Evagrius on Psalms

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13. ku/rie w(j o(/pl% eu)doki/aj e)stefa/nwsaj h(ma=j,

12. h( gnw=sij ou)=n tou= qeou=, $(= me\n a)mu/netai tou\j polemi/ouj, o(/plon e)sti\n eu)doki/aj: ei) de\ basileu/ein poiei= tina tw=n paqw=n, ste/fanoj o)noma/zetai. te/mnetai de\ h( gnw=sij h( tou= Qeou= ei)j du/o, ei)j pra=cin kai\ qewri/an: kai\ th=j me\n pra/cewj to\ o(/plon th=j eu)doki/aj e)sti\, th=j de\ qewri/aj o( ste/fanoj. teth/rhtai de\ kai\ h( ta/cij: pro\ ga\r tou= stefa/nou to\ o(/plon, e)peidh\ kai\ pro\ th=j qewri/aj h)\ pra=cij. [cf PG 12.1173 ]

13. As with a shield of favor you have crowned us.

12. So as regards the knowledge of God: if it wards off enemies, it is a shield of favor; if it achieves ruling over some of the passions, it is called a crown. And the knowledge of God is divided into two [parts], practice and contemplation. To practice belongs the shield of favor, while of contemplation is the crown. This ordering has been preserved: for before the crown [comes] the shield, and also before contemplation [comes] practice.




2-3. ku/rie, mh\ t%= qum%= sou e)le/gcvj me.

1. Qumo/j e)stin o(rmh\ e)piqumi/aj h(me/rou yuxh=j, kat' e)coxh\n a)mu/nhj. [= P 2-3(1)]

[Strom. 5.5.27-28). qumo\j ga\r eu(ri¿sketai o(rmh\ e)piqumi¿aj h(me/rou yuxh=j kat' e)coxh\n a)mu/nhj e)fetiko\j a)lo/gwj.]

2-3. O Lord, do not rebuke me in your indignation

1. 1. Indignation is an impulse of desire in the civilized soul rising up in defense.

Adapted from Clem.Alex: “wrath is the impulse of concupiscence in a mild soul, prominently seeking irrational revenge” (Strom. 5.5.27-28).

6. o(/ti ou)k e)/stin e)n t%= qana/t% o( mnhmoneu/wn sou

2. pa=j o( mnhmoneu/wn th=j zwh=j th=j ei)pou/shj «)Egw/ ei)mi h( zwh\,» ou)k e)/stin e)n t%= qana/t%. [cf PG 12.1176 ]

6. For there is none in death remembering you.

2. Everyone who remembers the life Who says, “I am the life” (Jn 11:25; 14:6) – is not in death.

7. lou/sw kaq' e(ka/sthn nu/kta th\n kli/nhn mou, e)n da/krusi¿n mou th\n strwmnh/n mou bre/cw.

3. Protreptiko\n pro\j to\ dakru/ein e)n nukti\ proseuxome/non. [= P 7]

7. I will wash my bed every night; with my tears I will water my bed.

3. An instruction concerning tears for one who prays at night. [=Ant 6.1]

8(1) e)tara/xqh a)po\ qumou= o( o)fqalmo/j mou

4. Ou)de\n ou(/tw tufloi= nou=n w(j qumo\j tarasso/menoj. [= PG 12.1176 ]

8(1) My eye is disturbed from indignation

4. Nothing can blind the nous as much as disturbing indignation.

Ant 2.23

9(1) a)po/sthte a)p' e)mou=, pa/ntej oi( e)rgazo/menoi th\n a)nomi/an,

5. daimo/nwn to\ dia\panto\j th\n a)nomi/an e)rga/zesqai: a)nqrw/pwn de\ to\ mh\ dia\panto/j, a)gge/lwn to\ mh/te dia\panto/j mh/te mh\ dia\panto/j, o(/per e)sti\ ou)de/pote. [cf. PG 12.1176 ]

9(1). Depart from me, all you who work lawlessness.

