50 year index for the Journal of Church and State

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Patriot Act, USA:

“The Dark Side to a Just War: The USA PATRIOT Act and Counterterrorism’s Potential Threat to Religious Freedom,” (Derek H. Davis), 44: 5-17.


“Peace, Pastors, and Politics: Tactics of Resistance in East Germany,” (Brendan R. Ozawa-De Silva), 47: 503-30.

“Respect for Conscience: Foundation for Peace,” (Pope John Paul II), 33: 416-25.
“Respecting Religious Differences: The Missing Ingredient in Creating a Peaceful World Order,” (Derek H. Davis), 47: 221-34.
Peace Activists:

“Public Opinion for Peace: Tactics of Peace Activists at the Washington Conference on Naval Armament (1921-1922),” (Neil Earle), 40: 149-69.

Peace Democrats:

“Pacifists, Peace Democrats, and the Politics of Perfection in the Civil War Era,” (Thomas F. Curran), 38: 487-505.


U.S. Supreme Court Decision: County of Allegheny v. American Civil Liberties Union, et al., 31: 644-83.

Penn, William:

“Theological Sources of William Penn’s Concept of Religious Toleration,” (Kenneth R. Morris), 35: 83-111.

“American Influence on Russian Religion: The Case of the Pentecostals,” (William C. Fletcher), 20: 215-32.
Persecution, Religious:

“Church-State Philanthropy: English Charity Briefs and the Relief of Persecuted Continental Protestants,” (Thomas L. Auffenberg), 21: 287-304.

Persian Texts:

“Russian Imperialism and Jihad: Early 19th-Century Persian Texts on Just War,” (Cyrus Masroori), 46: 263-79.


“Catholic Responses to the Crisis of Everyday Life in Lima, Peru,” (Philip J. Williams and Vilma Fuentes), 42: 89-114.

“Church and State in Colonial Peru: The Bishop of Cuzco and the Túpac Amaru Rebellion of 1780,” (Leon G. Campbell), 22: 251-70.
“Civil-Ecclesiastical Relations in Hapsburg Peru,” (Margaret E. Crahan), 20: 93-112.
“Clerical Politics in Eighteenth Century Peru: The Trial of José de Antequera,” (James S. Saeger), 17: 81-96.

“Implications of Court Decisions on Peyote for the Users of LSD,” (Benjamin F. Simmons), 11: 83-92.

Peyton, Patrick, CSC:

“Anti-Communism, Patrick Peyton, CSC and the C.I.A.,” (Richard Gribble, CSC), 45: 535-58.

Pfeffer, Leo:

“Leo Pfeffer and the American Church-State Debate: A Confrontation with Catholicism,” (Joseph R. Preville), 33: 37-54.

“Tribute to Leo Pfeffer (1909-1993), A,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 35: 605-06.

“Church-State Philanthropy: English Charity Briefs and the Relief of Persecuted Continental Protestants,” (Thomas L. Auffenberg), 21: 287-304.


“Quezon and the Rule of Law in the Philippines,” (Orlando M. Hernando), 5: 214-232.

“William Howard Taft and the Separation of Church and State in the Philippines,” (Frank T. Reuter), 24: 105-18.
Pius XI, Pope:

“Between Anti-Judaism and Anti-Semitism, Pius XI’s Response to the Nazi Persecution of the Jews: Precursor to Pius XII’s ‘Silence’?” (Frank J. Coppa), 47: 63-90.

“Pope Pius XI’s ‘Encyclical’ Humani Generis Unitas Against Racism and Anti-Semitism and the ‘Silence’ of Pope Pius XII,” (Frank J. Coppa), 40: 775-95.
Pius XII, Pope:

“Between Anti-Judaism and Anti-Semitism, Pius XI’s Response to the Nazi Persecution of the Jews: Precursor to Pius XII’s ‘Silence’?” (Frank J. Coppa), 47: 63-90.

“Pope Pius XI’s ‘Encyclical’ Humani Generis Unitas Against Racism and Anti-Semitism and the ‘Silence’ of Pope Pius XII,” (Frank J. Coppa), 40: 775-95.
“Silence of Pius XII, The,” (Ethel Mary Tinnemann, S.N.J.M.), 21: 265-86.

“In Pursuit of a Politics of Holiness: Reconciling Hellenic and Hebraic Political Wisdom in the Acts of the Apostles,” (Vladimir Wozniuk), 45: 283-304.

