Valencia Delta Burke Invitational 2005—Round 3

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Valencia Delta Burke Invitational 2005—Round 3

Questions by CB with Science by RDhu and Billy Beyer
1. The sailor Pig Bodine appears in two novels by this American writer, as well as in his short stories “The Low-Lands” and “Entropy.” His sprawling 1973 novel delving into the V-2 bomb attacks on England shared the National Book Award but was denied a Pulitzer by the award’s Advisory Board for being “turgid” and “unreadable.” Only two novels have followed: Vineland and Mason and Dixon. FTP name this author of Gravity’s Rainbow, V., and The Crying of Lot 49.

A. Thomas Pynchon

2. Thought of as personifications of the destructiveness of the wind, they made their later home on the island Strophades. Their parents were Thaumus and the Oceanid Electra, and their sister was Iris, the rainbow goddess. Two of the Argonauts, Calais and Zetes, who could fly, drove them away from Phineas, allowing him to finally eat. Later they tormented people they abducted while taking them to Tartarus. Aello, Caelano, and Ocypete are, FTP, what three winged hags who snatched food and caused trouble?

A. Harpies

3. Its energy could someday be exploited through the Casimir effect, and its energy density is related to the cosmological constant. Otto von Guericke created this state around 1650 and used it in his Magdeburg experiments. Von Guericke also found that it would not carry the sound of a bell or sustain life. On the Apollo 15 mission, David Scott showed that in this state, a rock and a feather will indeed fall at the same rate. FTP what is this state in which no matter is present?

A. vacuum (accept “free space”)

4. He met his constant companion, Pagoda, when she tried to gut him with a shiv in Calcutta. Explaining his divorce to his children he says, “Well, certain sacrifices had to be made as a result of having children,” and he criticizes his ten year old daughter’s play, saying “the characters weren’t believable.” When he is thrown out of his hotel room, he decides to make amends with his estranged family by faking a terminal illness. The father of child geniuses Chas, Richie and the “adopted” Margot, FTP name this patriarch of an eponymous clan in a 2001 Wes Anderson film.

A. Royal Tenenbaum

5. Beethoven’s Opus 59, nicknamed Razumovsky, includes his works numbered 7,8, and 9 in this form. Smetana’s 1876 one of these in E minor, titled “From My Life,” is a rare example of one that is programmatic. In its early form, the quatuor concertant type dominated, in which all the instruments are equally represented, but by the 1800s they tended to feature the violin. FTP name this musical form which usually features two violins, a viola and a cello.

Answer: string quartet

6. Originally comprising nine members and later twelve, it instituted the Cult of the Supreme Being, a religion meant to supplant Catholicism, on 20 Prairial. One member was the physicist Lazare Carnot, called the “Organizer of Victory:” another was Bertrand de Vieuzac, who wrote the “9 Thermidor Report” that led to the execution of fellow member Saint-Just and its leader and most famous member. Set up by the National Convention in 1793 and briefly the de facto ruling body of France, FTP name this group whose most famous member was Maximilien Robespierre.

A. Committee of Public Safety (okay for Boris to say “comite de salut public”)
7. This author’s nom de plume means “plantain,” as he wrote in a hut outside of which a plantain tree grew. As a young man he served Yoshitada, a disciple of Kitamura Kigin, and Kigin corrected and evaluated many of this author’s early works. His early writings were associated with the Danrin School, but he formed his own school around 1677, focusing his more serious 17-syllable works on nature. FTP name this author of The Narrow Road to the Deep North and best-known Japanese master of haiku.

  1. Matsuo Basho

8. One named Chessie has migrated as far north as Rhode Island, and they have been sighted from Houston to the Bahamas. Feeding on vegetation in both saltwater and freshwater, they are distinguished by the shape of their tail from the dugong, another member of class Sirenia. Sadly, scientists usually identify individuals by their pattern of injuries from boat propellers. FTP, name these large mammals found in the waterways of Florida.

Answer: manatees (or Florida manatees)
9. The Cardamom mountain range extends through the southwest portion of this nation, and in its extreme north the Dangrek Range serves as a border between it and its northern neighbor. The Dangreks extend to the northern end of Tonle Sap, the nation’s largest lake, and southwest of that is Phnum Aoral, its largest mountain. FTP name this small nation bordering Thailand, Laos and Vietnam.

