50 year index for the Journal of Church and State

Militarism: “Militarism in Nazi Thought and in the American New Religious Right,” (Robert D. Linder), 24: 263-80. Military Chaplains

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“Militarism in Nazi Thought and in the American New Religious Right,” (Robert D. Linder), 24: 263-80.

Military Chaplains:

“First Amendment and the Military Chaplaincy: The Process of Reform, The,” (Paul J. Weber), 22: 459-74.

Miller, William Lee:

“From James Madison to William Lee Miller: John Courtney Murray and Baptist Theory of the First Amendment,” (Thomas Hughson, S.J.), 37: 15-37.

Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation:

“Church and the Birth of a Nation: The Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation and Zambia,” (Loretta Kreider Andrews and Herbert D. Andrews), 17: 191-216.

Minersville School District v. Gobitis:

“Conditional Liberty: The Flag Salute Before Gobitis and Barnette,” (Jennifer Jacobs Hen-derson), 47: 747-67.

Ministers as Public Officeholders:

“Civil Disability of Ministers of Religion in State Constitutions,” (William M. Hogue), 36: 329-55.

Minority Right:

“Minority Right vs. Majority Right,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 5: 5-14.

“Religion and Federal Republicanism: Cases from India’s Struggle,” (William J. Everett), 37: 61-85.
Mission Work:

“American Missionary Efforts to Influence Government Indian Policy,” (R. Pierce Beaver), 5: 77-94.

“American Missionary Influence on the Union of Church and State in Hawaii During the Regency of Kaahumanu,” (Chester Raymond Young), 9: 165-79.
“American Protestant Missionaries and the Díaz Regime in Mexico: 1876-1911,” (Karl M. Schmitt), 25: 253-78.
“American Reformed Tradition in African Colonization and Missions,” (Fred J. Hood), 19: 539-56.
“Buddhism and Christianity as Missionary Religions in the Context of the Church-State Dualism,” (Arvind Sharma), 28: 61-78.
“Chinese Labor and British Christian Missionaries in France, 1917-1919,” (Nicholas J. Griffin), 20: 287-304.
“Church and State in Colonial Africa: Influences Governing the Political Activity of Christian Missions in Kenya,” (Leon P. Spencer), 31: 115-32.
“Church, State, and Missions,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 7: 317-29.
“Colonialism and Missions: Progressive Separation,” (Kenneth Scott Latourette), 7: 330-49.
“Government Aid and Mission Operations,” (Hans W. Florin), 7: 350-373.
“‘Invisible’ Missionary: A Study in American Foreign Relations, The,” (Joseph L. Grabill), 14: 93-106.
“Missionaries and Colonialism: The Case of the New Hebrides in the Twentieth Century,” (Charles W. Forman), 14: 75-92.
“Missionary and Politics: Henry Venn’s Guidelines, The,” (Wilbert R. Shenk), 24: 525-34.
“Missions and the New Nationalism,” (R. Pierce Beaver), 3: 149-71.
“Religious Liberty and Missions,” (Franklin H. Littell), 7: 374-87.

“Tocqueville on Religion and Modernity: Making Catholicism Safe for Liberal Democracy,” (Cynthia J. Hinckley), 32: 325-42.

Molko Case, The:

Molko Case: Will Freedom Prevail?, The,” (Stephen G. Post), 31: 451-64.

Moninger, Margaret:

“Teaching Nationalism to the Chinese: Margaret Moninger at the Hainan Presbyterian Mission Schools, 1915-1927,” (Kathleen L. Lodwick), 36: 833-46.

Montalembert (Charles Forbes René de Tyron):

“Montalembert at Mechlin: A Reprise of 1830,” (Marvin R. O’Connell), 26: 515-36.


“Public Versus Private Morality: Where and How Do We Draw the Line?” (Charles Wellborn), 20: 491-506.

“Renewing the Moral Resources of Our Nation,” (Robert F. Drinan), 14: 431-40.
Morant Bay Rebellion of 1865:

“The Reactions of the Baptist Missionary Society and the Jamaican Baptist Union to the Morant Bay Rebellion of 1865,” (Horace O. Russell), 35: 593-603.

Morgenthau, Hans J.:

“Jewry’s Prophetic Challenge to Soviet and Other Totalitarian Regimes According to Hans J. Morgenthau,” (Mollov M. Benjamin), 39: 561-75.

