Evagrius on Psalms

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7. makario/thj a)di¿kwn e)stiì bi¿oj a)penqh\j meta\ plh/qouj xrhma/twn. (cf. PG 12.1672)

15 They bless the people who have these [things].

7. Blessedness is for the unjust a a life of great wealth, free from regret.

8. makario/thj dikai¿wn e)stin a)pa/qeia yuxh=j meta\ gnw¯sewj qeou=. (cf. PG 12.1672)

8. Blessedness is for the just apatheia of the soul together with knowledge of God



1. ¸Uyw¯sw se, o( Qeo/j mou o( basileu/j mou

1. u(ywsij pneumatikh/ e)sti eu)xaristi¿a nou= kaqarou= e)piì toiÍj sumba=sin au)t%½ para\ qeou= a)gaqoiÍj. [cf PG 12.1672]

1. I will exalt you, my God, my king

1. Spiritual exaltation is the purified nous’ thanksgiving when it encounters the good things from God.

3(2) kaiì th=j megalwsu/nhj au)tou= ou)k eÃsti pe/raj

2. pa/ntwn me\n tw½n gegono/twn h( qewri¿a pepera/twtai: mo/nhj de\ th=j a(gi¿aj tria/doj h( gnw½si¿j e)stin a)pe/rantoj: ou)siw¯dhj ga/r e)sti h( sofi¿a. [cf P 144: 3(2)]

3. and of his greatness there is no limit.

2. The contemplation of all that come into being is limited: only the knowledge of the blessed Trinity is unlimited; for it is essential wisdom.

4(1) genea\ kai\ genea\ e)paine/sei ta\ e)/rga sou

3 auÀth h( genea\ e)k tw½n kat' a)reth\n kaiì gnw½sin genome/nwn suni¿statai. [cf P 144:3(4)]

4(1). Generation after generation shall praise your works

3. His generation is comprised of those who are begotten of virtue and knowledge.

10(1) ¹Ecomologhsa/sqwsa/n soi, ku/rie, pa/nta ta\ eÃrga sou

4. nu=n ta\ eÃrga ta\j logika\j fu/seij le/gei: au)taiì ga\r pefu/kasin e)comologeiÍsqai qe%: ei¹ de\ a)nape/mpetai¿ tij e)comolo/ghsij kaiì a)po\ th=j fu/sewj th=j swmatikh=j, qeo\j aÄn ei)dei/h kaiì oi¸ tou/tou fi¿loi. [cf P 10 + PG 12.1673]

10. Let all thy works, O lord, praise thee

4. Here works mean the reasoning natures; for they naturally give praise to God. But what praise is given back by corporeal natures is know to God and those who are his friends.

13 h( basilei¿a sou basilei¿a pa/ntwn tw=n ai¹w¯nwn, kaiì h( despotei¿a sou e)n pa/sv gene#= kaiì gene#=

5 ei¹ h( basilei¿a tou= qeou= h( qewri¿a tw½n gegono/twn kaiì genhsome/nwn ai¹w¯nwn e)stiìv, kalw½j eiãrhtai h( basilei¿a sou, basilei¿a pa/ntwn tw½n ai¹w¯nwn. plh\n tou=to i¹ste/on, oÀti genea\ kaiì genea\ e)n toiÍj ai¹w½sin le/getai, tw½n me\n didasko/ntwn, tw½n de\ manqano/ntwn: e)n de\ tv= a(gi¿# tria/di genea\ kaiì genea\ [ou]) r(hqh/setai, pa/ntwn gegono/twn e)n qe%½ eÁn, kata\ th\n proseuxh\n tou= Xristou= le/gousan: « do\j au)toiÍj, iàna kaiì au)toiì e)n h(miÍn eÁn wÕsin, kaqwÜj e)gwÜ kaiì su\ e)sme\n eÁn, Pa/ter. » [cf P 13(1-2) + PG 12.1673]

