8 World Rule of Illuminati

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participation of American banks and industrialists in the rise of Hitler's Third Reich, are available to the public. In July of 1929, a session met in New York. The participants, among them the young Rockefeller who represented Standard Oil, came to the agreement that the most suitable way to end the alarming economic conditions in Europe at that time would be a revolution in Germany. "First they considered giving the German Communist Party the necessary financial support for a revolution. This idea was rejected, because it could have meant an undesired increase of Soviet power in Europe. It was agreed amongst them to pave the way to power for the other extreme part, the German Nazi Party." After various negotiations, the Illuminati came to an agreement with Hitler, and until his takeover in 1933, he was helped by the international bankers with sums of money amounting to approximately 130 million marks.

They had calculated well, the financial investment paid off. It cost America the unbelievable sum of 400 billion dollars and caused the national debt to rise to 220 billion U.S. dollars. As a result of this, the United States found itself deep in the clutches of the international bankers - apart from other "advantages" which would be too extensive to list in detail.

Freemasons as Founders of the USA

To what extent the USA is influenced by FM is proved by the fact that of the 56 who signed the American Declaration of Independence in 1776, 50 were Freemasons. Of Washington's 29 generals, 20 were Freemasons, and of the 55 members of the national constitutional assembly there were 50. And all 13 governors who formed the Union in 1776 were Freemasons.

Anyone wishing to camouflage his intentions and work in the background needs certain committees, for understandable reasons the official ones are not suitable for secret arrangements and special agreements, etc. So right from the beginning, the Illuminati set out to create new committees in addition to those already existing. These establishments, however, did not remain so secret that the public, in the meantime, knows nothing about them. Code comments, "The advice given by this elitist group of power brokers, directed by David and Laurence Rockefeller, shapes the course of international affairs. And yet, only a very few people know that these organizations - the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderbergers - exist. These organizations are the foundation of the New World Order - an international government of the elite, by the elite and for the elite."

Governments in the Hands of the Capitalists

With what methods did high finance secure power for itself?

The efforts of high finance, with the Rothschilds at the head, to install a central banking system in the USA failed, because the United States constitution only granted Congress the authority to mint money and to determine its value. The way in which the international bankers then proceeded in order to reach their goal is described in detail in the relevant literature. A short summary: At the end of December 1913, the appropriate law was finally passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate, about which congressman Charles Lindbergh said, "With this law the most gigantic concern in this world will be founded. If the President signs this bill, the invisible government of the money magnates will be legalized ... With this banking and monetary draft, the worst legislative crime of all times will be committed." Rothkranz writes that since most US Congressmen are members of lodges - and thus under the control of the "Secret Superiors" - a rescinding of the law has until now been prevented successfully.

Besides the establishment of a central bank in the hands of the international bankers, the introduction of a progressive income tax was put through, two demands which similarly appear in the "Communist Manifesto." The installment of the central bank made the American government completely dependent on high finance, whereas with the introduction of income tax the population was and is asked to pay. By establishing social foundations, the Rockefellers, Fords, Kennedys and others have become almost exempt from paying taxes.

The "Federal Reserve" (US Central Bank) acts as a creditor for the government. As usual with such businesses, "no government can borrow large sums of money without being prepared to hand over a certain amount of governmental power to the creditor as security. Certain international governments all over the world influence, in this way, the political measures of these governments considerably.

The primary advantage, however, which the creditor has over the government or the monarch is the following: If the ruling political party (or the monarch) goes off course, then the banker can finance the opposition party. It is therefore indispensable and advisable for the creditor to keep such a political rival in reserve or - if there is none - to create one."

Let us once again recall the sentence spoken by Mayer Amschel Rothschild, "Give me control of the money, and it does not matter who makes the laws." This goal of the Illuminati has been reached. Does this open up the path to a rule over the One-world?

No, for the Illuminati have calculated without the law of cause and effect - and without God.

'Blind indeed must be those who cannot see that here on earth a great project, a great plan, is being carried out, in the actualization of which we are allowed to participate as faithful servants.' Winston Churchill

The "Washington Post" reported: When U.S. President Bush was unexpectedly confronted with the question as to what he actually understands by the "New World Order," he answered, "What we say, goes!"