Mormons (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints):

“After the Manifesto: Modern Polygamy and Fundamentalist Mormons,” (Ken Driggs), 32: 367-90.

“And the Last Shall Be First: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Former East Germany,” (Bruce W. Hall), 42: 485-505.
“British Government and the Mormon Question, 1910-1922, The,” (Malcom R. Thorp), 21: 305-24.
“Mormon Belief of an Inspired Constitution, The,” (Reed D. Slack), 36: 35-56.
“Mormon Church-State Confrontation in Nineteenth-Century America, The,” (Kenneth David Driggs), 30: 273-90.
“Mormon Concern over MX: Parochialism or Enduring Moral Theology,” (Steven A. Hildreth), 26: 227-54.
“Mormonism and the Equal Rights Amendment,” (O. Kendall White, Jr.), 31: 249-68.
“Separation of Church and State in Mormon Theory and Practice, The,” (J. D. Williams), 9: 238-62.
“‘This Will Someday Be the Head and Not the Tail of the Church’: A History of the Mormon Fundamentalists at Short Creek,” (Ken Driggs), 43: 49-80.
Motto, National:

“‘In God We Trust’ and the Establishment Clause,” (Richard H. Jones), 31: 381-417.

Mouton-Natoire Conflict:

“New Light on the Mouton-Natoire Case (1768): Freedom of Conscience and the Role of Jansenists,” (Charles H. O’Brien), 27: 65-82.


“Catholic Church and Conflict Resolution in Mozambique’s Post-Colonial Conflict, 1977-1992), The” (Luís Benjamin Serapiäo), 46: 365-87.

“Catholic Eugenics in Germany 1920-1945: Hermann Muckermann, S.J. and Joseph Mayer,” (Donald J. Dietrich), 34: 575-600.
“Roman Catholic Church and the Principle of Self-Determination: A Case Study of Mozambique,” (Luís Benjamim Serapião), 23: 323-36.
Mueller v. Allen:

U.S. Supreme Court Decision: Mueller v. Allen, 26: 171-84.

Muntzer, Thomas:

“Luther and Muntzer: Contrasting Theologies in Regard to Secular Authority Within the Context of the German Peasant Revolt,” (Paul P. Kuenning), 29: 305-22.

Murray, John Courtney:

“From James Madison to William Lee Miller: John Courtney Murray and Baptist Theory of the First Amendment,” (Thomas Hughson, S.J.), 37: 15-37.

“John Courtney Murray, Civil Religion, and the Problem of Political Neutrality,” (Keith J. Pavlischek), 34: 717-38.
“On Hierarchies of Conflict and the Possibility of Civil Discourse: Variations on a Theme by John Courtney Murray,” (Peter McDonough), 36: 115-42.
Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan):

“Political Liberalization in Jordan: An Analysis of the State’s Relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood,” (Linda Shull Adams), 38: 507-28.

Muslim Faith:

“Between Restoration and Liberation: Theopolitical Contributions and Responses to U.S. Foreign Policy in Israel/Palestine,” (Robert O. Smith) 46: 833-60.

“Globalization, Sacred Beliefs, and Defiance: Is Human Rights Discourse Relevant in the Muslim World?” (Mahmood Monshipouri and Reza Motameni), 42: 709-36.

“’I Am an Atheist and a Muslim’: Islam, Communism, and Ideological Competition,” (Paul Froese), 47: 473-502.

“Islam and the Clash of Civilization,” (Wallace L. Daniel), 48: 509-23.
“Reacting to France’s Ban: Headscarves and Other Religious Attire in American Public Schools,” (Derek H. Davis), 46: 221-35.
“Relevance of John Locke to Social Change in the Muslim World: A Comparison with Iran, The,” (Nader Hashemi), 46: 39-53.
“Russian Imperialism and Jihad: Early 19th-Century Persian Texts on Just War,” (Cyrus Masroori), 46: 263-79.
“Shi’ism and Revolution in Iran,” (Mohommad Amjad), 31: 35-54.
“Under God but Not the Scarf: The Founding Myths of Religious Freedom in the United States and Laïcité in France,” (T. Jeremy Gunn), 46: 7-24.
Muslim World League:

“Overhauling Islam: Representation, Construction, and Cooptation of ‘Moderate Islam’ in Western Europe,” (Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad and Tyler Golson), 49: 487-515.

Mussolini, Benito:

“Benito Mussolini, Catholic Youth, and the Origins of the Lateran Treaties,” (Albert C. O’Brien), 23: 117-30.

