50 year index for the Journal of Church and State

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Reagan, Ronald:

“Late and Never: Ronald Reagan and Tuition Tax Credits,” (Lawrence J. McAndrews), 42: 467-83.

“Ronald Reagan and the Splintering of the Christian Right,” (John David Marley), 48: 851-68.
Red Cross:

“A ‘Paradisical’ Ghetto of Theresienstadt: The Impossible Mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross,” (Aime Bonifas), 34: 793-806.


“Church Participation in Referenda and the First Amendment,” (Dwight L. Tays), 32: 391-12.

Reformed Tradition:

“American Reformed Tradition in African Colonization and Missions,” (Fred J. Hood), 19: 539-56.

Rehnquist Court, The:

“Church, State, and the Rehnquist Court: A Brief for Lemon,” (Tinsley E. Yarborough), 38: 59-85.

“Is a Page of History Worth a Volume of Logic?” (Haig Bosmajian), 38: 397-409.

“Rehnquist Court and the Free Exercise of Religion, The,” (Richard A. Brisbin, Jr.), 33: 57-76.


“All Matters and Things Relating to Religion and Morality: The Virginia Burgesses’ Committee for Religion, 1769 to 1775,” (Paul K. Longmore), 38: 775-97.

“Inclusive Law, Inclusive Religion, and the Shakers,” (Louis J. Sirico, Jr.), 34: 563-74.

“John Courtney Murray, Civil Religion, and the Problem of Political Neutrality,” (Keith J. Pavlischek), 34: 717-38.

“Prophetic Role of Religion in Society, The,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 30: 219-26.
“Religion and Americanism,” (William Lee Miller), 5: 15-26.
“Religion and National Interests,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 32: 7-16.
Religion and Education:

“Advancement of Religion Versus Teaching about Religion in Public Schools, The,” (Niels C. Nielsen, Jr.), 26: 105-116.

“Alternative Viewpoints about Biological Origins as Taught in Public Schools,” (Casey Luskin), 47: 583-617.
“An Analysis of Federal Aid to Parochial Schools,” (Leo Pfeffer), 3: 137-148.
“Blurring the Line of Separation: Education, Civil Religion, and Teaching about Religion,” (Philip Gleason), 19: 517-38.
“Cardinal Humberto Medeiros and the Desegregation of Boston’s Public Schools, 1974-1976,” (Richard Gribble), 48: 327-53.
“Character Education in America’s Public Schools,” (Derek H. Davis), 48: 5-14.
“Church Support for Higher Education: Issues of Survival and Purpose,” (Richard L. Hester), 20: 451-68.
“Church-State Conflict: Public Policy Dilemmas of the School Administrator,” (Donald E. Boles), 14: 297-318.
“Church-State Involvement in Educational Development in Nigeria, 1842-1948,” (Lawrence E. Amadi), 19: 481-96.
“Conditional Liberty: The Flag Salute Before Gobitis and Barnette,” (Jennifer Jacobs Henderson), 47: 747-67.
“Constitutionality of the Inclusion of Church-Related Schools in Federal Aid to Education: The Roman Catholic Viewpoint, The,” (National Catholic Welfare Conference), 4: 159-65.
“Creationist-Evolutionist Debate and the Public Schools: Continuing Controversy in a Different Context, The,” (James S. Hamre), 33: 765-84.
“Education, Church, and State: Timothy Cutler and the Yale Apostasy of 1722,” (Robert E. Daggy), 13: 43-68.
“Examination of Church-State Curriculum in American Higher Education, An,” (Derek H. Davis and Robert H. Haener, III), 38: 155-69.
“Financing Faith and Learning: Assessing the Constitutional Implictions of Integrating Faith and Learning at the Church-Related College,” (J. David Holcomb), 48: 831-50.
“Friends Like These: George W. Bush and Federal Aid to Nonpublic Schools,” (Lawrence J. McAndrews), 47: 769-82.
“God on Stage? Religious Themes in Public Educational Theatre,” (Allen Reeves Ware and Perry Glanzer), 47: 563-582.
“Incontrovertible Ontological Pact of God: Newdow, State Education, and the Status of God, The,” (Steven R. Loomis and Jake Rodriquez), 46: 115-32.
“Indiana University Summer Institute on Teaching the Bible in Secondary English, The,” (James S. Ackerman), 14: 457-74.
“Interim Report on the Study of Religion in Public Schools, An,” (Robert M. Healey), 20: 469-90.
“Is it Davey’s Locker for the No-Funding Principle?” (Kent Greenawalt), 46: 25-38.
“Local Compliance with Supreme Court Decisions: Making Space for Religious Expression in Public Schools,” (C.F. Abel and Hans J. Hacker), 48: 355-77.
“Motivations of a Political Activist: John Clifford and the Education Bill of 1902,” (Dwight A. Honeycutt), 32: 81-96.

