Modul 2 Symptoms and syndromes in diseases of internal organs Text test

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  • Pleural liquid

  • Empty bronchiectasia

  • Neutrophil leycocytosis and shift to the left, toxic granulosity of neutrophils, increased ESR – these signs are typical for …

    1. Bronchial asthma

    2. Acute bronchitis

    3. Chronic bronchitis

    4. Pulmonary emphysema

    5. * Croupous pneumonia

  • Normal maximal lung ventilation is:

    1. 20-40 l

    2. 40-60 l

    3. 60-100 l

    4. * 80-200 l

    5. 200-250 l

  • Normal minute volume respiration is:

    1. 2-4 l

    2. 4-5 l

    3. * 4-8 l

    4. 10-15 l

    5. 15-20 l

  • Normal ratio between duration of inspiration and expiration is

    1. * 1 : 1,2

    2. 1,3 : 2

    3. 2 : 2,3

    4. 2,3 : 3

    5. 3 : 3,3

  • Pathological bronchial breathing – this is:

    1. Intensified bronchial breathing

    2. Weakened bronchial breathing

    3. * Bronchial breathing heard in atypical zones where normally vesicular breathing is heard

    4. When bronchial breathing is absent in interscapular space

    5. When bronchial breathing is absent at the larynx

  • Pathological bronchial breathing may be heard in the following disease\:

    1. Pulmonary emphysema

    2. Pneumothorax

    3. Acute bronchitis

    4. Pleurisy

    5. * Pneumonia

  • Pathological bronchial breathing may be heard in the following syndrome:

    1. Pulmonary emphysema

    2. Pneumothorax

    3. Accumclation of air and fluid in pleural cavity

    4. Accumulation of fluid in pleural cavity

    5. * Consolidation of pulmonary tissue

  • Pathological weakened vesicular breathing is typical for:

    1. Physical loading

    2. Thin chest wall

    3. Well-developed superficial chest muscles

    4. * Lung emphysema

    5. Swelling of bronchial mucosa

  • Physiological weakened vesicular breathing is typical for:

    1. Physical loading

    2. Thin chest wall

    3. * Well-developed (hypertrophied) superficial chest muscles

    4. Lung emphysema

    5. Pneumonia

  • Pleural friction is heard…

    1. During inspiration and first 1/3 of expiration

    2. In 1st phase of inspiration

    3. In 1st phase of expiration

    4. During inspiration and the last 1/3 of expiration

    5. * During inspiration and expiration

  • Pneumotachymetry is the method for determination of

    1. Arterial blood gases

    2. Respiratory volumes

    3. * Velocity of air streams

    4. Location of pathological process in the lungs

    5. Ethiology of disease of respiratory system

  • Poor bronchopulmonary pattern on X-ray film is typical for…

    1. Focal pneumonia

    2. Lobar pneumonia

    3. Chronic bronchitis

    4. * Bronchial asthma

    5. Pleurisy with effusion

  • Poor bronchopulmonary pattern, elevation of diaphragm and horizontal ribs direction on X-ray film is typical for…

    1. * Pulmonary emphysema

    2. Lobar pneumonia

    3. Acute bronchitis

    4. Bronchial asthma

    5. Pleurisy with effusion

  • Pseudochylous exssudate is typical for:

    1. Pneumonia

    2. Lung cancer

    3. * Syphilis with affection of serous cavities

    4. Ascaridosis

    5. Bronchial asthma

  • Purulent exssudate is typical for:

    1. Pneumonia

    2. Lung cancer

    3. * Pleural ampyema

    4. Ascaridosis

    5. Bronchial asthma

  • Rales are heard…

    1. During inspiration and first 1/3 of expiration

    2. In 1st phase of inspiration

    3. In 1st phase of expiration

    4. During inspiration and the last 1/3 of expiration

    5. * During inspiration and expiration

  • Rales originates…

    1. In alveoli

    2. * In bronchi

    3. No any answer is correct

    4. In larynx

    5. Between pleural layers

  • Respiratory insufficiency of obstructive type develops due to:

    1. Appearance of air in the pleural cavity

    2. Limitation of the chest wall movements

    3. * Obstruction of bronchial lumen

    4. Diminishing of lungs' reespiratory surface

    5. Diminishing of lungs parenchyma elasticity

  • Respiratory insufficiency of restiuctive type develops due to:

