Nobody knows that Zionism appeared as a Marxist movement, a socialist one Zionism is actually a revolution

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Some of the members of Schalom Aleichem in Tartu also volunteered to join the extermination battalions. Among these were Selda Pats and her brother Jaakov Pesah and also Josef Mjasnikov, who founded the Zionist movement Netzach in Estonia, according to Dov Levin.

Movsa Michelson, chairman of the Jewish cultural organisation in Tartu, admitted the following in an interview in the newspaper Edasi (26th of February 1989): "At the beginning of the war many [Jews] joined the extermination battalions." The militiaman Gerschon Zimbalov was one of those who joined.

The extermination battalions were known for their almost indescribable cruelty and brutality, especially towards women and children. The victims were thrown alive into fires, parts of their bodies were cut off, they were nailed to walls... All this also happened in Soviet Russia. The Red terror ruled Estonia for two months until the 28th of August 1941, when those stormtroops were defeated. They had orders to liquidate everything in their path, to imprison the opponents of the Communist system and to eliminate them on the spot if necessary.

The infamous Boris Friedman and Jershik Schigol terrorised the area near the town of Voru, Jakob Jolanski in Parnu, Shustov and others in Kuressaare.

What sort of things were these violent criminals doing? Here are a few typical, well-documented examples, which have not acquired the ano-

nymity of the great terror waves. Josef Goldman, who commanded one of these extermination battalions, gave orders to the effect that all women and girls found on roads, farms or in fields should first be raped, then have their breasts cut off and finally be burned alive. Men were also treated in a similar manner: first they lost their genitals, then their eyes, after which their stomachs were cut open and they were finally killed as slowly as possible. Being a member of Licht, Comrade Josef Goldman really did represent an exceedingly strange, uncivilised and peculiar "culture". Twenty men were arrested by the exterminators at the railway station in Viluvere. They were taken to Tallinn where they were interrogated. The Jewish commander of the seventh extermination battalion, L. Rubinov, gave the order to murder these men in the Liiva forest. Before they were killed, they were tied up with barbed wire, which cut through the palms of their hands, and their ears were cut off.

Selma Ratsep in Kudina, the farmer Rudolf Pall near Tartu, Anna Kivi- mae and her daughters Ulanda and Armilda near Tartu, Lembit Ital in Kuusalu and many others were also murdered by the exterminators, following torture. Anna Kivimae's head had been crushed, her daughters

had been raped, their eyes squeezed out. In western Estonia, August Savir (40 vears old) had his stomach cut up, after which his head was crushed. Three exterminators led by the Jew Leo Epstein stormed the 83-year-old Karolina Muhlbaum's house in Jarva-Jaani on the 24th of July 1941. Her house was plundered and she was forced to accompany them. Her body was later found by a road leading into Kaagvere. The killers had smashed her face.

The gardener Albert Palu was burned alive in Helme on the 5th of July 1941. Albert Simm and his wife in Puhajoe met the same fate. The 14- year-old Tiit Kartes was arrested in Aseri later on the same day. He was cruelly tortured, after which his genitals were cut off and he was murdered. His body was found in the forest.

The exterminators flayed some of their victims alive, cut off their fin-

gers, tore off their arms. A shepherd boy was torn apart between two cars near Haapsalu. Anette Lenk in Kuressaare was tortured with boiling water. Jewish youths, acting as agents for Moscow, shot passing pedestrians in Tartu from windows. A few of these murderers were caught. They were carying bottles of petrol with which to start fires. Others were carrying poison to poison wells.

The Soviet-Estonian periodical Vikerkaar published an article by the historian Mart Laar (who became Estonia's right-wing prime minister in the autumn of 1992) in November 1988, under the title "The Time of the Horrors". The article described the crimes of the extermination battalions. This of course upset the Soviet authorities and they wanted to take Mart Laar to court for spreading false information, since these inhuman acts seemed improbable. Everything was later confirmed by other sources.

Here are just a few examples of the horrible crimes Mart Laar described. The Communists destroyed three Estonian villages and all their inhabitants in an especially cruel manner. The children were nailed up in trees, pregnant women were beaten to death. In the village of Ehavere, babies were affixed to the breasts of their mothers with bayonets. The women's tongues and breasts were cut off. I later found information about how pigs were sometimes fed with the corpses of Forest Brothers (Estonian guerrilla soldiers).

