The Adventures of

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level 1 - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Penguin Readers-min

Chapter 3 A Bad Day 
Becky was sick and didn’t go to school for many days. 
Tom was very sad. One morning, he said to Aunt Polly, 
“I’m very sick, and I want to stay home from school.” 
Aunt Polly said, “Here’s some medicine. Take this and 
you can get well quickly.” 
But Tom didn’t like the medicine. Peter, the cat, came 
into the room and looked at Tom. 
“Peter!” Tom said. ”Have some medicine!” 
Peter had some medicine. He didn’t like it! He went 
quickly out the open window and into the yard. 
Aunt Polly watched Peter. “Why did you do that, Tom?” 
she asked angrily. “You’re a very bad boy! Go to school 
Tom arrived at school early and he waited for Becky at 
the school fence. She arrived early, too, but she didn’t 

Peter had some medicine. He didn’t like it! 

look at Tom. She went into school. Tom walked away. He 
didn’t want to go to school now. He was very sad. 
Joe Harper was near the school. He was sad, too, 
because his mother was angry with him. The two boys 
walked and talked. 
Tom said, “Let’s run away.” 
“Yes, let’s!” Joe said. 
The two boys went to the river. Huck Finn was there. 
Tom and Joe said, “We’re going to run away. Do you 
want to come with us?” 
“Yes,” Huck answered. “Let’s go across the river. We 
can have a good adventure there.” 
The boys went home because they wanted to get food 
for their adventure. 
Chapter 4 Across the River 
Tom, Joe, and Huck went to the river. There was a small 
boat there. The boys went across the river in the small 
boat. They said, “This is a good place because we can play 
all day. There’s no school here.” 
They played and then went to sleep. 
In the morning, the boys were happy again. They said, 
“Let’s stay here for a long time.” 
In the afternoon, they played near the river again. 
Suddenly, there was a noise from a big boat on the river. 
The boys stopped playing and watched the boat. 
“Listen,” Tom said. “The men on the boat are talking 
about us.” 

The boys stopped playing and watched the boat

The boys listened quietly. A man said, “The boys are in 
the river. They’re dead.” 
Tom said, “Those men are looking for us in the river. 
We’re here, but they don’t know that.” 
That night, the boys were sad. Huck and Joe went to 
sleep, but Tom didn’t sleep. He went home in the small 
boat. He quietly went in his bedroom window. Then he 
went under his bed and stayed there. 
Aunt Polly and her friends came into his room. Aunt 
Polly said to her friends, “Tom was a good boy, and I 
loved him. Now he’s dead, and I’m very sad.” 
Tom wanted to say, “I’m not dead.” But he stayed quiet. 
Aunt Polly went to sleep. Tom went out the window 
very quietly and went back across the river. 
In the morning, Joe and Huck said, “We’re not happy 
here now. We want to go home.” 
Tom said, “Let’s go home on Sunday. We can go to 
church. People are going to be very surprised!” 
Sunday morning, many children were at church. They 
talked about the three boys. They were sad because their 
friends were dead. Becky was sad, too. 
Suddenly, the three boys walked into the church. People 
were very surprised, but they were very happy, too. 

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