13 Your kingdom is a kingdom of all the ages: and your dominion through all the generations of generations.

5. If the kingdom of God is the contemplation of beings and of ages to come, then it is rightly said “Your kingdom is a kingdom of all the ages”. And even more does generation to generation unto the ages signify that some will be teachers and others students. But in the Blessed Trinity generation to generation is a way of saying that all will become one in God, according to the prayer of Christ when He says, “Grant to them that they may be one in us, just as you and I, Father, are one” (Jn 17:21) [cf P 13(1-2) + PG 12.1673]

15. kaiì su\ di¿dwj th\n trofh\n au)tw½n e)n eu)kairi¿#

6. w(j i)atro\j tw½n yuxw½n o( Xristo\j e)n eu)kairi¿# di¿dwsin au)toiÍj th\n trofh/n. xrh/sei de\ t%½ r(ht%½ tou/t%, lu/wn to\ e)n toiÍj eu)aggeli¿oij u(po\ tou= swth=roj lego/menon: « Ti¿ e)moiì kaiì soiì, gu=nai; kaiì ouÃpw hÀkei h( wÐra mou. » kaiì ga\r e)kei= kairo\n shmei¿wn ou)x eÃfasken ei)=nai, eiãper « ta\ shmeiÍa ou) toiÍj pisteu/ousin, a)lla\ toiÍj a)pi¿stoij: » a)pisti¿a ga\r meta\ to\ kh/rugma eiãwqe gi¿nesqai, khru/ssein de\ ouÃpw o( ku/rioj hÃrcato th\n basilei¿an ou)ranw½n. » [cf P 15(1)]

15. and you give them their food in due season.

6. Like a physician of souls Christ gives them their food in due season. This saying is useful, freeing the one to whom the savior says in the Gospels: “ What is that to you and to me, woman? My hour is not yet come,” (Jn 2:4) For then the time of signs had not yet come, if indeed “the signs are not for believers but for unbelievers” (Mk 16:17) for they become unbelievers, who, having become accustomed to the proclamation, do not proclaim at all that the Lord has begun the kingdom of heaven (Mt 4:17).

20(2) kaiì pa/ntaj tou\j a(martwlou\j e)coloqreu/sei

7. e)colo/qreusij a(martwlou= e)sti xwrismo\j logikh=j yuxh=j a)po\ th=j sumba/shj au)t$= kata\ kaki¿an zwh=j.

20(2). and he will destroy all the sinners.

7. The destruction of sinners is the separation of the reasoning soul from its agreement with the life of vice.


21(2) kaiì eu)logei¿tw pa=sa sa\rc to\ oÃnoma to\ aÀgion au)tou=

8. kai o( Pau=loj fhsin: ou)k e)n placi\ liqi/naij, a)ll’ e)n placi\ kardi/aij sarki/naij. pla\c toi/nun sarki/nh e)sti\n yuxh\ logikh\ eu)ko/lwj u(podexome/nh to\n no/mon tou= qeou=. e)/sti de\ kai\ yekth\ sa/rc, w(j to\ ou) mh\ katamei/$ to\ pneu=ma mou e)n toi=j a)nqrw/poij tou/toij: dia\ to\ ei)=nai au)tou\j sa/rkaj. kai\ pa/lin o( Pau=lo/j fhsi: sa\rc kai\ ai(/ma basilei/an qeou= klhronomh=sai ou) du/nantai: e)ntau=qa ga\r h( sa\rc th\n kaki/an shmai/nei. [cf PG 12.1673]

21(2) and let all flesh bless your holy name.

8. And Paul says, “not on tablets of stone, but on tablets of hearts of flesh” (2 Cor. 3:3). Thus table of flesh is the reasoning soul tranquilly receiving the law of God. And flesh is thus blameworthy, for it says,“My spirit will not abide in these men, for they are flesh” (Gen 6:3). And Paul also says, “Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.” (1Cor 15:50) for in this instance flesh signifies vice.