The Jews Hans Grabbe (Hasa Hoff) and Mikhail Pasternak bore the ultimate responsibility for those atrocious crimes.

The Estonian nation lost 25 per cent of its population (around 250 000) during the first ten years of Soviet occupation. The best educated and most active citizens were the ones to suffer the most. Imagine placing every Estonian - men, women, the aged and children - in a long line and shooting every fourth person. This was what they did to Estonia! Other crimes seem pathetic in comparison. The active role of the extremist Jews was a complete surprise. To the Estonians it felt like a slap in the face.

An Estonian Jew, Joosep Frank, who emigrated to Israel, admitted in the Estonian exile newspaper Meie Elu (Toronto) on the 10th of July 1986 that "the Estonians were never hostile towards the Jews". The leader of the Estonian Jews, Samuil Lazikin, told the Swedish journalist Jan Lindstrom in 1989: "During the time of the Republic of Estonia, there was no official anti-Semitism whatsoever in Estonia." Lindstrom wondered "Did the Jews live well in Estonia then?" Lazikin answered: "Naturally, of course!" (Expressen, the 4th of September 1989.)

So it was not a question of revenge. Despite this, all the Jewish employees of certain companies in Tallinn joined the extermination batta- lions. I can mention the Jewish-owned factory Rauaniit, where every Jew, with the manager Zemach Delski at the head, joined the exterminators. They were not loyal to the Republic of Estonia but to a foreign power.

Th Jewess Irina Stelmach admitted in the newspaper Hommikuleht (Tallinn) on the 17th of December 1993 that there were many Jews in the extermination battalions. Soviet-Estonia became the Jews' promised land, according to Augustina Gerber, the editor-in-chief of the Jewish news- papcr Hasahar in Tallinn. Indeed, the Jews became high-ranking chiefs within the Soviet power apparatus in occupied Estonia. They controlled radio (Ado Slutsk), TV, the record industry, scientific development and, of course, the propaganda. The Jewish political scientists Herbert Vainu, Gabriel Hazak and Simon Joffe were the most important radio commen- tators. The falsification of history was controlled by the Jewish "dictator

of history" Herbert-Armin Lebbin, who continued publishing Communist lies about how the Estonians voluntarily joined the Soviet Union and chose the path of progressive socialism in the periodical Aja Pulss (No. 11 and No. 12), as late as June 1988. In 1980 he published the propaganda book "In the Service of Anti-Communism", the audacity of which exceeded all other books of its kind. The ideology at the universities was under the control of the following Jews: Rem Blum (professor of sociology at the University of Tartu), and Eugenia Gurin-Loov (lecturer in philosophy at the Institute of Education in Tallinn).

When a few exiled Estonians were, for the first time to some extent, allowed to tell the Swedish press about the important role the Jews played in the crimes of the extermination battalions, the Jewish lawyer Hans W. Levy from Gothenburg tried to explain that "the words 'extermination battalion' are reserved for the Nazi Einsatzkommando groups". (Svenska Dagbladet, 6th of February 1992.) In all seriousness, he meant that the Jews had never been involved in extermination. Hans Levy is wrong. The Germans never committed any atrocities as widespread and terrible as the ones I have described, when they came to the Baltic states. I need only mention here that Moses Hess saw Communism as the best means by which to spread annihilation.

If we compare testimonies about how the extermination battalions ravaged Estonia with reports from the Palestinian territories occupied by

Israel, we can see that the crimes committed by the Zionists of today are of the same nature as those committed during the spread of Communism into the Baltic states in 1940-41. Here are just a few typical headlines from the Swedish press concerning crimes against the Palestinians: "Palestinians Tortured to Death" (Aftonbladet, 9th of February 1988), "Jewish Terror

Against Palestinians" (Svenska Dagbladet, 9th of June 1987), "Soldiers Beat 15-Year-Old to Death" {Aftonbladet, 9th of February 1988), "17- Year-Old Shot to Death in Gaza" {Aftonbladet, 10th of January 1988), "Ten Palestinians Burnt to Death" {Aftonbladet, 29th of February 1988), "The Israelis Shot Two Children to Death" {Aftonbladet, 6th of June 1990), "Israeli Massacre in Palestinian Village - Six Villagers Shot Down" {Expressen, 14th of April 1989), "The Soldiers Broke the Prisoner's Arm" {Expressen, 27th of February 1988), "The Police Shot Straight at the Children" {Expressen, 2nd of April 1989), "Playing Five- Year-Old Shot to Death" {Expressen, 19th of October 1988), "Chemical Warfare Against Palestinians" {Dagens Nyheter, 23rd of March 1988).

