Routledge Library Editions karl marx

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provided with an epilogue by E^t Drahn, Der Rote Hahn, Vols. 51-2, Aktion, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, 1920.

  1. Selected Essays. Translated by H. J. Stenning. Leonard Parsons, London,

1926. Allen & Unwin, London, 1929.

With deletions.

  1. Karl Marx und die Gewerkschaften. ^^ys and documents. With a preface

by Friedrich Hertneck. WeltgeistbUcher 278-9, Berlin-Charlottenburg,

v 1928.

  1. tsber historischen Materialismus. ElementarbUcher des Kommunismus.

Vols. 13-14. Edited by Hermann Duncker. Internationaler Arbeiter- verlag, Berlin, 1930.

A collection of the most important patsages in the works of Marx and Engels on historical materialism.

  1. Der deutsche Sozialismus von Luduiig Gall bis Karl Marx. Itsued by Fritz

BrUgel and Benedikt Kautsky. Hess & Co., Vienna-Leipzig, 1931.

Contains of Marx’s work : The Communist Manifesto and quotations (brief for the most part) from The Poverty of Philosophy, A Critique of Political Esonomy, The Inaugural Address and Capital.

  1. Karl Marx, Der historische Materialismus. Itsued by S. Landshut and J. P.

Mayer in 2 vols. Kroner, Leipzig, 1932.

Contains the economic and philosophical MSS. (incomplete) of 1844, and a reprint (complete with the exception of one short pasage) of the Gherman Ideology. Hereinafter referred to as K.


  1. Das Kapital. KritiJc tier politischen (jkonomie. Vol. I. The Process of

Capitalist Production. Meissner, Hamburg, 1867.

12a. Ditto. 2nd Edition. With alterations and additions by Karl Marx.

Meissner, Hamburg, 1872-3.

12b. Le Capital. Translated by J. Roy, Paris, 1875. With alterations by Karl Marx.

12c. 3rd German Edition. Meissner, Hamburg, 1883. Edited by Friedrich Engels with corrections and notes from Marx’s MSS., and from the French translation.

f 2d. Capital. A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production. Translated from the 3rd German Edition by Samuel Moore and Edward Aveling, and edited by Friedrich Engels. 2 vols. Swan Sonnenschein & Co., London, 1887.

i2e. 4th German Edition. Meissner, Hamburg, 1890. Edited by Friedrich Engels with the use of the English translation of 1887. i2f. The First Nine Chapters of Capital. Translated from the 3rd German Edition. Swan Sonnenschein & Co., London, 1897. i2g. The Theory ofValue Complete, forming the first nine chapters of Capital.

The Bellamy Library, iBgo.

12A. Capital. Vol. I. Translated from the 2nd German Edition by Ernst Untermann. Charles H. Kerr & Co., Chicago, 1906.

121. Capital. Vol. I. Translated from the 4th German Edition by Eden and Cedar Paul. Allen & Unwin Ltd., London, 1928.

12j. Ditto. Same translation. With an introduction by G. D. H. Cole. J. M. Dent & Sons, London and Toronto, E. P. Dutton & Co., New York, 1930.

12k. Ditto. Ditto. A reissue in 2 vols. Dent, London, 1933. Eve^ryman ed.

  1. Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen (jkonomie. Vol. 2. The Process of

Capitalist Circulation. Meissner, Hamburg, 1885. Issued by Friedrich Engels after the death of the author.

13a. Capital. A Critique of Political Economy. Vol. 2. The Process of the Circulation of Capital. Edited by F. Engels. Translated from the 2nd German Edition by E^t Untermann. Charles H. Kerr & Co., Chicago, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., London, igo7.

  1. Das Kapital. Kritik tier politischm Okonomie. Vol. 3 (in two parts). The

Complete Proces of Capitalist Production. Meitsner, Hamburg, 1894. Issued by Friedrich Engels after the death of the author.

14a. Capital. A Critique of Political Economy. Vol. 3. Translated from the 1st German Edition by E^t Untermann. Charles H. Kerr & Co., Chicago, I gog.