“Father Coughlin and Mussolini: Impossible Allies,” (Philip V. Cannistraro and Theodore P. Kovaleff), 13: 427-44.
MX Missile:

“Mormon Concern over MX: Parochialism or Enduring Moral Theology,” (Steven A. Hildreth), 26: 227-54.

Myth of Origin”:

“‘Myth of Origin,’ Civil Religion and Presidential Politics,” (Raymond F. Bulman), 33: 525-40.


“Church Versus State in South Africa: The Christian Institute and the Resurgence of African Nationalism,” (Peter Walshe), 19: 457-80.

“Militant Buddhist Nationalism: The Case of Burma,” (Guenter Lewy), 14: 19-42.
“Missions and the New Nationalism,” (R. Pierce Beaver), 3: 149-71.
“Nationalism and the Kingdom of God According to Hans Kohn and Carlton J. H. Hayes,” (H. Vincent Moses), 17: 259-74.
“Problem of Nationalism in Church-State Relationships, The,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 10: 249-64.
“Religion, Revolution, and Nationalism in Asia,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 14: 5-18.
“Resisting or Embracing Reform? South Africa’s Democratic Transition and NGK-State Relations,” (Tracy Kuperus), 38: 841-72.

“Zionist Ultranationalism and Its Attitude Toward Religion,” (Eliezer Don-Yehiya and Charles S. Liebman), 23: 259-74.

Nation Building:

“Brazilian Catholic Church and Church-State Relations: Nation Building, The,” (Edward L. Cleary), 39: 253-72.

“Toward a Theology of Nation Building: Church and State in Africa Today,” (Charles Villa-Vincencio), 32: 851-70.
“Turban or Hat, Seminarian or Soldier: State Building and Clergy Building in Reza Shah’s Iran,” (Arang Keshavarzian), 45: 81-112.
Native Americans:

“American Missionary Efforts to Influence Government Indian Policy,” (R. Pierce Beaver), 5: 77-94.

“Battle for Blue Lake: A Struggle for Indian Religious Rights, The,” (R.C. Gordon-McCutchan), 33: 785-800.
“Church, State, and the Indians: Indian Missions in the New Nation,” (R. Pierce Beaver), 4: 11-30.
“Churches and President Grant’s Peace Policy, The,” (R. Pierce Beaver), 4: 174-190.
“Impairment of the Religious Liberty of the Taos Pueblo Indians by the United States Government, The,” (Dean M. Kelley), 9: 161-64.
“No Freedom of Religion for American Indians,” (David E. Witheridge), 18: 5-20.
Natural Law:

“Context of Natural Law: John Calvin’s Doctrine of the Two Kingdoms, The,” (David VanDrunen), 46: 503-25.

Pacem in Terris: Human Rights and Duties in Natural Law,” (Pope John XXIII), 7: 91-104.
“Right to an Equal Vote and the ‘Higher Law,’ The,” (Albert C. Saunders), 8: 64-81.

“Naturalization of Rosika Schwimmer, The,” (Ronald B. Flowers and Nadia M. Lahutsky), 32: 343-66.

Naumann, Friedrich:

“Friedrich Naumann: From Christian Socialist to Social Darwinist,” (John E. Groh), 17: 25-46.

Navy, U.S.:

“Public Opinion for Peace: Tactics of Peace Activists at the Washington Conference on Naval Armament (1921-1922),” (Neil Earle), 40: 149-69.

Nazi Germany:

“Between Anti-Judaism and Anti-Semitism, Pius XI’s Response to the Nazi Persecution of the Jews: Precursor to Pius XII’s ‘Silence’?” (Frank J. Coppa), 47: 63-90.

“Cardinal and the State: Faulhaber and the Third Reich, The,” (Mary Alice Gallin, O.S.U.), 12: 385-404.
“Catholic Opposition to Hitler: The Perils of Ambiguity,” (Gordon C. Zahn), 13: 413-26.
“Catholic Theologians in Hitler’s Reich: Adaptation and Critique,” (Donald J. Dietrich), 29: 19-46.
“Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Experience in the Nazi Concentration Camps: A History of Their Conflicts with the Nazi State, The,” (Jerry Bergman), 38: 87-113.

Kirchenkampf and Holocaust: The German Church Struggle and Nazi Anti-Semitism in Retrospect,” (Franklin H. Littell), 13: 209-26.