That Israeli soldiers break the arms of Palestinian prisoners is no act of individual arbitrariness. The model of this act can be found in the Old Testament, Psalms 10:15-16 and 37:17. The first passage reads: "Break thou the arm of the wicked and the evil man: seek out his wickedness till thou find none. The LORD is King for ever and ever: the heathen are perished out of his land."

In February 1988, the 15-year-old schoolboy Iyad Mohammed was dragged out of his home and beaten to death with rifle butts. Witnesses stated that the Israeli soldiers had completely mashed his head. {Svenska Dagbladet, 9th of February 1988.) In the spring of 1988, four Palestinians were forced to lie on the ground while a bulldozer covered them in earth in Kafir near Nablus on the West Bank. Villagers later managed to dig them out alive. {Svenska Dagbladet, 16th of May 1988.)

Representatives of Save the Children have gone so far as to claim that Israeli soldiers shoot at children on purpose. At least 64 children were killed during the first 11 months after the beginning of the intifada {Dagens Nyheter, 8th of December 1988.)

In defence, the Zionists say that they have to shoot at people who throw stones at them. Foreigners (including Muslims) have thrown stones at tin- police in France and England without getting shot in return. A 23-year-old in Malmo (Sweden) threw a stone at the police in the spring of 1993. The court fined him. {Dagens Nyheter, 30th of October 1993.)

This will have to be enough. The facts clearly show, however, that the Zionist Jews are involved in unusually violent and horrible forms of extermination in their "various projects". Palestinian houses have been blown up, many villages have been razed. These methods are hardly

compatible with the policies of a democratic country. To what purpose did Israel sign the Geneva conventions?

The Israeli weekly newspaper Ha'olam Hazzeh published the 5th of January 1974 Lieutenant Colonel Avidan's brochure "The Purity of Weapons". He is also the rabbi of the Central Region Military Command. He instructs the readers in their duty to kill civilians. Soldiers do not only have the right, but even the duty to kill civilians. That is Mitzvah - a good deed for Yahweh.

The Soviet regime in Estonia was weakened considerably in 1988. The struggle for freedom began in earnest. Ideologists and functionaries became desperate - they did not want to lose their privileges as members of the nomenclature (nomenklatura - the Marxist power-elite). At the same time, they wanted to make it impossible for any anti-Semitic attitudes to surface in the country. That was why the KGB planned a punishment operation in Estonia between the 20th and the 26th of November 1988. The planned operation was called The Disobedient. It

was to have been led by the KGB Colonel Samuil Mikbailov (actually Samuil Michelson), a Jew born in Parnu, Estonia. He was the chief of the Baltic section of the KGB. (Nadalaleht, 19th of October 1991.)

The Soviet regime in Estonia ended anyway. The country became independent in August 1991. That was a hard fact for the Marxist Jews to swallow. The Jew Yevgeni Kogan was at the head of the so-called Internationalists, who tried to sabotage the independent Estonian develop-

ment in any way possible. No measures were taken against him.

The newly founded Jewish cultural organisation in Tallinn began a slander campaign in Sweden to damage the image of Estonia abroad. That was how they rewarded the Estonians who kindly permitted the founding of this new Jewish club of disinformation.

On the 18th of November 1991, a fax about a supposed meeting of

Estonian SS men and Jew-killers was sent to the Swedish Committee for Soviet Jews. The meeting was, in actual fact, for Estonian war veterans, former Red Army as well as Wehrmacht soldiers. They had gathered for a reconciliation and to discuss the matter of their pensions and other

problems they had in common. But the stupid Swedish minister of foreign aid. Alf Svensson, who had made a fool of himself on a number of

previous occasions, swallowed the bait and warned about the danger of fascism in Estonia. The Marxist Jews in Estonia, headed by Gennadi 393

Gramberg, were overjoyed by this contribution to their attempts to regain some of their former privileges. A Latvian Jew, Samuil Zivs, formerly vice-chairman of bar association of the Soviet Union have also spread slander and similar disinformation.

