Xxix фясил Ibtidai пилляdə Инэилис дили пргорамынын мязмуну Сявиййя 01, 02 (D01, d 02) Тювсийя едилян мязмун

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  1. Грамматика

Грамматиканын тядриси коммуникасийа мягсядляриня хидмят етмялидир. Буна эюря дя контекстля сых ялагядя (контекстдян ayrı дейил) юйрянilмялидир. Грамматик терминляриn дярк етмядян язбярлянмяси вя тясвири/ нязяри cəhətdən мянимsянilмяси тювсийя едилмир. Шаэирд грамматик хцсусиййятляри вя конструксийалары мцшащидя етмяли, танымалы вя дярк етмяли və onlardan kontekstdə istifadə etməlidiр. Бунун цçцн ашаьыдакы шяртляр нязяря алынмалыдыр:

  • Qrammatik materialı həvəsləndirici, aсан мянимсянilян şifahi və ya yazılı kommunikasiya vəziyyətlərində didaktik мятнляр васитясиля юйрятмяк. Bu material yalnız və yalnız mənimsənilən dil materialında cəmləşdirilməlidir.

  • Мцхтялиф фяаллыглар вя çалышмалар тяклиф етмяк.



3.1. Исим


- xüsusi, цмуми - Proper, common;

- Сайылан, сайылмайан –Countable, uncountable; (низамлы/низамсыз формалар)

-Щал –Case (-'s, of-phrase);

-Ядяд –Number (низамлы/низамсыз формалар);


-Мцяййян- Definite;

- Гейри-мцяййян - Indefinite;

-Сыфыр –Zero Мцяййянlik, гейри-мцяййянlik, сыфыр артикллərindəн истифадянин цмуми хцсусиййятляри;

3.4. Сифят


- Мцгайисяли дяряcяляр- Comparison of Adjectives;

qaydalı/qaydasız формалар;

3.5. Сай


- Мигдар - Cardinal;

- Сыра - Ordinal;

3.6. Явязлик


- Шяхси–Personal;

- Ишаря - Demonstrative;

- Мянсубиййят - Possessive;

- Суал – Interrogative;

- Гейри-мцяййян - Indefinite;

-Нисби – Relative;

3.7. Фел Verbs

-Qaydalı/qaydasız фелляр – Regular, irregular;

- əsas, кюмякçи– Main, auxiliary;

-Модал фелляр - Modal Verbs;

-Тясирлик нювцнцн заман формалары

Tense forms - Active voice;

-Present, Past Simple, Will Future (Future Simple);

-Present, Past Continuous;

-Present, Past Perfect;

-Present Perfect Continuous;

-Фелин мяcщул нювцнцн заман формалары Tense forms - Passive Voice;

-Present, Past, Simple;

3.8. Зярф Adverbs

-Йер , заман, дяряcя, гейри-мцяййяn - of time, place, quality, indefinite, etc.;

-Мцгайися дяряcялярi – Comparison of adverbs;

3.9. Sözönü


-Йер , заман истигамят, мигдар,-

of position, time, direction, quantity, etc.;

3.10. Баьлайыcы


-Co-ordinating, subordinating - and, or, so, but, that, because, etc.;

3.11. Ядаt


-no, not, too, only, etc.;

3.12. Cцмля

Sentence types

-Тясдиг, суал, инкар- Affirmative, interrogative, negative;
-Нягли, sual, ямр - Declarative, interrogattive, imperative;
-Sуал cцмляляринин нювляри– Types of questions;
-Садə, мцряккяб табесиз, мцряккяб табели – Simple, compound; complex;
-Шярти cцмляConditional I;Wish sentences;

3.13. Cцмля цзвляри Parts of the Sentence

-Мцбтəдa, хябяр, тамамлыг- –Subject, Verb, Object;



-There is, there are; be going to; used to; be allowed to, etc.;

4. Сосиal мядяниййят вя мядяниййят
Şаэирдляр хариcи дилдя билик səviyyələrini artırana гядяр онлара мялуматı gцрcц дилиндя ютцрмяк олар.

