Evagrius on Psalms

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a PG 1(2)


1. Pro\j Ku/rion e)n t%½ qli¿besqai¿ me e)ke/kraca, kaiì ei¹sh/kouse/ mou, k. t. e(.

a`. Tw½n di' a)reth\n kaiì gnw½sin qlibome/nwn e)pakou/ei Qeo\j

b PG 4(1)


4. Ta\ be/lh tou= dunatou= h)konhme/na su\n toiÍj aÃnqraci toiÍj e)rhmikoiÍj, k. t. e(.

b`. Ou)de\n ouÀtwj a(rmo/zei pro\j ta\j a)ntikeime/naj duna/meij, w¨j ta\ be/lh tou= Xristou= ta\ a)ntikei¿mena toiÍj pepurwme/noij be/lesi tou= ponhrou=, kaiì oi¸ aÃnqrakej oi¸ katanali¿skontej cu/la, xo/rton, kala/mhn. Ei¹ de/ e)sti be/loj a)ga/phj kata\ th\n e)n toiÍj ãAsmasi nu/mfhn: « Tetrwme/nh ga\r, fhsiìn, a)ga/pv e)gw¯: » eÃsti be/loj dikaiosu/nhj kaiì a)ndri¿aj kaiì swfrosu/nhj kaiì tw½n loipw½n a)retw½n, oiâj be/lesi titrwsko/menoi u(poka/tw tou= Qeou= pi¿ptousin oi¸ laoi¿.

g PG 12.1629-1632

5. Oiãmoi: oÀti h( paroiki¿a mou e)makru/nqh, kateskh/nwsa meta\ tw½n skhnwma/twn Khda\r, k. t. e(.

g`. Ou)k eÃsti tou= au)tou= le/gein: « Mh\ a)naga/gvj me e)n h(mi¿sei h(merw½n mou: » kaiì to/: « Oiãmoi, oÀti h( paroiki¿a mou e)makru/nqh. » äH ta/xa h(me/raj e)keiÍ le/gei aÁj o( fo/boj tou= Kuri¿ou kata\ to\n Solomw½nta [12.1632] prosti¿qhsi, ta\j u(po\ tou= h(li¿ou th=j dikaiosu/nhj genome/naj, e)n aiâj kaiì ¹Abraa\m a)pe/qane plh/rhj h(merw½n. ¹Entau=qa de\ pro\j th\n ai¹sqhth\n dwrea\n a)podu/retai: eÃxei ga\r kaiì ouÂtoj « e)piqumi¿an tou= a)nalu=sai kaiì su\n Xrist%½ eiånai, poll%½ ma=llon krei¿ssona: to\ de\ e)pime/nein tv= sarkiì a)nagkaio/teron » dia\ tou\j w©felhme/nouj, eiãper o( Dauiì+d kata\ to\n Louka=n e)n taiÍj Pra/cesi tw½n ¹Aposto/lwn, hÄ kaiì kata\ Pau=lon « i¹di¿# gene#= u(pereth/swn » e)capesta/lh.

d P7

7. ãHmhn ei¹rhniko\j, oÀtan e)la/loun au)toiÍj, e)pole/moun me dwrea/n.

d`. To/te ma/lista xalepw¯teroi gi¿nontai polemou=ntej oi¸ dai¿monej, oÀtan tij au)toiÍj pro\j tou\j logismou\j a)pokri¿nhtai: kaiì dida/skei h(ma=j tou=to poieiÍn o( Xristo\j peirazo/menoj: nhfou/shj ga\r eÃstai dianoi¿aj pro\j tou\j logismou\j a)panta=n: nh/fein de\ h(ma=j e)n tv= pa/lv ou) bou/lontai oi¸ e)xqroiì, iàna mh\ eu)porh/swmen nohma/twn a)ntikeime/nwn toiÍj logismoiÍj au)tw½n: e)f' oÀson ga\r ou)de\n au)toiÍj prosfe/romen oiãkoqen, xroni¿zontej au)tw½n e)n h(miÍn oi¸ logismoiì diastre/fousi th\n yuxh/n: dio\ kalw½j le/gei e)n taiÍj Paroimi¿aij to/: ¹Apoph/dhson, mh\ xroni¿svj e)n t%½ to/p% au)th=j, mhde\ e)pisth/svj so\n oÃmma pro\j au)th\n, dhlono/ti th\n a)ntikeime/nhn du/namin, hÄ th\n kaki¿an, hÁn swmatikw½j h( sofi¿a morfoiÍ ei¹j gunaiÍka.