  1. TMorimiiber den MehTWert. Issued from Marx’s MSS., by Karl Kautsky.

4 Vols. Dietz, Stuttgart, igo5-io. Vol. i. TM TMory of Surplus- Value up to Adam Smith ; Vol. 2. (in two parts) David Ricardo ; Vol. 3. From Ricardo to Vulgar Political foonomy. Contains the results of Marx’s studies of the history of the theory of value which were to have fonned the fourth volume of Capital.

  1. Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Okonomie. 3 vols. in 4. Popular

Edition itsued by Karl and Benedikt Kautsky. Dietz, Berlin, igi4-29.

  1. Das Kapital. Kritik tier politischen Okonomie. Popular Edition edited by

Julian Borchardt. Lichtstrahlen, Berlin-Lichterfelde, igig.

17a. The People’s Marx. Abridged Popular Edition of Capital. Edited by Julian Borchardt. Translated by Stephen L. Trask. International bookshops, London (printed in Potsdam), 1921.

  1. Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Okonomie. Popular edition isued by

the Marx-Engels-Lc!"Iin Institute, Moscow. Vol. I. With a preface by V. Adoratzki and a reprint of Karl Marx, by V. I. Lenin. Verlag fur Literatur und Politik, Vienna-Berlin, 1932.

With an appendix containing F. Engels’ review of Capital in the D^wkratisches Wochenblatt, letters of Marx and Engels on Capital, and the first publication in German of Marx’s marginal notes to Adolf Wagners Lehrbuch der politischm Okonomic.


  1. Diferuzz tier <^m>hiticchm und epikureischen Naturphilosephic.

The Doctoral Dissertation. First published in PE, I. With preparatory work and appendix, CW, I, j.

  1. Articles in tM “ RheiniscM Zeitung”. Cologne, i 842-3.

On the proceedings of the Rhenish Diet; the philosophical manifesto of the historical legal school ; the situation of the Moselle vintners ; the debates on the wood-pilfering law, etc. In part in PE, I. In full in CW, I, j.

2 I. Bemerkungen iiber dic neueste preussiscM ZmsurinstruktionLutMr als Schieds- richter zwischen Strauss und F^erbach.

Contained in the Anekdota zur neuesten Philosophic und Publizictik
itsued by ^Arnold Ruge, Zurich and Winterthur, 1843. Reprinted in PE, I, and CW, I, I.

  1. Kritik tier Mgelschen Staatsrechts, d.i. Hegels Rechtsphilosophie. (1841 ?)

First published in CW, I, 1 , and K, I.

  1. Zur Kritik tier MgelscMn Rechtsphilosophie Einleitung.Zur Judenfrage.

First published in the Deutsch-FranzosiscM JahrbiicMr, itsued by ^Arnold Ruge and Karl Marx, Paris, 1843. Reprinted in PE, I, CW, I, I , and K, I.

23a. Ditto. Translated by Edward Fitzgerald and published by Martin Lawrence Ltd., under the title “ The Jewish Question”, London, 1935.

  1. Article in theVorwarts ”, Paris, 1844.

In part in PE, II. In full in CW, I, I.

  1. Okonomicch-philosophicche Manwkripte, 18#.

On alienated labour, wages, money, etc., and with a critique of Hegelian philosophy. CW, III, also K, I, but without the “ First Manuscript ".

  1. Die Heilige Fandlle otier Kritik tier kritischen Kritik, gegen Bruno Bauer und

Konsorten. By Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx, Frankfort-on-Main,


Reprinted in PE, II, and ^W, III.

  1. Articles in the “ Westphaltsches Dampfhoot" and in the " Geselbchaftsspicgel."


Reprinted in ^W, III, and IV.

  1. Die Deutsche Ideologic. Kritik tier ueriestm deutschen Philosophic in iJzrm Repra-

smtanten, Feuerbach, B. Bauer rand Stiver, und tier deutschen Sozlal^^v in seinen verschiei^dm Propheten. By Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. 1845-6.

First published in full in ^W, V (also a popular edition by the Verla&, fur Literatur und Politik, Vienna-Berlin, 1932). Complete print in K, II, with the exception of one short paesage.