  • Байрамлар вя яняняляр: бир неçя байрам, онларын хцсусиййятляри, декорасийалар, яняняви йемякляр, персонажлар вя с.;

  • Нащар: гида режими, iнэилис (iнэилисдилли) йенийетмянин типик нащары, бир неъя xörəyin адыны çякмяк вя с.;

  • Хидмят: няглиййат нювляри, иcтимаи йыьынcаг йерляри;

  • Бош вахт /яйлянcə/ истиращят: бир неъя яняняви ушаг ойуну, uшаг мащнылары вя шеирляр;

  • Ибтидаи мяктяб: dərs фянляри, tədris мцддяти, мяктябin щяфтяlik вя эцндялик cядвяли, тяtilлярин сайы вя вахтлары

  • Сясlərin тяглиди (ономатопедиyа): Щейванлар, ади сясляр (гуггулу-гу, bах, таk-тuk);

  • Xüsusi адлар вя киъилtmə формаларı;

  • Дювлят рямзляри: байраг;

  • Пайтахт вя онун диггятялайиг йерляри;

  • Инэилисдилли юлкяляр вя онларын пайтахтлары: Бюйцк Британийа, АБШ, Австралийа

XXX Фясил
Baza-орта пиллянин Инэилис дили програмынын мязмуну

I - II Сявиййяляр (С I, С II)
Тювсийя едилян мязмун

Програмын мязмунуну стаnдартда təyin edilən коммуникасийа bacarıqlarının инкишафы цъцн истифадя едилян дил материалы вя сосиal-мядяни mövzuların siyahısı təqdim едир. Siyahı ня мцфяссял, ня дя иcбари ола билмяз. О, tövsiyyə характериni дашыйыр. Siyahını дяйишмяк, явяз етмяк, артырыб azaltmaq olar. Öйряниляси дил матерiалыны вя мядяни тематиканы сеçяркян ашаьыдакы шяртлярin нязяря алынması vacibdir:

  • sтандартда эюстярилян коммуникасийа məsələləri;

  • müасир дил нормалары;

  • yаш хцсусиййятляри вя йенийетмянин мараг даиряси.


  1. 1 Нитг функсийалары

  2. Лексика

  3. Грамматика

  4. Сосиal мядяниййят вя мядяниййят

1. Нитг функсийалары

1.1. Сосиал мцнасибятляр

1.2. Мялумат мцбадиляси

1.3. Тясвир/характеризя етмяк

1.4. Зювг/гиймятляндирмя

1.5. Ещтийаc/истяк/тялябат

1.6. Щиссляр/емосионал реаксийалар/щиссиййaтлaр

1.7. Заманда истигамятляnmə

1.8. Мяканда истигамятляnmə

1.9. Мянтиги ялагяляр

1.10. Иcазя/ющдялик/гадаьа

1.11. Синиф отаьында интераксийа

  1. Нитг функсийалары


Лингвистик gerçəkləşdirmə нцмуняляри

1.1. Сосиaл мцнасибятляр

Саламлашма/щал-ящвал тутма

-Hello!/Hi!/Hello everybody!
-Good morning /afternoon/evening!
-Morning mum/dad!
-How are you? I’m fine, and you?
-Fine, thanks/Not very well.


-Good-bye! /Bye! /Bye-bye!
-Good night!

-I’ll see you! /See you! / See you soon / later!

-Say hello to your sister.

Тягдим etmə/танышлыг

-Hello, I’m Nick/My name’s Jane.

-This is... / It’s John/Meet my friend John.

-Nice to meet you/How do you do?

Мцраcият (nəzakətli/nəzakətsiz)

-Excuse me! /Hello!

-Sir / Madam..../Mr. / Mrs. / Miss. Thomson...