7. To\n fula/ssonta a)lh/qeian ei¹j to\n ai¹w½na, [poiou=nta kri¿sin toiÍj a)dikoume/noij, dido/nta trofh\n toiÍj peinw½sin]

1. ¹Alh/qeian eiåpe to\n a)lhqino\n, a)po\ th=j eÀcewj o)noma/saj to\n mete/xonta th=j eÀcewj: ouÀtw kaiì e)lehmosu/nhn a)gap#= ku/rioj kaiì kri¿sin, toute/sti to\n e)leh/mona kaiì dikaio/kriton.

7 Who keeps truth for ever: [who executes judgment for those treated unjustly: who gives food to the hungry]

1. Truth means “the truthful one” (cf 1Jn 5.20), as when the names of habits are given to those who have the habit: thus “the Lord loves mercy and judgment” (cf Ps 32.5) is to say that He loves the merciful and those who judge justly.

Kaiì para\ t%= Pau/l% « h( a)ga/ph ou) perpereu/etai, » a)ntiì tou=, o( eÃxwn th\n a)ga/phn. kata\ ta\ au)ta\ de\ kaiì a)po\ tw½n xeiro/nwn eÀcewn eu(rh/seij o)nomazome/nouj tou\j kekthme/nouj au)ta/j. [cf. PG 12.1673-1676]

And so [we find] in Paul, “love does not boast” (1Cor 13.4), rather than “the one who loves”; and in this way you will find that in the names of even worse habits are designated those who have acquired them

8. ku/rioj lu/ei pephdhme/nouj

2. OuÃte ta\ pra/gmata desmoiÍ to\n nou=n, ouÃte tou/twn noh/mata, a)lla\ ta\ e)mpaqh= tw½n pragma/twn noh/mata. kaiì ga\r to\n xruso\n o( Ku/rioj eÃktisen, kaiì au)to\j th\n gunaiÍka pepoi¿hken: ou)de\n de\ tw½n gegono/twn u(po\ Qeou= e)nantiou=tai tv= swthri¿# t$= tw½n a)nqrw¯pwn, a)ll' h( pornei¿a kaiì h( pleoneci¿a desmou=si to\n nou=n, a)nagka/zousi xroni¿zein ta\ noh/mata tw½n pragma/twn e)n t$= kardi¿#.

8. The Lord looses those who are chained

2. Neither [external] affairs nor their intellections [noemata] chain the nous, but rather the impassioned intellections of [external] affairs. For it was the Lord who made gold, and he also created woman. Thereore nothing created by God is opposed to the salvation of human being; but sexual immorality and greed chain the nous, compelling the intellections of affairs to linger in the heart.

i(/sthsi ga\r to\n nou=n ta\ pra/gmata dia\ tw½n empaqw=n nohma/twn, kaqa/per kaiì to\ uÀdwr to\n diyw½nta dia\ th=j di¿yhj, kaiì to\n peinw½nta o( aÃrtoj dia\ th=j pei¿nhj.

For the [external] affairs stabilize the nous through impassioned intellections just as water does to the thirsty by thirst, and bread to the hungry through hunger.

ti¿ ouÅn pro\j tau=ta o( i¹atro\j tw½n yuxw½n ouÃte ta\ pra/gmata diafqei¿rei au)to\j ga\r au)tw½n e)sti dhmiourgo\j, ouÃte to\n nou=n mh\ noeiÍn au)ta\ katanagka/zei:

[how then – so thus] the physician of souls neither destroys [external] affairs (for he is their creator), nor does the nous confine (overpower) them by noesis:

tou= ga\r u(p' au)tou= noeiÍsqai eÀneken ge/gonen, a)lla\ dia\ th=j pneumatikh=j didaskali¿aj kaiì tw½n e)ntolw½n a)natre/yaj ta\ pa/qh aÀper eÀtera/ e)sti tw½n nohma/twn kaiì tw½n pragma/twn a)f' h(mw½n eÃxonta ta\j a)rxa\j, e)leu/qeron a)fh=ke to\n nou=n tw½n desmw½n kaiì tou=t' aÄn eiãh to/: ku/rioj lu/ei pepedhme/nouj. [cf. PG 12.1676 + P 8]

For they noetically come into being by it, however through the spiritual teaching and the commandments the passion is overturned; for they are different – the intellections and the [external] affairs from which they originate, the nous set free of the chains, and what [else] can this be than the Lord looses those who are chained.