A. Cambodia

10. They referred to themselves as Ani-Yun-Wiya, or the “principal people.” Their first contact with Europeans occurred in 1540 when De Soto’s expedition visited many of their settlements. After helping other tribes drive out the Tuscarora in the early 1700s, they sided with the English against the French, and at English suggestion they selected an emperor, Chief Moytoy of Tellico. One of the five civilized tribes, they were the first to utilize a written form of their language. Forcibly moved to Oklahoma on the Trail of Tears, FTP name this tribe that counted Sequoyah as a member.

A. Cherokee

11. “Knowledge by acquaintance” and “knowledge by description” were the two ways in which this thinker said we can be familiar with the things around us. 1897’s “An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry” was his first foray into the area where he perhaps had his profoundest influence: mathematical logic. This part of his philosophy culminated in the 1910 work he co-authored with his former teacher, Alfred North Whitehead. FTP name this British philosopher and co-author of Principia Mathematica.

A. Bertrand Russell

12. Pencil and paper ready. Keeping in mind that your answer must be the equation of a straight line, FTP find the diagonal asymptote of the graph of the rational function

f(x) = (x2 – 5x + 1)/(x +2). [Read: f of x equals the quantity x2 – 5x + 1 divided by the quantity x+2].

A. y = x - 7

13. Near the end of this dynasty, jiedushi, or military governors, began taking more power away from the emperor. One of these, Zhu Wen, deposed the last emperor and ended the dynasty. It was interrupted by the brief Second Zhou Dynasty led by Empress Wu Zetian, China’s only female monarch, and it was founded by Li Yuan. Also seeing the An Lushan rebellion, FTP name this Chinese dynast that lasted from 618-907 CE.

A. T’ang Dynasty
14. In materials for which magnetic permeability may be ignored, this value equals the square root of the dielectric constant. It can be negative, according to recent experiments, but it is greater than one for most materials. Crown glass has a value of 1.52, water has a value of 1.33, and free space has a value of exactly 1. FTP name this quantity, equal to the speed of light in free space divided by the speed of light in the medium.

A. index of refraction

15. Much of the content of this 22-part, 1855 poem is based on tales collected by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. Called the “most childish nonsense ever to drip from a pen” by one critic, it nonetheless sold well, though controversy was generated over how much it borrowed from the Finnish epic Kalevala. Certainly the meter was borrowed from the Kalevala, as seen in the famous line, “By the shores of Gitchee-Gumee.” FTP name this Longfellow poem focusing on the titular lover of Minnehaha, a legendary tribal leader.

A. “Song of Hiawatha” (do not accept “Hiawatha” alone)

16. Rosso Fiorentino and Giulio Roman were among the pioneers of this art movement. Benvenuto Cellini’s Salt Cellar is an example of the architectural branch of the movement. Venus, Cupid, Folly and Time by Bronzino is also emblematic, as are the works of Jacopo Pontormo. Emphasizing contorted bodies and difficult positions rendered in virtuoso style, FTP name this movement of the end of the Renaissance perhaps best exemplified by Parmagianino’s Madonna with the Long Neck.

A. Mannerism

17. The long 12th-century poem “The Conference of the Birds” by Farid Ud-Din Attar is an exposition of the tenets of this faith. Called tasawwuf in Arabic, a 2000 fatwa issued by an Egyptian cleric stated that it is bid’ah, or “innovation,” and thus not really Islam. Also glorified in verse by the early poet Rumi is, FTP, what mystical offshoot of Islam that proposes a direct relationship with God?

A. Sufism (acc. Sufi)

18. Lawrence Littwin, former executive director of the Texas Lottery Commission, claims that he was fired by this then-Chair of the Commission because Littwin investigated a company called GTech for making illegal campaign contributions to Republican candidates. While serving for Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy in the White House in 2003, this lawyer amazingly said that George W. Bush was the most brilliant man she’d ever met. Stepping aside after displeasure with her views were expressed by both conservatives and liberals was, FTP, what woman first nominated by W. to replace Sandra Day O’Connor?

A. Harriet Miers

19. People with this condition are more prone to leukemia and Alzheimer's disease. Affecting approximately one out of every seven hundred children born in the United States, mental retardation, short stature, and a flattened facial profile are characteristics of this aneuploid condition, whose frequency is correlated with the age of the mother. FTP name this disorder, caused by the presence of an extra chromosome 21.

