8 World Rule of Illuminati

Economic crises staged by the illuminati

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Economic crises staged by the illuminati

"In order to damage the non-illumined we have produced extensive economic crises. We have made use of the simple method of withdrawing all obtainable money from circulation. Huge sums of money have been stored in our hands, whereas the nations outside of our control were left without any means, and were finally compelled to ask us for loans. Due to these loans, the non-illumined nations incurred considerable interest liabilities which burdened their national budget to a great extent and finally made them completely dependent on the big creditors."

'Today all non-illumined nations are indebted to such an extent that one can easily talk about a common collapse of their monetary system."

"You will totally understand that we will take heed not to have such an economy in our system as we have taught the non-illumined."

Illuminati produce unemployment and civil war

This enmity must be magnified considerably by the effects of the coming economic crisis, which will cease all stock market transactions and bring industry to a stand-still. We will create, by all the subversive methods open to us and with the aid of gold which is totally in our hands, a universal economic crisis; at the same time, we will throw whole crowds of workers onto the streets in all European countries. These unemployed masses will gladly shed the blood of those whom, in the simplicity of their ignorance, they have envied from their cradles, and whose worldly goods they will then be able to loot."

National indebtedness, a trap of the illuminati

"Secondly, with our machinations, we will tangle all the threads which we have spun to all national governments with the help of trade agreements or business contracts and debenture bonds. In order to reach this goal completely, we must proceed with great cunning and craftiness in verbal negotiations; outwardly, however, in the so-called official correspondence, we will use the opposite technique and give the appearance of always being honorable and accommodating. If we follow these principles, then the non-illumined governments and peoples which we have made accustomed to taking pretenses at face value will some day consider us as the benefactors and saviors of the human race."

Illuminati refer to their "god"

"The greatest power of the present time is in our hands - the gold.

Do I really still need to prove that our rulership is predestined by God? Shouldn't we actually be able with the help of our wealth to furnish proof that all the evil which we have had to instigate in the course of many centuries, has finally led to true welfare and universal order?

We will enforce order, even if in doing so violence cannot be prevented. We will prove that we are the benefactors of the people who have given back true happiness and personal freedom to the disrupted earth. Everyone who respects our laws can enjoy the blessings of peace and order."

Gold as an idol for a heartless society

"We Illuminati do not allow all the others any time to think about and observe things; we direct their thoughts to commerce and trade. This way all people will have their own interests at heart and will thereby fail to see their common enemy. The extremely tight struggle for predominance in economic life and the disturbance on the market must call a disappointed, cold and heartless society into being; this has already taken place. This society will have a complete aversion to great statesmanship and religion. Its sole advisor will be arithmetic, this means: the gold!

They will literally idolize it in view of the pleasures it can offer."

The call for the strong man

"The last traces of any constitutional rights will imperceptibly disappear until finally the time will have come when we openly usurp any governmental power in the name of our autocracy.

The acknowledgment of our world ruler can already take place before the final abolition of all constitutions. The appropriate moment for this will then have come when the people who have been plagued by enduring unrest will, in view of the weakness of their rulers induced by us, burst into shouts of 'Get rid of them and give us a single world ruler who will unite us all and remove the causes of all the everlasting quarrels - the borders between nations, the religion and the national debts - and who will bring us at last the peace and tranquility which we have hoped in vain to receive from our rulers and representatives'."

Non-illumines are looked upon as "cattle"

"How sharp-witted is the saying of our old wise men that a great goal can only be achieved, when one is not choosy about the methods and does not count the victims whom will be killed. We have never counted the victims of the bestial seed of the non-illumined, but admittedly we also had to sacrifice many of our own ..."

"Troublemakers" unscrupulously sacrificed

"We are under obligation to sacrifice unscrupulously individuals who disturb the established world order. In the exemplary punishment of evil lies a great educational task which we must fulfil by all means."

The antichrist - the king of the illuminati?

