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Article objective. The article deals with comprehension as a constituent of the future leader`s professional competence in the innovative management of the educational institution for it has not been the subject of a scientific investigation before.

In the Dictionary of The Ukrainian Language comprehension is defined as a viewpoint, understanding; scientific and research outlook; the content and meaning of something; the true way of thinking [10].

The Academy Explanatory Dictionary defines comprehension as an action and a process: to perceive the information, realize and be keenly aware of the idea, the content, the meaning of anything written, read or said; to learn and discover the essence of any phenomenon; to admit and take something due to thorough consideration; to define, qualify while evaluating anything; to be well-informed and competent in something [11].

Psychology treats comprehension of subjects and phenomena of the objective reality as the result of mentation. S. Maksimenko, V. Solovienko define this term as a complex analytico-synthatic mental activity which tends to reveal and realise the inner essence of the objects, processes and phenomena as well as links, relations, and dependence reflected in it [6]. In contrast to the cognitive component of a competence, comprehension shows itself in correlation of a new object with the one already known, so that they have common features in discovering the reason for the phenomenon, establishing of the original principles and logical preconditions for the activity.

A person`s thorough knowledge and life experience are the main conditions for realising any fact. S. Maksimenko and V. Solovienko consider comprehension mechanisms as associative links made due to the previous experience and their actualization. Appropriate associations are basic for the productive formation of new associations, cementing new links and adequate reflection of causal, logical or structural essence of the object of comprehension.

The scholars single out the thought in the form of the word which reflects important features of the object or phenomenon. Scientific definitions, the ability to describe the structure and the logical sequence of actions can be regarded as the criteria of the professional activity comprehension. Sometimes there can be situations in the educational process when the way to realise knowledge is inseparably connected with particular practical actions according to instructions or algorithms. Comprehension is treated as a factor of practical conscience alongside the formation of the notions and direction of substantial actions towards their practical realization. The adequacy of comprehension in its empirical sense can be checked during the practical implementation of the knowledge gained and the worldview shaped under some specific circumstances. Sometimes this criterion of comprehension is considered as the only one possible and ultimate.

J. Bankovska singles out the following levels of comprehension as far as the management problem solving is concerned: gnoseological level, the aim of which is studying the subject content of the problem; epistemological level at which different views, outlined at the first level, are fixed being the result of many concrete factors to which the methods of scientific comprehension are applied; activity level – rapt representation of the epistemological problem on account of the practical component. The activity directed towards problem solving includes the necessity of changes in mentality [2].

R. Usufbekova points out three blocks of realisation, comprehension, understanding of innovative processes in the education system.

The first block deals with creating something new in pedagogy: new trends in pedagogy, classification of pedagogical innovations, the conditions of their discovering, criteria of innovation, the ability to introduce and implement it, traditions and innovation, the stages of discovering new ideas in pedagogy, the developers of all what is new. It is sure to be the development of the categorical area of the innovation theory in pedagogy. These notions are described and studied in pedagogical neology.

The second block deals with the perception, development and evaluation of the new: pedagogical community, evaluation and the variety of processes of developing the new, conservators and innovators in pedagogy, innovative environment, the ability of the pedagogical community to perceive and evaluate the new. These notions are described in pedagogical axiology.

The third block is the block of bringing the new into use. It deals with the study of regularities, varieties of implementation and the use of the new. This block is called pedagogical praxeology [16].

In M. Weber`s opinion comprehension is rather a specific category which makes the explanation of an individual behaviour possible. He claims that it is possible to understand one`s behaviour only if it makes sense for the person. The scientist singles out social actions which are directed towards the other individuals` behaviour. M. Weber describes some kinds of actions depending on their being close to intelligent ones: traditional, affective, and rational actions which fall into value-oriented-rational and just rational ones [8].

Traditional actions are based on people`s habit. Affective actions are caused by affects or a person`s emotional state. Value-oriented-rational actions are those ones which are determined by religious, esthetical or any other value irrespective of all possible consequences. This type if action always depends on “commandments” or “requirements” to be followed by the individual. The rational action is typical of those individuals whose behaviour is inseparably connected with their objective, means and spins-off. In this case the individual acts unconventionally, non-affectively because of conscious, rational evaluation, adequacy correlation of the means available to achieve the purpose as well as possible predicted spins-off.

In the innovative management of educational institutions management decisions play a special role. They are associated with the discovery of a particular variant of the action, the process of the action and its final result. The management decision has the features of the social action (according to Weber). It is connected with the activity of the person who handles other people using all his gifts, skills and knowledge.

The management decision, as a specific kind of human activity in the process of management, can be represented as a sequence of such operations as: developing and choosing the variants of the actions, accepting them and their further realization.

