Microsoft Word 2 2015 Aspirant Handbook doc

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Goals for Pastoral Dimension Development during Aspirancy 


There are four goals: 


To help you and your Formators to discern your ability to make a life-long commitment 

to the ministries of word, liturgy and charity or service. 


To enable your wife (if married) to assess her readiness to give consent and support to 

your vocation and ministry.  


To familiarize you with the various services and ministries in the Diocese of Albany so 

you can discern how you will serve after ordination. 


To consider your talents and gifts, experience and needs; to help you engage in limited 

pastoral service activities should opportunities arise during formation.  This may include 

limited ecumenical activities. 








If you will give (these) instructions to the brothers, you will be a good minister of 

Jesus Christ, nourished on the words of faith and of the sound teaching you have 

followed.  Avoid profane and silly myths.  Train yourself for devotion, for, while 

physical training is of limited value, devotion is valuable in every respect, since it 

holds a promise of life both for the present and for the future.  This saying is 

trustworthy and deserves full acceptance.  For this we toil and struggle, because 

we have set our hope on the living God, who is savior of all, especially those who 

believe.  Command and teach these things. 

(1Timothy 4:6-11) 



The passage from the First Letter to Timothy applies to both you and to your Formators.  

During your Aspirancy, it will be our intention that a bond of trust develops between you and 

your Formators so they can then help to guide you, and your family, more intensely discern your 

call, further develop your traits and dispositions and enhance your spiritual and evangelical 

qualities. You will meet once a month on a designated Saturday from September through June 

from 9:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M., with lunch provided.  Your attendance is required.  If you are 

married, your wife is asked to participate with you. If needed, there are provisions for children to 

come along which will be explained during your first meeting with your primary Formators after 

your acceptance into Aspirancy. 




God, who loves you more than you can possibly imagineyou (and 

your wife, if married) and the Church (the Diocese of Albany).  All must be in agreement about 

your call before you can continue on to the Candidate Path.  The Church is already confident 

since you have met the requirements for admission to the Aspirant Path of formation, and that 

there are no impediments for ordination.  Therefore, guided and careful examination of your call 

and your suitability for public ministry are the primary purpose for your Aspirancy year.  We 

will also observe your ability to integrate your family, professional, personal and ministerial 

responsibilities as you aspire toward Candidacy.  This will take hard work and a significant 

commitment of time. 



Your Formators meet monthly with the Director of Diaconate Formation and the 

remaining Formation Team to identify your strengths and weaknesses, discuss your progress, 

identify possible areas of growth, and make recommendations to help you and your family in the 

discernment process.  The Aspirancy process requires trust and the ability on your part to be 

honest about your feelings and your journey at every meeting.   




We are available to assist you at all times as you discern your call.  Please do not wait 

until monthly meetings if a problem arises or if you have questions.  You will have telephone 

numbers and e-mail addresses of your Formators and the other Aspirants.  Open communication 

and the exchange of thoughts and ideas are encouraged.  The Bishop or the Director of Diaconate 

Formation may be contacted without prior approval of your Formators.  If you need to meet with 

the Bishop, the request must be made in writing to the Bishop, but we suggest you first discuss 

the need for the meeting with your Formators or the Director. 





The Internet will also be used for communications. We anticipate that most of your 

assignments will be forwarded to the Formators electronically. 




Ministry requires a bond of trust between those ministered to and the person engaged in 

ministry.  The same holds true for your Formation.  That is why during the Application Process, 

you signed a confidentiality agreement (Statement of Intention and Informed Consent) with the 

Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany.  During your Aspirancy, the following additional 

confidentiality standards apply: 


Conversation and sharing that takes place during monthly meetings must not be shared 

outside the group of Aspirants.  Formators may not discuss what was said outside the 

formation process (Office of Diaconate Formation, Formators, Diaconate Board, and 



Written assignments may not be disseminated outside the formation process without the 

consent of the Aspirant. 


Results of psychological examination and background check are restricted to the Office 

of Diaconate Formation, Formators, Diaconate Board, and the Bishop of Albany. 


E-mails may be shared between other Aspirants and Formators if appropriate but may not 

be shared beyond the aforementioned without the permission of the originator.  When e-

mail is used to attach assignments, dissemination to the Office of Diaconate Formation, 

Formators, Diaconate Board, and the Bishop of Albany is implied. 


Written evaluations and progress notes about you may not disseminate outside the 

formation process. 


The only exception, as agreed to by you in the Statement of Intention and Informed 

Consent signed during the application process, is if you choose not to participate in the 

Diaconate Formation and later apply to the diaconate in another diocese or to the priesthood in 

this diocese or another.  


Record Keeping 


While you are in Aspirancy, there will be writing assignments, many in the form of 

theological reflections.  All of your writings, evaluations, notes and other written documents 

become part of a file which began during your inquiry phase and will continue to build until 

ordination.  This file is made available to the entire Formation Team, the Diaconate Board, and 

the Bishop of Albany.  It is maintained and secured by the Diocese. 


Deacon Formation Web Site 

Familiarize yourself with the Roman Diocese of Albany Web Site:



Pay special attention to the deacon web pages available by clicking on “Offices + 

Deacons.”  Information that you will need is available through the right side bar link titled: 

Initial Formation

.”  There under the 

Aspirant Page

 link, you will be able to find on-line: 





 (in MS Word format).   



Directions to the meeting site.  




 for your Aspirancy year.  




 for what will be covered during the year.  



Contact information. 

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