Pledge of Allegiance:

“Alternative Viewpoints about Biological Origins as Taught in Public Schools,” (Casey Luskin), 47: 583-617.

“Character Education in America’s Public Schools,” (Derek H. Davis), 48: 5-14.
“Conditional Liberty: The Flag Salute Before Gobitis and Barnette,” (Jennifer Jacobs Henderson), 47: 747-67.
“Incontrovertible Ontological Pact of God: Newdow, State Education, and the Status of God, The,” (Steven R. Loomis and Jake Rodriquez), 46: 115-32.
“‘One Nation, Under God’: Tolerable Acknowledgement of Religion or Unconstitutional Cold War Propaganda Cloaked in American Civil Religion?” (Matthew C. Cloud), 46: 311-40.
“Pledge of Allegiance and American Values, The,” (Derek H. Davis), 45: 657-68.
“Under God and Anti-Communist: How the Pledge of Allegiance Got Religion in Cold War America,” (Lee Canipe), 45: 305-23.

“Double Bind of the Protestant Reformation: The Birth of Fundamentalism and the Necessity of Pluralism, The,” (Robert Glenn Howard), 47: 91-108.

“Religion and Politics Under the Putin Administration: Accommodation and Confrontation within ‘Managed Pluralism,’” (James W. Warhola), 49: 75-95.
“Religious Liberty in a Pluralistic Society,” (Franklin H. Littell), 8: 430-44.
“Religious Pluralism and Religious Freedom,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 31: 7-14.
“Respecting Religious Differences: The Missing Ingredient in Creating a Peaceful World Order,” (Derek H. Davis), 47: 221-34.

“Two Types of Pluralism and the Catholic Church Scandal,” (Emile Lester), 47: 309-34.

“United States as a Pluralistic Society, The,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 8: 333-43.
“Wisdom of Serpents: Why Religious Groups Use Secular Language, The,” (Michael E. Bailey), 44: 249-69.
Plymouth Colony:

“Well-Bounded Toleration: Church and State in the Plymouth Colony,” (J.M. Bumsted), 10: 265-79.

POAU (Protestants and Other Americans United for Separation of Church and State):

“POAU Position on Church-State Relations,” (C. Stanley Lowell and Herbert S. Southgate), 5: 41-60.


“Accommodation or Illusion? Vatican Diplomacy in Eastern Europe, with Special Reference to Poland,” (Louis L. Ortmayer), 20: 233-56.

“Catholic Church and the Polish State, 1935-1939, The,” (Edward D. Wynot, Jr.), 15: 223-40.
“New Turn in Church-State Relations in Poland, The,” (Thomas E. Bird and Mieczyslaw Maneli), 24: 29-52.
“Polish Secret Police and the Popieluszko Case, The,” (J.A. Emerson Vermaat), 28: 249-68.
“Prisoner of History: The Eastern Orthodox Church in Poland,” (Edward D. Wynot, Jr.), 39: 319-38.
Political Obligation:

“James F. Childress on Political Obligation: A Book Review Article,” (E.M. Adams), 15: 111-20.

Political Theology:

“Post-Niebuhrian Political Theology: A Book Review Article,” (John H. Hallowell), 18: 537-44.

Political Theory:

“Jewry’s Prophetic Challenge to Soviet and Other Totalitarian Regimes According to Hans J. Morgenthau,” (Mollov M. Benjamin), 39: 561-75.

“Law, Morals, and Civil Religion in America,” (Derek H. Davis), 39: 411-25.
“Wisdom of Solomon as Political Theology, The,” (Vladimir Wozniuk), 39: 357-80.
Politics, U.S.:

“Adopting ‘In God We Trust’ as the U.S. National Motto,” (Louis Fisher and Nada Mourtada-Sabbah), 44: 671-92.

“Attempts of Grassroots Religious Groups to Change U.S. Policy Towards Central America: Their Methods, Successes, and Failures, The,” (Edward T. Brett), 36: 773-94.

“Beyond Self-Interest: The Political Theory and Practice of Evangelical Women in Antebellum America,” (Mark David Hall), 44: 477-99.

