Xxix фясил Ibtidai пилляdə Инэилис дили пргорамынын мязмуну Сявиййя 01, 02 (D01, d 02) Тювсийя едилян мязмун

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Грамматиканын тядриси коммуникасийа мягсядляриня хидмят етмялидир. Буна эюря дя контекстля сых ялагядя (контекстдян ayrı дейил) юйрянilмялидир. Грамматик терминляриn дярк етмядян язбярлянмяси вя тясвири/ нязяри cəhətdən мянимsянilмяси тювсийя едилмир. Шаэирд грамматик хцсусиййятляри вя конструксийалары мцшащидя етмяли, танымалы вя дярк етмяли və onlardan kontekstdə istifadə etməlidiр. Бунун цçцн ашаьыдакы шяртляр нязяря алынмалыдыр:

  • Qrammatik materialı həvəsləndirici, aсан мянимсянilян şifahi və ya yazılı kommunikasiya vəziyyətlərində didaktik мятнляр васитясиля юйрятмяк. Bu material yalnız və yalnız mənimsənilən dil materialında cəmləşdirilməlidir.

  • Мцхтялиф фяаллыглар вя ъалышмалар тяклиф етмяк.



3.1. Исим Nouns

- xüsusi, цмуми, mücərrəd, maddi, топлу – Proper, common, abstarct, material, collective;

- Сайылan, сайыlmayan – Countable, uncountable;

- Щал – Case (-'s, of-phrases);

- Сай – Number (qaydalı/qaydasız формалар);

3.2. Артикл


- Мцяййян - Definite Article;

- Гейри-мцяййян - Indefinite Article;

- Сыфыр - Zero Article;

Xüsusi адлара гошулан артикллар– Articles with proper nouns;

3.3. Сифят


- Мцгайися дяряcялярi - Comparison of Adjectives;

-Сифятиn конструксийаларı–Adjective constructions (so,

such; enough, too; to+infinitive after adjectives; -ed, -ing adjectives);

3.4. Сай


- Мигдар, сыравилик – Cardinal, ordinal;

3.5. Явязлик Pronouns

- XüsusiPersonal (subject/ objectforms);

- Ишаря – Demonstrative;

- Мянсубиййят Possessive;

- Суал - Interrogative;

- Гейри-мцяййянlik - Indefinite;

- Рефлекtiv- Reflexive;

- Емфатик –Emphatic;

- Нисби – Relative;

3.6. Фел


- Qaydalı/qaydasız – Regular, irregular;

- Əsas, кюмякçи - Main, auxiliary;

- Bağlayıcı фелляр – Linking verbs (become, seem, etc.);

- Модал фелляр - Modal Verbs (can, may, must, should, would, ought, need);

- İfadə феллярi – Phrasal Verbs;

- Шяхсsиз фелляр– Nonfinite forms (Infinitive, present/past


- Фели конструксийалар – Verb patterns: V + ing, V+infinitive,

V+object+infinitive, etc.

Тясирлик нювцнцн заман формалары:

Tense forms - Active Voice:

- Present, Past Simple;

-Will Future (Future Simple),

-Would+Infinitive (Future in the Past Simple);

- Present, Past Continuous;

- Future Continuous;

- Present, Past Perfect;

- Present Perfect Continuous;

- Past Perfect Continuous;
Мяcщул нювцн заман формалары:

Tense forms - Passive Voice:

- Present, Past, Future Simple;

- Present, Past Continuous;

- Present, Past Perfect;

3.7. Зярф


- Заман, йер, дяряcя, тярзи-щярякят, суал, гейри-мцяййян – of time, of place, of degree, of manner,

interrogative, indefinite;

- Мцгайисяли дяряcяляр – Comparison of adverbs (so, enough, too


3.8. Sözönü


- Йер , заман истигамят, вя с. – of position, time,

direction, etc.;

3.9. Баьлайыcы


- Баьлайыcы, табеляндириcи - Coordinating,

subordinating: and, or, so, but, that, where, when, because, etc.;

3.10. Ядаt


- no, not, too, only, almost, hardly, as well as, etc.;

3.11. Cцмля

Sentence types

- Тясдиг, суал, инкар – Affirmative, interrogative, negative;