"When the king of the Illuminati places the crown which Europe must offer him on his sanctified head, then he will be the progenitor, the patriarch of the whole world. This will of course mean sacrifices. .."

"I repeat: The masses obey only a strong power which is fully independent of it, to which it can look up in blind confidence, and from which it has the feeling of protection against the whips of social scourges. Of what use is the angelic goodness of a ruler's soul? They have to see in him the personification of a strong will and an unbending power."

"Our kingdom will be characterized by immeasurable tyranny so that it is at all times and everywhere in a position of nipping the resistance of discontented people in the bud."

Agitate the masses through hatred and need

"Through need and the resultant hatred, we will agitate the masses. With their help we will annihilate anyone who hinders us on our way.

The worries concerning the daily bread force all non-illumined to be silent and to be our obedient servants."

The wolves have the sheep under control

"The non-illumined people who in no way can be classed with the big group of insiders, are a flock of sheep. We Illuminati, however, are the wolves. Do you know what will happen to the sheep, when the wolves break into their flock? They will close their eyes and keep quiet, simply because we will promise to give them back all the liberties we have taken away, as soon as the enemies of peace have been quelled and all parties overpowered. Do I need to tell you how long the ones who do not belong to us have to wait for the restoration of their rights?"

No further toleration of other beliefs

"As soon as we have reached world supremacy, we will not tolerate any belief other than our belief in the one god with whom we are united as the initiated and the illumined, and through whom our destiny is interwoven with the destiny of the whole world. For this reason, we must destroy any other belief in God."

The illuminati look upon themselves
as the descendants of David

"To conclude, I want to give you an idea of which methods we want to anchor firmly, for all time, the rulership of the king from the House of David over the whole world.

First of all we will make use of the same methods which have already guaranteed our wise men of Zion control over world history, namely, the systematic education of the people in the direction we desire."

The overthrow of the existing legal system

"We have people of all opinions and persuasions in our service: men who want to reinstall a royal monarchy, demagogues, socialists, communists and every kind of utopia. We have harnessed them all for our purposes. In his position, each one of them is undermining the last pillars of governmental authority and is striving to overthrow the existing legal system. All governments will be tormented with such measures. Everyone longs for tranquility and is willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of peace. We, however, will not let them rest until they have openly and unconditionally acknowledged our world supremacy."

Chosen for rulership by "God"

"The prophets have taught us that we have been chosen by God, Himself, to rule over the whole world. God, Himself, has given us the necessary skills so that we are a match for this great task. Even if a genius should appear in the enemy camp who enters into the battle against us, he nevertheless must lose, or the newcomer cannot measure up to the experienced warrior. The fight between us would be more merciless than the world has ever seen it before; moreover the genius would have been too late."

But the demon is mistaken!

Despite the greatest efforts by the demons God could not and cannot be defeated, for the adversary was and is not able to penetrate the Kingdom of God, for his radiation - this means his consciousness - did not and does not extend that far. On the other hand, the radiation of God, the unlimited life, penetrates everything which is - even matter and the adversary's sphere of influence.

The Light is stronger than the darkness
turning back and turning towards our
inner being is the only salvation.

The opponent of God - the Antichrist, the whore of Babylon - has not given up the goal of defeating God. He still believes today that he knows better how creation should be fashioned and how its inhabitants should be ruled. "From the beginning of the fall, Satan wanted the divine to submit to him".

Power-hungry man wants world supremacy, the rulership over the "One-World", where wars no longer exist. The people are "pacified"' the "world government of humanity" provides for peach and order. The Freemasons and Illuminati, those "illumined by the spirit of humanity" have built a worldwide network of influence and control with which they work towards the New World Order.

They make use of the proven ruling principle: "You keep them stupid, I keep them poor."

