

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