a PG 12.1632

6. ¸Hme/raj o( hÀlioj ou) sugkau/sei se, ou)de\ h( selh/nh th\n nu/kta, k. t. e(.

a` OuÂtoj, oiåmai, o( hÀlioj oÁj a)nate/llei e)piì th\n spareiÍsan gh=n kaiì chrai¿nwn au)th\n, kaq' hÄn « o( aÃfrwn w¨j selh/nh a)lloiou=tai. »

b PG 12.1632

8. Ku/rioj fula/cei th\n eiãsodo/n sou kaiì th\n eÃcodo/n sou a)po\ tou= nu=n kaiì eÀwj tou= ai¹w½noj, k. t. e(.

b`. ãEcodon th\n a)po\ kaki¿aj ei¹j a)reth\n, eiãsodon th\n a)po\ th=j a)reth=j ei¹j th\n gnw½sin tou= Qeou=.



4-5. e)keiì ga\r a)ne/bhsan ai¸ fulaiì,
fulaiì Kuri¿ou, martu/rion tou= ¹Israh\l

1. profhteu/ei peri\ tw½n mellousw½n fulw½n a)nabai¿nein e)piì th\n a)reth\n kaiì gnw½sin th\n tou= Qeou=. pro/teron ga\r o( ¹Israh\l e)ka/lei to\ e)piì th\n ¸Ierousalh\m kaiì e)piì to\n oiåkon kuri¿ou, nuni\ de\ kai\ pa=sai ai¸ fulaiì tetuxh/kasi th=j a)reth=j kaiì th=j gnw¯sewj tou= Qeou. [cf PG 12.1633]

4. For there ascended the tribes,
the tribes of the Lord as a testimony for Israel

1. [the text] prophecies concerning the tribes yet to come, ascending to virtue and knowledge of God. For Israel was at first called up to Jerusalem, and up to the house of the Lord; but now all the tribeswill attain to virtue and to the knowledge of God. [CHECK TRANSL!!]

b P7

7. Gene/sqw dh\ ei¹rh/nh e)n tv= duna/mei sou, kaiì eu)qhni¿a e)n taiÍj purgoba/resi¿ sou.

b`. Purgo/baro/j e)sti nou=j qewrhtiko/j.

1. Fortress is the contemplative nous




1. Pro\j se\ vÅra tou\j o)fqalmou/j mou
to\n katoikou=nta e)n t%½ ou)ran%½

1. o( qeo\j e)n me\n toiÍj swmatikoiÍj ou)ranoiÍj w¨j dhmiourgo\j katoikeiÍ dia\ th=j polupoiki¿lou sofi¿aj au)tou=, e)n de\ toiÍj nohtoiÍj w¨j dikaiosu/nh kaiì gnw¯sei kaiì sofi¿a. [=PG 12.1633]

1. God dwells as creator in the corporeal heavens through his ‘richly-diverse wisdom’ (Eph 3:10), and in the noetic (spiritual)[ heavens] as justice and knowledge and wisdom.

b P7 of 121 +

PG 12.1636

4. ¹Epiì pleiÍon e)plh/sqh h( yuxh\ h(mw½n: to\ oÃneidoj toiÍj eu)qhnou=si kaiì h( e)coude/nwsij toiÍj u(perhfa/noij, k. t. e(.

b` [R] Eu)qhni¿a toi¿nun e)stiìn a)po/lausij a)nempo/distoj tw½n swmatikw½n h(donw½n. ... Œ [12.1636] ¹Idou\ ouÂtoi a(martwloiì kaiì eu)qhnou=ntej.