“New Shape for Religion and Public Education in Changing Times, A,” (Robert A. Spivey), 14: 441-56.

“Perspectives in Teaching Religion in Higher Education,” (Niels C. Nielsen, Jr.), 10: 207-18.
“Principles and Policies Which Should Govern Working Relations of Church and State in Education,” (Dean M. Kelley), 16: 101-20.
“Religion and Education in American Church-State Relations,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 26: 31-54.
“Religion and Public Education in Historical Perspective,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 14: 397-414.
“Religion and Public School Education: A Plan for the Future,” (Robert A. Spivey), 10: 193-206.
“Religion in Public Education: Principles and Issues,” (Philip H. Phenix), 14: 415-30.
“Religious Education in the Spanish School System,” (Alex Seglars Gomez-Quintero), 46: 561-73.
“Role of Religion in Public Education, The,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 10: 183-88.
“School and Religion in Spain,” (Javier Martínez-Torrón), 47: 133-50.
“Selected Bibliography on Religion and Public Education, A,” (Ronald B. Flowers), 14: 475-506.
“Should the United States Support Religious Education in the Islamic World?,” (Amitai Etzioni), 48: 279-301.
“Teaching about Religion in the Public Schools: New Ventures in Public Education,” (Edwin Scott Gaustad), 11: 265-76.
“Teaching of Religion in Higher Education: The Perspective of the State University, The,” (Ronald B. Flowers), 10: 219-32.
“Texas Consultation on Religion and Public Education in Retrospect,” (Niels C. Nielsen, Jr.), 14: 391-96.
Text of U.S. Supreme Court Decision: Board of Education of the Westside Community Schools, et al. v. Bridget C. Mergens, et al., 32: 935-69.

“Under God but Not the Scarf: The Founding Myths of Religious Freedom in the United States and Laïcité in France,” (T. Jeremy Gunn), 46: 7-24.

Religion and Politics:

“1861 Spring Resolutions, The: Charles Hodge, the American Union, and the Dissolution of the Old School Church,” (John Halsey Wood, Jr.), 47: 371-87.

“Adopting ‘In God We Trust’ as the U.S. National Motto,” (Louis Fisher and Nada Mourtada-Sabbah), 44: 671-92.
“America’s ‘Forsaken Roots’: The Use and Abuse of Founders’ Quotations,” (Derek H. Davis and Matthew McMearty), 47: 449-72.
“Are Congregations Restrained by Government? Empirical Results from the National Congregations Study,” (Mark Chaves and William Tsitsos), 42: 335-44.

“Attempts of Grassroots Religious Groups to Change U.S. Policy Towards Central America: Their Methods, Successes, and Failures, The,” (Edward T. Brett), 36: 773-94.