5. By means of demons lawlessness is always brought about; by men. not always; and by angels not only “not always”, but absolutely not always, which is to say never. [=Ant 2.23]

11. ai)sxunqei/hsan kai\ taraxqei/hsan sfo/dra pa/ntej oi( e)xqroi/ mou

6. (H ai)sxu/nh ei)j sunai/sqhsin a)/gei to\n a(marta/nonta. [= PG 12.1176 ]

11. Let all my enemies be ashamed and greatly troubled.

6. Shame brings the sinner to his senses.




0(0) [[Ku/rie o( qeo/j mou, e)piì soiì hÃlpisa: sw½so/n me e)k pa/ntwn tw½n diwko/ntwn me kaiì r(u=sai¿ me]]

1. Pro\j a)mnhsikaki¿an a)nagkai=on to\ r(hto/n tou=to. [cf PG 12, 1177-1180]

0(0) Lord my God in you have I hoped; save me from all who persecute me, and deliver me.

[Rondeau has no certain text which is being commented].

1. This phrase is useful for forgetfulness of injury.

5. ei¹ a)ntape/dwka toiÍj a)ntapodidou=si¿ moi kaka\, a)pope/soimi aÃra a)po\ tw½n e)xqrw½n mou keno\j.

2. keno/j e)stin o( mh\ duna/menoj ei)pei=n to\ « e)k tou= plhrw¯matoj au)tou= h(meiÍj pa/ntej e)la/bomen kai\ xa/rin a)nti\ xa/ritoj.» dio/per kai\ oi( toiou=toi kaiì « ka/lamoi » le/gontai tre/fontej e)n e(autoiÍj ta\ qhri¿a: « e)piti¿mhson » ga/r, fhsi/ toiÍj qhri¿oij tou= kala/mou. » kaiì, « o( dia/boloj » fhsiìn o( ¹IwÜb \ « para\ pantodapa\ de/ndra koima=tai, para\ pa/puron kaiì bou/tomon, kaiì ka/lamon:» au)to\j ga/r basileu\j e)sti pa/ntwn tw½n e)n toiÍj uÀdasin. [cf PG 12.1180]

5 if I have given evil to those who gave to me, then let me perish empty through my enemies.

2. Empty is one who is not able to say, “and from his fulness we have all received, grace upon grace.” (Jn 1:16) Therefore this sort are also said to be “reeds nourishing within themselves wild beasts,” concerning which it is said: “Rebuke the beasts of the reeds;” (Ps 67:31) and Job says: “The devil beneath every kind of tree, among the papyrus and [in] the marsh and the reeds. For he is king of all those in the waters.” (Job 40:16)

6(3) kai\ th\n do/can mou ei)j xou=n kataskhnw/sai

3. xoi+ko\j a)ntiì e)pourani¿ou genoi¿mhn [= P 6]

6(3) and make my glory dwell in the dust.

3. may I become [as] dust before the heavenly [one].

6(3) u(yw¯qhti e)n toiÍj pe/rasi tw½n e)xqrw½n mou

4. « e)a\n u(ywqw½ pa/ntaj e(lku/sw pro\j e)mauto/n,» fhsiì o( swth/r. [cf PG 12.1180-1131]

6(3) raise yourself against the fury of my ememies.

4. “When I am raised up I will draw all to myself,” (Jn 12:32) says the savior.

10 suntelesqh/tw dh\ ponhri¿a a(martwlw½n, kaiì kateuquneiÍj di¿kaion

5. e)a\n suntelesqv= h( ponhri¿a tw½n a(martwlw½n, o( di¿kaioj kateuqu/nei th\n o(do\n au(tou=, mhke/ti polemou/menoj u(p' au)tw½n. [= P 10]

10 May the wickedness of sinners be brought to an end, and you will direct the just..

5. If the wickedness of sinners were brought to an end the just would direct his way, no longer attacked by them.

KG 5.28

13(1) e)a\n mh\ e)pistrafh=te, th\n r(omfai¿an au)tou= stilbw¯sei

6. r(omfai¿a e)stiì nohth\ lo/goj pneumatiko\j xwri¿zwn yuxh\n a)po\ sw¯matoj hÄ kaki¿aj hÄ a)gnwsi¿aj. [= P 13]

13(1) If you will not be converted he will brandish his sword.

6. The intelligible sword is the noetic [inner] meaning separating soul from body, or from vice or ignorance. [see KG]

14(1) kaiì e)n au)t%½ h(toi¿mase skeu/h qana/tou

7. skeu/h qana/tou ei¹siìn a)ka/qarta lo/gia. [cf PG 12.1181]

v. 14 And in it he has prepared the instruments (or “vessels”) of death.