28a. An English translation is in preparation and will be published by Martin Lawrence Ltd., in 1936.

  1. Circular against the “ Volkstrihun ", edited by H. Kriege. By Marx and

Engels (and others), 1846.

Reprinted in CW, VI.

  1. Mtstre de la Philosophic. Riponse tl la Philosophie de la mtslre de M. Protudhon.

By Karl Marx, Paris, 1847.

30a. Ditto. Translated into German by E. Bernstein and K. Kautsky. With a preface and notes by Friedrich Engels, 1885.

30b. The Poverty of Philosophy. With a preface by F. Engels. Translated by Harry Quelch. The Twentieth Century Pres, London, 1900.

. 31. Articles in the " Deutsche Briisseler Zeitung ", in the " Tricrsche Zeitung", and in the “ Riforme ” • 1847-8.

Contains the speech on Poland and the articles against Griin and Heinzen. Reprinted in part in PE, II, and in full in CW, VI.

  1. Speech ofDr. Marx on Protection, Free Trade and the Working Classes. Published

in The Nortiherni Star in 1847.

32a. Discours sur la question du libre echange. Brussels, 1848.

32b. Free Trade. A speech delivered before the Democratic Club, Brussels, in 1848. With an extract from “ La misire de la philosophie ”. Translated by Florence Wischnewetzky. With a preface by Friedrich Engels. Lee & Shepard, Boston (Mass.), 1888.

32c. Zwei Reden uber die Freihandels- und Schutzzollfrage. Translated from the French with a preface and notes by J. Weydemeyer. Hamm, 1848.

32. 32a, and 32c, reprinted in CW, VI.

  1. Manifest der Kommunicttschen Partei. By Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

London, February 1848.

33a. Ditto. New Edition with preface by the authors. Leipzig, 1872.

33b., Ditto. 3rd Edition with preface by Friedrich Engels. Hottingen- Zurich, 1883.

33c. Ditto. 4th Edition with new preface by Friedrich Engels. London, iBgo.

33d. The Manifesto of the Communist Party. English translation by Helen Macfarlane, published in The Red Republican, London, 1850.

33e. Ditto. Ru&ian translation with a new preface by Karl Marx. Geneva, 1882.

33f. The Manifesto of the Communists. By Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

International Publishing Co., London, 1886.

33g. Manifesto of the Communist Party. By Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Authorized English translation by Samuel Moore. Edited and annotated by Friedrich Engels. William Reeves, 185, Fleet Street, London, 1888.

33k. Ditto. Charles H. Kerr & Co., Chicago, 1919.

33i. The Communist Manifesto. By Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Translated by Lily G. Aitken and Frank Budgen. The Socialist Labour Press, Glasgow, 1919.

33j. The Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. With an introduction and explanatory notes by D. Riazanov. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. Martin Lawrence Ltd., London, 1930. 33k. Reprint of 335, with all the most important prefaces. Martin Lawrence Ltd., London, 1933.

  1. Loknarbeit und Kapital. A series of articles published in the Neue ^foinuche

Zeitung in 1849 based on lectures delivered by Karl Marx to the German Workers Association in Brussels.

3¥. Reprinted together with a MS. on wages from the year 1847 in CW,


34b. Reprinted together with an introduction by Friedrich Engels and with additions and alterations. Berlin, 189 I.

34'. Wage-Labour and Capital. Translated by J. L. Joynes. The Modern Pres, London, 1885.

34d. Ditto. With an introduction by Friedrich E.ngels. The Socialist

Labour Press, Edinburgh, 1908. .

3¥. Ditto. Translated by Florence Baldwin, C.P.G.B. London, 1925.

34f. Ditto. Martin Lawrence Ltd., London, 1933.

  1. Articles in the “ Neue Rkeinische Zeitung ”. Cologne, 1848-9.

Reprinted in part in PE, III, and in full by Dietz, Berlin, 1928.

  1. Articles in the " Neue Rkeinische Zeitung. Politisck-Okonomische Revue ”.

London, Hamburg and New York, 1850. Including :

36a. Die Klassenkampfe in Frankreick i848-50. Reprinted under this title with an introduction by Friedrich Engels, Berlin. j 895.