On the 17th of January 1992, the Japanese Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa apologised for his soldiers having used tens of thousands of Korean women as sex-slaves during the Second World War. (Dagens Nyheter, 18th of January 1992.) The Japanese Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama also apologised for other war crimes on the 15th of August 1995.1 naively hoped for a similar gesture from the Jews of Estonia. I was wrong. I received quite the opposite. On the 8th of April 1992, the weekly newspaper Eesti Aeg (Tallinn) published a lengthy article where I described the contributions of the two Jewish cultural organisations (Licht and Schalom Aleichem) to the Communist terror in 1940-41. In conclusion, I asked the present Jewish cultural union to distance themselves from those crimes and to apologise to the Estonian people. The fanatical extremist Jews became enraged and counter-attacked. They have definitely refused to apologise. They have demanded that the Estonian people should collectively assume the guilt and responsibility for the crimes, which the German occupational forces committed against Jewish Chekists and terrorists.

The Estonian government did actually apologise to the Jews. Estonia even joined in the shameful decision to abolish the UN resolution, which stamped Zionism as racism. The Jews, in contrast, tried to deny the crimes they committed during the first Soviet occupation. They claimed that the Estonian people bear a collective responsibility for "masses" of Jews having been murdered in the country. The Jews, on the other hand, do not bear collective responsibility for the crimes which "a few Jews perhaps" committed, according to the Marxist Jewess Eugenia Gurin-Loov. (Eesti Maa, 3rd of February 1993.)

Encyclopaedia Judaica claimed in 1971 that 1000 Jews were killed in Estonia. Then Expressen in Sweden published Soviet lies to the effect that 12 000 Jews (an impossible figure) were murdered in Tartu alone, in cluding women and children. (Expressen, 21st of April 1987, p. 9.) But only 200 Jews were murdered in Tartu according to the Israeli information. Most of them were guilty of violent crimes. The Jewess Eugenia Gurin-Loov puts the figure of Jews killed in Tartu at 159. The

New York Times published a report of the proceedings with the eye- witness Oskar Art, who had driven the Volvo bus carrying the prisoners to the place of execution. He claims that only 50 Jews were shot in Tartu "but no children". Which of these figures seem most likely to be true?

The Germans failed to organise anti-Jewish riots among the Estonians - they did not want to take part, in spite of the terrible crimes Jews had committed against them. No Jew pogroms have ever taken place in Estonia. Even the Jews admit this. There are still Zionists who claim that the Estonians began killing Jews before the German forces arrived. One of these was Salomon Schulman who published his views in Expressen, then the largest daily newspaper in Scandinavia, on the 10th of January 1992. There were fewer than 1000 Jews left in Estonia in the autumn of 1941, according to the Jewish professor Dov Levin (921 according to the German security police chief Martin Sandberger's report). 3000 had been evacuated to Russia. The Estonian Jews were able to present only 474 names of Jews who were killed. Only 474 Jews had been killed before Estonia was declared "clear of Jews" in January 1942, according to document 180-L, which was used at the Nuremberg trial (Sirp, 24th of December 1991). Eugenia Gurin-Loov presented the names of 929 executed Jews in her book "The Great Holocaust" (Tallinn, 1994). The same propagandist asserted in the periodical Horisont in 1991 that 2000 Estonian Jews had been executed. This figure was actually higher than the total number of Jews in Estonia at the time. One might think that not a single Jew in Estonia was spared. Facts tell a different story.

Valev Uibopuu, a famous Estonian linguist and exiled author in Sweden, confirms that some Estonian Jews, who were quite innocent of thc crimes committed by the Soviet regime, survived the German

occupation. He wrote: "In the early spring of 1943, I sat in a dentist's chair in Nomme (a suburb of Tallinn). My female dentist was Jewish. It was the last time I saw her, since I left Estonia that summer to escape the ever more troublesome grip of the German occupation.

I later heard that my dentist had moved to southern Estonia, where she had continued with her work. She made it through the war alive, i.e., no one informed on her. Her daughter, who was a young student, also survived and is now a doctor in Tartu." (Estniska Dagbladet, Stockholm, l0th of January 1992.) This report had been written for Sydsvenska Dagbladet, which refused to publish it.