PG 3 a


3. ãAra zw½ntaj aÄn kate/pion h(ma=j, k. t. e(.

a`. To\n prodo/thn ¹Iou/dan zw½nta kate/pion: eiåxe ga\r pro\ th=j parado/sewj th\n zwh\n th\n ei¹pou=san: "6)Egw¯ ei¹mi h( zwh/:"6 tou\j de\ a)p' a)rxh=j tv= kaki¿# e)ntrefome/nouj, nekrou\j katapi¿nousin.

b PG 4-5



4-5. ãAra to\ uÀdwr aÄn katepo/ntisen h(ma=j, k. t. e(. [5] Xei¿mar)r(on dih=lqen h( yuxh\ h(mw½n, k. t. e(.

b`. àUdwr tropikw½j le/gei tou\j peirasmou\j tou\j kataponti¿zontaj th\n yuxh/n: oi¸ de\ au)toiì peirasmoiì kaiì logismoiì kalou=ntai.

Xei¿mar)r(on de\ pa/lin le/gei tou\j logismou\j, dia\ to\ mh\ xroni¿zein au)tou\j, a)lla\ a)qro/wj e)piphd#=n ei¹j to\n nou=n, kaiì pa/lin chrai¿nesqai.136

The following is NOT in Rondeau’s key; it would be R7(2) if it were there. It is surely Evagrian, however, as the following section, R7(3) is almost certainly not. Is there a misprint in Rondeau’s key, or is her manuscript faulty at this point?


12.1637 Ant 4.48


7. ¸H yuxh\ h(mw½n w¨j strouqi¿on e)r)r(u/sqh e)k th=j pagi¿doj tw½n qhreuo/ntwn, k. t. e(.

Qhreu/ousin e)pi\ yuxh\n dikai/ou ai( a)ntikei¿menai duna/meij, wÒn pagi¿dej oi¸ u(p' au)tw½n e)nergou/menoi, kaiì e)reqi¿zontej proskalou/menoi h(ma=j ei¹j to\ a(marteiÍn, kaiì pa=sa uÀlh e)piì to\ a(marta/nein prokaloume/nh. Ou) pi¿ptei de\ strouqi¿on ei¹j pagi¿da aÃneu tou= Patro\j tou= e)n toiÍj ou)ranoiÍj.

Virtutes adversariae venantur animam iusti, quarum laquei sunt hi quis obsident, quique instigant et provocant nos ad peccandum; item omnis materia quae ad peccandum allicit. Non cadit autem passerculus in laqueum sine Patre qui in coelis est.

PG 7(3) g


Ant 4.48

7. ¸H pagiìj sunetri¿bh, kaiì h(meiÍj e)r)r(u/sqhmen, k. t. e(.

g`. ¸H me\n Palaia\ Diaqh/kh ta\j kat' e)ne/rgeian suntri¿bei pagi¿daj, nomoqetou=sa to/: « Ou) moixeu/seij:/. h( de\ Kainh\ ta\j kata\ dia/noian fqei¿rei pagi¿daj, paragge/llousa to/: «,Ou)k e)piqumh/seij.» Plh\n e)piì me\n tou= ¹Abime/lex tw½n Gerarw½n th\n kat' e)ne/rgeian pagi¿da die/fqeire, mh\ sugxwrh/saj th=j a)llotri¿aj au)to\n aÀyasqai gunaiko/j: e)piì de\ ¹Iwsh\f th\n kata\ dia/noian. Ou) ga\r ei¹sa/gei h( Grafh\ e)piqumh/santa th=j a)llotri¿aj au)to\n gunaiko/j. Kaiì maka/rioj me\n ou sune/triye Ku/rioj th\n kat' e)ne/rgeian pagi¿da, makariw¯teroj de\ ou th\n kata\ dia/noian pagi¿da die/fqeiren, ou)de\ eu(re/qh do/loj e)n t%½ sto/mati au)tou=.



a P1(2)