-Can/Could you...?

-My dear...!

-Would you like ...?

Цзр истямяк

-Excuse me, please!

-That’s all right/It’s all right, now/It’s OK.

-I’m so / very sorry for..../awfully / terribly sorry.

-Sorry about that.

-Pardon/I beg your pardon.

Тяшяккцр етмяк

-Thank you so/very much.

-That’s very kind of you/That’s so kind of you.

-Not at all/Thanks a lot/You’re welcome/Pleasure was mine.

Хош истякляри ифадя етмяк/тябрик etmək

-Happy Birthday/name-day!

-A Very Happy New Year to you! /Happy/Merry Christmas! /Easter!

-The same to you!

-Congratulations on...!

-Enjoy the day/Bless you! /Good luck!

-Have a pleasant / nice day!


-Good for you!

- Great! / Fine! /Excellent! /Super!

-Good / Excellent work /job!

-It sounds interesting.

Тяклиф етмяк

-Shall we...?

-Can /Could you...?

-Will you come with me? Let’s...

-What about...?

-I’ll give you a better idea/That will be very nice.

Разылашма/imtina etmək


-That’s right/That’s wrong

-I agree /I don’t agree/I disagree.

-I do not think you are right.

-Of course/Of course not

-Certainly/Certainly not

-I don’t quite agree with you/I don’t think so!

Süfrə arxasında интераксийа

-Help yourself, please/Can you pass me..., please.

-Would you like some.../tea or juice?

-Just a little, please.

-I’ll have some ice-cream / apple pie, please.

Телефон сющбяти

-Hello /this is... /I’d like to talk to...Can I talk to . . . ?

-Call / Phone me!

-May / Could I speak to.. .?/Hold on please.

-Who is speaking?

Тясялли вермяк

-Don’t worry! /Calm down!

-No problem! /Take it easy!


-Attention! /Be careful!

-Look out! /Watch the stairs!

1.2. Мялуматын мцбадиляси

Шяхси məlumatlar: ады, сойады, йашы, цнваны, доьум эцнц, мяшьулиййяти

-What’s your name?

-How old are you?

-Where are you from? S/he is / comes from ...

-S/he is English / Georgian.

-What’s your address?-I live at 15 Main Street.

-I live with my parents. .

-What’s his / her family / second / nick name?

-Can you spell it out for me please?

-What are you?-I’m a student.

-When were you born?-On May 1, 2000.

Şəxsin/əşyanın eyniləşdirilməsi

-Who’s he / she?

-He’s Mr. / She’s Miss. / Mrs. Thomson.

-What is this? It’s /This is ...


-How are you? /How do you feel?

-Very well thanks, and you?

-I feel bad/I don’t feel well.

-I’m getting better.

-I’ve got a headache/ toothache / stomachache


-What do you do every day?
-What are you reading now?
-What do you do after classes?
-I go swimming.
-Can you play the piano?


-The weather is fine.

-It’s cold / hot/warm / sunny / windy/snowy.

-What’s the weather like today?

-What’s the temperature today?

-It’s a wet, rainy day.

-It looks like rain, take an umbrella.

-The climate is dry in ...

Тиcарят обйектляриндя интераксийа

-How much is it? /How much does it cost?

-How many/much....would you like...?

-I’m looking round/Could you show me the...?

-What size do you wear? /What’s the price? -10 Laris/Lari.

-It’s very cheap /expensive.

-These books are on sale.

Asudə вахт

-I watch TV in the evening.

-I enjoy reading comics/playing a musical instrument

-What’s your hobby?

-How often do you play sports?

-We are going hiking / on a picnic this weekend.

1.3. Тясвир/характеризя етмяк

Инсанын защири эюрцнцшц/эейими

-She is beautiful / pretty /nice/tall / short/ ugly/slim.

-She is pleasant / good-looking/fat / thin / plump.

-What does she look like?

-What a nice coat you have on!