“Beyond Self-Interest: The Political Theory and Practice of Evangelical Women in Antebellum America,” (Mark David Hall), 44: 477-99.
“Bush Faith-Based Initiative: The Catholic Response, The,” (Jo Renee Formicola and Mary Segers), 44: 693-715.
“Carl F.H. Henry’s Moral Arguments for Evangelical Political Discourse,” (David L. Weeks), 40: 83-106.
“Catholic Church in Revolutionary Guatemala, 1944-54, The,” (Blake D. Pattridge), 36: 527-40.
“Christian Faith and Political Involvement in Today’s Culture War,” (Derek H. Davis), 38: 477-85.
“Christian Social Thought and American Public Policy: A Dialogue Between the Laity and the American State,” (Robert J. Araujo, S.J.), 35: 751-80.
“Church, State, and Physician-Assisted Suicide,” (David McKenzie), 46: 787-809.
“Church, State and the Dilemma of Conscience,” (Phillip E. Hammond and Eric M. Mazur), 37: 555-71.
“Churches and States: The Politics of Accommodation,” (Maureen O. Manion), 44: 317-43.
“Clinton and the New Covenant: Theology Shaping a New Politics or Old Politics in Religious Dress?” (Jack Van Der Slik and Stephen Schwark), 40: 873-90.
“Compassion and Public Covenant: Christian Faith in Public Life,” (James E. Gilman), 36: 747-71.
“Exclusion, Fusion, or Dialogue: How Should Religion and Politics Relate?” (James S. Wolfe), 22: 89-106.
“Faith and the Founding: The Influence of Religion on the Politics of James Madison,” (Joe Loconte), 45: 699-715.
“Faith-Based Providers Partnering with Government: Opportunity and Temptation,” (Abigail Lawlis Kuzma), 42: 37-67.
“From Accommodation to Decision: Transformations in Israel’s Religio-Political Life,” (Bernard Susser and Asher Cohen), 38: 817-38.
“Governance and the Religious Question: Voluntaryism, Disestablishment, and America’s Church-State Proposition,” (Carl H. Esbeck), 48: 303-26.
“’I Had a Different Way of Governing’: The Living Faith of President Carter,” (D. Jason Berggren), 47: 43-61.
“Is Atheism a Religion?: Recent Judicial Perspectives on the Constitutional Meaning of Religion, “ (Derek H. Davis), 47: 707-23.
“John A. Ryan and the Problem of Clerical Politics,” (Kevin Schmiesing), 45: 113-29.
“John Wesley’s Concept of Religion and Political Authority,” (Lynwood M. Holland and Ronald F. Howell), 6: 296-313.
“John Witherspoon and the ‘Public Interest of Religion,’” (Jeffrey Hays Morrison), 41: 551-73.
“Lessons for Today? The Church-State Relationship in Twentieth-Century Ecumenical Thought,” (Jozef D. Zalot), 45: 59-80.
“Life, the Universe and Everything Constitutional: Origins in the Public Schools,” (Nicholas P. Miller), 43: 483-510.
“Locke’s Accidental Church: The Letter Concerning Toleration and the Church’s Witness to the State,” (John Perry), 47: 269-88.
“Mr. Jefferson, a Mammoth Cheese, and the ‘Wall of Separation Between Church and State’: A Bicentennial Commemoration,” (Daniel L. Dreisbach), 43: 725-45.
“On Hierarchies of Conflict and the Possibility of Civil Discourse: Variations on a Theme by John Courtney Murray,” (Peter McDonough) 36: 115-42.
“‘Other’ Civil Religion and the Tradition of Radical Quaker Politics, The,” (Stephen A. Kent and James V. Spickard), 36: 373-87.
“Participation of Religious Groups in Political Advocacy, The,” (Kent Greenawalt), 36: 143-60.
“Prelates, Protest, and Public Opinion: Catholic Opposition to Desegregation, 1947-1955,” (R. Bentley Anderson), 46: 617-44.
“President Bush’s Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives: Boon or Boondoggle?” (Derek H. Davis), 43: 411-22.
“Presumption Against War or Presumption Against Injustice? The Just War Tradition Reconsidered,” (J. Daryl Charles), 47: 335-69.
“Public Religion vis-à-vis the Prophetic Role of Religion,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 41: 51-76.
“Quantifying Religion: Toward Building More Effective Ways of Measuring Religious Influence on State-Level Behavior,” (Jonathan Fox and Shmuel Sandler), 45: 559-88.
“Reacting to France’s Ban: Headscarves and Other Religious Attire in American Public Schools,” (Derek H. Davis), 46: 221-35.
“Recent Theories of Religion and Politics in Nigeria,” (Simeon O. Ilesanmi), 37: 309-48.
“Religion and Federal Republicanism: Cases from India's Struggle,” (William J. Everett), 37: 61-85.
“Religion and National Interests,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 32: 7-16.
“Religion and Politics at the Border: Canadian Church Support for American Vietnam War Resisters,” (Donald W. Maxwell), 48: 807-29.
“Religion and Politics in a Transforming South Africa,” (H.P.P. Lotter), 34: 475-502.
“Religion and Politics in Germany since 1945: The Evangelical and Catholic Churches,” (Sabrina P. Ramet), 42: 115-45.
“Religion and Politics in Israel and Utah,” (Ira Sharkansky), 39: 523-41.
“Religion and the U.S. Presidential Election of 1992,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 34: 709-16.
“Religion, Medicine, and the State: Reflections on Some Contemporary Issues,” (Henry J. Abraham), 22: 423-36.
“Religion Within the Limits of Liberalism Alone?” (Patrick Neal), 39: 697-722.
“Religious Dimension of American Anti-Communism, The,” (Kenneth D. Wald), 36: 483-506.

“Religious Geography of Religious Expression, The: Local Governments, Courts, and the First Amendment,” (John C. Blakeman), 48: 399-422.

“Religious Human Rights and a Democratic State,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 46: 739-65.
“Respecting Religious Differences: The Missing Ingredient in Creating a Peaceful World Order,” (Derek H. Davis), 47: 221-33.
“Revealing Liberalism in Early America: Rethinking Religious Liberty and Liberal Values,” (Christopher S. Grenda), 45: 131-63.
“Role of Religion in a Liberal Democracy: Dilemmas and Possible Resolutions,” (Kent Greenawalt), 35: 503-19.
“Ronald Reagan and the Splintering of the Christian Right,” (John David Marley), 48: 851-68.
“School Reform, the First Amendment, and Civility in the 1990s: The Construction of A