1. Oi¸ pepoiqo/tej e)piì Ku/rion, w¨j oÃroj Siw¯n: ou) saleuqh/setai ei¹j to\n ai¹w½na o( katoikw½n ¸Ierousalh/m.

a`. Ou)k eiåpen dhlono/ti ou) saleuqh/setai o( katoikh/saj, a)ll' o( katoikw½n: ai¸ ga\r a)retaiì e)n t%½ a)eiì gene/sqai eÃxousi to\ eiånai.

b P3 +

PG 3(2)


3. àOti ou)k a)fh/sei Ku/rioj th\n r(a/bdon tw½n a(martwlw½n e)piì to\n klh=ron tw½n dikai¿wn, k. t. e(.

b`. ¸[R3] O Ku/rioj t%½ klh/r% tw½n dikai¿wn th\n tw½n a(martwlw½n r(a/bdon ou) te/qeiken. Œ [12.1640] Ei¹ klh=roj dikai¿wn e)stiìn h( gnw½sij tou= Qeou=, ou)k a)fh/sei tou\j dikai¿ouj e)n a)gnwsi¿#, iàna mh\ ge/nhtai au)toiÍj pro/cenoj a)gnwsi¿aj.

g P5

5. Tou\j de\ e)kli¿nontaj ei¹ ta\j straggalia\j a)pa/cei Ku/rioj meta\ tw½n e)rgazome/nwn th\n a)nomi¿an.

g`. Ou)k e)rgasame/nwn, a)ll' e)rgazome/nwn.



PG 1(2)


1 ¹En t%½ e)pistre/yai Ku/rion th\n ai¹xmalwsi¿an SiwÜn, e)genh/qhmen w¨seiì parakeklhme/noi, k. t. e(.

a`. Ai¹xmalwsi¿a e)stiì fu/sewj logikh=j a)po\ a)reth=j kaiì gnw¯sewj e)piì kaki¿an kaiì a)nohsi¿an meta/basij.

v.1. When the Lord [over]turned the captivity of Zion, we became as comforted ones.

1. “Captivity” is the change in the reasoning nature from virtue and knowledge to vice and ignorance.

PG 2(2)

12.1640- 1641

22. To/te e)rou=sin e)n toiÍj eÃqnesin: ¹Emega/lune Kurioj [1641] tou= poih=sai met' au)tw½n.

b`. « Meta\ tau=ta ga\r e)piì th=j gh=j wÓfqh, kaiì toiÍj a)nqrw¯poij sunanestra/fh.»

v.2(b). Then would they say among the gentiles, the Lord has done great things among them.”

2. “Afterwards he showed himself on earth and conversed with men.” (Baruch 3:38)

5. Oi¸ spei¿rontej e)n da/krusin e)n a)gallia/sei qeriou=sin.

3. oi¸ me\n th\n praktikh\n meta\ po/nou kaiì dakru/wn katergazo/menoi e)n da/krusi spei¿rousin: oi¸ de\ th=j gnw¯sewj a)po/nwj metalamba/nontej e)n a)gallia/sei qeriou=si. plh\n tou/t% t%= r(ht%= prosekte/on o(/ti pa/ntej e)/xontej spe/rmata tw=n a)retw=n e)pidhmou=men t%= bi/%=. kai\ w(/sper e(/petai toi=j spe/rmasi da/krua, ou(/tw toi=j dra/gmasin h( xara/. [cf PG 12.1641]

[125.] 5. Those that sow in tears shall reap in joy.

3. Those who labor at the praktike with painful effort and tears are sowing in tears; those who effortlessly receive a share in knowledge are reaping with rejoicing. It should also be noted with this saying that we come into [this] life possessing all the seeds of the virtues. And just as tears fall with the seeds, so in the gathering of sheaves there is joy.