- Нягл, суал, ямр – Declarative, interrogative,


- Садя, мцряккяб табесиз, мцряккяб табели - Simple, compound;

Мцряккяб табели - –complex;

Нисби, заман, йер , тяйин) relative,

object, of time/place);

Шярти I, II – Conditional I, II, Wish sentences;


Cцмля цзвляри Parts of the sentence

- Baş/икинcи дяряcяли цзвляр– Main/Secondary;

-Сюзлярин сырасы– Word order;

3.13. Васитяли вя васитясиз nitq Direct/indirect speech

- Васитяли вя васитясиз nitq – Direct/indirect speech;

- Заманларын ардыcыллыьы – Sequence of tenses.

Сюздцзялтмя Wordbuilding

- Шякилçиляр – Suffixes (-y, -er, -able, ly);

- Юншякилчиляр – Prefixes (un-, ir-, im-,etc.);

-Düzəltmə сюзляр– Compound words;



- There is/are, let me, to be going to, used to, make someone do something, get used to, etc.

4. Сосиal мядяниййят вя мядяниййят

  1. Яняняляр вя гайда-гануnлар;

  2. Təhsil;

  3. Эянcлярин щяйаты: (asudə вахт, яйлянcə, истиращят; icтимаи щяйатда иштирак, мцнасибятляр, щявяслянdirмяляр; Эянcлярин mətbuatı/верилишляр вя с.);

  4. Авропа İттифагы (цмуми мялуматлар)

  • Инэилисдилли юлкяляр щаггында cоьрафи мялуматлар;

  • Юйряниляcяк юлкянин сийаси гурулушу, инзибати идаря едилмяси;

  • Инэилисдилли юлкялярин пайтахтлары, онlaрын тарихи диггятялайиг йерляри;

  • Танынмыш şəxsiyyətlər (алимляр, сийасятçиляр, идманçылар);

  • Тарих – ящямиййят кясб едян дюврляр/щадисяляр, танынмыш тарихи шяхсиййятляр,

  • Инcясянятин мцхтялиф сащясинин нцмайяндяляри;

  • Ядябиййат – ядябиййатын мцхтялиф ядяби cяряйанларын нцмайяндяляри вя онларын ясярляриндян парçалар;

  • Реэионал хцсусиййятляр;

Инэилисдилли юлкялярин вя Эцрcцстанын мцнасибятляриндян мялуматлар.

Baza-орта пиллянин Инэилис дили програмынын мязмуну

В - ВI Сявиййяляр (С В, С ВI)

Тювсийя едилян мязмун

Програмын мязмунуну стаnдартда təyin edilən коммуникасийа bacarıqlarının инкишафы цъцн истифадя едилян дил материалы вя сосиal-мядяни mövzuların siyahısı təqdim едир. Siyahı ня мцфяссял, ня дя иcбари ола билмяз. О, tövsiyyə характериni дашыйыр. Siyahını дяйишмяк, явяз етмяк, артырыб azaltmaq мцмкцндцр. Öйряниляси дил матерiалыны вя мядяни тематиканы сеçяркян ашаьыдакы шяртлярin нязяря алынması vacibdir:

  • sтандартда эюстярилян коммуникасийа məsələləri;

  • müасир дил нормалары;

  • yаш хцсусиййятляри вя йенийетмянин мараг даиряси.


  1. Нитг функсийалары

  2. Лексика

  3. Грамматика

  4. Сосial мядяниййят вя мядяниййят

1. Нитг функсийалары

1.1. 1.1. Сосиал мцнасибятляр

1.2. Мялумат мцбадиляси

1.3. Тясвир/характеризя етмяк

1.4. Зювг/гиймятляндирмя

1.5. Ещтийаc/истяк/тялябат

1.6. Щиссляр/емосионал реаксийалар/щиссиййaтлaр

1.7. Заманда истигамятляnmə

1.8. Мяканда истигамятляnmə

1.9. Мянтиги ялагяляр

  1. Нитг функсийалары


Линqвистик gerçəkləşdirmə нцмуняляри

1.1. Сосиал мцнасибятляр

Саламлашма/щал-ящвал тутма

-How are you keeping?

-Is everything O.K.?