Freemasonry is like an arsonist who starts a fire on the ground floor of a house, waits until the whole building is in flames, then calls the fire department, offers his services to the approaching fire-fighters as a helper', but, in reality, connects their hoses to a gasoline tank instead of a water-hydrant, so that the fire spreads explosively and also burns down the nearby houses, and, to avoid any suspicion, after the disastrous fire, hypocritically sends flowers to the victims, to the survivors in the hospital, and to the dead in the cemetery."

Committees of the World Shadow Government
Who Tells the Governments What to Do?
The Council on Foreign Relations

The CFR was founded in 1921 by the American banker Morgan. It became known as the "Establishment", the "invisible government" and the "Rockefeller ministry for foreign affairs." This half secret organization became indisputably the most influential group in America. The members of the CFR are Americans; their international connections enable them to keep a closely-meshed control over the nations of the Western world, either directly or indirectly via similar or affiliated societies, or via international organizations such as the World Bank, over which it presides. Since the CFR was founded, all subsequent presidents of the USA were members of the CFR before their election, except for Ronald Reagan. His vice-president at that time (and the United States President today) George Bush was, however, a member of the CFR. In 1977, Bush was even director of the CFR. The following quotation clearly "characterizes" the CFR, "The CFR is not the government, it is more likely the head agency that tells the government what to do. That it is the voters, is obviously an illusion." The chairman of the CFR is David Rockefeller.

A European subsidiary of the CFR is the "German Society of Foreign Politics" (DGAP). "The names of a few members (April 1981) of this branch of the CFR is Bonn are worth mentioning, writes Heinz Pfeifer, not only because of their membership in one or the other Masonic lodges, but also because of their leading political and economic positions: Helmut Schmidt, H. Apel, G. Stoltenberg, W. Leisler-Kiep, D. Wolff vonAmerongen, R. Freiherr von Weizacker, Countess M. Donhoff, Ph. Rosenthal and others.

AN Khan, head of the Albanian government in exile: "A handful of people in the Trilateral Commission and in Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) make all the world decisions. This is a mighty private club which rules governments around the world. They are all hand in glove with one another. Whether one wants to or not one has to do what they want. They say that they are fighting against communism, but at the same time they care for it."

The "Bilderbergers"
The Invisible World Government

The unusual name of this group is derived from the place of its first meeting in May 1954, in the Hotel de Bilderberg, in Oostgerbeek, Holland. The man who called the Bilderbergers into existence was Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. Amongst the Bilderbergers are leading US and Western European personalities from the political and financial world. Prince Bernhard did not conceal the fact that the ultimate goal of the Bilderbergers is also a world government. Members of the Bilderbergers from the world of high finance are, amongst others, Baron Edmund de Rothschild, C. Douglas Dillon (CFR) and Robert McNamara from the World Bank.

Not everyone who attends the secret meetings of the Bilderbergers is an insider. The guideline of the Bilderberger politics is not determined by the participants of the conferences, but by the elite which consists of 24 Europeans and 15 Americans. How is the Bilderberger group structured? "As far as one knows," writes Johannes Rothkranz, "it includes about 120 persons from the already described circle of the highest representatives of public life." He thinks that only politicians who have proved their unswerving loyalty to the "Rockefeller-Rothschild intrigue" are invited to the conferences.

This year's secret meeting of the Bilderbergers took place in the Hotel "Badischer Hof" in Baden-Baden. It could not be kept completely secret, because "about a hundred policemen had to close off a large radius around the conference hotel and guard it round the clock." Besides, the list of the participants in this year's meeting became known. Those mentioned were, among others, such well-known German names as Bjorn Engholm (Prime minister of Schleswig-Holstein), Karl Otto Pohl (former president of the German Federal Bank), Theo Sommer ("Die Zeit"), Birgit Breuel (Trustee establishment) and Erwin Teufel (Prime minister of Baden-Wurttemberg).

The Trilateral Commission

According to their own statements, the Trilateral Commission is a group of private people from Western Europe, Japan and North America, which was founded by David Rockefeller in 1972. It holds a regular, official annual meeting to which the independent press has no access. The Trilateral Commission offers the elite from the different lines of Freemasonry world-wide meeting possibilities for secret collaboration. The ideological target is, similar to the CFR and its international right arm, the Bilderbergers, the actualization of the "New World Order."

On July 3rd, 1986 the "Confident News" published an excerpt from a list on which amongst others, the following names were mentioned as members: Horst Ehmke, Volker Ruhe (as members of the executive committee), Kurt Biedenkopf, Count Otto Lambsdorff, Heinz Oskar Vetter and others who are also on the lists of the CFR and the Bilderbergers.