Statement of Principles for Religion and Public Education,” (Stephen S. Mucher), 43: 319-42.
“Scottish Missionaries and the Governance of the New Hebrides,” (J. H. Proctor), 41: 349-72.
“Senator Sam Ervin and School Prayer: Faith, Politics, and the Constitution,” (Karl E. Campbell), 45: 443-56.
“Separation, Integration, and Accommodation: Religion and State in America in a Nutshell,” (Derek H. Davis), 43: 5-17.
“Social Catholicism Engages the American State: The Contribution of Archbishop Edward J. Hanna,” (Richard Gribble), 42: 737-58.
“State Religious Education—Religion v. State,” (David Taub and Joseph Klein), 42: 345-63.
“Statutory Exemptions for Religious Freedom,” (Louis Fisher), 44: 291-316.
“Testing the Waters or Opening the Floodgates: Evangelical Politics and the ‘New’ Mexico,” (Paul J. Bonicelli), 39: 107-30.
“Theologians and the Renewal of Democratic Political Institutions in Eastern Germany,” (John P. Burgess), 37: 87-102.
“Thoughts on the Possible Realignment of the Christian Right in Twenty-First Century America,” (Derek H. Davis), 41: 433-43.
“Under God and Anti-Communist: How the Pledge of Allegiance Got Religion in Cold War America,” (Lee Canipe), 45: 305-23.
“U.S. Supreme Court as Moral Physician, The: Mitchell v. Helms and the Constitutional Revolution to Reduce Restrictions on Governmental Aid to Religion,” (Derek H. Davis), 43: 213-34.
“Use of Religious Convictions by Legislators and Judges,” (Kent Greenawalt), 36: 541-55.
“Vladimir S. Soloviev and the Politics of Human Rights,” (Vladimir Wozniuk), 41: 33-50.
“Where Have All the Niebuhrs Gone? Evangelicals and the Marginalization of Religious Influence in American Public Life,” (Dean C. Curry), 36: 97-114.
“Why African Churches Preach Politics: The Case of Zambia,” (Isaac Phiri), 41: 323-48.
Religion and Society:

“Cultural Construction of State Sponsored Religion, The: Race, Politics, and State Implementation of the Faith-Based Initiative,” (Rebecca Sager), 49: 467-85.

“Further Legal Consequences of Catholic Clerical Sexual Abuse, The,” (Jo Renee Formicola), 49: 445-65.
“Leadership and Recent Controversies over Religious Liberty,” (Wallace L. Daniel), 49: 649-63.
“Leaving the Spiritual Sphere: Religious Expression in the Public Workplace,” (Steven P. Brown), 49: 665-82.
“New Religions in ‘New Europe,’” (Ales Crnic), 49: 517-51.
“Philip Schaff: Religion, Politics and the Transatlantic World,” (Thomas Albert Howard), 49: 191-210.
“Primer on Governmental Accommodation of Religion, A,” (J. Brent Walker), 49: 409-21.
Religion Clauses:

“Commentary on the Supreme Court’s ‘Equal Treatment’ Doctrine as the New Constitutional Paradigm for Protecting Religious Liberty, A,” (Derek H. Davis), 46: 717-37.

“Constitutionality of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act Under the Establishment Clause, The,” (Andrew C. Nicols), 46: 281-310.
“Contradictory Demands on the First Amendment Religion Clauses: Having it Both Ways,” (Bette Novit Evans), 30: 463-92.
“Incoherent Neutrality: A Case for Eliminating Neutrality from Religion Clause Jurisprudence,” (David N. Cinotti), 45: 499-533.

“Is it Davey’s Locker for the No-Funding Principle?” (Kent Greenawalt), 46: 25-38.

“Keeping the Faith: Justice David Souter and the First Amendment Religion Clauses,” (John Fliter), 40: 387-409.
“Pluralisms of American ‘Religious Pluralism,’ The,” (Ronald L. Massanari), 40: 589-617.
“Seventh-day Adventists and the U.S. Courts: Road Signs Along the Route of a Denominationalizing Sect,” (Ronald Lawson), 40: 553-88.

“Status of the First Amendment’s Religion Clauses: Some Reflections on Lines and Limits, The,” (Henry J. Abraham), 22: 215-32.

“Under God but Not the Scarf: The Founding Myths of Religious Freedom in the United States and Laïcité in France,” (T. Jeremy Gunn), 46: 7-24.
Religious Broadcasting:

“Government Regulation and Religious Broadcasting in the Matter of PTL/WJAN,” (Ronald Garay), 29: 269-84.

Religious Censorship:

“Religious Censorship and Public School Textbooks,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 29: 401-10.

Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights:

“Abortion and Religious Freedom: The Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights (RCAR) and the Pro-Choice Movement, 1973-1989,” (Samuel A. Mills), 33: 569-96.

Religious Conflict:

“A Reassessment of Sinhalese Utopia: Explorative Essay on the Sri Lankan Political Crisis,” (Charles R. A. Hoole), 33: 81-96.

Religious Courts, Israel:

“Enforcement of Religious Courts’ Judgments Under Israeli Law,” (Asher Maoz), 33: 473-94.

Religious Equality Amendment:

“Assessing the Proposed Religious Equality Amendment,” (Derek H. Davis), 37: 493-508.

Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA):

“Are the Expectations for the Religious Freedom Restoration Act Being Realized?” (Robert F. Drinan, S.J.), 39: 53-66.

“Assessing the Proposed Religious Equality Amendment,” (Derek H. Davis), 37: 493-508.

“Leadership and Recent Controversies over Religious Liberty,” (Wallace L. Daniel), 49: 649-63.

“Religious Freedom Restoration Act, The,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 33: 673-80.
“Religious Regulation and the Courts: Documenting the Effects of Smith and RFRA,” (Amy Adamczyk, John Wybraniec, and Roger Finke), 46: 237-62.
Religious Freedom, Russia:

“Russia’s New Law on Religion: Progress or Regress?” (Derek H. Davis), 39: 645-55.

Religious Groups, Minority:

“Aboriginal Spirituality and the Legal Construction of Freedom of Religion,” (Lori G. Beaman), 44: 135-49.

“Chinese Law and the International Protection of Religious Freedom,” (Carolyn Evans), 44: 749-74.
“’I Am an Atheist and a Muslim’: Islam, Communism, and Ideological Competition,” (Paul Froese), 47: 473-502.
“Imposed Limitations on Freedom of Religion in China and the Margin of Appreciation Doctrine: A Legal Analysis of the Crackdown on the Falun Gong and Other ‘Evil Cults’,” (Bryan Edelman and James T. Richardson), 47: 243-67.
“Indigenous Minority Rights, Citizenship, and the New Jerusalem: A Reflection on the Future of Palestinians and Jews in the Expanded State of Israel,” (Marc Ellis), 42: 297-310.
“Interpretations of Jewish Tradition on Democracy, Land, and Peace,” (Gerald M. Steinberg), 43: 93-113.
“Is Atheism a Religion?: Recent Judicial Perspectives on the Constitutional Meaning of Religion,” (Derek H. Davis), 47: 707-23.
“Islam and the Clash of Civilization,” (Wallace L. Daniel), 48: 509-23.

“‘Islamic State’, The: Genealogy, Facts, and Myths,” (Asma Afsaruddin), 48: 153-73.

“Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Empire of the Sun: A Clash of Faith and Religion During World War II,” (Carolyn R. Wah), 44: 45-72.

“Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Responsibility of Religious Freedom: The European Experience,” (Carolyn R. Wah), 43: 579-601.

“Jehovah’s Witnesses, Blood Transfusions and the Tort of Misrepresentation,” (Kerry Louderback-Wood), 47: 783-822.

“Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Request for Recognition as a Corporation under Public Law in Germany: Background, Current Status, and Empirical Aspects,” (Gerhard Besier and Renate-Maria Besier), 43: 35-48.

“Minority Religious Groups and Religious Freedom in England: The ISKCON Temple at Bhaktivedanta Manor,” (Malory Nye), 40: 411-36.

“Not Blaming the Pope: The Roots of the Crisis in Brazilian Base Communities,” (Madeline Cousineau), 45: 349-65.

“On the Advantage and Disadvantage of Truth Commissions for Life: Dreaming an Israeli-Palestinian Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” (Ariel Meyerstein), 45: 457-84.
“Persecution of West Virginia Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Expansion of Legal Protection for Religious Liberty, The,” (Chuck Smith), 43: 539-77.
“Religious Regulation and the Courts: Documenting the Effects of Smith and RFRA,” (Amy Adamczyk, John Wybraniec, and Roger Finke), 46: 237-62.
“Respecting Religious Differences: The Missing Ingredient in Creating a Peaceful World Order,” (Derek H. Davis), 47: 221-33.
“September 11 Tragedy and the Muslim World: Living with Memory and Myth, The,” (Mahmood Monshipouri), 45: 15-40.
“Spiritual Resistance of Christian Conviction in Nazi Germany: The Case of the Jehovah’s Witnesses,” (Gabriele Yonan), 41: 307-22.
“State and the Islamic Movement in Jordan, The,” (Emile F. Sahliyeh), 47: 109-31.
“Theology of the State from the Baha’i Teachings,” (Sen McGlinn), 41: 697-724.

Religious Interest Groups:

“Participation of Religious Groups in Political Advocacy, The,” (Kent Greenawalt), 36: 143-60.

“Power and Potential of Religious Interest Groups, The,” (Robert Zwier), 33: 271-86.
Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act:

“Constitutionality of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act Under the Establishment Clause, The,” (Andrew C. Nicols), 46: 281-310.

Religious Liberty:

“1861 Spring Resolutions, The: Charles Hodge, the American Union, and the Dissolution of the Old School Church,” (John Halsey Wood, Jr.), 47: 371-87.

“Aboriginal Spirituality and the Legal Construction of Freedom of Religion,” (Lori G. Beaman), 44: 135-49.
“Alexander Vinet on Religious Liberty and Separation of Church and State,” (Elsie McKee), 28: 95-106.