-It’s nice to see you again!


-I’d like to say good-bye to you all.

-(I’ll) be seeing you tomorrow/next week, etc.

Тягдим етмяк/таныш олмаг

-Let me introduce you to Ann/Let me present...

-I’m very pleased to meet you.

-I’d like to get acquainted with him.

Мцраcият (nəzakətli /etinasız)

-Would you mind seeing me off?

-Could you (possibly) do me a favor?

-Sure, I’ll be happy to...

Цзр истямяк

-Please, forgive me/Sorry, that was my fault.

-I’m afraid I can’t.

-Did I do anything wrong?/Forget it!

Тяшяккцр етмяк/мцвафиг чаваб

-Thanks a lot!/Million thanks!

-I’m very grateful / thankful (to you).

-My pleasure / Never mind!

-That’s so kind / nice of you.

Тябрик/хош истякляр

-Good luck with the interview!

-Congratulations and the best wishes

-Safe journey!/Have a nice day /journey /trip!


-I like that!/That was nice / clever!

-Good / Excellent work /job!

-That’s exactly the point!

-Not bad!/That’s it!

Тяклиф etmə, дявят/разылыг/imtina etmək

-Don’t you think we could...?

-We invite you to our housewarming party.

-I’d love to come but I’m busy.

Эюрцш тяйин етмяк/разылашмаг/ imtina etmək

-What about Monday? -Monday is / will be fine.

-Will you come?

-No, I’m afraid I’ll be busy by that time.


-You’ll be fined if you park here.

-Why didn’t you warn them about it?


-Don’t bother about it!/You needn’t worry about it.

-You’ll be fine. Just don’t panic!

Тяхсис етмяк

-Let’s book the ticket.

-Can I order the tickets for two?

-I’m sorry, this seat is reserved.

-I’ve already made a reservation…

-sorry, I want to cancel the reservation.

Süfrə arxasında интераксийа

-Dinner is/served/ready.

-What a delicious meal!

-What did you order?

-No, thanks really.

-I’m on a diet/ I’m fasting. I’m a vegetarian.

Тиcарят мяркязиндя интераксийа

-Could you show me the...?

-I’m just looking round / for...

-It suits you.

-She looks awful / pretty / lovely/gorgeous in this blue dress.

Сяйащятдя интераксийа

-I took the wrong train.

-What time is the train to ...?/Which platform?

-How often do the buses run?

-When is your flight?/ When will the plane land / take off?

Йазышма (мцраcият/видалашма клишеляри) CВ, tövsiyə (мотивасийа) мяктубу

-I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.

-It was great to get your letter.

-All the best.../Love / Love from.../Lots of love...

-Yours / Sincerely / Sincerely yours...

Мювгеni ифадя етмяк/башгасынын фикриня шярик олмаг йа да инкар етмяк

-I know for sure.

-Don’t argue about this!

-What I suggest as a solution is...

-I strongly believe that...

-Oh, come on.


-Good/ Excellent / Fantastic / Wonderful! / Perfect!

-I appreciate that!

-How extraordinary!

-you’ve made great progress / improvement.

- It’s incredible! It’s gorgeous!

Фикрини билмяк/тювсийя вермяк

-What’s your idea about…?

-I think you’d better…/ You should… / You’d rather…

-Can / Could you tell me, please…

-I advise you…/ Take my advise!

1.2. Мялумат мцбадиляси

Шяхси məlumatlar: ады, сойады, йашы, цнваны, мяшьулиййяти\доьум эцнц/аиля

-Your first / second / middle /family name, please?

-How do you spell it?

-What’s your address? /My zip code is 0160.


-What’s your nationality?

-What is your native country?

-I’m French by origin.

-They are Native Americans.


-My parents want me to become a computer-programmer.

-I would like to be an airline pilot.


-The climate is dry in...

-The forecast for tomorrow isn’t good.

-The weather is very changeable / mild here.

1.3. Тясвир/характеризя етмяк

Инсанын защири эюрцнцшц

-Is this picture of you as a baby?

-Why don’t you wear make up?

Инсанын эейими

-I like your fur coat, Helen. -That suits you marvelously!

-I saw a beautiful dress on sale at the store.