126.1. e)a\n mh\ Ku/rioj oi¹kodomh/sv oiåkon,
ei¹j ma/thn e)kopi¿asan oi¸ oi¹kodomou=ntej:
e)a\n mh\ Ku/rioj fula/cv po/lin,
ei¹j ma/thn h)gru/pnhsen o( fula/sswn

1.: xrh/simon to\ r(hto\n pro\j tou\j th=j u(perhfani¿aj logismou/j.. [ = PG 24.20; cf PG 12.1641] Ant 8.30

v. 1 Unless the Lord build the house
in vain do they labor who build it;
unless the lord keeps watch over the city
in vain do the watchers keep vigil.

1. Useful is this saying for the [tempting-] thought of pride.

2. e)f' oÀson oiåko/j e)stin h( yuxh\, oi¹kodespo/thn eÃxei e)n e(autv= to\n Xristo/n: e)a\n de\ ge/nhtai po/lij, w(j basile/a kaqezo/menon eÃxei e)n e(aut$= to\n Xristo/n. e)a\n de\ ge/nhtai kai\ nao/j, w¨j Qeo\n u(pa/rxonta eÃxei e)n e(aut%= to\n Xristo/n. kaiì dia\ me\n praktikh=j kta=tai w¨j oi¹kodespo/thn au)to\n, dia\ de\ fusikh=j qewri¿aj w¨j basile/a, kaiì pa/lin dia\ qeologi¿aj w¨j Qeo/n. kaiì t%½ me\n tri¿t% eÀpetai e)c a)na/gkhj ta\ du/o, wÐsper kaiì t%½ deute/r% to\ prw½ton: t%½ de\ prw¯t% nu=n ou)k e)c a)na/gkhj to\ deu/teron kaiì to\ tri¿ton. [cf PG 12.1641-1644]

2. Insofar as the soul may be compared to a house, it possesses the Christ within as housemaster; if it then becomes a city it possesses the Christ within enthroned as king. And if it then becomes a temple, it is possible for it to possess the Christ within as God. For [it is] through the praktiké [that] it acquires him as housemaster, through natural contemplation as king; and finally through theologia as God. And the third requires of necessity the [first] two, just as the second [requires] the first: but the first does not necessarily [result in] the second and the third.

2[4] [ei¹j ma/thn u(miÍn e)stin tou= o)rqri¿zein, e)gei¿resqai meta\ to\ kaqh=sqai,] [oi¸ eÃsqontej aÃrton o)du/nhj,] oÀtan d%½ toiÍj a)gaphtoiÍj au)tou= uÀpnon.

3. w(/sper o( u(/pnoj a)fi/sthsin h(ma=j tw=n ai)sqhtw=n, ou(/tw kai\ h( tou= qeou= qewri/a xwri/zei h(ma=j tw=n ai))sqhtw=n. [VG 754]

2[4] It is vain for you to rise early: you rise up after resting, you who eat the bread of grief; for He gives sleep to His beloved

3. Just as sleep withdraws sensation from us, in the same way the contemplation of God separates us from sensible things.

3[2] wsper u(pnou=ntej ou)d' au)to\ tou=to ginw¯skomen oÀti u(pnou=men, ouÀtw kaiì oi( qewrou=ntej ou)d¡ au)to\ tou=to ginw¯skomen, oÀti e)n qewri¿# gego/namen. [= PG 12.1644]

3(2). Just as during sleep we do not know that we are sleeping, so also while contemplating we do not know that we have entered contemplation.

3[3] ei) h( praktikh\ a)/rtou lo/gon e)pe/xei, o( de\ u(/pnoj th=j gnw/sewj, kalw=j meta\ th\n brw=sin tou= a)rtou th=j o)du/nhj di/dotai h(mi=n o( u(/pnoj: mo/nh ga\r h( gnw=sij tou= qeou= pe/fuke lu/ein to\n ka/maton th=j praktikh=j. [VG 754]

3(3). If the praktiké has the meaning of bread, while sleep means knowledge, then rightly does [it say] He gives us sleep with the bread of grief: for it is only the knowledge of God that naturally relieves the weary toil of the praktiké.