“Churches and States: The Politics of Accommodation,” (Maureen O. Manion), 44: 317-43.
“Destabilizing the Middle East: U.S. Policy toward Palestine, 1945-1949,” (Jason Kendall Moore), 43: 115-34.
“Faith and the Founding: The Influence of Religion on the Politics of James Madison,” (Joe Loconte), 45: 699-715.
“Incoherent Neutrality: A Case for Eliminating Neutrality from Religion Clause Jurisprudence,” (David N. Cinotti), 45: 499-533.
“Other Radio Priest: James Gillis’ Opposition to Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Foreign Policy, The,” (Richard Gribble, CSC), 44: 501-19.
“Preserving the Moral Compass: House of Worship Speech Protection Act Is Defeated,” (Aaron Tyler), 45: 717-38.
“Senator Sam Ervin and School Prayer: Faith, Politics, and the Constitution,” (Karl E. Campbell), 45: 443-56.
“Taking the Public Out of Our Schools: The Political, Constitutional, and Civic Implications of Private School Vouchers,” (Erik Owens), 44: 717-47.
“Ten Commandments as Public Ritual, The,” (Derek H. Davis), 44: 221-28.
“Under God and Anti-Communist: How the Pledge of Allegiance Got Religion in Cold War America,” (Lee Canipe), 45: 305-23.
“When You Come to a Fork in the Road, Take It? Abortion, Personhood, and the Jurisprudence of Neutrality,” (Francis J. Beckwith), 45: 485-97.

“After the Manifesto: Modern Polygamy and Fundamentalist Mormons,” (Ken Driggs), 32: 367-90.

Pope John Paul II:

“Political Legacy of Pope John Paul II, The,” (Jo Renee Formicola), 47: 235-42.

Populist Movement:

“Prairie Radicals: A Common Pietism,” (Karel D. Bicha), 18: 79-95.


“Church and State in Portugal: Crises of Cross and Sword,” (Thomas C. Bruneau), 18: 463-90.


“Mexican Positivists and the Church-State Question, 1876-1911,” (Karl M. Schmitt), 8: 200-13.

“Positivism and Educational Reforms in Guatemala, 1871-1885,” (Hubert J. Miller), 8: 251-63.

“Thoughts on Religious Persecution Around the Globe,” (Derek H. Davis), 40: 279-87.


“Theology of Power, A,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 14: 107-24.


“Shades of ‘Pragmatism’ in Halakha: A Model for Legal Reform,” (Elliott Klayman), 48: 623-58.

Prairie Radicals:

“Prairie Radicals: A Common Pietism,” (Karel D. Bicha), 18: 79-95.

Presidency, U.S.:

“American Freedom and the Christian Faith,” (John W. Shepard, Jr.), 3: 16-32.

“Billy Graham and the U.S. Presidency,” (Richard V. Pierard), 22: 107-28.
“Catholic for President? John F. Kennedy and the ‘Secular’ Theology of the Houston Speech, 1960, A,” (Mark Massa, S.J.), 39: 297-317.
“‘God—and a Religious President … Or Jefferson and No God’: Campaigning for a Voter Imposed Religious Test in 1800,” (Frank Lambert), 39: 769-89.
“God and Nation in Selected U.S. Presidential Inaugural Addresses, 1789-1945: Part One,” (Charles V. LaFontaine, S.A.), 18: 39-60.
“God and Nation in Selected U.S. Presidential Inaugural Addresses, 1789-1945: Part Two,” (Charles V. LaFontaine, S.A.), 18: 503-22.
“Love, Power, and the Justice of the U.S. Presidential Pardons,” (Raymond F. Bulman), 20: 23-38.
“‘Myth of Origin,’ Civil Religion and Presidential Politics,” (Raymond F. Bulman), 33: 525-40.
“Presidency and the Roman Catholic Church, The,” (Robert A. Baker), 2: 112-116.
“President as Republican Prophet and King: Clerical Reflections on the Death of Washington, The,” (James H. Smylie), 18: 233-52.
“Religion and the U.S. Presidency,” (Paul F. Boller, Jr.), 21: 5-22.
“Religion and the U.S. Presidential Election of 1992,” (James E. Wood, Jr.), 34: 709-16.

“Religion of a President,” (Merlin Gustafson), 10: 389-88.

“Roman Catholic President in the American Schema, A,” (Richard C. C. Kim), 3: 33-40.
Presidential Election:

“Barry Goldwater and the 1964 Religious Issue,” (Seymour P. Lachman), 10: 389-404.

