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Application of Digital Technologies for Expansion Planning of
Integrated Energy Systems
, Nikolai
, Evgeny
, Dmitry
, Oleg
, Bin
Melentiev Energy Systems Institute of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Hunan University, Changsha, China
Active promotion of digital technologies in the energy sector requires a change in the principles
of building energy systems, as well as the concept of their expansion planning.
The functioning of
infrastructural energy systems that are transforming as a result of the innovative development is
fundamentally impossible without advanced information and communication technologies and intelligent
digital tools. Energy systems are becoming sophisticated cyber-physical systems.
At the same time, the
problems of cybersecurity are exacerbating. The joint functioning of several types of energy systems in the
form of a single integrated energy system provides new functional capabilities. The use of digital
technologies in integrated energy systems provides the collection, processing, transmission and representing
of information on all components of the system regarding all aspects of integration. Digitalization of
integrated energy systems is carried out in the following two directions: application of digital technologies
for individual subsystems for the purpose of their control; the use of digital technologies for technical and
technological integration solutions in order to ensure coordination of subsystems and the implementation of
system-wide goals. The adoption of digital technologies in integrated energy
systems contributes to the
organization of flexible, coordinated control of the expansion planning of such systems.
1 Introduction
Modern cities and industrial centers have a developed
energy infrastructure, including fuel, electricity, heat and
cool supply systems. These systems have a certain
functional independence and can interact with each other
in normal
and emergency conditions, as well as at the
level of interchangeability of primary energy resources
and the use of energy carriers.
All this shows their
natural integration, which is even more intensified as the
formation and development of intellectual, information,
telecommunication systems.
Jointly they present a new
structure that is integrated energy systems. This structure
combines a certain independence of the systems with
their coordinated participation in solving the main
problem related to ensuring
of social and economic
activity. The quality of its solution is ensured by the use
of digital technologies. Control of digital integrated
energy systems is an urgent and complex problem.