Modul 2 Symptoms and syndromes in diseases of internal organs Text test

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  • Stones in calicies

  • Ellarged calicies

  • Swelling of kidney parenchyma

  • Which sign is a criterium of pathological process activity in glomerulonephritis?

    1. Hyerptension

    2. Hyaline casts

    3. Hematuria

    4. Creatitinemia

    5. * Nephrotic syndrome

  • Which syndrome is not typical for chronic pyelonephritis?

    1. Asthenic

    2. Pain

    3. Hypertension

    4. Dyspeptic

    5. * cachexia

  • Which types of acute pyelonephritis do you know?

    1. Focal

    2. Asymptomatic

    3. Fast progressing

    4. Latent

    5. * Focal and latent

  • Which way of infection contamination is typical for primary pyelonephritis?

    1. Through the urether (in bladder-urether reflux)

    2. Along the urether walls

    3. * Hematogenic

    4. Lymphogenic

    5. No correct answer

  • Which way of infection contamination is typical for secondaty pyelonephritis?

    1. * Through the urether (in bladder-urether reflux)

    2. Along the urether walls

    3. Hematogenic

    4. Lymphogenic

    5. No correct answer

  • Polyarticular form of the rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by:

    1. * symmetric chronic pain and swelling of many joints;

    2. polyserositis,

    3. chronic asymmetric arthritis of large joints,

    4. polyarthritis or polyarthralgia,

    5. hemarthroses

  • Affection of the eyes is specific for:

    1. * rheumathoid arthritis;

    2. infectious arthritis;

    3. acute rheumatic lever;

    4. overuse syndrome;

    5. osteomyelitis

  • Duration of the joints affection in patients with rheumatoid arthritis is:

    1. * 3 months and more;

    2. 2-3 weeks;

    3. 1-2 months;

    4. 2-3 months;

    5. 3-4 days.

  • Etiology of the rheumatoid arthritis is:

    1. * nonspecific sensibilization

    2. streptococcus

    3. pneumococcus

    4. the virus of influenza

    5. fungi

  • The main clinical criteria of rheumatoid arthritis are:

    1. * arthritis more than 3 months

    2. carditis

    3. hepatitis

    4. nephritis

    5. pneumonia

  • The main clinical criterion of rheumatoid arthritis is:

    1. * symmetrical affection of small joints

    2. chorea

    3. encephalitis

    4. nephritis

    5. pneumonia

  • The main clinical criterion of rheumatoid arthritis is:

    1. * effusion in joint cavity

    2. polyartralgia

    3. hepatitis

    4. dermatitis

    5. pneumonia

  • The main clinical criterion of rheumatoid arthritis is:

    1. * joint contracture

    2. rheumatic nodules

    3. dermatitis

    4. nephritis

    5. pneumonia

  • The main clinical criteria of rheumatoid arthritis are:

    1. * arthritis more than 3 months

    2. carditis

    3. hepatitis

    4. nephritis

    5. pneumonia

  • The main clinical criterion of rheumatoid arthritis is:

    1. * symmetrical affection of small joints

    2. chorea

    3. encephalitis

    4. nephritis

    5. pneumonia

  • The main clinical criterion of rheumatoid arthritis is:

    1. * effusion in joint cavity

    2. polyartralgia

    3. hepatitis

    4. dermatitis

    5. pneumonia

  • The main clinical criterion of rheumatoid arthritis is:

    1. * joint contracture

    2. rheumatic nodules

    3. dermatitis

    4. nephritis

    5. pneumonia

  • The main clinical criteria of rheumatoid arthritis are:

    1. * arthritis more than 3 months

    2. carditis

    3. hepatitis

    4. nephritis

    5. pneumonia

  • The main clinical criterion of rheumatoid arthritis is:

    1. * symmetrical affection of small joints

    2. chorea

    3. encephalitis

    4. nephritis

    5. pneumonia

  • The main clinical criterion of rheumatoid arthritis is:

    1. * effusion in joint cavity

    2. polyartralgia

    3. hepatitis

    4. dermatitis

    5. pneumonia

  • The main clinical criterion of rheumatoid arthritis is:

    1. * joint contracture

    2. rheumatic nodules

    3. dermatitis

    4. nephritis

    5. pneumonia

  • The main clinical criterion of rheumatoid arthritis is:

    1. * muscular atrophy

    2. anular erythema

    3. papulas

    4. hemorrhages

    5. pneumonia

  • The main clinical criterion of rheumatoid arthritis is:

    1. * morning stiffness

    2. anular erythema

    3. papulas

    4. hemorrhages

    5. pneumonia

  • The main reason of rheumathoid arthritis is:

    1. * nonspecific sensibilization of organism.