“American Freedom and the Christian Faith,” (John W. Shepard, Jr.), 3: 16-32.

“America’s ‘Forsaken Roots’: The Use and Abuse of Founders’ Quotations,” (Derek H. Davis and Matthew McMearty), 47: 449-72.
“Are Congregations Restrained by Government? Empirical Results from the National Congregations Study,” (Mark Chaves and William Tsitsos), 42: 335-44.
“Baptist World Alliance Study Document and Manifesto on Religious Liberty, The,” 2: 156-60.
“Barbarians and Memory,” (Edwin S. Gaustad), 37: 7-13.
“Basis of Religious Liberty in American History, The,” (Franklin Hamlin Littell), 6: 314-32.
“Basis of Religious Liberty in Christian Belief, The,” (Franklin Hamlin Littell), 6: 132-46.
“Challenge of Current Ideologies to Religious Freedom, The,” (A.F. Shishkin), 6: 154-68.
“Church Elites and the Restoration of Civil Society in the Communist Societies of Central Europe,” (Mary L. Gautier), 40: 289-317.
“‘Clear and Steady Channel, A’: Isaac Backus and the Limits of Liberty,” (Peter Judson Richards), 43: 447-82.
“Commentary on the Proposed ‘Religious Equality/Liberties’ Amendment, A,” (Derek H. Davis), 38: 5-23.

“Commentary on the Supreme Court’s ‘Equal Treatment’ Doctrine as the New Constitutional Paradigm for Protecting Religious Liberty, A” (Derek H. Davis), 46: 717-37.