    1. Appearance of air in the pleural cavity

    2. Limitation of the chest wall movements

    3. * All mentioned

    4. Diminishing of lungs' reespiratory surface

    5. Diminishing of lungs parenchyma elasticity

  • Round white ring on X-ray film of lungs is typical for…

    1. Focal pneumonia

    2. Acute bronchitis

    3. Bronchial asthma

    4. Pleurisy with effusion

    5. * Lung cancer

  • Spyragraphic examination lets to determine…

    1. Arterial blood gases

    2. Signs of pulmonary hypertension

    3. Location of pathological process in the lungs

    4. * Function of external respiration

    5. Ethiology of disease of respiratory system

  • Spyrometry is the method for determination of

    1. Arterial blood gases

    2. * Respiratory volumes

    3. Velocity of air streams

    4. Location of pathological process in the lungs

    5. Ethiology of disease of respiratory system

  • Patient D. suffers with bronchiectatic disease for 7 years. Now he is in exacerbation phase and complais of severe cough. After one intensive coughing paroxysm he has developed progressing dyspnea and oain in the chest. Bbandbox sound is obtain with percussion at the right part of the chest while absence of breathing sounds - during auscultation Sudden decrease of vital lung capacity ic recorded on spyrogram. What the presented data may suggest about?

    1. Lung amyloidosis

    2. Bronchial obstruction

    3. Pneumonia

    4. * Spontaneous pneumothorax

    5. Empyema pleurae

  • The cause of restrictive type of respiratory failure may be all presented below except of:

    1. Bronchial tumour which closes completely its lumen

    2. Pneumofibrosis

    3. Pneumonia

    4. Pneumothorax

    5. * Bronchial obstruction

  • The following auscultative criterion is typical for the syndrome of pulmonary emphysema…

    1. Bronchial breathing

    2. Vesicular breathing

    3. Crepitation

    4. * Weakened vesicular breathing and prolonged inspiration

    5. Weakened vesicular breathing and prolonged expiration

  • The following auscultative criterion is typical for the syndrome of pulmonary tissue consolidation…

    1. * Bronchial breathing

    2. Vesicular breathing

    3. Crepitation

    4. Weakened vesicular breathing

    5. No correct answer

  • The following auscultative criterion is typical for the syndrome of liquid accumulation in pleural cavity…

    1. Bronchial breathing

    2. Vesicular breathing

    3. Crepitation

    4. * Absent vesicular breathing at zone of liquid accumulation

    5. Weakened vesicular breathing and prolonged expiration

  • The main respiratory sounds are:

    1. Rales and crepitation

    2. Pleural friction and rales

    3. Vesicular breathing and rales

    4. * Vesicular and bronchial breathing

    5. Vesicular and harsh breathing

  • The most informative method for determination of origin of hemopthysis is…

    1. * Bronchoscopy

    2. Pneumotachymetry

    3. Spyrography

    4. Termography

    5. 13С-respiratory test

  • The most informative method for diagnostics of pleurisy with effusion is…

    1. Roentgenography

    2. Fluorography

    3. * Ultrasound examination of pleural cavity

    4. Bronchoscopy

    5. Bronchigraphy

  • The most often cause of hemopthysis is…

    1. * Cancer and tuberculosis

    2. Bronchial asthma

    3. Chronic bronchitis

    4. Acute bronchitis

    5. Pneumonia

  • The reserve exspiratory volume is:

    1. 300 ml

    2. 800 ml

    3. * 1500 ml

    4. 1880 ml

    5. 2000 ml

  • The reserve inspiratory volume is:

    1. 100 ml

    2. 1000 ml

    3. * 1500 ml

    4. 3000 ml

    5. 4000 ml

  • Tiffneu index -this is ratio of:

    1. Volumes of forced inspiration to expiration

    2. * Volumes of forced inspiration to vital lung capacity

    3. Volumes of forced inspiration to reserve inspiratory volume

    4. Volumes of forced expiration to vital lung capacity

    5. Volumes of forced expiration and inspiration vital lung capacity

  • Select the proper concentration for proteinin transsudate among the presented below:

    1. * 20 g/l

    2. 50 g/l

    3. 60 g/l

    4. 70 g/l

    5. 80 g/l

  • Vesicular breathing in normal conditions originates in…

    1. * Alveoli

    2. Terminal bronchi

    3. Medial bronchi

    4. Large bronchi and trachea

    5. Larynx

  • Vesicular breathing is heard…

    1. * During inspiration and first 1/3 of expiration

    2. In 1st phase of inspiration

    3. In 1st phase of expiration

    4. During inspiration and the last 1/3 of expiration

    5. During inspiration and expiration

  • Vital lung capacity – this is a summation of…

    1. Respiratory and residual volumes of lungs

    2. * Respiratory volume, reserve inspiratory and expiratory volumes

    3. Respiratory volume, reserve expiratory and minute volumes

    4. Respiratory volume, reserve expiratory volume

    5. Residual volume, reserve inspiratory and expiratory volumes

  • Weakened vesicular breathing with prolonged expiration are the signs of the following syndrome…

    1. Consolidation of pulmonary tissue

    2. Air accumulation on pleural cavity

    3. Fluid accumulation in pleural cavity

    4. Accumulation of air and fluid in pleural cavity

    5. * Bronchial obstruction

  • What does crepitatio indux suggest about?