-She is wearing (sun) glasses.

Инсанын характеризя edilməsi

-She is very kind / clever/cheerful / serious.

-Is Nick friendly / unfriendly?

-S/he is so smart.

-I think he / she is absent-minded / selfish.

Яшйанын тясвири

-It’s big / small / clean / dirty / strong / long.

-What colour is the flower?

-We’ve got a square/ oval / round table in the kitchen.

-What kind of... is it?

-What does it look like?

-What a funny story!

-The room is messy.

1.4. Зювг/гиймятляндирмя


-1 like/love very much/ I’m fond of...

-How do you like it?

-I don’t like it at all/I hate it.

-I enjoyed the party/It was boring.

-I prefer...


-That’s right!/Right! That’s nice/OK/alright.

-It’s not right!/It’s wrong!

1.5 Ещтийаc/истяк/тялябат


-I wish... /I’d like to.. ./I’d love to...

-I need ...

-What do you need?

1.6. Щиссляр /емосионал реаксийалар/щиссиййатлар


-I’m so / very happy / glad!

-I’m so excited/impressed/delighted.


-I am/got angry.

-Such a shame!

-Don’t be / get angry!

-I’m disappointed!

-It is disappointing that…


-I’m not sure.

-I doubt...

-I’m not quite sure.



-How strange!

-I’m so much surprised!


-I’m so sorry/Sorry to hear (that)..!

-What a pity! /It’s a (great) pity!

-I regret...


-I’m afraid of...

-I’m (so) scared.

-I’m frightened.


-It’s interesting

-I’m interested in...

-I like doing...

I am keen on…


-It doesn’t matter.
-I don’t care/don’t mind.
-I’m not interested in...
-As you like.

-I am not against it.


-I’m hot/cold.

-I’m sleepy.

-I’m tired / busy

-We’re hungry / thirsty.

1.7. . Заманда истигамятлянмя

Заманда йерляшмя


-It’s morning / afternoon now.

-What day is it today?-It’s Monday...

-What’s the date today?-October 25, 2008.

-In the morning/afternoon.

-After a while/Just a moment / second, please.

-When/what time does your train leave? At 10 a.m./p.m.

-What’s on Channel Five at two-thirty?


-After that.. ./Afterwards...

-Finally.. ./In the end...

-At the beginning/at the end…


-From beginning to end...



-Once a week/Twice a month/Every four years...

-From time to time we....

-Every now and then...

-On and off.


-During the lesson...

-Howlong does your lesson last?

-For an hour.

-The shop is open from Monday through Saturday.

1.8. Мяканда истигамятляnмя

Йерляшмя йери

-Where is he/ she / it?-In the room/It’s here / there.

-There is / are...

-My school is far from my house.

-The table is on the left / right / next to...

-Where is the car park? It’s on the opposite side

-It’s near, in a walking distance.


-Where is the supermarket, Ann? -It’s over there.

-Go straight/Turn left / right.

-Tell me please, how I can get to the station?
-It’s near, in a walking distance.

-Can you tell me the way to….?

1.9. Мянтиги ялагяни ифадя етмяк


-Sue is wet, because she fell into the river.

-He was sick that’s why he lost the game.

-Is it a boy or a girl?

-John was smart but he waslazy.

-Why is he so sad?

1.10. Иcазя/ющдялик/гадаьа


-May/Can I...? /Will you allow me...?/ Do you mind...?

-Let me...

-You ought to listen to each other.

-You must...

-Don’t drop litter!

-Keep off the grass!

1.11. Синиф отаьында интераксийа

Мцяллимин эюстяришляри, шаэирдин мцраcиятляри

-Sit down, please! /Be quiet!

-Close/Open your books! /Turn the page over ...

-Listen to the tape!

-Shall I read?

-Can you help me? /It’s not clear/I don’t understand.

-Can you correct / describe...?

-Can you explain again, please?

-Let’s work in pairs!