7. Instruments of death are unclean oracles (sayings).

7.2 ei) skeuh/ qana/tou e)sin ai( to\n qa/naton e)/xousai yuxai/, skeu/h zwh=j ei)sin ai( th\n zwh\n e)/xousai yuxai/: ou)/te ga\r kai\ Pau=loj skeu=oj e)klogh=j w)no/masen o( ku/rioj.

7 bis. If instruments of death are the souls welcoming death, instruments of life are the souls welcoming life: for the Lord called Paul “a chosen instrument.” (Ac 9:15)

14(2) ta\ be/lh au)tou= toiÍj kaiome/noij e)ceirga/sato

8. kaio/menoi¿ ei¹sin oi¸ ta\ pepurwme/na be/lh tou= diabo/lou dexo/menoi. [= P 14]

14(2) completing his arrows for the burning ones.

8. Burning ones are those who welcome the burning arrows of the devil.

15. i)dou\ w©di¿nhsen a)diki¿an, sune/labe po/non, kaiì eÃteken a)nomi¿an

9. dia\ tou=to e)/teken a)nomi¿an, e)peidh\ sune/laben po/non, kaiì w©di¿nhsen a)diki¿an. auÀth ga/r a)kolouqi¿a th=j fu/sewj. [cf PG 12.1181]

15. Behold, he has been in labor with injustice, has conceived trouble, and gave birth to iniquity.

9. Thus he gave birth to iniquity who has concieved trouble and has labored with injustice. For this is the consequence of nature.

17 e)pistre/fei o( po/noj au)tou= ei)j kefalh\n au)tou=, kaiì e)piì korufh\n au)tou= h( a)diki¿a au)tou= katabh/setai.

10. h( korufh\ nu=n to\n nou=n shmai¿nei, eiãper o( ste/fanoj tw=n xari/twn kata\ to\n Swlomw½nta, hÀtij h( sofi¿a, di/dotai tv= korufv=.

17 His trouble shall return on his own head, and upon the crown of his own [head] his iniquity shall descend.

10. The crown [of the head] signifies the nous, since the “diadem of graces”, which according to Solomon is “wisdom” is placed “on the crown [of the head]” (Prov. 1:9; 14:24),.




1 ei¹j to\ te/loj, u(pe\r tw½n lhnw½n: yalmo\j t%½ Daui¿+d

1. lhnoi¿ ei¹sin fu/seij logikaiì, tou\j e)k th=j pneumatikh=j a)mpe/lou karpou\j u(podeca/menai. [cf PG 12.1181] {52.12}

1 Unto the end, for the presses: a psalm of David.

1. Presses are reasoning natures which receive fruit from the spiritual vine.

3. e)k sto/matoj nhpi/wn kai\ qhlazo/ntwn kathrti/sw ai)=non e(/neka tw=n e)xqrw=n sou tou= katalu=sai e)xqro\n kai\ e)kdikhth/n.

2. Kolastiko\n kaiì timwrhtiko/n. [= P 8.1(2)]

3 Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants you have perfected praise, because of your enemies; that you might put down the enemy and avenger.

2. Inflictor of punishment and inflictor of penalty.

2b. w(j e)xqro\j me\n h(ma=j o (satana=j a(marta/nein katanagka/zei, w(j de\ e)kdikhth\j paradidome/nouj kola/zei, U(me/naion gou=n kai\ A)le/candron au)to\j blasfh/mouj a)pergasa/menoj pa/lin e)pai/deusen dia\ ta\j ei)j qeo\n blasfhmi/aj.

2b. Satan is like an enemy to us in coercing [us] to sin; but like an avenger in punishing betrayers. For he [Satan] induced the blasphemous“Hymnaeus and Alexander”, but also educated by their blasphemies against God. (1 Tim 1:20)

4. o(/ti oÃyomai tou\j ou)ranou\j eÃrga tw½n daktu/lwn sou, selh/nhn kaiì a)ste/raj, aÁ su\ e)qemeli¿wsaj

3. t%= mhde/pw qeasame/n% tou\j ou)ranou\j kai\ to\n h(/lion kai\ th\n selh/nhn e)/sti to\ le/gein « o(/ti oÃyomai tou\j ou)ranou/j.» h)\ to/te to\\ pra=gma safw½j e)pista/meqa oÀtan kaiì to\n lo/gon kaiì th\n ai¹ti¿an au)tou= ginw¯skomen. [cf PG 12.1184.44]

4. For I will regard the heavens, the work of your fingers, and the moon and stars which you have established.

3. To those who have not yet observed the heavens and the sun and the moon is said: For I will regard the heavens. We have comprehended this matter wisely when we understand both its logos (“meaning”) and its cause.