“Congregations and Civil Society: A Double-Edged Connection,” (Jerome P. Baggett), 44: 425-54.
“Constitution, the Supreme Court, and Religious Liberty, The,” (Richard C.C. Kim), 6: 333-43.
“Constitutionality of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act Under the Establishment Clause, The,” (Andrew C. Nicols), 46: 281-310.
“Cultural Construction of State Sponsored Religion, The: Race, Politics, and State Implementation of the Faith-Based Initiative,” (Rebecca Sager), 49: 467-85.
“Dark Side to a Just War: The USA PATRIOT Act and Counterterrorism’s Potential Threat to Religious Freedom,” (Derek H. Davis), 44: 5-17.
De Libertate Religiosa: A Declaration on Religious Liberty,” (Vatican Council II), 8: 16-29.
De Libertate Religiosa: An Interpretative Analysis,” (Thomas T. Love), 8: 30-48.
“Dworkin, Abortion, Religious Liberty, and the Spirit of Enlightenment,” (Robert M. Baird), 37: 753-71.
“Ecumenical Perspectives of the Vatican Declaration in Religious Liberty,” (A.F. Carrillo de Albornoz), 8: 445-56.
“Enduring Legacy of Roger Williams: Consulting America’s First Separationist on Today’s Pressing Church-State Controversies, The,” (Derek H. Davis), 41: 201-12.
“Facts and Fictions About the History of Separation of Church and State,” (John A. Witte, Jr.), 48: 15-45.
“Faith and the Founding: The Influence of Religion on the Politics of James Madison,” (Joe Loconte), 45: 699-715.
“Finding the Roots of Religious Liberty in the ‘Asian Tradition,’” (Nikolas K. Gvosdev), 42: 507-27.
“Free Exercise in the Free State: Maryland’s Role in Religious Liberty and the First Amendment,” (Kenneth Lasson), 31: 419-50.
“Freedom of Religion and Conscience in Finland, The,” (Juha Seppo) 40: 847-72.
“From Habermas to Barth and Back Again,” (Timothy Stanley), 48: 101-26.
“God and the Pursuit of America’s Self-Understanding: Toward a Synthesis of American Historiography,” (Derek H. Davis), 46: 461-78.
“Governance and the Religious Question: Voluntaryism, Disestablishment, and America’s Church-State Proposition,” (Carl H. Esbeck), 48: 303-26.
“Hugues-Félicité Robert de Lamennais: A Catholic Pioneer of Religious Liberty,” (C.B. Hastings), 30: 321-40.
“Human Liberty as Divine Right: A Study in the Political Maturation of John Wesley,” (Leon O. Hynson), 25: 57-86.
“Human Rights and Religious Liberty,” (World Council of Churches), 7: 440-42.
“If Not Now, When? The Case for Religious Liberty in the State of Israel,” (Arthur Gross-Schaefer and Wayne Jacobson), 44: 539-68.
“Impairment of the Religious Liberty of the Taos Pueblo Indians by the United States Government, The,” (Dean M. Kelley), 9: 161-64.
“Incoherent Neutrality: A Case for Eliminating Neutrality from Religion Clause Jurisprudence,” (David N. Cinotti), 45: 499-533.
“Is Atheism a Religion?: Recent Judicial Perspectives on the Constitutional Meaning of Religion,” (Derek H. Davis), 47: 707-23.
“Is it Davey’s Locker for the No-Funding Principle?” (Kent Greenawalt), 46: 25-38.
“Is Reconciliation Possible After Genocide?: The Case of Rwanda,” (Mark R. Amstutz), 48: 541-65.
“Israel and Religious Liberty,” (Dwight L. Baker), 7: 403-24.
“Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Responsibility of Religious Freedom: The European Experience,” (Carolyn R. Wah), 43: 579-601.
“Jehovah’s Witnesses and Their Plan to Expand First Amendment Freedoms, The,” Jennifer Jacobs Henderson), 46: 811-32.
“John Wesley and the Rights of Conscience,” (John C. English), 37: 349-63.
“John Wesley, the Establishment of Religion, and the Separation of Church and State,” (John C. English), 46: 83-97.
“Leadership and Recent Controversies over Religious Liberty,” (Wallace L. Daniel), 49: 649-63.
“Leaving the Spiritual Sphere: Religious Expression in the Public Workplace,” (Steven P. Brown), 49: 665-82.
“Liberty of Conscience,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 5: 157-164.
“Local Laws Restricting Religion in Russia: Precursors of Russia’s New National Law,” (Marat S. Shterin and James T. Richardson), 40: 319-41.
“Locke’s Accidental Church: The Letter Concerning Toleration and the Church’s Witness to the State,” (John Perry), 47: 269-88.
Molko Case: Will Freedom Prevail?, The,” (Stephen G. Post), 31: 451-64.
“‘Most Mild and Equitable Establishment of Religion’: John Adams and the Massachusetts Experiment, A,” (John Witte, Jr.), 41: 213-52.
“Mr. Jefferson, a Mammoth Cheese, and the ‘Wall of Separation Between Church and State’: A Bicentennial Commemoration,” (Daniel L. Dreisbach), 43: 725-45.
“New Religions in ‘New Europe,’” (Ales Crnic), 49: 517-51.
“Norwegian Free Churches and Religious Liberty: A History,” (Peder A. Eidberg), 37: 869-84.
“Not Blaming the Pope: The Roots of the Crisis in Brazilian Base Communities,” (Madeline Cousineau), 45: 349-65.
“Of Denominations and Districts: Examining the Influence of “Pro-life” Denominational Communities on State Representatives,” (Brian Robert Calfano), 48: 83-100
“‘One Nation, Under God’: Tolerable Acknowledgement of Religion or Unconstitutional Cold War Propaganda Cloaked in American Civil Religion?” (Matthew C. Cloud), 46: 311-40.
“Orthodox Churches on Church-State Relations and Religious Liberty, The,” (John S. Romanides), 6: 178-89.
“Persecution of Thomas Emlyn, 1703-1705, The,” (William Gibson), 48: 525-39.
“Persecution of West Virginia Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Expansion of Legal Protection for Religious Liberty, The,” (Chuck Smith), 43: 539-77.
“Prelates, Protest, and Public Opinion: Catholic Opposition to Desegregation, 1947-1955,” (R. Bentley Anderson), 46: 617-44.
“Preserving the Moral Compass: House of Worship Speech Protection Act Is Defeated,” (Aaron Tyler), 45: 717-38.
“Primer on Governmental Accommodation of Religion, A,” (J. Brent Walker), 49: 409-21.
“Principle of Religious Liberty, The,” (William Lee Miller), 6: 85-89.
“Principled Separation: Liberal Governance and Religious Free Exercise,” (Lucas A. Swaine), 38: 595-619.

“Principle, Perception, and Position: Why Southern Baptist Conservatives Differ from Moderates on Church-State Issues,” (Barry Hankins), 40: 343-70.