-Get into the group of three / four!

-Who will make a presentation?

-We’re running out of time/Hurry up!

-I haven’t finished.

I haven’t finished yet.

2. Лексика

2.1. Фярд

2.2. Фярдин ятраф мцщити

2.3. Фяаллыглар

2.4. Фярдин орийентирляри



2.1. . Фярд


forehead; wrist; palm; nail; bone; thumb; neck; stomach; eyelid; eyebrow; blood; elbow; fist; waist; breast; hip; chest; heart;

Защири эюрцнцш

good/pleasant-looking; round / oval face; thin fingers; thin/ thick brows; turned-up nose; strange; charming; medium, cute; attractive; gracious; handsome; pale; wrinkled;

Характеризя етмяк

noisy; scared; brave; polite; devoted; stupid; bright; useful; worried; hard-working; rude; gloomy; exciting; delighted; curious; active; humorous; impressive; nervous; energetic;


blouse; slippers; night-gown; sweater; trainers; sandals; collar; brooch; sun-glasses; handbag; bracelet; earrings; suit; fur coat; national clothes; tie; buttons; necklace; fan;


shampoo; perfume; sponge; gel; make up; nail polish; soap; toothpaste; toothbrush;


medicine; cough; pain; sneeze; druggist/chemist; pills; drug store; tooth ; head; stomach ache; flu; fever; sore throat; upset stomach; runny nose; disease; prescription; nurse; healthy; sick; be in pain;

Eмосионал реаксийалар

be pleased; get angry; be surprised; get cross;

2.2. Фярдин ятраф мцщити


person; people; baby; teenager; adult; toddler; neighbor; neighborhood; crowd; Madam; Sir.; Ms./ Mrs. /Miss.;

Аиля, гощум-ягрəба

relatives; nephew; niece; twins; an only son / daughter; in-laws; mother / father / brother / sister in law; distant relative; Godmother / father;

Щейванлар алями

reptile; lizard; toad; snail; wing; beak; paw; turtle; feather; claws; fang; cave; pouch; den; kangaroo; grasshopper; beetle; insects; dolphin; sea animals; polar bear; penguin; sea gull; whale; shark;


earth; nature; planets; ocean; plant; rock; arctic; land; desert; air pollution; smog; environment; smoke; waterfall; coast; sea shore; Solar System;

Тябият щадисяляри

weather forecast; sun set / rise; lightning; shower; hail; rainbow; climate; earthquake; flash; mist; fog; flood; below zero; thunderstorm;

Cоьрафи адлар

country; Britain; Germany; island; capital; Washington D.C.; The Black sea; Australia; The British Isles; Asia; continent; Europe;

The Atlantic Ocean; North; South;


motorway; street; district; apartment building; suburb; road; billboard; car park; underground; advertisement; square; rush hour; pavement; pedestrian; citizen; skyscraper; City Hall; The Houses of Parliament; Mayor’s Office; cathedral;


village; farm-house; chimney; forest; field; barn; attic; path; well; vegetable garden; orchard; harvest; vine-yard; festival; fair; greenhouse; vintage; stable; stream; wood, valley; field;

Йашайыш йери

sitting room; kitchen; down/up stairs; lift; bathroom; key/lock; stairs; toilet; cottage; cellar; garage; native town / country; hotel;

Мяишят яшйалары

furniture; cooker; sink / bath / tub; tap; kettle; tray / ashtray; coffee grinder; tin opener; shovel; dishwasher; mixer; fridge; mop;

freezer; vacuum-cleaner; central heating;

Мяктяб/ işçiləri

cafeteria; staffroom; library; librarian; class / schoolmate; sports ground; break; lab; team; club; principal/ head teacher; watchman; head teacher’s office; group; colleague;

Мяктяб яшйалары

tape recorder; flash cards; poster; musical instruments; diary; cassettes; time-table; pencil sharpener; globe; CD player;