“Militarism in Nazi Thought and in the American New Religious Right,” (Robert D. Linder), 24: 263-80.
“Nature and Structure of the Confessing Church in Germany under Hitler, The,” (Ernst C. Helmreich), 12: 405-20.
“Peace, Pastors, and Politics: Tactics of Resistance in East Germany,” (Brendan R. Ozawa de-Silva), 47: 503-30.
“Political Varieties of Sacred Remembrance: Elie Wiesel and U.S. Foreign Policy, The,” (Mark Chmiel), 40: 827-46.
“Popes and Nazi Germany: The View from Madrid, The,” (Jose M. Sanchez), 38: 365-76.

“Pope’s ‘Pact with Hitler’: Betrayal or Self-Defense?, The,” (John Jay Hughes), 17: 63-80.

“Prelude to the German Church Struggle: Otto Dibelius and The Century of the Church,” (William McGuire King), 24: 53-72.
“Protestant Social Thought and the Nazi State, 1933-1937,” (Kenneth C. Barnes), 29: 47-63.
“Selling Nazi Germany Abroad: The Case of Hulda Jost,” (Roland Blaich), 35: 807-30.
“Spiritual Resistance of Christian Conviction in Nazi Germany: The Case of the Jehovah’s Witnesses,” (Gabriele Yonan), 41: 307-22.

“Neo-Hinduism and Secularism,” (E. Luther Copeland), 9: 200-10.


“Conservative Critique of Church and State: The Case of the Tractarians and Neo-Lutherans, A,” (Walter H. Conser, Jr.), 25: 323-42.


“Incoherent Neutrality: A Case for Eliminating Neutrality from Religion Clause Jurisprudence,” (David N. Cinotti), 45: 499-533.

“Naturalism and Neutrality: Trying Miraculous Claims Fairly in English Courts,” (Peter W. Edge), 44: 521-37.
“When You Come to a Fork in the Road, Take It? Abortion, Personhood, and the Jurisprudence of Neutrality,” (Francis J. Beckwith), 45: 485-97.
New Age Movement:

“Political Ideas of the New Age Movement, The,” (Richard Kyle), 37: 831-48.

New Deal:

“Baptist Preachers and the New Deal,” (Monroe Billington and Cal Clark), 33: 255-70.

“John A. Ryan and the Problem of Clerical Politics,” (Kevin Schmiesing), 45: 113-29.
Newdow v. U.S. Congress, et al.:

“Incontrovertible Ontological Pact of God: Newdow, State Education, and the Status of God, The,” (Steven R. Loomis and Jake Rodriquez), 46: 115-32.

New England:

“‘For the Lord is a Man of Warr’: The Colonial New England View of War and the American Revolution,” (Reginald C. Stuart), 23: 519-32.

“Religious Conscience in Colonial New England,” (Robert T. Miller), 1: 19-36.
“Thomas Prince and New England History,” (Elliott West), 16: 435-52.
New Hebrides:

“Missionaries and Colonialism: The Case of the New Hebrides in the Twentieth Century,” (Charles W. Forman), 14: 75-92.

New Religious Movements:

“New Religions and the First Amendment,” (James E. Wood), 24: 455-62.

“Scottish Missionaries and the Governance of the New Hebrides,” (J. H. Proctor), 41: 349-72.
New Religious Movements (NRMs):

“New Religions in ‘New Europe,’” (Ales Crnic),49: 517-51.

New Zealand:

“Euthanasia and Religious Parliamentarians in New Zealand,” (Rex J. Ahdar), 38: 569-93.


“Holy and Unholy Alliances: The Politics of Catholicism in Revolutionary Nicaragua,” (Ted C. Lewellen), 31: 15-34.

“Karl Bregenzer: Missionary Martyr-Spy,” (Anna Adams), 37: 121-33.
“Political Dependence and Religious Policy: Protestants and the State in Pre-Revolutionary Nicaragua (1937-1979),” (Jean Daudelin) 34: 229-58.

“Revolution and the Church in Nicaragua and El Salvador,” (Bahman Baktiari), 28: 15-42.

Niehbuhr, Reinhold:

“Basic Doctrines and Concepts of Reinhold Niebuhr’s Political Thought, The,” (Dennis L. Thompson), 17: 275-300.