The "The Ethics' of Trilaterals

Zbigniew Brzezinski, former chairman of the Trilaterals, sees history in four phases. He describes the last and final one "as the technocratic era' or as the 'ideal of sensible humanitarianism on a worldwide scale'. According to 'Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary' humanitarianism means 'the principle which denies the divine being of Jesus Christ.' The doctrine says that the obligations of man are limited to man and human relationships and have their origin exclusively in man." The technocratic era, writes Brzezinski, "brings about the gradual appearance of a society which is increasingly controlled and manipulated. Such a society could be ruled by an elite, unhindered by traditional values. This elite should not hesitate to realize its political goals by using the most modern techniques by which the behavior of the people can be influenced and by which the society can be supervised and controlled meticulously."

In "Encounter" Brzezinski expounds on the same subject, "... it will be possible to carry out almost permanent control over every individual citizen ..."

The UN (United Nations)
Instrument of the Illuminati

Who is surprised that the UN is also the work of the Illuminati and is firmly in their hands? At least 47 CFR members were amongst the American delegates at the founding of the UN is San Francisco in 1945, among them was Nelson Rockefeller.

The UN followed the League of Nations, which was founded in 1919 by Freemasons, "From the 28th thru the 30th of June, 1917, the Freemason Congress took place in Paris. At this Congress the guidelines for the League of Nations were adopted and passed. It was the beginning of the Geneva League of Nations, from which the UN later emerged.

In Germany, one knows little about these facts, because all coordinating points in publications and news services are occupied by men of the lodge_ But the UN is a universal crystallization of the end-time world occultism, the largest Masonic lodge in the world. The UNESCO belongs to the UN and is the international cultural administration for education," culture and science.

"The 'Lucis Trust' (see separate article on New Age) Is recognized at the UN head office for Public Information and Is represented at the UN congresses in Geneva and New York. The 'Lucis Trust' also arranges the 'full moon meditation' in New York on the grounds of the Carnegie Foundation to promote UNESCO and the 'New World Religion.'"

Likewise "The International Monetary Fund" (IMF) and the "World Bank" belong to the UN.

The "Club of Rome' The Scientific Alibi

The Club of Rome is an "organization financed by the Rockefeller clan and is obliged accordingly to follow unconditionally the Rockefeller (and thus Zionistic) One-World interest," writes Rothkranz in the third volume of his book, "The Coming 'Dictatorship of Humanity' or The Supremacy of the Antichrist." The Political Background Information (PHI) contributes the following:

"The solution for the world economy, world population and world nutrition problems, according to Dr. Oppenheimer, director of the Masonic 'Club of Rome' is that a small group of elitist intellectuals, a uniform world government, a 'world council of wise men' is able to guarantee peace on a scientific basis."

Another quote shows that the function of the Club of Rome, which is described by Rothkranz as an "instrument of the world shadow government," reaches far beyond the environmental issue. At the beginning of 1917, the 'Liga Europa' reported, "The 'Club of Rome,' which one can attribute to the Rockefeller group with its ideas of a world government and a world encompassing society, has been for some years working towards a uniform world religion ... For this world society one wants to set up elements from all religions in order to form a spiritual foundation ... Prof. Dr. Wilde Smith adds to this in a lecture that one of his friends works in a research institute in Vienna, which has been commissioned by the 'Club of Rome' to extract with computers those elements from various religions which capture the people most."

The attentive reader of the Club of Rome reports will quickly realize that a much more extensive mission lies behind its activities than that of the resolution of environmental issues. It Is said that no government, not even the UN, Is able to gain control of the many diverse problems in this world. This might be true. But the conclusion drawn from it shows what kind of organization the Club of Rome is. It is not the laws of God and their fulfillment which are called for, but unmistakably the strong man ...

Obviously, the Club of Rome has the task of putting the "New World Order' program on a scientific basis and thus legitimizing the dictatorial New World Order, including the uniform world religion.

Since this elitist club, which completely follows the traditions of the Illuminati, has set itself up in Rome of all places, "it should not be surprising that the Masonic riddled Curia also maintains connections with this institution."

