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They possessed his palace, modeled after the royal palace and 
his vassals. Beylerbeyies were almost independent from the central 
government in its internal affairs. They paid Shah certain taxes 
collected from the population, kept a military force composed of 
tribesmen and had by order of the Shah to take part in military 
expeditions, border security and the suppression of popular 
uprisings. As chief of the armed forces, mostly serving 
Beylerbeyies of Azerbaijan, due to the military-strategic and 
economic importance of Azerbaijan in the Safavid state. Provincial 
taxes collected based on the "Dastur-ul-Amal" prepared by Sadr 
Mir-Zeynəddin, from the middle XVI century.   During the period 
of Shah Abbas I finance officials` areas of the right of viziers were 
greatly expanded. Despite the restrictive measures Abbas I, regional 
viziers, as well as other officials of the local administration, on the 
recommendation of beylerbeyi could appoint and dismissed to him. 
He periodically reported to the center of the region's population, has 
decided within the scope of the controversial civil and taxable 
questions. According to centrifugal tendencies, the state are always 
supervised of beylerbeyi, which had wide economic rights.  
Tiyul, wakf and soyurgal property, which was issued by Shah 
to other nobles, Beylerbeyi didn`t interfere with their financial 
affairs in the province. Because they have the right to tax immunity. 
For example, in 1647, in the name of the order about giving the 
mahal of Khachin to the gorchibashi Gokcen bey was noted that 
local officials and hakims ordered not to interfere in their affairs.  
Beylerbeyies provide leadership secular and religious 
institutions in the territory of the provinces. All contentious civil 
and criminal cases were solved with the consent or participation of 
their representatives.  
In connection with the socio-political and economic 
development of Azerbaijan Safavid state system of local 
governance improved and strengthened. In the provinces after 
Beylerbeyies, most influential official was viziers. Financial 
management, taxation issues, concern for safeguarding the interests 
of the state treasury in each administrative division is the 

prerogative of the viziers. He was appointed by the Shah, but 
obeyed beylerbeyi and was considered a rank below him. However, 
he has acted independently and on their own. It should be noted that 
since the Azerbaijani viziers were very influential in many cases 
financial issues Shirvan, Karabakh and Chukhur - Saad entrusted to 
them. In some cases, regional vizier also feature mustoufi. So, at the 
beginning of the reign of Shah Mohammed Safi Ishtaharidi 
simultaneously was vizier and mustoufi Azerbaijan. Mahals, cities 
and wakfs, governed by special order. Since these areas are 
controlled vizier, dargha or mutavalli, which was, designated by 
Shah. They report directly to the shah, not to beylerbeyi.  
Vilayets divided into districts (Mahals). Mahals administered 
by representatives Turkish – Kyzylbash nobles who wore the title of 
Sultan or Bey. Naibs of mahals appointed by Shah, but they obeyed 
beylerbeyi. Hakims have broad powers in mahals. Hakim was both 
commander of the military forces of the mahals. He was engaged in 
financial matters and supervised the collection of taxes. Despite the 
fact that the activities of these officials proceeded under the strict 
supervision beylerbeyi, they owned extensive rights in this area.  
Naibs of mahals chosen, as a rule, from the local community 
and it was entrusted with the protection of mahals centers. He 
obeyed, and the local garrison. 
Strengthening Azerbaijan Safavid state was profoundly 
influencing improving management of religious institutions. Along 
with regional centers in other major cities, Sheikh-ul-Islam and 
Gazi were appointed on the proposal Sadr and Shah’s decrees.  
Wakfs managed mutavallies whose appointed to submit Divan 
as-Sadara in the the regional and city property.  He could dismiss 
the Shah or Sadr. In some cases, he was instructed to control mahals 
or sacred places in the city. If a post Mutallim and hakim entrusted 
to one person, the management of this mahals or city acquired the 
theocratic character. Order these posts one person in the Safavid 
period is particularly evident in the example of Ardabil.  
As in other Muslim countries, also in Azerbaijan, a number of 
civil and criminal issues were resolved based on Sharia law and 

order. Divanbəyies, hakims and darghas were engaged with issues 
of urfi law. Sheikh-ul-Islam and Gazi were engaged with issues of 
sharia law. Beylerbeyies and darghas were engaged with issues of 
urfi law in the provinces.  The most serious crime was death 
attributable to the urfi law. As a rule, were sentenced to death for 
killing a man.  

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