36b. The Class Struggles in France, 1848-50. With an introduction by Friedrich Engels. Translated by Henry Kuhn. New York, Labor News Co., New York, 1924.

36c. Ditto. With an introduction by Friedrich Engels. New translation. Martin Lawrence Ltd., London, 1934.

  1. Der acktzeknte Brumaire des Louis Bonaparte. Published in the second

number of J. Weydemeyer’s Die Revolution, New York, 1852.

37a. Ditto. With a preface by Karl Marx. Hamburg, 1869.

37b. Ditto. With prefaces by Friedrich Engels and D. Riazanov. Verlag

fiir Literatur und Politik, Vienna-Berlin, 1927.

37c. The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. Translated by Daniel de Leon. Published in The People and afterwards in book form by The International Publishing Co., New York, 1898.

37d. Ditto. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. Allen & Unwin, London, 1926.

37e. Ditto. New translation with explanatory notes. Martin Lawrence Ltd., London, 1935.

  1. (Materialien, Erklirungen und Sckriften zumzum Kolner Kommtmistenprows 1851-2)

Entkullungen fiber den KommunistenproJ;.eSs zu Koln. Basle and Boston, 1853.

38a. Ditto. With an historical introduction by Friedrich Engels on the Communist League, and supplementary material and documents. With an epilogue written by Karl Marx in 1875. Hottingen-Ziirich, 1885.

38b. Ditto. With an introduction and notes by Franz Mehring. Singer, Berlin, 1914.

  1. Articles in “ The New Tork Tribune ” (1851-02) and in “ Notes tc the People ".

Not yet all identified and reprinted. Reprinted in part in R. Reprinted separately :

39a. Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Germany in 1848. Edited by E. M. Aveling. Swan Sonnenschein & Co., London, 1896.

The articles published under this title are now known to have been chiefly the work of Engels.

39b. Revolution und Konterrevolution in Deutschland. Translated into German by Karl Kautsky and published together with an appendix on the Cologne Communist Trial. Stuttgart, 1896.

39c. Reprint of 39a, by Allen & Unwin Ltd.,London, 1920, and by the Socialist Labour Prets, Glasgow, 1920.

39d. Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Germany. By Friedrich Engels, revised by Karl Marx. With three appendices : The history of the Communist League ; The demands of the Communist Party in Germany ; and The first addrets of the Central Committee of the Communist League to its members in Germany. Martin Lawrence Ltd., London, 1933.

3ge. The Easttern Question. A reprint of letters written 1853-6 dealing with the events of the Crimean War by Karl Marx. Edited by E. M. Aveling and E. Aveling. Swan Sonnenschein & Co., London, 1897. 39f. Pahmerston and Rassia. Political Fly-sheets, No. i. E. Tucker, London, 1853. 2nd Edition urider the title : Palmerston and Poland. 1854. 39g. Palrmerston, What has He Done? Political Fly-sheets, No. 2. E. Tucker, London, 1854.

  1. Artinles in “ The Peoples Paper ”, London, 1853-8.

Including the speech of Marx on the 1848 Revolution at the fourth anniversary of the founding of the paper. Not yet all identified and reprinted.

  1. Der Ritter vorn edelrniithigm Bewasstsein. London and New York, 1853.

Polemic against August Willich.

  1. Articles in the “ New: Oder-Zeitung ”, Breslau, 1855.

Reprinted in part in R, II, and in Die Neue Zeit.

  1. Articles for “The Free Press”, “The Diplomatic Review", etc., 1856-8.

Reprinted separately :

43a. Secret Diplomatic History of the Eighteenth Century. By Karl Marx. Edited by his daughter E. M. Aveling. Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Ltd., London, 1899.

43b. 'The Strory of the Life of Lord Palmerston. By Karl Marx. Edited by his daughter E. M. Aveling. Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Ltd., London, 1899.

  1. Artinles forThe New Amerinan Cyclopedia ”, issued by George Ripley and

Charles Dana. New York, 1860.

Including articles on Jean Baptiste Bernadotte, Simon Bolivar and Blucher.