Инсаны характеризя etmək

-He is a sleepy-head. He often oversleeps.

-She has got a charming personality.

-She always treats everybody with respect.


-I’m looking forward to...

-It’s necessary / unnecessary!/No necessity...

-I’d love to...

1.4. Зювг/ гиймятляндирмя


-She was dressed elegantly in a good taste.

-1 love /favour/ adore / worship it.

-Tastes differ.

Фикир/тяяссüрат/мювгеni ифадя етмяк

-I’d probably...

-It sounds quite likely / true / fine / wonderful.

-I doubt about it.

1.5 Ещтийаc/тялябат/истяк


-You need to take this course.

-What do you want me to do?

-He made me ...

1.6.Щиссляр/емосионал реаксийалар


-I could not even think about it.

-Really? I can’t believe it!

-All these made me...


-She was so disappointed/What a shame!

-You always try to find some excuse!


-I doubt about it/suppose/wonder...

-Maybe/ Perhaps...

-Are you sure? I’m not (quite) sure.

-Who knows?


-What a surprise! /Oh, come on!

-You must be joking? /Very strange indeed!

-I don’t mind/ Nothing special.

-Who cares? / I don’t care.

-I’m not interested in…

-It makes no difference.

-As you like.

1.7. Заманда истигамятляnмя

Заманда йерляшмя (саат/эечя-эцндцз кясийи/тарих/илин фясилляри)

-Which season do you like best? /I like winter / spring...

-Not long / Long ago.../Next spring/By the end of


-From beginning to end...

-In / at the end/Last / At last.../Finally.../Lately / Lastly...


-How often? /Every now and then / Every other day /week.

-Hardly ever...


-For a long time/ since...

-The whole day / night evening.../All the year round...

1.8. Мяканда истигамятляnмя

Йерляшdiyi йер

-How far / near is the train station from here?

-The escalator is over there.

-Where is the car park? It’s on the opposite side.


-Do you know how to get to...? /Is this way to...?

-If you want to cross the road use the footpath.

1.9. Иcазя/ющдялик/гадаьа


-Don’t feed the animals in the zoo!/Fire exit. Danger!

-No smoking! / No entry!

-Cross now! / Look left! /Keep off the grass!

-One can’t park here.

-Be careful! /You’ll get hurt/Don’t get lost!

1.10. Мянтиги ялаqяляр


-If I have much money I’ll...

-The car was too expensive for him to buy.

-If I didn’t like my job I’d give it up.

-The faster was the wind, the louder was the noise.

2. Лексика

2.1. Фярд

2.2. Фяаллыглар

2.3. Фярдин ятраф мцщити

2.4. Медиа

2.5. Байрамлар вя шянликляр



2.1. Фярд


brain; spinal cord; throat; windpipe, muscle; intestines; vein; artery; kidney; bladder.

Характеризя етмяк

reserved; romantic; selfish; sensible; sociable; sensitive; sympathetic; likeable; moody; outgoing; reckless; reliable; careless; ambitious; cheerful; easy-going; obnoxious;


undershirt; socks; shoes; cloak; glasses; swimming-suit; belt; bracelet; chain; earrings; sweatshirt; sandal; cardigan; uniform; flannel shirt;


disease; patient; dentist; injured; fever; sick; virus; blood test / pressure; ambulance; healthy; pulse; infection; wound; broken bone; bruise, burn; eye; drops; capsule; pneumonia; mumps; measles;

Qиймятляндирмя/емосионал реаксийалар

sob; get cross / excited; be surprised; shout; weep; get upset; stand something; suffer; feel pity.


accountant; civil servant; priest; receptionist; sailor; soldier; pharmacist; travel agent; tailor; optician; florist; butcher; electrician; housekeeper.

2.2. Фяаллыглар

Гаврама вя интеллектуал фяаллыглар

comprehend; research; comment; fail; combine; transfer; predict; criticize; interpret; qualify.


watch gardening program; gamble; long walk tours; race; take photos; baseball; Soccer; golf; volleyball; windsurfing; scuba diving; archery; fencing; bowling.