    2. bacterial infection;

    3. supercooling;

    4. viral infection;

    5. angina (acute tonsillitis)

  • The main role in the rheumatoid arthritis pathogenesis belongs to:

    1. * autoimmune reactions

    2. sensibilization

    3. bacterial inflammation

    4. aseptic inflammation

    5. allergic reactions

  • The main X-ray criteria of rheumatoid arthritis are:

    1. * Osteoporosis

    2. Symmetrical affection of small joints

    3. Tendosynovitis or bursitis.

    4. Muscular atrophy.

    5. Morning stiffness of joints

  • The main X-ray criteria of rheumatoid arthritis are:

    1. * Articular cavities narrowing

    2. Symmetrical affection of small joints

    3. Effusion in joint cavity

    4. Tendosynovitis or bursitis.

    5. Morning stiffness of joints

  • The main X-ray criteria of rheumatoid arthritis are:

    1. * Bone growth disturbances

    2. Effusion in joint cavity

    3. Joint contracture

    4. Tendosynovitis or bursitis.

    5. Muscular atrophy

  • The pathogenetic chain of rheumatoid arthritis is:

    1. * sinovial precipitation

    2. primary streptococcus sensibilization

    3. intracellular sensibilization

    4. constant persistancy of the streptococcus in a blood

    5. persistancy of the streptococcus in connecting tissues

  • The pathogenetic chain of rheumatoid arthritis is:

    1. * antigen-antibody-complement complex formation

    2. primary streptococcus sensibilization

    3. intracellular sensibilization

    4. constant persistancy of the streptococcus in a blood

    5. persistancy of the streptococcus in connecting tissues

  • The pathogenetic chain of rheumatoid arthritis is:

    1. * chondrial lesion

    2. primary streptococcus sensibilization

    3. intracellular sensibilization

    4. constant persistancy of the streptococcus in a blood

    5. persistancy of the streptococcus in connecting tissues

  • What level of serum iron is typical for chronic iron-deficiency anaemia?

    1. 20-30 gr/l

    2. 12-20 gr/l

    3. * 6-12 gr/l

    4. 2-6 gr/l

    5. 1-2 gr/l

  • What maintenance of whey iron is it already possible to suspect chronic iron-deficiency anaemia at?

    1. 20-30 mmol/l

    2. 12-20 mmol/l

    3. 6-12 mmol/l

    4. 2-6 mmol/l

    5. 1-2 mmol/l

  • What level of serum iron is typical for chronic iron-deficiency anaemia?

    1. 20-30 gr/l

    2. 12-20 gr/l

    3. * 6-12 gr/l

    4. 2-6 gr/l

    5. 1-2 gr/l

  • What maintenance of whey iron is it already possible to suspect chronic iron-deficiency anaemia at?

    1. 20-30 mmol/l

    2. 12-20 mmol/l

    3. 6-12 mmol/l

    4. 2-6 mmol/l

    5. 1-2 mmol/l

  • What is the mechasnism of lung ventilation disorders of obstructive type?

    1. * Narrowing of fine bronchi

    2. Decreased diaphragm mobility

    3. Adhesions in pleural cavity

    4. Weak mobility of respiratory muscles

    5. Disorders of perfusion

  • What is the mechasnism of lung ventilation disorders of restrictive type?

    1. Decreased diaphragm mobility

    2. Adhesions in pleural cavity

    3. Poor chest excursion

    4. Disorders of alveolar perfusion

    5. * All mentioned

  • What is possible to find in pneumonia located in the lower lung lobe?

    1. Increase of active movility of the lower lung border

    2. * Decrease of active movility of the lower lung border

    3. Decrease of the heighth of lungs apexes

    4. Tympanic percussion sound

    5. Bandbox percussion sound

  • Which among the following signs are the most typical for bronchial asthma?

    1. Cough with expectoration of rusty sputum

    2. Pulmonary emphysema

    3. Barking cough

    4. Permanent expiratory dyspnea

    5. * Attacks of dyspnea (asthma)

  • Which shape of a chest is typical for terminal stage of tuberculosis?

    1. Foveated

    2. Truncated

    3. Pigeon

    4. Barrel-shaped

    5. * Paralytic

  • Which shape of a chest is typical for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?

    1. Foveated

    2. Truncated

    3. Pigeon

    4. * Barrel-shaped

    5. Paralytic

  • Which disease may be complicated with hemopthysis?

    1. Pleurisy with effusion

    2. Focal pneumonia

    3. * Bronchiectatic disease

    4. Diffuse bronchitis

    5. No any of them

  • Select dyspnea with periodical breathing:

    1. Kussmaul’s breath

    2. Asthma

    3. * Cheyn-Stocks breath

    4. Grocco-Frugony’s breath

    5. All mentioned

  • Which sputum is typical for bronchial asthma?