  1. Zur Kritilc der politodchen Okonornie. First (and only) volume. Franz

Dunker, Berlin, 1859.

45a. Ditto. Issued by Karl Kautsky together with the “ General Introduction ” from the Marx papers., Dietz, Stuttgart, 1907.

454. A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy. Translated by

  1. N. Stone. With an appendix containing Marx’s introduction to the Critique recently published from among his posthumous papers. International Library Publishing Co., New York, and Kegan Paul & Co., London, 1909. And Charles H. Kerr & Co., Chicago.

  1. Articles in “ Dtr Volk ”, 1859.

  2. Herr Vogt. London, 1860.

47a. Ditto. Together with an appendix by Friedrich Engels and an introduction by Rudolf Franz. Leipzig, 1927.

  1. Articles for “ Die Presse ”, Vienna, 1861-2.

Including articles on the civil war in North America.

  1. Articles in “ The Beehive ”, London, 1864-70.

Including the Addroses drafted by Karl Marx on behalf of the English workers to Presidents Lincoln and Johnson.

49a. Lincoln, Labor and Slavery by Hermann Schliiter, New York, 1913. Containing the addreses.

  1. Address and Provisional Rules isi the Intentional Working-mm’s Association,

established September 28th, 1864, at a public meeting held at St. Martin’s Hall, Long Acre, London, London, 1864.

50a. Manifest an die arbeitende Klase Europas. First German translation in Doc Vorhote, Geneva, 1866.

504. Addres and Provisional Rules of the Inte^&tional Working-men’s Association, September 28th, 1864. Reprinted from the original. The Labour and Socialist Inte^&tional. London, 1924.

5OC. Die Inauguraladretse der Inte^&tionalen Arbeiter-Association. Translated by Luise Kautsky. With an introduction and notes by Karl Kautsky. Dietz, Berlin, 1928.

5od. Reprint of 50, as an appendix to The Hrrtoand isi the First Intentional.

Martin Lawrence Ltd., London, 1929.

5 1. Article against Proudhon in the Sozial-Demokrat in 1865.

Reprinted in the German edition of The Povocty isi Philosophy. Stuttgart, 1892, and later.

  1. Declaration agaiiont J. B. von Schweitzer in the DUsseldorfer Zeitung (March

1865), in the Berlin Reformi (April 1865) and in the Sozial-Dermokrat (1865).

  1. Value, Price and Profit. An Address delivered by Karl Marx to the General

Council of the International in 1865.

53a. Ditto. Addretsed to working-men. Edited by E. M. Aveling. Swan Sonnenschein & Co., London, i8gS.

53b. Ditto. Socialist Labour Press, Edinburgh, l^goB.

53c. Ditto. Allen & Unwin Ltd., London, 1931.

There are also American editions by Charles H. Kerr & Co., and by International Publishers, New York.

53d. Lohn, Preis und Profit. Translated by Eduard Bernstein. Frankfort- on-Main, 1910.

And many subsequent editions and translations.

  1. Manifestos, Programncs and Declarat^ions of the G^ocal Council isi the Inler-

national. 1867-73.

Including the Inaugural* Addrets, the Addretses to Presidents Lincoln and Johnson, the Addres on the Belgian ^^acres, les pr£- tendues scissions, l’Alliance de la democratie socialiste, etc., the Addresses on the civil war in France, etc. Variously reprinted.

  1. Co-operation with J. G. &cariRule : “ A Working-^n’s Refutation of J. S.

Mill ”.

A series of articles published in The Commonwealth.

55a. The Hours of Labour. By J. G. Eccarius. London, etc.

  1. Addralsal of the Gmnal Counciil of the Intentional “ On the War ” and “ The

Civil War in France ”. London, 1871.

56a. Der Biirgerkrieg in Frankreich. Printed inDn Vorbote, Geneva, and in the Volksstaat, Leipzig, 187 i •

56b. Ditto. With an introduction by Friedrich Engels, Dietz, Berlin, 1932. 56c. The Civil War in France. Preceded bythe two Manifestos of the General Council of the International on the Franco-Prussian War. With a historical introduction by R. W. Postgate. The Labour Publishing Co., London, and Allen & Unwin Ltd., London, 1921.