Тядрис яшйалары

Foreign languages; Russian ; German; French; Spanish; History; Geography; Grammar; Alphabet; Science;

Хидмят обйектляри/işçiləri

houseware; on sale; grocery; dairy; counter; scales; weight; magazine; newspaper; customer; candy store; mall; stationery; cash; plastic card; bill; package ; music shop;


pineapple; grapes; cherry; berries; onion; pumpkin; beet; a bar of chocolate; cornflakes; beef; pork; poultry; cereal; cauliflower; sunflower seeds; fish; nuts;

Гида вя yeyinti обйектляри

McDonald’s; hot chips; cake; sandwich; recipe; ingredients; pub; restaurant; menu; soft drinks; dessert; first / second course; healthy eating; tip; waiter ; junk food;


post office; pen friend; post man/lady; mail; e-mail; parcel; telegram; form; address;


motor-cycle; suitcase; railway; traveler; cab; air plane; airhostess; ship; sailor; captain; journey; luggage; pilot; passenger; voyage;

Мядяниййят/идман обйектляри/işçiləri

Opera House; singer; usher; director; cartoon film; museum; scientist; concert hall; composer; swimming pool; trainer; musical theatre; musician; picture gallery; painter; exhibition; sculptor;

Байрамлар вя шянликляр

celebration; Halloween; Folk music; congratulations; Mother’s day; Easter; Valentine’s day; masquerade;

2.3. Фяаллыглар

Евдя/evdən kənarda

look after; exam/examination; mark; check; grade; expect; recognize; joke; sleep; refuse; lie; introduce; quarrel; shake; warn; drop; damage; relax; advice; fill; stay; rob;


test; miss; manage; notice; inform; start; explain; think; decide; quarrel; win; sing; realize; believe; fancy; share; argue; protect; encourage; improve; agree; disagree;


ski; skate; ride; tennis, jog; take part; run; win; lose; reach; climb; compete; score; train;

Истиращят вя яйлянcə

go to concert hall / opera; do gardening; read a comics; draw; cartoons; have a good time; watch video; knit; listen to music; go to the concert; play the guitar / the piano/cards; do puzzles/ crosswords;


hire a taxi; order; weigh; choose; address; mend; fix; wrap; serve; register; prescribe; fit; make a doctor’s appointment; repair; examine;


travel; book tickets; stay at a hotel; go on a trip; have a journey; depart; catch the train; miss the train; see off; cancel; delay; check in / out; travel first/second class; take off/land;

2.4. Фярдин орийентирлярi


half; quarter; past / to; hour; often; always; next day; calendar; fortnight; usually; millennium; a.m./p.m.; century; the day after tomorrow; the day before yesterday;

Илин фясилляри

week days; Sunday; Monday; Tuesday; Wednesday; Thursday; Friday; Saturday;

Щяфтянин эцнляри

weekend; months; January; February; March; April; May; June; July; August; September; October; November; December;


day; morning; afternoon; evening; noon; midnight; midday; night;

Юлкянин tərəfləri

Western; Eastern; Northern; Southern; North East; South West; South East; central;

Йерляшdiyi йер

place; space; meter; mile; inside; opposite; top; bottom; away; across; along; middle; inch / foot; centimeter;


fresh; hard; bitter; modern; heavy; light; delicious; convenient; uncomfortable; fashionable; old- fashioned; comfortable;


purple; violet; grey; rosy; dark; light-blue; shiny; glossy;


tiny; great; enormous; huge; vast;


figure / shape; round; oval; square; wide; narrow; triangle; flat; deep;


heavy; light; 100 kg; square; pound (0.454 of a kilogram);


hot; cold; cool; warm; high / low; temperature; Celsius; scale; degree;


gold / golden; wooden; silk; velvet; cotton; silver; woolen; iron;


much; little; a lot of; great number of; one half; two thirds; one quarter; a part of;


odd; even; thousand; million; billion;

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