8([2] Ku/rioj sofoiÍ tuflou\j

3. tuflo/thj e)sti\ ste/rhsij gnw/sewj.

8.2. The Lord enlightens the blind
3. Blindness is deprivation of knowledge.



2. ta\j diaspora\j tou= ¹Israh\l e)pisuna/cei

1. OuÁj diaskorpi¿zei h( kaki¿a, tou/touj suna/gei h( a)reth/: ou(/tw kai\ o( ku/rioj e)n toi=j eu)aggrli/oij fhsi/: kai\ o( mh\ suna/gwn met’ e)mou= skorpi/zei. [cf. PG 12.1676]

2. he will gather together the dispersed of Israel.

1. Those whom vice scatters, virtue gathers together: and so the Lord says in the Gospels, “He who does not gather with me scatters,” (Mt 12:30).

4. o( a)riqmw½n plh/qh aÃstrwn, kaiì pa=sin au)toiÍj o)no/mata kalw½n

2. o( a)riqmo\j %Ò xrw¯menoj o( qeo\j a)riqmeiÍ ta\ logika\, katasta/sewn aÃstrwn mhnu/ei diafora\j kaiì aÁ ti¿qhsin o)no/mata au)toiÍj diafo/rouj pneumatika\j gnw¯seij shmai¿nei.

periì de\ tw½n e(rpetw½n tw½n e)n tv= qala/ssv fhsi¿n: « e)keiÍ e(rpeta\ wÒn ou)k eÃstin a)riqmo/j. » pw½j ga\r e)farmosqh/setai o( pneumatiko\j a)riqmo\j toiÍj eÀrpousin e)piì gaste/ra kaiì douleu/ousi tai=j h(donaiÍj wÒn « o( qumo\j kata\ th\n o(moi¿wsin tou= oÃfewj kaiì i¹o\j a)spi¿dwn u(po\ ta\ xei¿lh au)tw½n. » kaiì pa/lin o( SolomwÜn pollou\j le/gei tou\j tetrwme/nouj u(po\ kaki¿aj kaiì a)nariqmh/touj tou\j pefoneume/nouj. [= PG 12.1676]

4. He numbers the multitudes of stars; and calls them all by names.

2. The number God uses to number the reasoning natures reveals the variations in the positions of the stars, and he signifies in the names he gives them various kinds of spiritual knowledge.

But concerning the reptiles that are in the sea he says: [in] that [place] there are reptiles without number (Ps 103.25) [cf Schol. 6 on Eccl. 1.15.] How then do the spiritual numbers relate to those [reptiles] that creep on their bellies and are slaves to pleasure: “their anger is like the anger of a snake,” (Ps 57.5) and the poison of vipers is under their tongue.” (Ps 13.3; 139.4) And Solomon, too, has much to say concerning those wounded by vices, and that those killed are numberless (Pr 7:26).

9[2]. [Kaiì dido/nti toiÍj kth/nesi trofh\n au)tw½n,] kaiì toiÍj neossoiÍj tw½n kora/kwn toiÍj e)pikaloume/noij au)to/n

3. zhth/seij mh/pote sunekdoxikw½j dia\ tw½n kora/kwn pa=san tw½n pthnw½n th\n fu/sin shmai¿nei w¨j e)pikaloume/nhn qeo/n h)\ ko/rakaj nu=n le/gei fu/seij logika\j nohtw½j tre/fein dikai¿ouj pepisteume/naj kaiì kola/zein a)di¿kouj prostassome/naj, eiãper tou= me\n « katagelw½ntoj patro\j kaiì a)tima/zontoj gh=raj mhtro\j, e)kko/ptousi ko/rakej tou\j o)fqalmou\j e)k tw½n fara/ggwn: » t%½ de\ « ¸Hli¿# aÃrton komi¿zousi to\ prwiì+ kaiì kre/a to\ dei¿lhj. » [cf. Pitra 146.9]