56d. Ditto. With an introduction by Friedrich Engels and a speech by Lenin on the Paris Commune. Martin Lawrence Ltd., London, 1933.

  1. I’Alliance

Rapports et documents, etc. London and Hamburg, 1873.

The so-called “ Alliance Pamphlet ”, being the report drawn up at the instructions of The Hague congre^ of the International on the activities of Bakunin and his Alliance.

  1. (Randglossen zum Gothaer Parteiprogramm) Zur Kritik des sozialdemokratischen

Parteiprogramms. 1875.

Published by Friedrich Engels from the posthumous papers of Marx


58a. Kritiken der sozialdemokratischen Programmentwiirfe von 1875 und 1891. By Marx and Engels. With the programmes of the Social Democratic Party of Germany from 1863 to 1925 and other material. Edited by Hermann Duncker. Internationaler Arbeiterverlag, Berlin, 1930. 58b. The Socialist Programme. Translated from Zur Kritik des sozialdemokratischen programms von Gotha by Eden and Cedar Paul. The Socialist Labour Press, Glasgow, 1919.

58c. Critique of the Gotha Programme. Containing also Engels’ letters to Bebel, Bracke and Kautsky, Engels’ introduction, the notes made by Lenin on a copy of the book, and some extracts from Lenin’s State and Revolution. Martin Lawrence Ltd., London 1933.

  1. Co-operation with Friedrich Engels : Hermi Eugen Diihring's Umwiilzung

dn Wissenschaft. First published in the Vorwarof and the Volksstaat. 1877-8. First published in book form by the Leipziger Geno^en- schaftsdruckerei 1878. Marx co-operated in the writing of the whole book and Part II, Chapter X, “ From the Critical History ”, is completely his.

59a. Herr Eugen Diihring’s Revolution in Science. By Friedrich Engels.

Translated by Emile Burns. Martin Lawrence Ltd., London, 1935. 59b. Marx and Engels on Religion. A compilation. Martin Lawrence, London, 1935.

  1. A Worka’s Inquiry. By Karl Marx. Translation of an article in the

Revue Socialists of the 5th of November 1880. C.P.G.B., London, 1933.


  1. Karl Marx/Frnsdrich Enge/Cr. Briefwechsel. C.W., issued by D. Riazanov

and V. Adoratzki. Marx-Engels Verlag, Berlin, 1929-31.

Complete edition.

61a. Der Briefwechsel zwischen Fr. Engels und Kari Marx, 1844-83. Leued by Bebel and Bernstein in 4 vols. Dietz, Stuttgart, 1913. With abridgements and deletions.

61b. Marx/Engels: Selected Correspondence 1864-95. A selection with commentary and notes. Translated and edited by Dona Torr. With a preface by V. Adoratzki of the Marx-Engels Institute. Martin Lawrence Ltd., London, 1934.

  1. Brieft und Aus,dige am Briifen von J. P. Becktr, J. Diethgm, Fr. Engeb, Karl

Marxu.a. an F. A. Sorge u. anmine. Issued by F. A. Sorge. Diets, Stuttgart, 1921.

  1. Karl Marx : Briife an Kugelt^mo.n (Aus den Jahren 1862-74). With an

introduction by Lenin. Viva, Berlin, 1927.

63a. Letters to Kugelmann. With Lenin’s introduction to the Russian edition and an historical preface by the Marx-Engels Institute. Martin Lawrence Ltd., 1934.

  1. Die Briefe von K. Marx and Fr. Engeb an Daniebon. (Nikolai-on). With

an introduction by Gustav Mayer. Liebing, Leipzig, 1929.

  1. Briefwechsel zweftchen K. Marx und Bruno Bauer, Arrwld Ruge U.a., fe^M

zweftchen Marx undseinem Vater. CW, I, I.

  1. Briefe von Marx an Wg/^^ier und Frau. Waffenkammer des Sozialismus,

Frankfort-on-Main, 1907.