The Soviet propaganda constantly accused the Estonians (collectively) of participating in mass-murders of Jews. Even the exiled Estonian author Andres Kiing was classed as a war criminal, despite the fact that he was not even born at the time of the war. (Dagen, 5th of March 1987.)

Jewish activists continue to commit crimes against Estonia by claiming that the Jews had nothing to do with the Soviet regime. More recently they have admitted that there were a few "solitary" sympathisers among the Jews. This is a true example of Jewish audacity - chutzpah. The Encyclo- paedia Judaica gives an example of this: the son killed his parents and turned to the synagogue fund to request orphan benefits...

There were 4613 Jews in Estonia in 1989 (there were 5436 in 1959). Only 8.4 per cent of them spoke Estonian, while 34.5 per cent understood the language. (Aja Pulss, No. 1, 1991.) This is how the Jews show their respect for the Estonian culture!

The truth must eventually come out. Those concealing a crime become accessories. Nevertheless, Jewish activists have done everything in their power to keep the truth about the crimes of the Jewish Marxists against the Estonian people in 1940-41 from coming out. They refuse to reveal how many Estonian Jews worked for the Soviet regime. They still wish to revenge themselves on those who dare to tell the truth.

During the time of the Red terror regime, it was not even permitted to say that life was better in bourgeois Estonia than in the Communist Soviet Union. Oskar Sommer said it anyway. He was sentenced to ten years in a forced labour camp.

The Zionists wish to be spared revealing articles about Jewish crimes in Estonia. Rabbi Leon Mark Perlman even claimed on the 17th of August 1992 in Goteborgs-Posten that "democracy in the Baltic states is threatened" as a result of articles, which reveal the role of the Jews in the Communist terror. That was sheer chutzpah!

At the same time, one can read in newspapers how the Jewish financial world has begun infiltrating the Estonian economy. (Rahva Haal, 16th of July 1993.) The Estonian Prime Minister Mart Laar suddenly became ex- ceedingly co-operative in this respect. The Jews appear to have complete control of the economic and ideological situation in the Baltic states once more. The Latvian capital, Riga, has become the centre of the Jewish financial elite in the Baltic states, according to Eesti Ekspress. (29th of October 1993, A 7.) Thus the Latvians have been placed under guardian-

ship in the matter of international affairs that are important also to international Zionism.

A further indication of this situation was the opening of the Masonic lodge Fooniks (Phoenix) in Tallinn in the middle of June 1993. This will be the Zionists' primary tool in Estonia. The funds to found the lodge camc from Sweden.

There are already representatives of the international Jewish Masonic organisation B'nai B'rith in Estonia. The Jewish lawyer Leon Glickman in Estonia became a member of this organisation in 1989, according to an interview published in Eesti Ekspress. (20th of August 1993.)

The ruling circles in Tallinn would like to see Estonia in the EU. They are not interested in the good of the country.

The Communist occupation authorities in Estonia caused enormous

damage to the Estonian society. They poisoned both the spiritual and physical environment, destroyed the people's morals with audacious lies and hypocrisy, damaged the public health with cheap alcohol and inferior food and limited the people's chances of spiritual development. The

Soviet regime damaged Estonia economically too. The occupation cost Etonia 10 billion dollars per year since 1940, according to information, which was made public on Swedish TV on the 5th of July 1991. The other Communist countries were similarly affected, and China, Vietnam, Cuba and a few other remaining Communist states are still suffering under this system.

Mentally retarded children in closed institutions received worse treat- ment in Estonia than animals did in the West. In 1965, before Western tourists were allowed in Estonia, the Soviet authorities gave orders to round up all the war invalids begging on streets and squares in a single dav. The fittest were sent to special concentration camps on the island of Valam, where they were put to work. The others were destroyed.

This is enough. It is impossible to describe all of the Communists'

crimes here. The shadowy financial forces and Jewish Communist leaders refuse to assume guilt or responsibility. Who will bear this guilt then, for

all the peoples that were degraded, oppressed and made helpless in the shackles of Communism? The helplessness is due to the fact that the Communist system allows only a specially chosen group of suitable slaves to survive, a group who lacks the insight or judgement to lead the others. When such a badly injured nation slowly, in great disorder and with grave 397
deficiency disorders, once more tries to come to life, it is easy to fool the masses with ostensibly new ideas, fair promises and fantastic restructuring plans (also on the political map), everything under apparently new leaders with a new control apparatus.

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