Modul 2 Symptoms and syndromes in diseases of internal organs Text test

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  • * Mitral stenosis;

  • Pneumosclerosis

  • Splitting of І heart sound is typical for:

    1. Atrioventricular block

    2. * Ventricular block of impulse conduction

    3. Acute bronchitis

    4. Mitral stenosis

    5. Angina pectoris

  • Splitting of ІІ heart sound at pulmonary artery is observed in

    1. Aortal incompetence

    2. Aortal stenosis

    3. Acute bronchitis

    4. * Mitral stenosis

    5. Rheumatic myocarditis

  • Normal value of electric axis of the heart (angle ά) is equal to:

    1. -30° to -60°;

    2. 0° to -30°;

    3. 0° to +30°;

    4. * +30° to +69°;

    5. +70° to +90°.

  • Weakening of 1 heart sound is typical for:

    1. Extrasystoly

    2. Synchronous systoly of atriums and ventricles, complete atrioventricular block;

    3. * Myocardiosclerosis

    4. Mitral stenosis;

    5. Coffeinomania

  • What ECG-signs of left atrial hyperthrophy do you know?

    1. Rising of amplitude of wave P.

    2. Rising of amplitude of wave R.

    3. Decreasing of amplitude of wave R.

    4. Duration of wave P is not changed.

    5. * Appearance of byphasic P wave.

  • What is the diffecence of pericardial friction murmur and organic systolic and diastolic murmurs?

    1. It is nit detectible by palpation;

    2. Intensifies if a patient bends backward;

    3. * Intensifies if a patient bends forward;

    4. Doesn’t coinside with systole and diastole;

    5. Weak; of low intensity

  • Where is Botkin-Erb’s point located?

    1. V interspace 1-1,5 cm medially from the left midclavicular line

    2. II interspace leftward of the sternum

    3. * III-IV interspaces leftward of the sternum

    4. At the xyphoid process

    5. II interspace rightward of the sternum

  • Which heart defect the organic systolic murmur is typial for?

    1. Stenosis of mitral orifice

    2. * Stenosis of aortic orifice

    3. Aortic incompetence

    4. Stenosis of pulmonary artery;

    5. Tricuspid valve incompetence.

  • Which among presented below murmurs are extracardial?

    1. Kumb’s, Flint’s and Grahaim-Steel’s murmurs

    2. Precardial, cardiopulmonic, pleuropericardial, Kumb’s, Flint’s and Grahaim-Steel’s murmurs

    3. Precardial, cardiopulmonic, pleuropericardial, Kumb’s murmurs

    4. * Pericardial and pleuropericardial friction murmurs

    5. Flint’s, precardial, cardiopulmonic murmurs

  • Which organic murmur at heart apex resembles sensation of a cat’s purr?

    1. Systolic murmur of the mitral valve inompetence

    2. * Diastolic murmur of mitral stenosis

    3. Systolic murmur of aortic stenosis

    4. Diastolic murmur of aortic incompetence

    5. Systolic murmur of stenosis of pulmonary artery

  • Which organic murmur gives the filling of “cat’s purr” at heart apex?

    1. Sytolic murmur in mitral incompetence

    2. * Diastolic murmur in mitral stenosis;

    3. Systolic murmur in aortal stenosis;

    4. Diastolic murmur in aortal incompetence;

    5. Systolic murmur in in anemia

  • Place of auscultation of murmur in aortic incompetence:

    1. Heart apex;

    2. * 2nd intercostal space righwards from the sternum

    3. 3rd intercostal space righwards from the sternum

    4. 3rd intercostal space leftwards from the sternum

    5. Fifth intercostal space righwards from the sternum

  • Which organic murmur gives the filling of “cat’s purr” at basis of the heart?

    1. Systolic murmur in mitral incompetence

    2. Diastolic murmur in mitral stenosis;

    3. *Sstolic murmur in aortal stenosis;

    4. Diastolic murmur in aortal incompetence;

    5. Systolic murmur in in anemia

  • Which characteristics are typical for pain pattern in chronic hepatitis?