  1. Freiligrath tund Marx in ihrem Briefwechsel. Published by Franz Mehring

in the Neue Zeit, 1912.

  1. Drei Briefe von Karl Marx an Heinrich Heine. Published by Gustav Mayer

in Grunberg’s Archive, IX, 1921.

6g. Briefwechsel zweftchen ^Losalle tund Marx. Published by Gustav Mayer, Stuttgart, 1922.

70. Briefwechsel zweftchen Vera Z^ulic und Karl Marx. Marx-Engels Archive, issued by D. Riazanov on behalf of the Marx-Engels Institute. Frankfort-on-Main, 1926.

Fwther Marx material in English can be found in the files of 'The Labour Monthly, London :

Karl Marx and the Proletarian Dictatorship (Section 5 of Max Beer’s Inquiry into Dictatorship), Vol. III, No. 2, August 1922.

Addres to the Communist League (1850) by Karl Marx, Vol. III, No. 3, September 1922.

Selections from the Literary Remains of Karl Marx. (Edited by Max Beer.) Vol. V, Nos., I to 3. July, August and September 1923.

Karl Marx on Robert Applegarth. (Extracts from the Correspondence selected by Max Beer.) Vol. VI, No. 8, August 1924.

India under British Rule. Two' articles by Karl Marx reprinted from TM New Tork Tribune, Vol. VII, No. 12, December 1925.

The Revolution in China and in Europe. By Karl Marx. Reprinted from TM New Tork Tribune. Vol. VIII, No. 3, March 1926.

The Chartist Movement. By Karl Marx. Reprinted from TM New Tork Tribune, Vol. XI, No. 12, December 1929.

Marx and the Labour Parliament of 1854. Letter to TM People's Paper, March 18th, 1854. By Reg. Groves. Vol. XII, No. 3, March 1930.

Marx on Kautsky. Letter to his daughter Jenny, Vol. XIII, No. 7, July >93^

Marx and Engels on Ireland. Edited by T. A. Jackson. Vol. XIV, Nos. 10, ii and 12. October, November and December 1932. Vol. ^V, No. I, January 1933.

Ideology in General. (Extracts from Die DeutscM Itkologie by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 1845-6). Vol. XV, No. 3, March 1933.

Marx and Engels on India. Vol. XV, Nos. 6, 7 and 8. June, July and August 1933.

Marx and Engels on the British Working-ClaM Movement, Vol. XV, Nos. 9, 10 and ii. September, October and November 1933. Vol. XVI, Nos. i, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10. February, March, April, May, June and October *934^


Abeele, 4M .£schylus, 503 Agitation Club, The, 212 Albert of Sardinia, 266-7 Allan, 321

Allgermeiru Literatur-Zeitmg, 97-8, 100, 102-3

Allg^onru Zatung (Augsburg), 43, 49, 282, 28509- 292 Allg^^mei Zeitung (Leipzig), 49-50 Zeitung, Norddeutsche, 331 AllgDeutscher Arbeiterverein, 330-1, 333, 396-400, 402, 4' 7, 420 Alliance of Socialist Democracy, The, 403, 409-'3, 428, 430-', 464, 468-g, 47', 475, 479, 968, 49G-'

Altenstein, '5, '8, 21-3, 26 ^mberger, 222 Anarchism, 4Bo, 515 Arukdota Philosophilca, 33, 40, 52, 55, 96 Anti-Combination Laws : lh England, '00 (see also Crim^inal Law Amendment Bill), 32' in France, 3 I 9 in Germany, 333, 4B2 Anti-Socialist Law, The (Germany), 518 Applegarth, Robert, 32', 4'7, 460-' Argyle, Earl Archibald of, 7 Aristotle, 22-4 Ashley, Lord, '00 Asembly :

Berlin, '58, '70-', '79, '8'—a, '84-5 National (Frankfort), '56-7, '62, '68- '6g, '7', '73-4, '83, '85-8, 280 National (Paris), '89, 204, 44B8, 458 ^Asodation :

Democratic, '42-4, '7', 18' ofEmployers and Employees, '7' of the Friends of Reform, '40 of German Workers Organization, 396,

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