1. ei¹j to\ te/loj u(pe\r tw½n krufi¿wn tou= ui¸ou=

1. kru/fia/ e)sti gnw½sij a)po/r)r(htoj tw½n periì Xristou= musthri¿wn. [cf PG 12.1185.49]

1. Unto the end, concerning the hidden things of the son

1. Hidden is the ineffable knowledge of the mysteries concerning Christ, (cf. Col 2:2-3 ).

5[2] e)ka/qisaj e)piì qro/nou, o( kri¿nwn dikaiosu/nhn

2. qro/noj qeou= o( Xristo\j: qro/noj de\ Xristou= h( a)sw¯matoj fu/sij. [= PG 12.1187]

5. You have sat on the throne, who judge justice.

2. The throne of God is the Christ; but the throne of Christ is the incorporeal nature.

6[2] to\ oÃnoma au)tw½n e)ch/leiyaj ei)j to\n ai)w=na kai\ ei)j to\n ai)w=na tou= ai)w=noj:

3. ei¹ to\ oÃnoma e)ntau=qa th\n kakh\n shmai¿nei kata/stasin, e)ch/leiye de\ to\ oÃnoma tw=n a(martwlw=n o( ku/rioj, e)ch/leiyen aÃra th\n xeiri¿sthn au)tw=n kata/stasin. [= PG 12.1187-1189]

6. you obliterated their name unto the ages, and unto the ages of ages.

3. If the name mentioned here signifies the state of vice, and if the Lord obliterated the sinner’s name, he thus obliterated their worst state.

12. ya/late t%½ Kuri¿% t%½ katoikou=nti e)n SiwÜn

4. e)keiÍnoj ya/llei o( eÃxwn e)n e(aut%½ to\n Xristo/n.

12. Sing to the Lord, all who dwell in Zion.

4. He sings [psalms] who has the Christ within him.

14, o( u(yw½n me e)k tw½n pulw½n tou= qana/tou.

5. i(/na mh\ aiì pu/lai tou= #Àdou katisxu/swsin au)tou=, aiàtine/j ei¹sin ai¸ kaki¿ai kata/gousai ei¹j puqme/na #Àdou.

15. Who raises me from the gates of death

5. So that “the gates of Hades shall not prevail against him” (Mt 16:18), which are the vices that bring one down “to the depths of hell” (Prov.14:12).

17[1]. ginw¯sketai ku/rioj kri¿mata poiw½n.

6. e)/sti oÀte e)k tw½n krima/twn podhgou/menoj o( aÃnqrwpoj e)piginw¯skei to\n Ku/rion. [= Pitra 8.17]

17 The Lord is know as executing judgments

6. This is because it is from the judgments that a person is taught to recognize God.

KG 6.8

18(1) a)postrafh/twsan oi¸ a(martwloiì ei¹j to\n #Àdhn

7. w(sper o( para/deisoj tw½n dikai¿wn e)stiìn paideuth/rion, ouÀtwj o( #Àdhj tw½n a(martwlw½n e)sti kolasth/rion. (cf. PG 12.1189)

18. Let sinners be turned back into Hades.

7. Just as Paradise is the school of the just, so also hell is the house of correction for sinners.

18. pa/nta ta\ eÃqnh ta\ e)pilanqano/mena tou= Qeou=

8. ei¿ e)pela/qeto ta\ eÃqnh tou= Qeou, h)/dh pote\ ta\ e)/qnh to\n ku/rion:; h( ga\r lh/qh deute/ra gnw¯sewj: ou)kou=n e)nteu=qen safe\j kaiì to/: e)gwÜ e)fu/teusa/ se aÃmpelon karpofo/ron, pa=san a)lhqinh/n, pw½j e)stra/fh ei¹j pikri¿an h( aÃmpeloj h( a)llotri¿a; (cf. PG 12.1189)

18. all the nations that are forgetful of God

8. If the nations forget God, how much more do the nations forget the Lord: indeed [this is] the second forgetting of knowledge. And this is clearly also the case in the text: “I planted you a fruitful vine, entirely of the right sort: How can you have changed into a bitter, foreign vine?” (Jer. 2:21)

19[2]. h( u(pomonh\ tw½n penh/twn ou)k a)poleiÍtai ei¹j to\n ai¹w½na.