    1. Bronchial asthma attack

    2. Acute bronchitis

    3. Chronic bronchitis

    4. * Initial stage of croupous pneumonia

    5. Final stage of croupous pneumonia

  • What does crepitatio redux suggest about?

    1. Bronchial asthma attack

    2. Acute bronchitis

    3. Chronic bronchitis

    4. Initial stage of croupous pneumonia

    5. * Final stage of croupous pneumonia

  • What is hydrothorax?

    1. It is a condition when lungs are overfilled with air

    2. It is a condition when air penetrates into pleural cavity

    3. * It is a condition when liquid is accumulated in pleural cavity

    4. It is a condition when pulmonary tissue becomes solid

    5. Presence of cavity in the lungs

  • What is pneumothorax?

    1. It is a condition when lungs are overfilled with air

    2. * It is a condition when air penetrates into pleural cavity

    3. It is a condition when liquid is accumulated pleural cavity

    4. It is a condition when pulmonary tissue becomes solid

    5. Presence of cavity in the lungs

  • What is pulmonary emphysema?

    1. * It is a condition when lungs are overfilled with air

    2. It is a condition when air penetrates into pleural cavity

    3. It is a condition when liquid is accumulated pleural cavity

    4. It is a condition when pulmonary tissue becomes solid

    5. Presence of cavity in the lungs

  • What is syndrome of pulmonary tissue consolidation

    1. It is a condition when lungs are overfilled with air

    2. It is a condition when air penetrates into pleural cavity

    3. It is a condition when liquid is accumulated pleural cavity

    4. * It is a condition when pulmonary tissue becomes solid

    5. Presence of cavity in the lungs

  • What is typical for croupous pneumonia?

    1. * Decreased vital lung capacity

    2. Increased vital lung capacity

    3. Increased residual volume

    4. Increased minute lung ventilation

    5. Respiratory acidosis

  • What onset is typical for bronchopneumonia?

    1. Sharp

    2. Acute

    3. Prolonged

    4. * Gradual

    5. Dilated

  • What provoking factor is the most often met in bronchopneumonia?

    1. Overeating

    2. Overcooling

    3. * Viral or bacterial bronchitis

    4. Physical overload

    5. All mentioned

  • What provoking factor is the most often met in pleuropneumonia?

    1. Overeating

    2. * Overcooling

    3. Viral or bacterial bronchitis

    4. Physical overload

    5. All mentioned

  • Where do coarse moist rales originate

    1. In bronchioli

    2. * In large bronchi or trachea

    3. In medial bronchi

    4. In alveoli

    5. In larynx

  • Where do fine moist rales originate

    1. * In bronchioli

    2. In large bronchi or trachea

    3. In medial bronchi

    4. In alveoli

    5. In larynx

  • Where do mediane moist rales originate

    1. In bronchioli

    2. In large bronchi or trachea

    3. * In medial bronchi

    4. In alveoli

    5. In larynx

  • Which adventitious examination is it necessary to execute for diagnostics of pneumonia?

    1. * Chest X-ray

    2. Examination of stomach content

    3. Duodenal probing

    4. Analysis of feces for helmints ova

    5. Immunological examination of blood serum

  • Which adventitious examination is it necessary to execute for diagnostics of bronchial asthma?

    1. Complete blood count

    2. * Pneumotachymetry

    3. Plan chest X-ray

    4. Contrast chest X-ray

    5. Computer tomography

  • Which changes may be revealed on X-ray in bronchial asthma?

    1. Pulmonary tissue infiltration

    2. * Poor lung pattern, flat diaphragm

    3. Multiple small focci in the lungs

    4. Cavity in the lung

    5. Norm

  • Which changes may be revealed on X-ray in pneumonia?

    1. * Pulmonary tissue infiltration

    2. Lung emphysema

    3. Multiple small focci in the lungs

    4. Cavity in the lung

    5. Norm

  • Which changes of main respiratory sounds are diffuse dry rales usually combined with?

    1. Amphoric breathing

    2. * Harsh breathing

    3. Pueril respiration

    4. Interrupted breathing

    5. Intensified vesicular breathing

  • Which changes of vocal fremitus, bronchophony and percussion soung are typical for pulmonary tissue consolidation?

    1. * Vocal fremitus will be intensified, percussion sound will be dull, bronchophony will be intensified

    2. Vocal fremitus will be weakened, percussion sound will be dull, bronchophony will be weakened

    3. Vocal fremitus will be weakened, percussion sound will be dull-to-thympany, bronchophony will be weakened

    4. Vocal fremitus will not be changed, percussion sound will be resonant, bronchophony will not be changed

    5. Vocal fremitus will be intensified, percussion sound will be tympanic, bronchophony will be intensified

  • Which changes will be on X-ray in cavity in the lungs?