“Presidential Election Campaigns of 1928 and 1960: A Comparison of The Christian Century and America, The,” (John W. Hattery), 9: 36-50.
Presidential Pardons:

“Love, Power, and the Justice of the U.S. Presidential Pardons,” (Raymond F. Bulman), 20: 23-38.

Prince, Thomas:

“Thomas Prince and New England History,” (Elliott West), 16: 435-52.


“Effect of O’Lone v. Estate of Shabazz on the Free Exercise Rights of Prisoners, The,” (Shelly S. Rachanow), 40: 125-48.

“Religion in Prison: Balancing the Free Exercise, No Establishment, and Equal Protection Clauses,” (Barbara B. Knight), 26: 437-54.
Privacy, Right of:

“Old Wine in New Bottles? The Right of Privacy and Future School Prayer Cases,” (Angela Roddey Holder), 12: 289-308.

Privatization of Religion:

“Recent Theories of Religion and Politics in Nigeria,” (Simeon O. Ilesanmi), 37: 309-48.


“Abortion and Religious Freedom: The Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights (RCAR) and the Pro-Choice Movement, 1973-1989,” (Samuel A. Mills), 33: 569-96.


“Evangelicalism and Church-State Partnerships,” (Ronald J. Sider and Heidi Rolland Unruh), 43: 267-98.

“Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Empire of the Sun: A Clash of Faith and Religion During World War II,” (Carolyn R. Wah), 44: 45-72.
“Persecution of West Virginia Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Expansion of Legal Protection for Religious Liberty, The,” (Chuck Smith), 43: 539-77.
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Inc. v. Village of Stratton (U.S. Supreme Court), 44: 867-75.
Protestant Reformation:

“Double Bind of the Protestant Reformation: The Birth of Fundamentalism and the Necessity of Pluralism, The,” (Robert Glenn Howard), 47: 91-108.

Protestant Theological Faculties:

“Politics of Appointments to Protestant Theological Faculties in Germany: The Case of Professor Erich Geldbach, The,” (Charles C. McDaniel and Richard V. Pierard), 46: 55-82.


“1861 Spring Resolutions, The: Charles Hodge, the American Union, and the Dissolution of the Old School Church,” (John Halsey Wood, Jr.), 47: 371-87.