9. He gives their food [both] to the beasts and to the young ravens that call upon him.

3. Consider whether perhaps by way of substitution “ravens” signify all birds that, as it were, call upon God: “ravens” here mean reasoning natures entrusted to feed the just who have faith, [but] also assigned to punish the unjust. For, indeed, on the one hand, “the eye that laughs with contempt at a father, and dishonours the old age of a mother - let the ravens of the valleys pick it out”: (Pro 30.17) while on the other hand “they fed Elijah with bread in the morning and meat in the evening.” (1 Ki 17.6)

10. ou)k e)n tv= dunastei¿# tou= iàppou qelh/sei, ou)de\ e)n taiÍj knh/maij tou= a)ndro\j eu)dokeiÍ.

4. matai¿a, fhsiì, du/namij a)nqrw¯pou kaiì ta/xoj podw½n. Fo/boj ga\r Kuri¿ou prosti¿qhsi gnw½sin kaiì a)ga/qh e)lpiìj dwreiÍtai eÃleon. [cf. Pitra 146.10]

10. He will not delight in the strength of the horse: nor take pleasure in the legs of a man.

4. Vain, it says, is the power of man and swiftness of foot. For fear of the Lord precedes knowledge and love , and good hope bestows mercy.



2(1). oàti e)ni¿sxusen tou\j moxlou\j tw½n pulw½n sou

1. moxloiì me\n th=j ¸Ierousalh/m ei¹sin ai¸ praktikaiì a)retaiì kwlu/ousai tou\j e)xqrou\j pareisdu=nein: th=j de\ SiwÜn ta\ ou)ra/nia do/gmata kaiì h( o)rqh\ pi¿stij th=j proskunhth=j kaiì a(gi¿aj tria/doj, eiãper h( me\n ¸Ierousalh\m th\n yuxh\n shmai¿nei, h( de\ SiwÜn to\n nou=n: e(rmhneu/etai ga\r ¸Ierousalh\m me\n oÀrasij ei¹rh/nhj, SiwÜn de\ skopeuth/rion. [cf PG 12.1677]

2(1). for he strengthened the bolts of your gates

1. Bolts of Jerusalem are the praktiké virtues which hinder the enemies from entering; while those of Zion are the celestial teachings and the correct faith in the adorable and Holy Trinity. Or else Jerusalem signifies the soul, while Zion signifies the nous. For ‘Jerusalem’ is translated ‘vision of peace’, while Zion [means] ‘watch tower’.

3(1). o( tiqeiìj ta\ oÀria/ sou ei¹rh/nhn

2. ta o(/ria th=j ei¹rh/nhj fasiìn eiånai th\n a)pa/qeian th=j yuxh=j. [=PG 12.1677]

3(1) Who makes your borders peaceful

2. The Borders of peace are said to be apatheia of the soul.

3. kaiì ste/ar purou= e)mpiplw½n se.

3. OuÂtoj o( puro\j e)k tou= spe/rmato/j e)stin e)kei¿nou tou= kalou= tou= spare/ntoj u(po\ tou= Kuri¿ou e)n t%½ a)gr%½, oÀper pneumatikh\n gnw½sin shmai¿nei. [Pitra 147.3]

3. and fills you with the fat of wheat

3. This wheat is from that “good seed” which was sown by the Lord in the “field” (cf. Mt. 13:24-38) that signifies spiritual knowledge.