    1. Ring-like reserved shade with horizontal level

    2. Increased transparency of the lungs, depressed diaphragm

    3. Pointed lung pattern

    4. * Intensive homogenous darkening with oblique upper edge

    5. Homogenous reserved shade of high density

  • Which changes will be on X-ray in pleurisy with effusion?

    1. Pulmonary tissue infiltration

    2. Increased transparency of the lungs, depressed diaphragm

    3. Pointed lung pattern

    4. * Intensive homogenous darkening with oblique upper edge

    5. Diffuse small focci in lower parts of the lungs, enlarged paratracheal lymph nodes.

  • Which changes will be on X-ray in pneumofibrosis?

    1. Pulmonary tissue infiltration

    2. Increased transparency of the lungs, depressed diaphragm

    3. * Pointed lung pattern

    4. Intensive homogenous darkening with oblique upper edge

    5. Diffuse small focci in lower parts of the lungs, enlarged paratracheal lymph nodes.

  • Which changes will be on X-ray in pneumonia?

    1. * Pulmonary tissue infiltration

    2. Increased transparency of the lungs, depressed diaphragm

    3. Pointed lung pattern

    4. Intensive homogenous darkening with oblique upper edge

    5. Diffuse small focci in lower parts of the lungs, enlarged paratracheal lymph nodes

  • Which changes will be on X-ray in pulmonary emphysema?

    1. Pulmonary tissue infiltration

    2. * Increased transparency of the lungs, depressed diaphragm

    3. Pointed lung pattern

    4. Intensive homogenous darkening with oblique upper edge

    5. Diffuse small focci in lower parts of the lungsm enlarged paratracheal lymph nodes.

  • Which character of pain will be in pleurisy with effusion?

    1. * Pressing

    2. Pierching

    3. Stubbing

    4. No pain

    5. Cutting

  • Which data may be found by auscultation in a patient with lung abscess after its drainage and complete emptying?

    1. Vesicular breathing

    2. * Amphoric breathing

    3. Harsh breathing

    4. Harsh breathing with prolonged expiration

    5. Bronchial breathing

  • Which data of auscultation of lungs are present in a healthy individual?

    1. Bronchial breathing

    2. Vesicular breathing

    3. * Vesicular breathing over lung parenchyma and bronchial breathing in intrascapular region

    4. Amphoric breathing at projection of the cavern

    5. Bronchovesicular breathing

  • Which data of auscultation is to be expected above affected part of the lung in cavernous tuberculosis?

    1. Bronchial breathing

    2. * Amphoric breathing at projection of the cavern

    3. Vesicular breathing

    4. Bronchovesicular breathing

    5. Weakened vesicular breathing

  • Which data of auscultation is to be expected above affected lung in pneumothorax?

    1. Bronchial breathing

    2. Amphoric breathing at the affected side

    3. Vesicular breathing

    4. Bronchovesicular breathing

    5. * Absent respiratory breathing on affected side

  • Which data of auscultation is to be expected above affected part of the lung in dry pleurisy?

    1. Dry whistling rales

    2. Dry buzzing rales

    3. Moist rales

    4. Crepitation

    5. * Pleural friction

  • Which data of auscultation is to be expected above affected part of the lung in pleurisy with effusion?

    1. Bronchial breathing

    2. Amphoric breathing at the affected side

    3. Vesicular breathing

    4. Bronchovesicular breathing

    5. * Weakened vesicular breathing of even absent over affected side

  • Which data of auscultation will be above affected part of the lung in II stage of lobar pneumonia (corresponds to pulmonary tissue consolidation)?

    1. * Bronchial breathing

    2. Amphoric breathing at the affected side

    3. Vesicular breathing

    4. Bronchovesicular breathing

    5. Weakened vesicular breathing

  • Which disease is sputum with sharp unpleasant smell typical for?

    1. Bronchial asthma

    2. * Lung gangroene

    3. Acute bronchitis

    4. Lung infarction

    5. Pneumonia

  • Which elements are to be obviously present in pleural fluid in pleural empyema?

    1. Atypical cells

    2. Mesotelial cells

    3. * Bacteria

    4. Erythrpcites

    5. Lymphocytes

  • Which elements in sputum are typical for croupous pneumonia?

    1. Fridlender’s bacilli

    2. * Cocci, macrophages

    3. Mycobacteria

    4. Pneumococci

    5. Erythrocytes

  • Which elements in sputum are typical for tuberculosis?

    1. Fridlender’s bacilli

    2. Charcot-Leyden’s crystals

    3. * Mycobacteria

    4. Pneumococci

    5. Erythrocytes

  • Which index of FEV1 corresponds to norm?

    1. * >80 %, deviation

    2. >80 %, deviation =20-30 %.

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