    1. Mucoserous

    2. Mucoseroso-purulent with prevalence of pus

    3. Purulent

    4. * Glass-like mucous

    5. Rusty

  • Which sputum is typical for bronchiectatic disease?

    1. Mucoserous

    2. Mucoseroso-purulent with prevalence of pus

    3. * Purulent

    4. Glass-like

    5. Rusty

  • Which sputum is typical for focal pneumonia?

    1. Mucoserous

    2. * Mucopurulent

    3. Purulent

    4. Glass-like

    5. Rusty

  • Which sputum is typical for lung gangroene?

    1. * Serous-purulent-hemorrhagic

    2. Mucopurulent

    3. Purulent

    4. Glass-like

    5. Rusty

  • Which sputum is typical for croupous pneumonia?

    1. Serous

    2. Mucopurulent

    3. Purulent

    4. Glass-like

    5. * Rusty

  • Which sputum is typical for chronic bronchitis?

    1. Serous-mucous-hemorrhagic

    2. * Mucopurulent

    3. Purulent

    4. Glass-like

    5. Rusty

  • Which sound will be obtained by percussion of the chest in bronchial asthma attack?

    1. Dull

    2. Flat

    3. Dull-to-thympany

    4. * Bandbox

    5. Clear pulmonary (resonant)

  • Which temperature curve is typical for cropous pneumonia (if the patient doesn’t receive specific treatment)?

    1. * Stable febril fever

    2. Litic decrease of temperature

    3. Critical drop of temperature

    4. Periodical high elevation of temperature

    5. Prolonged subfebril

  • Which data of palpation is it possible to obtain in pleurisy with effusion?

    1. Pleural friction

    2. Pain in palpation

    3. Intensified vocal fremitus

    4. * Vocal fremitus is absent at the affecter area

    5. Normal vocal fremitus

  • Which data of palpation of a chest will be in intercostal muscles inflammation (myositis)?

    1. Pleural friction

    2. * Pain in affected zone in palpation

    3. Pain along intercostal space

    4. Weakened vesicular breathing

    5. Cracking sounds

  • Intensive morning cough is the most typical for:

    1. Dry pleurisy

    2. Pneumonia

    3. Lung cancer

    4. * Bronchiectatic disease

    5. Acute bronchitis

  • Which data of palpation of a chest will be in dry pleurisy if lung parenchyma is not changed?

    1. * Pleural friction

    2. Pain in affected zone

    3. Pain along intercostal space

    4. Weakened vesicular breathing

    5. Cracking sounds

  • Which data of palpation of a chest will be in intercostal neuralgia?

    1. Pleural friction

    2. Pain in affected zone

    3. * Pain along intercostal space

    4. Weakened vesicular breathing

    5. Cracking sounds

  • Which data may be obtained by percussion in pleurisy with effusion in the projection of liquid?

    1. Bandbox sound

    2. * Dull sound

    3. Dull-to-thympany sound

    4. Clear pulmonary (resonanrt) sound

    5. Slight dullness

  • Which data of percussion will be in acute catarrhal bronchitis?

    1. Dull percussion sound

    2. Dull-to-thympany sound

    3. Tympanic sound

    4. Bandbox sound

    5. * Clear pulmonary (resonant) sound

  • Which data of percussion will be in croupous pneumonia in the stage of inflow?

    1. Dull percussion sound

    2. * Dull-to-thympany sound

    3. Tympanic sound

    4. Bandbox sound

    5. Clear pulmonary (resonant) sound

  • Which data of palpation will be in rib fracture?

    1. Intensified vocal fremitus on affected side

    2. Intensified vocal fremitus on the opposite to the affected side

    3. * Crunch sound, pain in palpation of affected rib

    4. Weakened or absent vesicular breathing on the side opposite to affected

    5. Normal vocal fremitus

  • Which data will be in inspection of a patient with bronchial asthma?

    1. Increased affected side of a chest

    2. Decreased affected side of a chest

    3. Paralytic chest

    4. * Emphysematous chest

    5. All mentioned

  • Which data will be in inspection of a patient with croupous pneumonia?

    1. * Increased affected side of a chest

    2. Decreased affected side of a chest

    3. Paralytic chest

    4. Emphysematous chest

    5. Elevation of supraclavicular focca

  • . Which data will be in percussion of a patient’s chest in croupous pneumonia, consolidation stage?

    1. * Dull sound

    2. Bandbox sound

    3. Tympanic sound

    4. Clear pulmonary (resonant) one

    5. Dull-to-thympany sound

  • Which signs are typical for spontaneous pneumothorax?

    1. Acute onset with chest pain

    2. Sharp dyspnea

    3. Cyanosis

    4. Tympanic sound in percussion on affected side

    5. * All mentioned

  • Select a disease which may be the cause of pulmonary thrombembolism:

    1. Thrombosis of lower limbs veins

    2. Thrombosis of pelvis veins

    3. Surgical intervention

    4. Malignant tumours

    5. * All mentioned

  • Which peculiaritier of pulmonary cyanosis do you know?