4. o( a)poste/llwn to\ lo/gion au)tou= tv= gv=, eÀwj ta/xouj drameiÍtai o( lo/goj au)tou, [tou= dido/ntoj xio/na w¨seiì eÃrion ... a)posteleiÍ to\n lo/gon au)tou= kaiì th/cei au)ta/:]

4. dittw½j le/getai dido/nai qeo\j, hÄ e)nergw½n hÄ sugxwrw½n. kai\ e(pi\ me\n tw=n a)gaqw=n w(j e)nergw=n, e)pi\ de\ tw=n kakwn w(j sugxwrw=n, w¨j ei¹ kaiì periì tou= h(li¿ou tij eÃlegen, oÀti au)to/j e)stin o( th\n h(me/ran poiw½n kaiì th\n nu/kta, a)ll' h(me/ran me\n la/mpwn, nu/kta de\ u(poxwrw½n. kata\ ouÅn to\ deu/teron shmaino/menon to\ dido/nai to\n qeo\n e)ntau=qa nomiste/on, eiãper a)poste/llwn to\n lo/gon au)tou= th/cei au)ta/. [cf. PG 12.1677]

4. He sends forth his Word to the earth; His Word will run swiftly

4. It speaks of God giving in a twofold way, either acting or accompanying: first as agent in regard to good things; then in regard to vices as companion. Thus it is in regard to the sun as it is said, “For it is he who makes both the day and the night”: (cf. Ps 74:16) the day by shining, the night by withdrawing. But we should understand God giving according to the second interpretation if indeed the sending forth of His Word melts them [vs. 7]

5. tou= dido/ntoj xio/na w¨seiì eÃrion, o(mi¿xlhn w¨seiì spodo\n pa/ssontoj, 6 ba/llontoj kru/stallon au)tou= w¨seiì ywmou/j, kata\ pro/swpon yu/xouj au)tou= ti¿j u(posth/setai; 7 a)posteleiÍ to\n lo/gon au)tou= kaiì th/cei au)ta/:

5. h( xiwÜn kaiì o( kru/stalloj, kaiì h( o(mi¿xlh kaiì to\ yu=xoj kata\ ste/rhsin tou= h(li¿ou th=j dikaiosu/nhj e)pisumbai¿nei tv= fu/sei tv= logikv=, aÀper eÃthcen o( tou= qeou= lo/goj a)postalei¿j: « Pu=r » ga\r, fhsiìn, « hÅlqon baleiÍn e)piì th\n gh=n. » [=PG 12.1677]

5-7 He sends snow like wool, he scatters the mist like ashes. 6 Casting forth his ice like morsels: who shall stand before his cold? 7 He shall send out his word, and melt them

5. The snow, the ice, the mist, and the cold arise in the reasoning nature when they are deprived of the sun of justice; and they are melted by the Word sent by God, for He says, “I came to cast fire on the earth” (Lk 12: 49)

8. a)pagge/llwn to\n lo/gon au)tou= t%½ Iakwb, dikaiw¯mata kaiì kri¿mata au)tou= t%½ Israhl. 9. ou)k e)poi¿hsen ouÀtwj pantiì eÃqnei

6. ei) ou)k e)poi/hsen ou(/twj panti\ e)/qnei, a)lla\ mo/n% t% I)akw\b kai\ t% I)srah\l kai\ h(mei=j oi( e)c e)qnw=n ta\ lo/gia au)tou= katadeca/menoi I)akw\b kai\ I)srah\l e)smen e)pei\ kai\ h(mi=n e)poi/hsen. [=PG 12.1677]

8. He sends his word to Jacob, his ordinances and judgments to Israel. 9 He has not done so to any other nation

6. If He has not done so to other nations, but rather solely to Jacob and to Israel, and we are those who out of the nations have received his words; we are and will become Jacob and Israel.



1. Ai¹neiÍte to\n Ku/rion e)k tw½n ou)ranw½n, k. t. e(.

1. aiåno/j e)stin uÀmnoj ei¹j Qeo\n e)piì tv= qewri¿# tw½n gegono/twn. [=PG 12.1677]

1. Praise the Lord from the heavens

1. “Praise” is a hymn to God concerning the contemplation of beings.

3[2] ai¹neiÍte au)to\n, pa/nta ta\ aÃstra kaiì to\ fw½j

2. to\ fw½j nu=n sumbolikw½j logikh\n fu/sin shmai¿nei: « (UmeiÍj ga\r », fhsiìn, « e)ste\ to\ fw½j tou= ko/smou. » [=PG 12.1677]

3(2). praise him, all ye stars and light.

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