3[4] ei) o( u(/pnoj ei)/wqen to\ sw=ma qermai/nein, kalw=j h( gnw=sij le/getai o( u(/pnoj pa/ntaj ga\r tou\j kakthme/nouj au)th\n poiei= t%= pneu/mati ze/ontaj. [VG 754]

3(4). If

[127.] 3[5] w(/sper o( u(/pnoj pe/ptwn ta\j trofa\j dia\ tw=n xumw=n tre/fei to\ sw=ma, ou(/tw kai\ h( gnw=sij tre/fei th\n yuxh\n tou\j th=j praktikh=j au)th\n lo/gouj dida/skousa. [VG 754]

3(5). Just as during sleep by absorbing nourishment digestion nourishes the body, so knowledge nourishes the soul by teaching the logoi of the praktiké.



1. maka/rioi pa/ntej oi¸ fobou/menoi to\n ku/rion, oi¸ poreuo/menoi e)n taiÍj o(doiÍj au)tou

1. ei¹ « fo/boj kuri¿ou prosti¿qhsin h(me/raj », maka/rioi oi¸ fobou/menoi to\n Ku/rion. [ = PG 12.1644]

1. Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in His ways

1. If “the fear of the Lord adds length of days (Prov. 10:27), “blessed are those who fear the Lord” (Ps.Sol 4:23)

1.2 ei) « o( poreuo/menoj o)rqw½j fobeiÍtai to\n ku/rion », maka/rioi pa/ntej oi¸ fobou/menoi to\n ku/rion [VG 754]

1.2. If “he who walks in uprightness fears the Lord” (Prov. 14:2), blessed are all who fear the Lord

1.3 ei « a)rxh\ sofi¿aj fo/boj qeou=, », maka/rioi pa/ntej oi¸ fobou/menoi to\n ku/rion [VG 754]

1.3. If “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”, (Ps. 110.10; Prov 1:7, 9:10) blessed are all who fear the Lord.

1.4 ei) « t%½ de\ fo/b% kuri¿ou e)kkli¿nei pa=j a)po\ kakou=. », maka/rioi pa/ntej oi¸ fobou/menoi to\n ku/rion [VG 754]

1.4. If “by the fear of the Lord every one departs from evil” (Prov. 15:27), blessed are all who fear the Lord.

3. h( gunh/ sou w¨j aÃmpeloj eu)qhnou=sa

2. h( gunh\ tou= nou= h( sofi¿a e)sti¿n: ¹Era/sqhti ga\r, fhsi\n, au)th=j, kai\ thre/sei se. Ti/mhson au)th\n, iàna se perila/bv, kaiì kth/sv a)p' au)th=j lo/gouj sofou\j kaiì do/gmata o)rqa/. le/gei de\ au)th\n kaiì a)delfh\n tou= nou=: eiåpon th\n sofi¿an a)delfh\n sh\n eiånai. a)elfh\n de\ au)th\n o)noma/zei, dio/ti kaiì au)th\ e)k tou= patro\j tw½n pa/ntwn e)sti¿. mnhmoneute/on de\ kaiì tou= ¸Abraa\m pw½j th\n i¹di¿an gunaiÍka w©no/masen a)delfh\n, pa/nto\j tou= boulome/nou th\n sofi¿an eiånai dida/skwn. . [ = PG 12.1645]

3. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine

2. The wife of the nous is wisdom, for [scripture] says “love her and she will guard you; honor her that she may embrace you” (Prov. 4:6-8) and you will receive from her wise logoi and right teachings. It also says she is “sister” of the nous: “say that wisdom is your sister” (Prov. 7:4); and she is called “sister” because she is from the Father of all thing. And it must be remembered how Abraham, too, gave the name of “sister” to his own wife, [?thus teaching that wisdom was all he wished?]

6. kaiì iãdoij ui¸ou\j tw½n ui¸w½n sou.

3. kaiì o( Solomw¯n fhsin: « )Agaqo\j a)nh\r klhronomh/sei ui¸ou\j ui¸w½n. » [ = PG 12.1645]

6. And you will see you children’s children

3. And Solomon says, “a good man will inherit children’s children” (Prov. 13:22)

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