We, the subjects, should believe that "those at the top" know what they are doing. Anyone giving up his responsibility in this way relieves himself of the necessity to think for himself. He lives unconsciously; movies, television, tourism, sports, sexuality, alcohol, drugs and entertainment - all of this keeps him stupid. Also the shallow answers of the ideologies and outer (cult) religions and churches leave him in his stupidity when it comes to the question "Who am IT' - and hinder a spiritual evolution.

Only subordinate people allow themselves to be controlled. So every independence has to be crushed - "You keep them poor." How? By systematically destablizing any evolved structures: through revolutions, civil wars, impoverishment, indebtedness, interest burdens, disasters staged from the invisible by the lords of finance. In the poverty and distress which has been induced by such measures, the people then call for the "saviour" - and in their desperation clutch for the straw of the one who has staged the whole thing.

With an iron hand this one then carries out the "salvation" and demands enormous sacrifices with the promise that there will then be peace on earth: one world, one mankind, one religion, one "God" - Satan's kingdom of peace.

This world order established by force is the goals of the giants" the accomplices of the demons.

We have tried to unravel and to uncover the satanic network. In order to do this, we have taken the Christ revelation "The Demons' State" and applied it to the structures of the rulerships in our world. The result may be sobering or even shocking. And yet it is not a question now of resignation and retreat.

"The hours of the demons and their accomplices and victims are numbered. Christ, exposes more and more the operations of the demons' state and its accomplices. Christ will lead all those who have become victims and who allow themselves to be rescued from the clutches of the principle 'separate, bind and rule'. He teaches people to change their ways and go into their inner being, so that they once more recognize themselves as the temple of God in which the spirit of the Eternal dwells."

The law angel of divine wisdom, called Brother Emanuel on earth, admonishes us in connection with the foregoing revelation: "Be alert and pray, for the darkness wants to lean against the light in order to lead astray those who strive towards the light.

This is why the satanic principle lurks close to the divine principle; the demons want to win back again the people who strive towards the light with statements similar to the divine principle.

The one who is alert recognizes the slow poison of the darkness. The one who sleeps and is intoxicated by the world will absorb the poison in corresponding doses.

Therefore, be alert and let your sensations, thoughts, words and deeds become a selfless prayer - by recognizing your humanness, repenting, asking for forgiveness, forgiving, handing over the Christ that which you have recognized and for which you have remorse and by not doing it anymore. Then you are the ones who pray, who are alert in Christ."

Satan is very cunning and deceptive, he only has the power over us if we give it to him, but we must exercise that power. There are many people that are deceived today. Jesus said, "even the elect will be deceived," but if people would read II Chronicles 7:14, and stand on that scripture and act upon it they will have nothing to be concerned about. IF MY PEOPLE, WHICH ARE CALLED BY MY NAME, SHALL HUMBLE THEMSELVES, AND PRAY, AND SEEK MY FACE, AND TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS; THEN WILL I HEAR FROM HEAVEN, AND WILL FORGIVE THEIR SINS, AND WILL HEAL THEIR LAND. Our land, our people and our government certainly need a healing.

'Annuit Coeptis' means, 'Our undertaking is crowned with sucess"

Hexagram made up of stars

The Basic Rules of the Demons, Their Accomplices and Their Victims

Rule 1: To want to be like God

Rule 2: To want to conquer the Being, God

Rule 3: To want to possess a kingdom in which the principle 'To send and to receive is reversed and reigns as the absolute

Rule 4: To want to rule

Rule 5: To want to control

Rule 6: To want to suppress

Rule 7: To want to absolutely eliminate God by abusing His Name

From 'Christ reveals: The Demon State, Its Accomplices and Its Victims"


The St. John Freemasonry, degrees 1-3, is a basis for various high degree systems. The best known high degree systems are the York and the Scottish Rite. The Templar degrees comprise: the Red Cross, the Order of Malta, of St. John and of Knights Templar. Henry Dunant, a member of the Knights Templar degree, founded the Red Cross. The Order of Malta and of St. John of Jerusalem control, from above, the Social welfare work of the Protestant Churches in Germany and the Catholic Caritas.""