The Fight of the Giants

Whenever the common interest necessitates it, one works together. At any other time there is a fighting against one another and this on a scale which the "normal citizen" would not believe. J. Rothkranz gives an example in his book, 'he Coming 'Dictatorship of Humanity' or Rule of the Antichrist," as does the Political Dictionary of CODE:

The international monetary agreement of 1944 brought about a settlement between the lobbying groups of gold (Rothschild, France) and the dollar (Rockefeller, USA). Since the oil prices are fixed on a dollar basis, the

Rockefellers gradually slipped out of a previous agreement with the Rothschilds, which led to an open dispute between the groups. The American Secret Service, the CIA, which is controlled by Rockefeller, instigated the "May disturbances" in France in 1968, which shook the value of the French Franc so much that it could only be saved from a disastrous decline by the massive sale of gold from the Rothschild reserves. Supposedly a third of the gold reserves had to be disposed of at that time. In retaliation, Watergate was uncovered by the media representing the Rothschilds, followed by the CIA and Lockheed "scandals" and the financial problems of the big banks of Rockefeller.

In the meantime, of course, they have achieved a viable working relationship, for, after all, both multi-billionaire dynasties are in the same boat - whether they want to be or not.

"The demon wants disunity - whereby the power struggle emerges. A struggle for power amongst the accomplices is the power struggle of the giants. Everyone wants to be even greater, to gain even more prestige, to hold an even higher office and to be honored with even more titles. Everyone wants to be the greatest, and everyone wants to dominate all the others. As a result one stands up against the other, for everyone wants to dominate and to enslave all the others, for everyone is against everyone. The unscrupulous and the violent, the one without principle who has the ability to force his neighbor to submit to his rule, will be supplied with even more energy by the demons."

The Opinion-Makers in the Background

Those Controlling the Media, also Control Public Opinion

Investigations by Rothkranz uncovered that back in 1862 Wilhelm Emanuel von Ketteler, the Bishop of Mainz, had already discovered that FM maintains a special position in the press, "Apart from a few exceptions, it has the privilege of not being and not wanting to be discussed in the public press. Whereas the press talks and judges every other issue which interests the people. .. according to a general European consensus, the phrase 'Don't touch me' applies only to Freemasonry. .. This phenomena is in the first place proof of the immense power which Freemasonry exerts over the world." This was more than 100 years ago. Since then the influence of FM has increased.

Those controlling the media, control public opinion.

When, for example, the Trilateral Commission (see separate article) was founded, the chief editor of the "Chicago Sun-Times", the chief publisher of "Time" and the directors of the "Los Angeles Times", the "New York Times" and the

'Wall Street Journal" were also taken in as members. Rothkranz believes that some newspapers are important enough to have newspaper publishers or at least some editors admitted to the secret shadow world government. He writes, "If a good dozen representatives nationally and internationally significant mass media belong to even the Bilderbergers and the Trilateral Commission, then one can easily figure that hundreds of other people responsible for the media are established in the next lower level (B'nai B'rith, in other words, high-degree masons) and thousands in the level of the St. John's Masonry, the Rotary, Lions and other clubs which are controlled by the lodges." Pfeifer names NBC and CBS as further examples of American broadcasting and television companies. Newspapers in Germany, such as "Die Welt" and "Die Zeit" can also be taken as examples. PHI points to the fact that the sole distribution rights of the paper "Foreign Affairs" (the official organ of the Council on Foreign Relations - CFR) in Germany are in the hands of the publisher of "Frankfurter Allegemeine Zeitung," which in addition to the newspapers "Die Zeit" and "Die Hannoversche Allgemeine" very clearly represent the interests of the internationalists. The organ of the "Deutsche Geselischaft fur Auswartige Politik" (German Society for Foreign Politics) is according to PHI (see article on CFR), the "European Archive." Regular authors in the "European Archive" are amongst others Willy Brandt, Countess Donhoff, Hans-Dietrich Genscher and Helmut Schmidt.

Those controlling the media ...

"We have already succeeded in controlling the thought world of the non-illumined to such an extent that nearly all other citizens who are not insiders look upon the events of the world through the colored glasses which we have put on their noses."

The International Secret Language

of the Freemasons

Manfred Adler writes in his book, "The Freemasons and the Vatican", "that according to the findings of the United States Senate committee which investigated the CIA (American Secret Service), 90 percent of the secret news is transmitted via the media, in particular the press, with the aid of coded texts and pictures."

George Herlitz who was himself a B'nai B'rith Freemason, comments in the Jewish dictionary, 'he forms in which the lodge community life runs and the signs and symbols used by the 'brothers' as communication amongst themselves, are called the lodge 'ritual'. Every 'brother' pledges on his word of honor to keep the 'ritual' secret forever."