“America’s ‘Forsaken Roots’: The Use and Abuse of Founders’ Quotations,” (Derek H. Davis and Matthew McMearty), 47: 449-72.
“Anticlericalism, Protestantism, and the English Reformation,” (William W. MacDonald), 15: 21-32.
“’Begin to grow rude and clamorous’: English Politics and the Battle over Church Architecture, 1714-1760,” (R. Barry Levis), 47: 841-60.
“Beyond Self-Interest: The Political Theory and Practice of Evangelical Women in Antebellum America,” (Mark David Hall), 44: 477-99.
“Christianity Today and American Public Life: A Case Study,” (Mark G. Toulouse), 35: 241-84.
“Churches and Rapid Social Change: Protestants and Catholics in Brazil, The,” (Iêda Siqueira Wiarda and Howard J. Wiarda), 12: 13-40.
“Church-State Philanthropy: English Charity Briefs and the Relief of Persecuted Continental Protestants,” (Thomas L. Auffenberg), 21: 287-304.
“Double Bind of the Protestant Reformation: The Birth of Fundamentalism and the Necessity of Pluralism, The,” (Robert Glenn Howard), 47: 91-108.
“Engaging Third Parties: Canadian Church Unionists and their Opponents in the Secular Forum,” (Douglas F. Campbell), 33: 75-94.
“From Confrontation to Conciliation: Church-State Relations in Mexico, 1867-1884,” (Don M. Coerver), 32: 65-80.
“From Habermas to Barth and Back Again,”(Timothy Stanley), 48: 101-26.
“Governance and the Religious Question: Voluntaryism, Disestablishment, and America’s Church-State Proposition,” (Carl H. Esbeck), 48: 303-26.
“Government Relations with Faith-Based Non-Profit Social Agencies in Alberta,” (John L. Hiemstra), 44: 19-44.
“I Had a Different Way of Governing”: The Living Faith of President Carter,” (D. Jason Berggren), 47: 43-61.
“Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Request for Recognition as a Corporation under Public Law in Germany: Background, Current Status, and Empirical Aspects,” (Gerhard Besier and Renate-Maria Besier), 43: 35-48.
“John Wesley, the Establishment of Religion, and the Separation of Church and State,” (John C. English), 46: 83-97.
“Inter-Confessional Dialogue: A Review Article, The,” (William A. Mueller), 5: 233-42.
“Mr. Jefferson, a Mammoth Cheese, and the ‘Wall of Separation Between Church and State’: A Bicentennial Commemoration,” (Daniel L. Dreisbach), 43: 725-45.
“North American Protestants and the Mexican Inquisition, 1765-1820,” (Richard E. Greenleaf), 8: 186-199.
“Participation of Religious Groups in Political Advocacy, The,” (Kent Greenawalt), 36: 143-60.
“Persecution of Thomas Emlyn, 1703-1705, The,” (William Gibson), 48: 525-39.
“Persecution of West Virginia Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Expansion of Legal Protection for Religious Liberty, The,” (Chuck Smith), 43: 539-77.
“POAU Position on Church-State Relations,” (C. Stanley Lowell and Herbert S. Southgate), 5: 41-60.
“Political Dependence and Religious Policy: Protestants and the State in Pre-Revolutionary Nicaragua (1937-1979),” (Jean Daudelin), 34: 229-58.
“Political Role of German Protestantism, 1870-1990, The,” (John S. Conway), 34: 807-30.
“Politics of Appointments to Protestant Theological Faculties in Germany: The Case of Professor Erich Geldbach, The,” (Charles C. McDaniel and Richard V. Pierard), 46: 55-82.
“Politics of Protestant Fundamentalism in the 1950s and 1960s, The,” (Wareen L. Vinz), 14: 235-60.
“Preserving the Moral Compass: House of Worship Speech Protection Act Is Defeated,” (Aaron Tyler), 45: 717-38.
“Presumption Against War or Presumption Against Injustice? The Just War Tradition Reconsidered,” (J. Daryl Charles), 47: 335-69.
“Problems of Protestantism in Ecuador, 1866-1873,” (Robert L. Gold), 12: 59-78.
“Protestant-Catholic Relations in Costa Rica,” (Richard L. Millett), 12: 41-58.
“Protestant Churches and Religious Freedom in Latin America,” (W. Stanley Rycroft), 8: 264-73.
“Protestant Role in Twentieth Century Latin American Church-State Relations, The,” (Richard Millett), 15: 367-80.
“Protestant Social Thought and the Nazi State, 1933-1937,” (Kenneth C. Barnes), 29: 47-63.
“Protestant Support for the Political Right in Weimar Germany and Post-Watergate America: Some Comparative Observations,” (Richard V. Pierard), 24: 245-62.
“Protestants and Proselytization During the Second French Empire,” (Natalie Isser), 30: 51-70.
“Protestantism and Contemporary French Education Laws,” (Robert M. Healey), 10: 29-36.
“Protestantism in Mexico: Contemporary Contextual Developments,” (Allan Metz), 36: 57-78.
“Reinhold Niebuhr and The Christian Century: World War II and the Eclipse of the Social Gospel,” (Gary B. Bullert), 44: 271-90.
“Religious Geography of Religious Expression, The: Local Governments, Courts, and the First Amendment,” (John C. Blakeman), 48: 399-422.
“Reports of British Diplomats Concerning the Status of Protestantism in Latin America in 1851,” (Wilkins B. Winn), 10: 437-44.
“Senator Sam Ervin and School Prayer: Faith, Politics, and the Constitution,” (Karl E. Campbell), 45: 443-56.
“Slavery, Secession, and Southern Protestant Shifts on the Authority of the State,” (R. Drew Smith), 36: 261-76.
“‘Stasi’ and the Churches: Between Coercion and Compromise in East German Protestantism, 1949-89, The,” (John S. Conway), 36: 725-45.
“Sunday Newspapers and Lived Religion in Late Nineteenth-Century America,” (Jeffrey A. Smith), 48: 127-52.
“Thinking Historically about Diversity: Religion, the Enlightenment, and the Construction of Civic Culture in Early America,” (Christopher Grenda), 48: 567-600.
“Under God and Anti-Communist: How the Pledge of Allegiance Got Religion in Cold War America,” (Lee Canipe), 45: 305-23.
“Unrealistic Expectations: Contesting the Usefulness of Weber’s Protestant Ethic for the Study of Latin American Protestantism,” (H. B. Cavalcanti), 37: 289-308.
Protestantism, Eastern European:

“Truth Telling in Eastern Europe: The Liberation and the Burden,” (Walter Sawatsky), 33: 701-29.