“Christian Realism and ‘The Bomb’: Reinhold Niebuhr on the Dilemmas of the Nuclear Age,” (Robert E. Williams), 28: 289-304.
“Post-Niebuhrian Political Theology: A Book Review Article,” (John H. Hallowell), 18: 537-44.
“Presumption Against War or Presumption Against Injustice? The Just War Tradition Reconsidered,” (J. Daryl Charles), 47: 335-69.
“Reinhold Niebuhr and The Christian Century: World War II and the Eclipse of the Social Gospel,” (Gary B. Bullert), 44: 271-90.

“Where Have All the Niebuhrs Gone? Evangelicals and the Marginalization of Religious Influence in American Public Life,” (Dean C. Curry), 36: 97-114.


“Church-State Involvement in Educational Development in Nigeria, 1842-1948,” (Lawrence E. Amadi), 19: 481-96.

“Recent Theories of Religion and Politics in Nigeria,” (Simeon O. Ilesanmi), 37: 309-48.
Nonconventional Religions:

“Negligence, Coercion, and the Protection of Religious Belief,” (Dick Anthony and Thomas Robbins), 37: 509-36.

“Political Ideas of the New Age Movement, The,” (Richard Kyle), 37: 831-48.
North Korea:

“Fresh Wineskins for New Wine: A New Perspective on North Korean Christianity,” (Dae Young Ryu), 48: 601-22.

Northern Rhodesia:

See Zambia


“Development of Religious Freedom in Norway, The,” (Frederick Hale), 23: 47-68.

“Norwegian Free Churches and Religious Liberty: A History,” (Peder A. Eidberg), 37: 869-84.
Nuclear Age:

“Christian Realism and ‘The Bomb’: Reinhold Niebuhr on the Dilemmas of the Nuclear Age,” (Robert E. Williams), 28: 289-304.

Nuclear Arms Race:

“Norwegian Free Churches and Religious Liberty: A History,” (Peder A. Eidberg), 37: 869-84.

“Nuclear Arms Race and the Churches, The,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 25: 219-30.
Nuclear Weapons:

“Responses Within the Anglican Church to Nuclear Weapons: 1945-1961,” (Dianne Kirby), 37: 599-622.

Old School Presbyterian Church:

“1861 Spring Resolutions, The: Charles Hodge, the American Union, and the Dissolution of the Old School Church,” (John Halsey Wood, Jr.), 47: 371-87.

Order of Salvation (Ordo Salutis):

“Political Order in Ordo Salutis: A Wesleyan Theory of Political Institutions,” (Theodore R. Weber), 37: 537-54.

Oregon Employment Division v. Smith:

“Abridging the Free Exercise Clause,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 32: 741-52.

“Clergy Malpractice after Oregon v. Smith,” (Robert Prevost), 34: 279-301.
“Religious Freedom and the Oregon v. Smith and Hialeah Cases,” (Robert F. Drinan, S.J. and Jennifer I. Huffman), 35:19-35.
Organic Act (LOCE):

“Religious Education in the Spanish School System,” (Alex Seglars Gomez-Quintero), 46: 561-73.

Organized Religion:

“Organized Religion and the Supreme Court,” (Gregg Ivers), 32: 775-93.

Ortega, Jesus Gonzalez:

“Jesus Gonzalez Ortega: Anticlericalist,” (Ivie E. Cadenhead, Jr.), 12: 107-20.

Orthodox Christianity:

“Archbishop Randall Davidson, Russian Famine Relief, and the Fate of the Orthodox Clergy, 1917-1923,” (Charles F. Edmondson and R. Barry Levis), 40: 619-37.

“Between Moscow and Rome: Struggle for the Greek Catholic Patriarchate in Ukraine,” (Serhii Plokhy), 37: 849-67.

“Orthodox Churches on Church-State Relations and Religious Liberty, The,” (John S. Romanides), 6: 178-89.

“Religion, State, and Society in the New Kyrgyzstan,” (John Anderson), 41: 99-116.
“Renovationist Movement in the Orthodox Church in the Light of Archival Documents, The,” (Dimitry Pospielovsky), 39: 85-105.

“Russian Orthodox Church and the Future of Russia, The,” (Derek H. Davis), 44: 657-70.

“Russian Orthodox Church and the Soviet State, 1946-1956: A Decade of the New Orthodoxy,” (Edward M. Bennett), 7: 425-39.
“Teaching Christian Ethics in Russian Public Schools: The Testing of Russia’s Church-State Boundaries,” (Perry Glanzer), 41: 285-306.

