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Always check for interim revisions on the Deacon Web Site, Initial Formation, Aspirant 

Page, for any changes since the revision date on the cover. 



Prayer should guide your journey as you strive to fulfill the mission and ministry of Jesus 

Christ in your earthly life.  The following prayer is by Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron Saint of 

Deacons.  Please pray every time you refer to this handbook. 



Prayer before the Crucifix 

Most high, glorious God, enlighten the darkness of my heart and give me Lord, a 

correct faith, a certain hope, a perfect charity, sense and knowledge, so that I 

may carry out your holy and true command.   





The word of the LORD came to me thus: Before I formed you in the womb I 

knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I 

appointed you.  “Ah, Lord GOD!” I said, “I do not know how to speak.  I am too 

young!”  But the LORD answered me, do not say, “I am too young.”  To 

whomever I send you, you shall go; whatever I command you, you shall speak.  

Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you says the LORD.  Then 

the LORD extended his hand and touched my mouth, saying to me, see, I place 

my words in your mouth! 

(Jeremiah 1:4-9) 


Pope John Paul II, in his Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation “I Will Give You 

Shepherds” (Pastores Dabo Vobis no. 36) wrote: “The history of every . . . Christian vocation, is 

the history of an inexpressible dialogue between God and human beings, between the love of 

God who calls and the freedom of individuals who respond lovingly to him.”   


By now, you are certain that a conversation you can’t fully explain is taking place 

between you and God and you are prayerfully trying to respond to God’s call.  You reacted to 

this call by committing to learn more about Jesus and his Church through your continuing 

education at the Kateri Institute for Lay Ministry Formation or a similar formation process.  A 

voice in your innermost being steered you to inquire about and investigate diaconal ministry as a 

possible vocation.  You attended information and discernment sessions to find out more about 

the diaconate.  You prayed about this call and discussed it with your family, members of your 

worship community, ordained deacons and their wives, and staff from the Office of Diaconate 

Formation. Finally, you were invited by the Director of Diaconal Formation to submit an 

application to begin formation.  The Bishop approved your entrance into the Aspirant Path of 

Diaconate Formation after consultation with the Diaconate Board. 


Congratulations!  You possess the necessary qualifications for beginning the journey of 

the Aspirant Path of Diaconate Formation, known as Aspirancy.  This is the initial path of two 




distinct, but unified, processes.  The second path, which lasts at least three years, is candidacy for 



This handbook, approved by the Bishop, is designed to help you (and your wife, if 

married) during Aspirancy.  We want to create an environment of trust by being as transparent as 

possible, answer any questions you or your family have about the process, detail the formation 

process and goals, establish a calendar, provide standards for assessment of your progress by you 

and your Formators, and clearly delineate the Church’s expectations and responsibilities of you 

and your wife if you are married.  Please refer to this handbook throughout this stage of your 









Bear one another’s burdens (or serve one another through love) and so you will 

fulfill the law of Christ.  For if anyone thinks they are something when they are 

not, they are deluding themselves.  Each one must examine his or her own work, 

and then they will have reason to boast with regard to themselves alone, and not 

with regard to anyone else; for each will bear their own load.  One who is 

instructed in the word should share all good things with their instructor. 

(Galatians 6:2-





As you read this handbook, you are doing so with the knowledge that your formation on 

the path toward ordination as a deacon in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany has officially 

started.  This section of your handbook will provide information about the Aspirant Path and 

some of the demands the path will place upon you and your family. 


ASPIRE - verb (used without object), -pired, -piring. 

to long, aim, or seek ambitiously; be eagerly desirous, especially for something great or of high 

value (usually followed by to, after, or an infinitive): to aspire after literary immortality; to 

aspire to be a doctor.  






“Aspirant,” the title, by which you are now known, is a person who seeks to become a 

Candidate for ordination as a deacon.  The Aspirant Path of Diaconate Formation, which will last 

for a minimum of one year, is the process that you and your Formators use to track your progress 

toward the Candidate Path.  The Basic Norms for the Formation of Permanent Deacons

promulgated by Congregation for Catholic Education, and adapted in the 

National Directory for 

the Formation, Ministry, and Life of Permanent Deacons

 (DMLPD), and the Diocese of Albany, 

call Aspirancy the “propaedeutic period,” or the period of time that you and your Formators will 

use to discern your readiness to be nominated by the Diaconate Board to the Bishop for 

acceptance as a candidate for diaconate ordination.  



Your Aspirancy begins in July, immediately after you are accepted by the Bishop of 

Albany into the Aspirant Path of Diaconate Formation.  Aspirancy will last for a minimum of 

one year.  If at any time during Aspirancy you (and your wife, if married) need more time to 

properly discern your vocation or if circumstances arise that necessitate your temporarily 

suspending your formation, discuss this with your Formators who will then schedule a meeting 

with the Director of Diaconate Formation.   



In the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany, those responsible for both the Aspirant and 

Candidate Paths of Diaconate Formation are known as “Formators.”  They report to the Director 

of Diaconate Formation and are considered as part of the staff.  For the Aspirant Path, the 

Formators are a two-person team, approved by the Bishop, consisting of an ordained deacon and 

a laywoman. 


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