The development stage of the management decision is an administrative process and occupies the neutral place in the manager`s activity at educational institutions. The main task is to structure the problems in order to avoid wrong decisions. To define the objective of the future activity it is necessary to use the method of making a tree of objectives. While making up the variants of the difficult management decisions the modelling method is used which gives an opportunity to get the ideal variant of the future decision without any restrictions, i.e. it helps to face all the social, technological and life aspects of the problem solving. On the whole the alternatives and the choice of the best variant should be motivated as far as the present situation is concerned. The choice has to be objective: there should be different states of internal and external environment the system faces.

The activity of the educational institution as a pedagogical system consists of lots of components: key components, derived, material, ideal, objective, subjective and others. As a result some problems are considered and reconsidered to find out whether everybody`s interests are taken into consideration because it can help to make up a better project decision.

Decision making is possible on the basis of such approaches to the management decision making as marketing, functional, normative, complex, integration, process, optimization, behavioural. Being used the above mentioned methods tend to group, although in practice, as M. Zikova states, there is a kind of alienation of some factors which leads to one-sided consideration of the problem and the subjective approach to the management decision making [4].

Decision making is an act (a process) of making it obligatory.

On the whole, it is necessary to organize the executors` activity, directed towards the realization of the management decision.

So, the management cycle may be represented as the one consisting of two main stages: decision making and its realization. The problems of comprehension, reasonable analysis, adequacy correlation of the means available to achieve the purpose set as well as predicted possible spins-off are being constantly solved.

Conclusions. Competence development in the sphere of innovative management will be possible only due to the appropriate level of comprehension and realization of the character of all the aspects of the professional management activity. Nowadays the problem of comprehension is treated by the scientists as a kind of consideration, sense revealing and making which shows the integrity of the person who learns with the thing learnt the connection of the innovative management subject with those who succumb to the changes. In other words, comprehension favours one`s defining the value system and leads to some new ones characterized by the depth of their realization and comprehension. This cannot help affecting the character of the subject`s attitude towards the object of the action.

Research prospects of further development. In our opinion the most prospective point is consideration of the axeological component of the future leader`s professional competence as far as innovative management of educational establishment is concerned.

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UDC 377:371.134

N. Smagulova,

postgraduate student

Berdyansk State Pedagogical University
Formulation of the problem. Preparation of competent professionals is the mainstream of higher education today. Special competence is a’ part of professional competence and readiness to self-identifies specific activities, the ability to solve typical professional tasks and evaluate the results of their work, the ability to acquire new knowledge and skills in the specialty.

Tendency to innovative thinking, creativity generation of ideas for a unique solution to the problem is always valued in society. Professionally and socially developed employee who owns and can operate outside the box with their knowledge, able to quickly locate relevant information and effective creative use of own knowledge is important in a time of rapid growth of innovative technologies.

Especially valuable are teachers who are able to prepare a new type of worker. System of vocational education today requires a teacher who can examine the labor market, identify staffing needs, analyze the activities of the various areas, ways and means of training. This factor significantly affects the training of future engineer-teachers. This factor significantly affects the objectives, content, principles, methods, tools, monitoring and evaluation of results, directions for improving training in high school.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Competency model of education is based on the idea of ​​the activity approach, the founders of which are L. Vygotsky, O. Leontev, S. Rubinshtein, G. Atanova, B. Badmaeva, P. Galperina and others. Problems of training future engineer-teachers are examined by S. Artuh, A. Asherov, N. Bruhanova, E. Zeer, O. Kovalenko, M. Lazarev, O. Malenko, N. Nichkalo, V. Bezrukova and others. Formation of professional competence of students of various disciplines are studied by N. Bibik, A. Markova, O. Ovcharuk, O. Pometun, L. Tarhan and others.

Significant features of special competence of engineers, teachers with methodological and theoretical sides insufficiently studied, namely, questions remain about the nature and structure of the special competence of the student, criteria and indicators of its formation.

The purpose of the article. Comprehensive theoretical and practical development of forming of special competence in process of the training future engineer-teachers, requires the introduction of appropriate technology through the use of innovative techniques and adapt existing ones to an abrupt change in the requirements of the modern specialist.

If we make a theoretical analysis and determine the degree of studying the problem forming of the special competence of future engineer-teachers, we’ll beable to solve some contradictions: between demands of modern society to the professional competence of specialists and lack of theoretical and practical elaboration process of forming of a special component, between scientific and technological progress in computer technology and insufficient use of those opportunities for the formation of special competence. Overcoming these oppositions necessitates the problem of forming of the special competence of future engineer-teachers.

Now becore universities that train engineers-teachers stand an important task: preparing specialists who would have been the symbiosis between theoretical and practical training. Basic training requirements engineering teachers regulated in the laws of Ukraine and legislation. Modernization and development of education and science must become a continuous process, responsive to all changes in the world and Ukraine. Improving the quality of education, update the objectives and content of education based on competency approach and personal orientation, taking into account international experience and the principles of sustainable development, competence paradigm of education is one of the priority areas of education in accordance with the National Strategy of Education Development in Ukraine for 2012-2021 years.