P.O. Box 5643 W-8700 Wuezburg, Germany


Adler, Manfred: The Sons of Darkness, part 1, Publisher: Miriam, Jestetten

Adler, Manfred: The Freemasons and the Vatican, Publisher: Claus P. Clausen, Lippstadt Allen, Garry: The Insider, Publisher of Extraordinary Perspectives, Wiesbaden "Bible for the World", P.O. Box 1267, 7247 Sulf/Neckar 5 Blackwood, Peter: The Networks of the Insider, Publisher: Diagnoses, Leonberg "Christ reveals: The Demons' State, Its Accomplices and Its Victims." Universal Life, Wurzburg.

CODE, Publisher: Diagnoses, Leonberg

"This Is My Word. The Gospel of Jesus. Alpha arid Omega. The Christ-revelation which the world does not know", Universal Life, Wurzburg

The World State Cartel, Publisher: Inside, Mengkofen

"The Radiation Fields", Universal Life, Wurzburg Finkenstadt, Helmut: A Generation in Satan's Ban, Allendorf Progress For All, "Mature Citizens", Schlofweg 2, D-8501 Feucht

Franke-Gricksch, Ekkehard: This is flow Hitler Was Financed, Publisher: Diagnoses, Leon berg

GEO, Publishers: Gruner and Jahr, Hamburg

Griffin, Des: Who Rules the World?, C.O.D.E. Publisher: Vaduz, Liechtenstein and Publisher: Diagnoses, Leonberg

Homuth, Norbert: Documents of Infiltration - Christians Under the Wrong Flag, self published, Numberg.

Homuth, Norbert: Watch Out Ecumenical Movement!, self published, Numberg Miers, Horst E.: Dictionary of Secret Knowledge, Publisher: Wilhelm Goldmann Mullins/Bohl finger: Die Bankers' Plot, publisher for Integral Research and Culture, Wobbenbull

Pfeifer, Heinz: Brothers of the Shadow, Publisher: Uebersax, Zurich Political background information (PHI), Ch- 8813 Horgen 3 Political dictionary CODE

Rothkranz, Johanres: The Coming "Dictatorship of Humanity" or tie Rulership of the Antichrist, Publisher: Anion Schmid, Durach

Rothkranz, Johannes: The Planned World Democracy in the "City of Man", same publishers

Rothkranz, Johanres: The United Religions of tie World in the Antichrist World State, same publishers.

Rothkranz, Johanres: Did You Already Know ... ?,Publisher: Anton Schmid, Durach Ruggeberg, Dieter: Secret Politics - the Timetable of World Supremacy, Publisher: Dieter Ruggeberg, Wuppertal

Signals 17Z Insider, Publisher: INSIDE, Mengkofen

Steinhauser Karl: The Devil's Functionaries, Documentary Report, self published, Vienna lire joker, Tiedemann, Publisher: Riechart, Laufen/Obb. Confdential News, Busingen



The CHRIST STATE INTERNATIONAL is the word of the Covenant Community New Jerusalem in Universal Life.

Produced by: Universelles Leben Publishing House GmbH & Co, WORT BILD UND TON in Universellen Leben KG., PO Box 5643, 8700 Wurzburg, Germany, Telephone 931/17183

Managers: Alfred Schulte, Hans Dienstknecht

Editorial Staff:

The text of this edition was originated by some of the members of the Covenant Community New Jerusalem in Universal Life who are not additionally named. In a general meeting, the Covenant Community New Jerusalem voted democratically that the contents of this newspaper should be so published. Legally responsible: [falls


Address of Editorial Office: Marienstr.1, 8700 Wurzburg, Germany, Tel. 931/17183 Total circulation: 100.000 (5 languages)

Printer. Werbe and Verpackungsdruck GmbH, D-6923 Waibstadt

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The Special Edition of the Christ State International is given free of charge.

Past issues of the Special Edition (1-8) available free upon request, while supply lasts.
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