    1. Located in epigastrium, appears on empty stomach

    2. Night pain in epigastrium

    3. Girdling pain in 1-2 hours after meal

    4. Located in left hypochondrium, occurs in physical load

    5. *Location in right hypochondrium, occurs in physical load

  • A patient has peptic ulcer and pylorostenosis. Which character of vomiting masses will be in this case?

    1. Vomit with admixtions of bile

    2. Vomit with admixtions of blood

    3. Mucus and pus in vomiting masses

    4. Undigested food in vomiting masses

    5. * Vomiting with food used a day before

  • Which data among the follofing indicate on decreased liver detoxication function?:

    1. hyperbilirubinemia, hypoproteinemia, hypoazotemia

    2. hyperbilirubinemia, hypoproteinemia, hypophenolemia

    3. * hyperazotemia, hyperphenolemia, increased potassium concentration in the blood

    4. hypoazotemia, hyperphenolemia, decreased potassium concentration in the blood

    5. hypoazotemia, hypophenolemia, hyperammonemia

  • Accumulation of liquid in abdominal cavity is called:

    1. * Ascites

    2. Hydrothorax

    3. Pneumothorax

    4. Hydropericardium

    5. Exsudate

  • What pain pattern is typical for billiary colick?

    1. Discomfort in right subcostal area

    2. Epigastric pain on hunger or at night

    3. * Intensive, paroxysmal pain in right subcostal area

    4. Distension pain in the mesogastrium

    5. Discomfort in left subcostal area

  • What pain pattern is typical for chronic hepatitis?

    1. * Dull-boring or mild pressing pain in right subcostal area

    2. Epigastric pain on hunger or at night

    3. Intensive, paroxysmal pain in right subcostal area

    4. Distension pain in the mesogastrium

    5. Discomfort in left subcostal area

  • In diseases of a liver and gallbladder pain may develop due to all reasons except of:

    1. Distension of Glisson’s capsule

    2. Spastic contractions of a gallbladder

    3. Inflammation of Glisson’s capsule

    4. Inflammation and distension of gallbladder walls

    5. * Destruction of hepatocites

  • Select the proper appearance of xanthomas:

    1. They look like angiomas elevated above the skin

    2. * They look like yellow plaques

    3. They look like excoriations

    4. They look like hemorrhagic rash

    5. They look like nettle rash

  • Inflammatory diseases of the liver include:

    1. Wilson disease

    2. * Hepatitis

    3. Gilbert syndrome

    4. Hydatid disease of the liver

    5. Agenesis of the liver

  • Itching of the skin in liver diseases indicates on:

    1. Presence of duodenogastric reflux

    2. * Increased content of bile acids due to cholestasis

    3. Affected proteins production by a liver

    4. Deranged process of bilirubin conjugation

    5. Increase of detoxication function of a liver

  • Laboratory examination of feces for scant blood may be positive:

    1. In microbleeding from the ulcer of a stomach or intestine

    2. In microbleeding from a tumour of gastrointestinal tract

    3. In nonspecific ulcerous colitis

    4. In intake of meet during meals

    5. * All mentioned above

  • Which data among the follofing indicate on decreased synthetic function of a liver?

    1. * Hypoalbuminemia, decreased levels of fibrinogenum and prothrombin

    2. Hyperbilirubinemia, decreased levels of fibrinogenum and prothrombin

    3. Hypoalbuminemia, hypercholesterolemia, hyperazotemia

    4. Hyperbilirubinemia, hypercholesterolemia, hyperazotemia

    5. Hyperalbuminemia, decreased levels of fibrinogenum and prothrombin

  • Cholelithiasis is a violation of metabolism:

    1. Cholesterol

    2. Bilirubin

    3. Bile acids

    4. * All of the above

    5. Everything is wrong

  • Cholestasis is important in the development of:

    1. * Cholelithiasis

    2. Urolithiasis

    3. Gastric ulcer

    4. Obesity

    5. Carditis

  • Chronic cholecystocholangitis is the chronic inflammation of:

    1. Stomach and duodenum

    2. Stomach and gall bladder

    3. * A gallbladder and bile ducts

    4. A gallbladder and pancreas

    5. Stomach and bile ducts

  • Dilatation of anterior abdominal wall veins are typical for:

    1. Bile ducts dyskinesia

    2. * Cholecystocholangitis

    3. Gastritis

    4. Duodenitis

    5. Colitis

  • Enlargement of a liver is typical for:

    1. Bile ducts dyskinesia

    2. *Cholecystocholangitis

    3. Gastritis

    4. Pancreatitis

    5. Colitis

  • Factors contributing to the development of gallstone disease

    1. Genetic predisposition

    2. Metabolic changes

    3. bBle ducts dysfunction

    4. Cholestasis

    5. * All of the above

  • Factors contributing to the development of gallstone disease:

    1. Viral diseases

    2. * Obesity

    3. Prolonged hypothermia

    4. Insolation

    5. All of the above

  • What is typical for cholelythiasis?

    1. * Intensive, paroxysmal pain in right subcostal area

    2. Distension , permanent pain in the mesogastrium

    3. Dull, aching pain in right subcostal area

    4. Pain in right subcostal area on empty stomach

    5. Intensive, paroxysmal pain in left subcostal area

  • The next symptoms are typical for chronic cholecystitis:

    1. *Pain in the right hypochondrium after intake of fatty or fried food

    2. Pain in a stomach after the physical loading

    3. Pain in the right hypochondrium after asleep

    4. Pain in the right hypochondrium during urination

    5. Pain in the right hypochondrium before asleep

  • The next symptoms are typical for chronic hepatitis:

    1. * Pain in the right hypochondrium, hepatosplenomegaly

    2. Pain in the left hypochondrium

    3. Diarrhea, intoxication

    4. Splenomegaly, jaundice

    5. Pain in the stomach

  • What is typical for dyspepsic syndrome in diseases of a gallbladder?

    1. Diarrhea after the use of milk

    2. Diarrhea is frequent, profuse

    3. No changes

    4. * Periodical constipation

    5. Diarrhea before the use of milk

  • Gallstones are divided on:

    1. * Pigment and cholesterol

    2. Bilirubin and phosphorous

    3. Calcium and cholesterol

    4. Pigment and magnesium

    5. All of the above

  • Markers of chronic hepatitis B are:

    1. * HBe Ag, HBs Ag, HBV-DNA, anti-HBe Ig G, anti-HBs Ig G

    2. HAV-RNA, anti-HAV Ig M, anti-HAV Ig G

    3. HСV-RNA, anti-HСV Ig M

    4. HBs Ag, HDV-RNA, anti-HDV Ig M, anti-HBe Ig M

    5. HGV-RNA, anti-E2 HGV

  • Markers of chronic hepatitis D are:

    1. HBe Ag, HBs Ag, HBV-DNA, anti-HBe Ig G, anti-HBs Ig G

    2. HAV-RNA, anti-HAV Ig M, anti-HAV Ig G

    3. HСV-RNA, anti-HСV Ig M

    4. * HBs Ag, HDV-RNA, anti-HDV Ig M, anti-HBe Ig M

    5. HGV-RNA, anti-E2 HGV

  • Markers of chronic hepatitis G are:

    1. HBe Ag, HBs Ag, HBV-DNA, anti-HBe Ig G, anti-HBs Ig G

    2. HAV-RNA, anti-HAV Ig M, anti-HAV Ig G

    3. HСV-RNA, anti-HСV Ig M

    4. HBs Ag, HDV-RNA, anti-HDV Ig M, anti-HBe Ig M

    5. * HGV-RNA, anti-E2 HGV

  • Markers of chronic hepatitis С are:

    1. HBe Ag, HBs Ag, HBV-DNA, anti-HBe Ig G, anti-HBs Ig G

    2. HAV-RNA, anti-HAV Ig M, anti-HAV Ig G

    3. * HСV-RNA, anti-HСV Ig M

    4. HBs Ag, HDV-RNA, anti-HDV Ig M, anti-HBe Ig M

    5. HGV-RNA, anti-E2 HGV

  • Name basic clinical signs of cholestasis syndrome:

    1. * Jaundice, skin itching

    2. Jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly

    3. Pallor, jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly

    4. Stomach-aches, jaundice

    5. Pallor, skin itching

  • Name character of pain in perforation of stomach ulcer:

    1. Boring

    2. Burning

    3. Pressing

    4. * “Knife-like”

    5. Belting

  • Name typical signs of stomach cancer:

    1. Loss of appetite (disgust for meat)

    2. Marked loss of body weight for short period of time

    3. Pain in the upper andomen (sometimes very intensive)

    4. Periodical “unexplained” diarrhea

    5. * All mentioned

  • Pain in the inguinal area relates to:

    1. Presence of gastritis

    2. Presence of duodenitis

    3. * Presence of spastic colitis

    4. Presence of pancreatitis

    5. Normal finding

  • Positive Ortner’s sign is characteristic for:

    1. Gastritis

    2. Pancreatitis

    3. * Cholecystocholangitis, hepatitis

    4. Duodenitis

    5. Colitis

  • Positive thymol test is characteristic for:

    1. Gastritis

    2. Pancreatitis

    3. * Cholecystocholangitis, hepatitis

    4. Duodenitis

    5. Colitis

  • Presence of asterixis is characteristic for:

    1. Gastritis

    2. Duodenitis

    3. * Hepatic insufficiency

    4. Bile ducts dyskinesia

    5. Colitis

  • The main ethiologic factor of chronic hepatitis is:

    1. Bacteria

    2. Parasites

    3. * Virus

    4. Fungi

    5. Bile

  • The syndrome of "cholestasis" includes the increased levels of:

    1. * АsАТ, АlАТ, total bilirubin

    2. Cholesterol, direct bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase

    3. Cholesterol, indirect bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase

    4. General bilirubin, remaining nitrogen

    5. General bilirubin, АsАТ, АlАТ

  • The syndrome of "cytolysis" includes:

    1. * Increase of the АsАТ level, АlАТ, LDG, bilirubin

    2. Increase level of cholesterol, iron, LDG

    3. Decrease level of proteins, cholesterol, bilirubin, СRP

    4. Decrease level of СRP, remaining nitrogen, АsАТ, АlАТ

    5. Decrease of the АsАТ level, АlАТ, LDG, bilirubin

  • To the obvious biochemical researches for patients with the diseases of hepatobiliary system belong the folloving:

    1. General albumen, CRP, seromucoid, bilirubin

    2. * General protein and fractions, transaminases, bilirubin, cholesterol

    3. General protein and fractions, urea, creatinin, cholesterol

    4. General protein and fractions, CRP, seromucoid, urea

    5. General protein and fractions, CRP, cholesterol

  • What do cholesterol stones consist of?

    1. Bilirubin

    2. Proteins

    3. Lecithin

    4. Bile acids

    5. * All of the above

  • What are the signs of bile lithogenicity in biochemical blood analysis?

    1. Lower cholesterol, bilirubin, increased concentration of bile acids

    2. * Increased levels of cholesterol, bilirubin, reducing the concentration of bile acids

    3. Increased cholesterol levels, lower bilirubin, an increased concentration of bile acids

    4. Lower cholesterol, bilirubin, reducing the concentration of bile acids

    5. Everything is wrong

  • What are the signs of bile lithogenicity on microscopic examination of bile samples?

    1. Bacteria

    2. * Cholesterol crystals in large quantities

    3. Mucus

    4. All of the above

    5. Everything is wrong

  • What color of feces in case of viral hepatitis?

    1. Bright-yellow

    2. Dark-brown

    3. * Clays color

    4. Mud-color

    5. Black

  • What complex of investigations is needed for patients with the diseases of hepatobiliary system?

    1. РH-metry, ultrasonography, duodenal probing

    2. РH-metry, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, ultrasonography

    3. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, ultrasonography, laparoscopy

    4. * cholecystography, ultrasonography, duodenal probing

    5. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, laparoscopy

  • What does not belong for methods of preparation for gastroduodenoscopy?