Protestantism, German:

“The Church Withdrawal Movement in Germany,” (Niles Holt), 32: 37-48.

Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph:

“Proudhon and Kropotkin on Church and State,” (William O. Reichert), 9: 87-100.

Provoost, Samuel:

“From Duché to Provoost: The Birth of the Inaugural Prayer,” (Martin J. Medhurst), 24: 573-88.


“Comparative Study of Prussian and Anglican Church-State Reform in the Nineteenth Century, A,” (Gwendolyn E. Jensen), 23: 445-64.

“Frederick William III, the Quakers, and the Problem of Conscientious Objectors in Prussia,” (Lawrence J. Baack), 20: 305-314.
“Reform in the Prussian Evangelical Church and the Concept of the Landesherr,” (Douglass W. Hatfield), 24: 553-72.
Public Education (Russia):

“Orthodoxy and Public Education in the Russian Federation: The First Fifteen Years,” (John D. Basil), 49: 27-52.

Public Opinion:

“American Public Opinion in the 1960s on Two Church-State Issues,” (William C. Adams), 17: 477-94.

Public Policy:

“The Collision of Public Policy with Belief-Based Values,” (Patricia McIntyre), 35: 831-57.


“Congregation, Magistrate, and King: A Puritan Pattern for the Church of England,” (Charles E. Jones), 6: 287-95.

“Enduring Legacy of Roger Williams: Consulting America’s First Separationist on Today’s Pressing Church-State Controversies, The,” (Derek H. Davis), 41: 201-12.
“Henry Burton: The Making of a Puritan Revolutionary,” (Richard T. Hughes), 16: 421-34.
“Ideology of Richard Mather and Its Relationship to English Puritanism Prior to 1660, The,” (B. Richard Burg), 9: 364-77.
“John Witherspoon and the ‘Public Interest of Religion,’” (Jeffry Hays Morrison), 41: 551-73.
“Roger Williams and Select Theological Notions That Inform the Separation Argument,” (Jimmy D. Neff), 38: 529-46.
Putin, Vladimir:

“Religion and Politics Under the Putin Administration: Accommodation and Confrontation within ‘Managed Pluralism,’” (James W. Warhola), 49: 75-95.


“Frederick William III, the Quakers, and the Problem of Conscientious Objectors in Prussia,” (Lawrence J. Baack), 20: 305-14.

“‘Other’ Civil Religion and the Tradition of Radical Quaker Politics, The,” (Stephen A. Kent and James V. Spickard), 36: 373-87.
“Theological Sources of William Penn’s Concept of Religious Toleration,” (Kenneth R. Morris), 35: 83-111.
Quality of Life:

“Spiritual Well-Being and the Quality of Life Movement: A New Arena for Church-State Debate?” (David O. Moberg), 20: 427-50.


“Quezon and the Rule of Law in the Philippines,” (Orlando M. Hernando), 5: 214-32.

Rabbinical Courts:

“Rabbinical Courts in Israel: Jurisdiction over Non-Jews?, The,” (Menashe Shava), 27: 99-112.

Rabbis (Zionist):

“Fundamentalism in Crisis—The Response of the Gush Emunim Rabbinical Authorities to the Theological Dilemmas Raised by Israel’s Disengagement Plan,” (Motti Inbari), 49: 697-717.

“House Divided, A: Grassroots National Religious Perspectives on the Gaza Disengagement and Future of the West Bank,” (Ephraim Tabory and Theodore Sasson), 49: 423-43.
“Rabbis and Rulings: Insubordination in the Military and Israeli Democracy,” (Etta Bick), 49: 305-27.

“Bonhoeffer, Racism, and a Communal Model for Healing,” (Mark Ellingsen), 43: 235-50.

“Religion and Racism: The Case of French Anti-Semitism,” (Alan T. Davies), 20: 273-86.
Ramsey, Paul:

“The Via Media of Paul Ramsey’s Political Ethics,” (Michael McKenzie), 41: 13-32.

Rawls, John:

“Rawls and the Challenge of Theocracy to Freedom,” (Robert B. Thigpen and Lyle A. Downing), 40: 757-73.

“Thinking Historically about Diversity: Religion, the Enlightenment, and the Construction of Civic Culture in Early America,” (Christopher Grenda), 48: 567-600.
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