It is important to understand the difference between the concepts of “competence” and “competency”.

A. Khutorskoy defines competency as “a predetermined social requirement to educational training of students quired for his qualitative productive activity in the defines area”, but under the competence he understand the direct possession of the relevant competency, on which imposed a stamp of his personal relationship to the subject of [6].

Professional competence engineer-teacher is a combination of psychological, pedagogical and methodological knowledge and skills related to technology education, experience in the high school practice advanced methods and forms of education.

L Tarkhan has defined professional competence of engineer-teacher, as qualitative characteristics of the degree of mastery of teacher professional activities [5, p. 146].

The model of professional competence of engineer-teacher consists of two groups of personality’qualities: Generalized qualities which necessary for any specialist any profile and special qualities for specific specialist profession [5, p.200].

Professional competence is an essential component of professionalism. Professional competence is revealed as a characteristic quality training of specialist, efficiency work [3, c.54]. In pedagogy this category is considered as a derivative of the “general cultural competence”. [7]

A. Markova identifies the following types of professional competence:

- special or activity professional competence;

- social professional competence;

- personal professional competence;

- individual professional competence.

Special or activity professional competence characterizes ownership activities in a professional manner and includes not only the availability of expertise, but also the ability to apply them in practice.

Social competence describes ownership professional activities and cooperation adopted by the professional community of professional communication techniques.

Personal competence characterizes of possession means of self-expression and self-development, mass confrontation professional deformation. This also includes the ability to plan their professional activities, to make decisions, to understand the problem.

Individual professional competence describes the techniques of self-ownership, commitment to professional growth, professional prone to aging, the presence of a stable professional motivation [2].

Formation of professional competence of future engineer-teachers through educational content, which includes not only a list of subjects, but also the skills and abilities that are formed in the process of mastering these items as well as by the active position of the student in the social, political and cultural life. Preparation of competent professionals, who possessing qualities, knowledge and skills necessary to be competitive and viable, is impossible without building on the scientific basis of appropriate training system.

The main terms of professional competence of engineer-teachers are:

- organizational and managerial (curriculum, schedules of the semester, development of criteria for determining the level of competence, material and technical equipment of the educational process).

- teaching (selection of content classes, integration of courses, the selection of leading ideas).

- technological (control and evaluation, organization of active forms of learning, the definition of groups of skills within the competence of innovative technologies).

- psycho-educational (making diagnosis of students, stimulate learning motivation system, defining the criteria of competence, reflective, evaluative stage of each class).

Structure of the professional competence of future teachers can be disclosed through the pedagogical skills, the ability to the consistently actions based on theoretical knowledge and to address educational problems.

Contents of professional competence of future teachers often understood only as a certain set of psychological and pedagogical expertise. But the formation of knowledge – not an end in itself. That's why you need to exercise involving not only theoretical but also practical preparedness for future careers.

The main conclusions. The formation of any future specialist competence through relevant professional activities. The mastering the elements of special competenee in the process of professional activities. However, because of the special features of competence engineer-teachers with methodological and theoretical positions studied not enough, namely, questions remain about the nature and structure of the special competence of the student, criteria and indicators of its formation. A comprehensive theoretical and practical development of the formation of special competence in the training of future engineers, teachers need further study.

The prospect of further research in the direction of research. Further studies are planned towards to the generalization of the current conceptual approaches to the special competence of future engineer-teachers in the learning process.

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  2. Маркова А.К. Психология профессионализма / А. К. Маркова. – М. : Международный гуманитарный фонд “Знание”, 1996. – 312 с.

  3. Пугачев В.П. Руководство персоналом организации / В. П. Пугачев. – М. : Аспект Пресс, 2000. – 54 с.

  4. Сластенин В.А. Педагогика : учеб. пособие для студ. высш. пед. учеб. заведений / В. А. Сластенин, И. Ф. Исаев, Е. Н. Шиянов ; под ред. В. А. Сластенина. – М. : Издательский центр “Академия”, 2002. – 576 с.

  5. Тархан Л. З. Дидактическая компетентность инженера-педагога: теоретические и методические аспекты: [монография] // Ленуза Запаевна Тархан. – Симферополь : КРП Издательство “Крымиздатпедгиз”, 2008. – 424 с.

  6. Хуторской А.В. Технология проектирования ключевых и предметных компетенций / А. В. Хуторской // Интернет-журнал “Эйдос”. – 2005. – Режим доступу:

  7. Чошанов М.А. Гибкая технология проблемно-модульного обучения \ М. А. Чошанов. – М. : Народное образование, 1996. – 160 с.

UDC 378. 016: 796

V. Stoyanov,

(Donbass State Pedagogical University)

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