    1. Psychological preparation

    2. Supper a day before at 18 o’clock

    3. * Cleansing enema on previous day at 20 o’clock

    4. Instruction of a patient to be on the fasten stomach in the morning

    5. Irrigation of a throat with 1-2 % dicaine solution ( 3-5 min before investigation)

  • What examination method is used for early diagnostics of cholelithiasis before formation of gallstones?

    1. Gallbladder ultrasound

    2. Cholecystography

    3. * Microscopy and biochemical study of bile

    4. Coprogram

    5. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy

  • What is necessary for investigation of stomach secretory function?

    1. A tray, a bottle

    2. 30-50 ml of 33 % magnesium sulfate solution

    3. Syringies 2,0 and 20,0 ml capacity

    4. 1 ml of 1% dimedrol solution

    5. * 0,1% histamine solution

  • What is normal location of liver lower border on anterior median line revealed by percussion?

    1. At costal arch

    2. * between the upper and medial thirds of the distance between the navel and xyphois process

    3. between the lower and medial thirds of the distance between the navel and xyphois process

    4. At the navel

    5. At costal arch

  • What is not necessary to prepare for abdominal puncture?

    1. Troacar with a stylet, a acalpel, a pincet

    2. Syringes, needles, surgical gur, a plaster

    3. Sterile peaces of gause, tubes

    4. 0,5 % novocaine solution , 5 % iodinum solution

    5. * Bobrov’s apparatus

  • How is jaundice with occlusion of the common bile duct called?

    1. Physiological

    2. Hemolytic

    3. * Mechanical

    4. Parenchymatous

    5. Combined

  • What portion of bile in the duodenal contents is investigated in case of cholelithiasis?

    1. A.

    2. * B.

    3. C.

    4. D.

    5. E.

  • Where are formed gallstones?

    1. In the hepatic bile ducts

    2. In the common bile duct

    3. In the gall bladder

    4. * All of the above

    5. Everything is wrong

  • Where pain in a hepatic colic is conducted?

    1. In the left hypochondrium

    2. Epigastric

    3. * In the right hypochondrium

    4. In the right iliac region

    5. In the left iliac region

  • Where pain in the attack of biliary colic is conducted?

    1. To the right shoulder

    2. To the neck

    3. Under the right scapula

    4. * All of the above

    5. Everything is wrong

  • Which changes in coprogram are typical for chronic pancreatitis?

    1. Semiliquid feces with unpleasant smell

    2. Steatorrhea

    3. Creatorrhea

    4. Amylorrhea

    5. * All mentioned above

  • Which laboratory test is informative in diagnostics of chronic pancreatitis exacerbation?

    1. Complete blood count

    2. *Investigation of amylase, lipase, tripsin leves and their inhibitors

    3. Investigation of serum proteins

    4. Coprogram

    5. Duodenal probing

  • Which method is the most informative in differentiation of peptic ulcer and stomach cancer?

    1. * Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with biopsy

    2. Roentgenoscopy of the stomach

    3. Roentgenography of the stomach

    4. Examination of feces for scant blood

    5. Е. Investigation of stomach secretion

  • Which method of investigation of stomach lower border is the most informative?

    1. percussion

    2. Auscultation

    3. * Deep sliding palpation

    4. Percutory palpation (determination of splashing sound)

    5. Superficial palpation

  • Which pain is typical for chronic enteritis?

    1. Diffuse pain in all abdominal region

    2. In the left iliac region

    3. * In paraumbilical region

    4. In epigastrium

    5. in lower parts of abdomen

  • Which pathological condition should you suspect in the patient if he has disgust to meat?

    1. Peptic ulcer

    2. Chronic gastritis

    3. Hemorrhoids

    4. * Cancer of the intestine

    5. Enteritis

  • Which radiopaque preparation is necessary for X-ray examination of stomach and intestine?

    1. Cholevid

    2. * Barium sulphate

    3. Bilignost

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