“Proposed United Nations Declaration on Religious Liberty, The,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 23: 413-22.
“Protestant Churches and Religious Freedom in Latin America,” (W. Stanley Rycroft), 8: 264-73.
“Public Religion Vis-à-Vis the Prophetic Role of Religion,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 41: 51-76.
“Quest for Freedom Within the Church in Colonial America, The,” (Winthrop S. Hudson), 3: 6-15.
“Reacting to France’s Ban: Headscarves and Other Religious Attire in American Public Schools,” (Derek H. Davis), 46: 221-35.
“Reflections on Moral Decline in America: Consulting the Founding Fathers’ Views on the Roles of Church and State in Crafting the Good Society,” (Derek H. Davis), 42: 237-45.
“Religion and Religious Liberty,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 33: 225-30.
“Religion Sans Ultimate: A Re-Examination of Church-State Law,” (Rudra Tamm), 41: 253-84.
“Religious Conscience in Colonial New England,” (Robert T. Miller), 1: 19-36.
“Religious Education in the Spanish School System,” (Alex Seglars Gomez-Quintero), 46: 561-73.
“Religious Geography of Religious Expression, The: Local Governments, Courts, and the First Amendment,” (John C. Blakeman), 48: 399-422.
“Religious Human Rights and a Democratic State,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 46: 739-65.
“Religious Liberty and Abortion Policy: Casey as Catch-22,” (Paul D. Simmons), 42: 69-88.
“Religious Liberty and Missions,” (Franklin H. Littell), 7: 374-87
“Religious Liberty and the Abortion Debate,” (Paul D. Simmons), 32: 567-84.
“Religious Liberty and the Law in Botswana,” (Daniel D. Nsereko), 34: 831-50.
“Religious Liberty, Common Law, and the Supreme Court,” (Michael R. Dillon), 14: 211-22.
“Religious Liberty in a Pluralistic Society,” (Franklin H. Littell), 8: 430-44.
“Religious Liberty in Ecumenical and International Perspective,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 10: 421-36.
“Religious Liberty in Law and Practice: Vietnamese Home Temples and the First Amendment,” (Chloe Anne Breyer), 35: 367-401.
“Religious Liberty in Sweden: An Overview,” (Jonas Alwall), 42: 147-71.
“Religious Liberty: Renewing our Commitment,” (C. Welton Gaddy), 20: 5-12.
“Religious Liberty under Communism,” (Paul B. Anderson), 6: 169-77.
“Return to Civility: Roger Williams and Public Discourse in America, A,” (James Calvin Davis), 43: 689-706.
“Revealing Liberalism in Early America: Rethinking Religious Liberty and Liberal Values,” (Christopher S. Grenda), 45: 131-63.
“Rising Expectations for Religious Rights in Eastern Europe,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 33: 1-16.
“Roman Catholicism and Religious Liberty,” (A.F. Carrillo de Albornoz), 6: 190-201.
“Ronald Reagan and the Splintering of the Christian Right,” (John David Marley), 48: 851-68.
“Senator Sam Ervin and School Prayer: Faith, Politics, and the Constitution,” (Karl E. Campbell), 45: 443-56.
“Should Religious Convictions About Injustice Figure in Criminal Trials?” (Kent Greenawalt), 40: 541-51.
“Sir Edward Hyde and the Idea of Liberty to Tender Consciences, 1641-1656,” (Paul H. Hardacre), 13: 23-42.
“Spiritual Resistance of Christian Conviction in Nazi Germany: The Case of the Jehovah’s Witnesses,” (Gabriele Yonan), 41: 307-22.
“Statement of 165 Catholic Laymen on Religious Liberty, The,” 2: 161-62.
“Statutory Exemptions for Religious Freedom,” (Louis Fisher), 44: 291-316.
“Struggle to Define ‘Religious Liberty,’ in Maryland, 1776-85, The,” (John Corbin Rainbolt), 17: 443-58.

“Sunday Newspapers and Lived Religion in Late Nineteenth-Century America,” (Jeffrey A. Smith), 48: 127-52.

“Supreme Court and Religious Liberty in the Public Schools, The,” (Ellis M. West), 25: 87-112.
“Supreme Court and the Story of American Freedom, The,” (James L. Nolan, Jr.), 38: 37-58.

“Ten Commandments as Public Ritual, The,” (Derek H. Davis), 44: 221-28.

“Test of Religious Liberty: The Ministry Land Case in Narragansett, 1668-1752, A,” (Charles E. Clark), 11: 295-319.
“Theological and Historical Foundations of Religious Liberty,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 15: 241-58.
“Theological Basis for Religious Liberty: A Christian Perspective, The,” (Thorwald Lorenzen), 21: 415-30.
“Thinking Historically about Diversity: Religion, the Enlightenment, and the Construction of Civic Culture in Early America,” (Christopher Grenda), 48: 567-600.
“Thomas Jefferson and the ‘Wall of Separation’ Metaphor,” (Derek H. Davis), 45: 5-14.
“Thoughts on Religious Persecution Around the Globe,” (Derek H. Davis), 40: 279-87.
“Tolerance and Truth in Religion,” (James E. Wood), 24: 5-12.
“Under God but Not the Scarf: The Founding Myths of Religious Freedom in the United States and Laïcité in France,” (T. Jeremy Gunn), 46: 7-24.
“United Nations Proposed Code on Religious Liberty, The,” 2: 61-64.
U.S. Supreme Court Decision: Mitchell v. Helms, 42: 620-80.
U.S. Supreme Court Decision: Santa Fe Independent School District v. Jane Doe, et al., 42: 895-913.
“U.S. Supreme Court in Religious Freedom Cases 1970-1990: Champion to the Anti-Religion Forces, The,” (Barbara M. Yarnold), 40: 661-72.
“Voices for Religious Liberty,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 34: 221-28.
“World Council of Churches on Religious Liberty, The,” (World Council of Churches), 5: 243-45.
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