If one closely examines pictures in the press, the most important and frequently used sign of Freemasonry seems to be the forefinger pose.

In "Signals of the Insider" we find the key-word "forefinger" in connection with the term "World Freemasonry." It

says there, "The raised or outstretched forefinger is in the sign language of the initiated 'a distinguishing sign, a proof that it is a Freemason speaking, and the respective topics is Masonic work' (Juan Maler: 'The Victory of Reason. The World Model of Freemasonry', Buenos Aires 1978, p. 77)." The relevant footnote adds, "The forefinger is, as the a very common means of human communication. Because it is for the non-initiated a completely trivial and inconspicuous gesture, it is used as a sign of recognition for lodge members who are in a leading position or who have a mission to fulfil, and usually appears with a relevant text. This becomes particularly evident from the fact that outsiders or brothers who have fallen into disgrace, are regularly portrayed without the forefinger pose."

'` If one collects the photos of well-known personalities from the daily papers, then one possesses, in a very short time, a great number of conspicuous and, for those who understand the signs, also meaningful poses.

A further Masonic distinguishing sign is obviously the Masonic handshake.

The handshake between Kohl and Modrow may be used as an example. It was shown clearly and at length on television at their first East-West German meeting. The question arises: Was the German reunification planned and did it receive its blessing "from above"?

Additional and frequently used signs are apparently the following: "0" - sign (forefinger and thumb form a circle), chin grip, chest grip, folded hands, necktie pose, spectacles pose, pipe pose.

The Vatican and the Freemasons
The Language Exposes the Same Spirit

Under the title "The Vatican - Turntable of World Policy," we have already reported in a special edition of Christ State International that the Vatican has a magical force of attraction on politicians and heads of state all over the world. In this article, we quoted the Observatore Romano. Amongst other things we reported about Cardinal state secretary Casaroli's public appearance in March 1989 before the United Nations (UN) in Geneva and before the participants of the UN disarmament conference. Casaroli stated that in order to establish and maintain peace, justice would be needed. Universal justice, calls in turn, for superior authority which is accepted and acknowledged worldwide and has the means to enforce acceptance of their decisions and to have them carried out. The cardinal spoke a clear language. It is the language of the Illuminati. He speaks, of course, about justice, peace, unity and equality for all people, but he fails to say, however, that Christ will be the ruler of the New Era. But if not Christ, who then? The "Brothers of the Shadow" (as the Illuminati are also called) have long since laid claim to this rule for themselves.

Pope John Paul II obviously knows the secret language of the Freemasons and makes use of it. In a general audience on September 15, 1982, when speaking on the occasion of the death of the Lebanese President Gemayel, he referred to Jerusalem, the city of God, which God has made an object of His pleasure. Then he said literally, "Jerusalem can also become the city of man."

The "City of Man" is a key word used by the Illuminati for the world dictatorship.

On April 18, 1983, the Pope received all 200 members of the Trilateral Commission in a public audience. In his speech, he said that "God, the creator of the human being and the Lord of life, will make your contribution to humanity effective and plant peace in your hearts." "Humanity" is likewise a key word used by the lodge brothers for their planned world order.

Although the methods of high finance have been uncovered (many authors have been very busy working on this) comparable evidence about Freemasons and the Vatican working together on the highest level is almost non-existent. Here, one has to rely on circumstantial evidence and conclusions.

In 1976, a list circulated in the Vatican, on which were 121 names of high church dignitaries with the dates of their entry into a lodge: cardinals of the Curia, archbishops, bishops, prelates a few laymen. When this list became known publicly, there was, according to Adler, a very curious reaction from the Vatican:

"It was not that the alleged Freemasons serving the Church and the Roman Curia publicly denied this or even took legal proceedings charging libel or defamation of character. Nothing of the kind. The reaction was quite different. Instead of this, inside the Vatican, a regular witch-hunt was arranged for possible or supposed informants. Three of the suspected informants supposedly lost their lives under peculiar circumstances and a fourth was supposed to have received anonymous murder threats."

On another "list which the Pope held in his hands on September 12, 1978, there were, amongst others, the names of the Cardinal State Secretary, Jean Villot, the Vatican Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Agostino Casaroli,

Cardinals Sebastiano Baggio and Ugo Poletti and, last but not least, Bishop Paul Marcinkus, the director of the Vatican bank." Again, no one heard a public denial.

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