“Orthodoxy and Democracy,” (James H. Billington), 49: 19-26.

“Orthodoxy and Public Education in the Russian Federation: The First Fifteen Years,” (John D. Basil), 49: 27-52.

“Russian Orthodox Church and Political Party Platforms, The,” (Irina Papkova), 49: 117-34.

“Russia’s 1997 Law on Freedom of Conscience in Context and Retrospect,” (Wallace L. Daniel and Christopher Marsh), 49: 5-17.
Ossevatore Romano:

Osservatore Romano and Fascism: The Beginning of a New Era in Church-State Relations, October 1922-July 1923,” (Albert C. O’Brien), 13: 445-64.

Ottoman Empire:

“A Political History of Bektashism from Ottoman Anatolia to Contemporary Turkey,” (Albert Doja), 48: 423-50.


“From Religious Outsiders to Insiders: The Rise and Fall of Pacifism in the Churches of Christ,” (Michael W. Casey), 44: 455-75.

“Pacifists, Peace Democrats, and the Politics of Perfection in the Civil War Era,” (Thomas F. Curran), 38: 487-505.

“Religion, Reaction, and Revolt in Northern Ireland: The Impact of Paisleyism in Ulster,” (Tom Gallagher), 23: 423-44.


“September 11 Tragedy and the Muslim World: Living with Memory and Myth, The,” (Mahmood Monshipouri), 45: 15-40.


After Arafat: Mapping a Jewish/Palestinian Solidarity,” (Marc H. Ellis), 47: 5-18.

“Between Restoration and Liberation: Theopolitical Contributions and Responses to U.S. Foreign Policy in Israel/Palestine,” (Robert O. Smith) 46: 833-60.
“Destabilizing the Middle East: U.S. Policy toward Palestine, 1945-1949,” (Jason Kendall Moore), 43: 115-34.
“Destruction and Desecration of Sacred Sites during Wars and Conflicts: A Neglected Travesty,” (Derek H. Davis), 44: 417-24.
“House Divided, A: Grassroots National Religious Perspectives on the Gaza Disengagement and Future of the West Bank,” (Ephraim Tabory and Theodore Sasson), 49: 423-43.
“Imagining Judaism and Jewish Life on the Threshold of the Twenty-first Century: A Commentary on the Wye Memorandum,” (Marc H. Ellis), 41: 5-12.
“Indigenous Minority Rights, Citizenship, and the New Jerusalem: A Reflection on the Future of Palestinians and Jews in the Expanded State of Israel,” (Marc Ellis), 42: 297-310.
“On the Advantage and Disadvantage of Truth Commissions for Life: Dreaming an Israeli-Palestinian Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” (Ariel Meyerstein), 45: 457-84.
“Rabbis and Rulings: Insubordination in the Military and Israeli Democracy,” (Etta Bick), 49: 305-27.
“September 11 Tragedy and the Muslim World: Living with Memory and Myth, The,” (Mahmood Monshipouri), 45: 15-40.
“State and Religion in the Emerging Palestinian Entity,” (Raphael Israeli), 44: 229-48.

“Palladism and the Papacy: An Episode of French Anticlericalism in the Nineteenth Century,” (W.R. Jones), 12: 453-74.

Palmer, Benjamin M.:

“A Civic Theology for the South: The Case of Benjamin M. Palmer,” (Richard T. Hughes), 25: 447-68.

Papacy, The:

“Palladism and the Papacy: An Episode of French Anticlericalism in the Nineteenth Century,” (W.R. Jones), 12: 453-74.


“Dictatorship and the Church: Doctor Francia in Paraguay,” (John Hoyt Williams), 15: 419-36.

Parental Rights:

“Parental Religious Freedom, the Rights of Children, and the Role of the State,” (Maureen D. Manion), 33: 77-92.


“Lord Baltimore, Parliament, and Cromwell: A Problem of Church and State in Seventeenth-Century England,” (James W. Vardaman), 4: 31-46.

“Parliament, the East India Company, and the Calcutta Bishopric,” (Fred D. Schneider), 16: 51-72.

“Parochiaid and the Abortion Decisions: Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. v. U.S. Catholic Hierarchy,” (Samuel A. Mills), 34: 739-61.

Patriarchal Movement,Ukraine:

“Between Moscow and Rome: Struggle for the Greek Catholic Patriarchate in Ukraine,” (Serhii Plokhy), 37: 849-67.

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