Малиййя ямялиййатлары

exchange money; pay bill; pay dividends; put money into a bank / account; pay cash by credit card / to cash a cheque;

Иcтимаи вятяндаш фяаллыглары

vote; debate; violate/protect; pay taxes; participate; protest; develop; promote; charge; justify; discriminate; join; choose; support; elect; volunteer; respect; give a speech; obey the law;

2.3. Фярдин ятраф мцщити

Инсан (щяйат мярщяляляри)

population; change / growth; inhabitants; the old; pension; career; future plan; life; dream; beginning; end; ambition; progress; success; achievement; job occupation; the youth.

Йашайыш йери

residence; campus; dormitory; accommodation; lodge; lodging; rent; Essential service; water; electricity; rooms to let; detached/semi detached/terraced house.


democracy; Royal; President; Monarchy; Mayor; Republic; Parliament; kingdom; citizen; constitution; law; revolution; flag; EU; refugee; hostage; government; public; MP; society; politics; problem; embassy; consul; electoral system.

Йер кцряси/cоьрафи адлар

territory; peninsular; mainland; South /North Pole; jungle; plain; border; port; harbor; Sahara; Arctic; population; deserts; mountain ranges; Bays; Amazon rainforest; Mount Everest.

Тябият/ Тябият щадисяляри (щава)

solar system; flood; disaster; fauna; waterfall; axis; meadow; desert; coal; pole; wildlife; tsunami; avalanche; volcano; hurricane; thunderstorm; thunder and lightning.

Йашайыш йери

block of apartments; hotel; landlord; maid; skyscraper; residence; cabin; estate; campus; terrace; motel; rent; hostel.

Avadanlıq/мяишят яшйалары

cash book; screwdriver; electric heater; kitchen equipment; garbage bin / can; cork-screw; toaster; oven; dishwashing liquid; can/bottle opener; blender; dish towel.


pedagogical; exam; diploma of achievement; Education Department; score; faculty; tutor; mentor; certificate; award; licence; international Olympiad /conference; competition.

Тиcарят обйектляри/işçiləri/инвеnтар

supermarket; book-store; clothes store; cash desk; newspaper; line; check; customer; counter; scales; stationery; bookstall; grocery; mall; musical shop; druggist;

Хидмят обйектляри/işçiləri

parking garage, drugstore, bakery, lobby.


Pumpkin; chicken; pork; whisky; wine; soft / alcohol drink; champagne; ham; yogurt; seafood; chops; pizza; bacon; toast; salad dressing; mustard.

Гида вя yeyinti обйектляри/yемякляр/işçiləri

vacant table; healthy /junk food; pancakes; delicious food; restaurant; waiter / waitress; night bar; refreshments; wine; hot /cold cereal with milk; fresh / frozen food.


passenger; porter; journey; ship; sailor; captain; baggage; van; yacht; truck; tram; conductor; air-liner; waiting room; ticket collector; helicopter.

Мядяниййят/идман обйектляри/işçiləri

world cup; trainer; competitor; stadium; Olympic Games; gold / silver/bronze medal; concert hall; singer; ballet; first night performance; spectator; painter / artist; exhibition; sculptor;


telegram form; paper boy; insured letter; postmark; express mail; special delivery; zip / area code; post / greeting card; money order; package.


bank; manager; loan; bill; operator; cashier; money; bank accountant; cash; exchange rate; credit / plastic card; cash- machine; check book; wages; board of directors; rate of exchange; inflation; short / long term credit; financial operation;


rest area; hotel; page / single /double room; holidays; vacation; reservation; trip; beach; hiking; tourist discotheque club; entertainment; relaxation; luxurious hotel;

2.4. Медиа


reporter; announcer; specific information; commentator; screen version; newsreel; mass media; telecast; logo; Broadcast / propaganda; talk show; journalist; clip /video; video camera; world news.


interview; interviewer; press; newspaper; magazine; cover; disaster, earthquake; comics; front page / headline / latest news; scientific journal; sensation; robbery; flood; crime;

2.5. Байрамлар вя шянликляр

Байрамлар вя шянликляр

celebration; holidays; Halloween; presents; Santa Clause; Christmas carols /tree; festival, Mother’s / Valentine’s; Day; Easter; color eggs; Thanksgiving; costumes / masks; April Fool’s day; Independence Day; coronation; Christmas day.

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