A. Down(s) syndrome (or trisomy 21)

20. The author states that this novel began as a letter to her dying grandfather on his 100th birthday, written because she was shattered to have reached 40 without a major accomplishment. The novel begins with Clara de Valle, a telepath who has not spoken for nine years, breaking her silence to announce she will marry Esteban Trueba. The novel culminates in a bloody coup reminiscent of the real-life one that cost the author’s uncle his life. FTP name this best-known novel of Isabel Allende.

A. The House of the Spirits (acc. La Casa de los espiritus)

Valencia Delta Burke Invitational 2005—Round 3 Bonuses
1. Answer some questions about things that happened on today’s date, November 4, FTPE.

A. On this date in 1956 Soviet troops invaded this Eastern European nation to quell revolutionary behavior there.

A. Hungary

B. In 1842 Abe Lincoln married this broad.

A. Mary Todd

C. In 1899, Sigmund Freud published this landmark text on a phenomenon during sleep.

A. The Interpretation of Dreams
2. Name these Catholic sacraments FTPE.

A. Sincere confession is only one part of this sacrament; it also includes changing behaviors and making the atonement suggested by a priest.

A. Penance or Reconciliation (or even penance and reconciliation)

B. In Latin-Rite churches this sacrament affirming one’s commitment to the church can only be done after First Communion and after the initiate has reached the “age of reason.”

A. Confirmation

C. Often misleadingly called “last rites,” this sacrament can be performed more than once and doesn’t have to wait till one is near death. In it, the infirm are blessed with oil.

A. Anointing of the Sick or Extreme Unction
3. Name these transition elements from period 6 of the periodic table, FTSNOP:

A. F5P, just below silver is this element with symbol Au.

A. gold

B. F5P, this element with symbol W has the highest melting point of any element.

A. tungsten

C. FTP, commonly used as a catalyst, this element, #78, costs around $800 an ounce.

A. platinum

D. FTP, the second-most dense element, its presence in the K-T boundary layer is evidence of an asteroid impact 65 million years ago.

A. iridium
4. Answer the following about a monotheistic pharaoh FTPE.

A. Amenhotep IV changed his name to this after deciding to worship the solar disc and discard the rest of the Egyptian pantheon.

A. Akhenaton

B. Akhenaton built this capital city for himself, though it was abandoned after his death.

A. el-Amarna

C. Akhenaton was briefly succeeded by Smenkhare, who was then succeeded by this younger brother or son of Akhenaton, who was killed and left behind a treasure trove for archaeologists.

A. Tutenkhamon (acc. “Tut”)
5. Stuff about an American poet FTPE.

A. What 19th-century poet described his persona as “untranslatable” and said he “sound[ed his] barbaric YAWP over the roofs of the world”?

A. Walt Whitman

B. Whitman wrote the above lines in what long egocentric poem that began his various editions of Leaves of Grass?

A. “Song of Myself” (bonus 5 cont’d next page)

C. Whitman mourned Lincoln as the “wisest soul of all my days and lands” in this poem with a floral title.

A. “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d
6. Stuff about Wales (the country, not the mammal) FTPE.

A. Wales’ capital is this southern city on the Bristol Channel.

A. Cardiff

B. The western coast of Wales is dominated by this large bay that shares its name with a city on its southern shore and a type of sweater.

A. Cardigan

C. This large sea sits on Wales’ northern shore and also contains the Isle of Man.

A. Irish Sea
7. Name these Alfred Hitchcock movies from brief descriptions FTPE.

A. This 1944 film cramped seven survivors of a Nazi U-boat attack into a small vessel with a Nazi survivor.

A. Lifeboat

B. The climax of this 1956 remake of a 1934 film famously climaxes during a show at the Royal Albert Hall.

A. The Man Who Knew Too Much

C. Jimmy Stewart is a photographer with a broken leg who sees his neighbor, a thin and creepy Raymond Burr, kill his wife.

A. Rear Window
8. Answer the following about refrigeration for 15 points each:

A. This colorless, odorless CFC replaced ammonia as a refrigerant in most air conditioners; it was developed at GM and Du Pont in 1928.

A. Freon (prompt on “chlorofluorocarbon”)

B. Most refrigerators rely on this effect, by which a compressed fluid passing through a throttle will have a sharp temperature drop. It is named for two British scientists.

A. Joule-Thomson or Joule-Kelvin effect
9. ID these fictional works written by Jean-Paul Sartre FTPE.

A. Sartre’s first and most famous novel, it examines the title feeling that Antoine Roquentin gets when he realizes the futility of his human condition.