    1. * Diffuse, warm, located at a tongue and oral mucosa

    2. Diffuse, cold

    3. Is located on small area of a body, cold

    4. Located in one limb

    5. No any answer is correct

  • Select typical early symptom of lung cancer:

    1. * Cough

    2. Chest pain

    3. Dyspnea

    4. Voice hoarsness

    5. Lung bleeding

  • What is character of sputum in acute catarrhal bronchitis?

    1. Serous

    2. * Mucous

    3. Mucopurulent

    4. Lurulent

    5. Glass-like

  • How is attack of dyspnea called if it is caused with blood congestion in lungs?

    1. Bronchial asthma attack

    2. * Cardiac asthma

    3. Asphyxia

    4. Tachypnoe

    5. Dyspnoe

  • What is normal lower lung border mobility on scapular line?

    1. 1-2 сm.

    2. 2-3 сm

    3. 3-4 сm

    4. * 4-6 сm

    5. 6-8 сm

  • What is normal lower lung border mobility on midaxillary line?

    1. 1-2 сm.

    2. 2-3 сm

    3. 3-4 сm

    4. 4-6 сm

    5. * 6-8 сm

  • A patient complains of cough with expectoration of green sputum. How is this sputum called?

    1. Serous

    2. Mucous

    3. Hemorrhagic

    4. * Purulent

    5. Mucopurulent

  • Select a possible cause of hemopthysis in the form of single blood streaks in the sputum:

    1. Acute catarrhal bronchitis

    2. Bronchial asthma attack

    3. * Grippe

    4. Pleurisy

    5. All mentioned

  • A patient developed right-sided hydropneumothorax. Which percutorial sound will be above the lower parts of the right lung?

    1. Resonant

    2. Bandbox

    3. Tympanic

    4. * Dull

    5. Dull-to-thympany

  • A patient developed right-sided hydropneumothorax. Which percutorial sound will be above the right apex?

    1. Resonant

    2. Bandbox

    3. * Tympanic

    4. Dull

    5. Dull-to-thympany

  • Absence of vocal fremitus above the right medial lobe of the lung may be the sign of …

    1. Croupous pneumonia

    2. Compressive atelectasis of this lobe

    3. * Complete obturation of the main bronchus providing ventilation of the lobe

    4. Emphysema of the lobe

    5. Lobular pneumonia

  • Barking cough is typical for…

    1. Dry pleurisy

    2. Pleurisy with effusion

    3. * Laringitis

    4. Pneumothorax

    5. Tuberculosis

  • Comparative percussion is used for definition of:

    1. Mobility of lungs borders;

    2. Width of `Kroenig’s area;

    3. The lower lungs borders position;

    4. Height of lungs apexes.

    5. * No any answer is correct

  • Complete dull percutorial sound (flat sound) may be obtained in the case of …

    1. * Hydrothorax

    2. Empty cavern

    3. Empty bronchiectasis

    4. Pneumothorax

    5. Lung emphysema

  • Cough with expectoration of more than 1 liter of sputum is typical for:

    1. Pneumonia

    2. Pulmonary artery thromboembolism

    3. Bronchial asthma

    4. * Lung abscess

    5. Pleurisy with effusion

  • Cough with expectoration of viscous glass-like sputum is observed in…

    1. At the top of lung edema

    2. * In resolution of bronchial asthma attack

    3. In resolution of croupous pneumonia

    4. In penetration of lung abscess into the bronchus

    5. In tuberculosis with exudative pleurisy

  • Crimson gelly-like consistence of sputum is the symptom of:

    1. croupous pneumonia,

    2. bronchiectatic disease,

    3. lung tuberculosis,

    4. lung abscess,

    5. * lung cancer.

  • Damuazo’s line – this is…

    1. The line which separate medial and lower lung lobes

    2. * The line which separate the upper level of liquid in pleurisy with effusion

    3. The line which separate air and lung parenchyma in pneumothorax

    4. The line which indicates the high of lungs apexes

    5. It indicates the lower lung border

  • Discharge of large volume of sputum in special position of the patient testifies about:

    1. Croupous pneumonia

    2. Diffuse bronchitis

    3. Lung tuberculosis

    4. Lung cancer

    5. * Cavity in the lungs

  • Discharge of a large volume of sputum in special position of the patient testify about:

    1. Croupous pneumonia

    2. Diffuse bronchitis

    3. Lung tuberculosis

    4. Lung cancer

    5. * Bronchiectatic disease

  • Dull percussion sound above the lungs may be heard in the following case:

    1. Bronchial asthma

    2. * Hydrothorax

    3. Cavern

    4. Pneumothorax

    5. Pulmonary emphysema

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