A. Nausea (acc. Le Nausee)

B. This play depicts Garcin, Inez and Estelle in a boring waiting room discovering that “Hell is—other people.”

A. No Exit (acc. Huis Clos)

C. In this dramatic revision of the Orestes myth, Sartre presents the town of Argos plagued by the titular creatures.

A. The Flies (acc. Les Mouches)
10. Answer the following about the history of the Quakers FTPE.

A. Probably the most famous Quaker was this 17th-century founder of a namesake state as a refuge for Quakers and others persecuted for their faith.

A. William Penn

B. This 20th-century man is the only U.S. president born into a Quaker household.

A. Richard Nixon

(bonus 10 cont’d next page)

C. Before the founding of Pennsylvania, this was the only colony not to pass laws banishing or punishing Quakers.

A. Rhode Island

11. Answer the following about Odin FTPE.

A. Odin is the chief of this race of gods who live in Asgard.

A. Aesir

B. This is Odin’s very fast, eight-legged horse.

A. Sleipnir

C. Odin is the owner of Draupnir, a magical one of these, which makes eight more of itself every nine nights.

A. ring
12. ID these parts of your heart FTPE.

A. Deoxygenated blood entering the right atrium passes into the right ventricle through this valve.

A. tricuspid valve

B. The right ventricle passes deoxygenated blood to the lungs via this artery.

A. pulmonary artery

C. After oxygenated blood returns to the heart through the left atrium and ventricle, it is sent to the rest of the body through this largest artery.

A. aorta
13. Answer the following about a nasty earthquake of 1755 FTPE.

A. This earthquake did the most human damage in what European capital city?

A. Lisbon

B. The Lisbon Earthquake prompted this big-time German thinker to write three works considering it, including 1756’s “On the Terrestrial Convulsions.”

A. Immanuel Kant

C. The 12-foot tsunami wave that slammed the city moved up from the harbor on this river that passes through Lisbon.

A. Tagus
14. Answer the following about a school of philosophy FTPE.

A. Founded by Zeno of Citium, this method stresses self-control and independence from societal pressures.

A. stoicism

B. This Roman emperor’s Meditations presents his take on stoic philosophy.

A. Marcus Aurelius

C. This freed slave and Stoic thinker wrote The Discourses and late in life was exiled by Domitian.

A. Epictetus
15. 30-20-10 ID the poet from works.

A. (30 pts.) “Eros Turannos”; “Credo”

B. (20 pts.) “Mr. Flood’s Party”; “Luke Havergal”

C. (10 pts.) “Miniver Cheevy”; “Richard Cory”

A. Edwin Arlington Robinson

16. Given characters, name the Verdi opera FTPE.

A. Gilda, Sparafucile, Duke of Mantua A. Rigoletto

B. Radames, Amneris A. Aida

C. Leonora, Inez, Manrico A. Il Trovatore

17. ID these Secretaries of Defense FTPE.

A. The first one, and namesake of the first Supercarrier, he later committed suicide.

A. James Forrestal

B. This subject of the great documentary The Fog of War was the architect of growing U.S. involvement in Vietnam under Kennedy and Johnson.

A. Robert McNamara

C. This guy served as Defense Secretary under George H.W. Bush and supervised action in the First Gulf War, but he has a different role under Bush the Second.

A. Dick Cheney

18. For some very fun math points, find the slope of the following straight lines FTPE.

A. The line with equation y = 7x   5.

A. 7

B. The line with equation 3x   4y = 10.

A. 3/4

C. The line passing through the points (3, 7) and ( 10, 5).

A. 2/13

19. Stuff about a French author and some works FTPE.

A. This was the pseudonym of Henri Marie Beyle, novelist of The Charterhouse of Parma and a more famous novel 1830 novel.

A. Stendhal

B. This is the 1830 novel Stendhal wrote about the adventures of Julian Sorel.

A. The Red and the Black (acc. Le Rouge et le Noir from Francois)

C. Stendhal also wrote a pamphlet comparing Shakespeare with this 17th-century French dramatist who wrote Andromaque and Phedre.

A. Jean Racine

20. 30-20-10 Name the scientist.

A. (30 pts.) This scientist first demonstrated chirality in his work on the polarization of light in tartaric acid.

B. (20 pts.) In his work on chicken cholera he accidentally discovered that chickens infected with a weakened bacteria became immune to the disease.

C. (10 pts.) He’s best known for his namesake process in which heat is used to kill microorganisms in fermented beverages.

A. Louis Pasteur
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