9. w(/sper to\ pneu=ma ou) sbe/nnutai, ouÀtw kai\ h( u(pomonh\ [ou)k] a)po/llutai. o( ga\r «ku/rioj to\ pneu=ma/ e)sti:» kai¿ «« to\ su\ ei)= h( u(pomonh/ mou, ku/rie.» ouÀtw kaiì e)n Gala/taij morfou=tai Xristo\j aÃmorfoj wÓn. e)n tisi de\ le/getai koima=sqai: « e)cege/rqhti ga/r, fhsi/n, iàna ti¿ u(pnoiÍj, ku/rie;» [cf. PG 12.1192]

19. The patience of the poor will not perish unto the ages.

9. Just as the spirit is not extinguished; so, too, patience is [not] destroyed. For the “Lord is the Spirit” (2Cor 3:17) and “My patience is the Lord” (Ps.70:5) And thus in Galatians “Christ is formed”, (Gal. 4:19) [despite] being formless. How then can it be said to sleepers “Arise, why do you sleep, Lord?” (Ps 44:23)

10. qeo\j e)ggi/zwn e)gw/, fhsi\n e)n t$= profh/t$.

10. “I am a God close at hand” it says in the prophet (Jer 23:23).


[PSALM 9b (HEBREW 10)]

26[1]. bebhlou=ntai ai¸ o(doiì au)tou= e)n pantiì kair%½

11. o( me\n di¿kaioj eu)logeiÍ to\n ku/rion e)n pantiì kair%½: o( de\ a(martwlo\j bebhloi= ta\j o(dou\j au)tou= e)n panti\ kair%=. [cf Pitra 9.5(1)]

5. His ways are profaned at all times .

11. While the just blesses the Lord at all times (Ps. 33.1), the sinner profanes his ways at all times.

26[3]. pa/ntwn tw½n e)xqrw½n au)tou= katakurieu/sei

12. ou) pa/ntwn tw=n e)xqrw=n au)tou katakurieu/ei o( satana=j, pa/ntej de\ oi( di/kaioi e)xqroi\ au)tou= ei)si, pa/ntwn a)/ra tw=n dikai/wn katakurieu/ei o( statna=j. ou)k e)n panti\ dhlono/ti katakurieu/ei pra/gmasi, a)ll” e)n tini. mo/noj ga\r o( Xristo\j a(marti/an ou)k e)poi/hsen, kai\ ou)x eu(re/qh do/loj e)n t%= sto/mati au)tou=.

26[3]. he shall rule over all his enemies.

12. Satan does not rule over all his enemies, but since all the just are his enemies, Satan does indeed rule over all the just. It signifies that he does not rule over all affairs, but over some. For Christ alone committed no sin, and “in his mouth there is no guile”. (1Pet 2:22; Is 53:9, cf. Ps 31:2)

12.2. h)\ ta/xa to\ bou/lhma au)tou= ti¿qhsin h( qei¿a grafh\ oÀper e)pi pe/raj a)gagw\n tw=n ou)k e)ndexome/nwn e)sti/n, eiãge «dielogi¿santo boula\j a(\j ou) mh\ du/nwntai sth=nai."» kaiì ga\r e)n t%½ ¹IwÜb yeudo/menoj o( dia/bolo/j fhsi: «PerielqwÜn th\n gh=n kaiì e)mperipath/saj th\n u(p' ou)rano\n, pa/reimi,» mhde\n pei¿saj t%½ ¹IwÜb aÃtopon pepraxe/nai. [cf. PG 12.1192-1193]

12.2. Or perhaps it is the impossibilities of his plan that sacred scripture is conveying, as in “They imagined a plan that they shall not be able to perform” (Ps 20:12). For in Job the devil lies, saying, “I am come from compassing the earth, and walking up and down in what lies beneath heaven,” (Job 1:7) yet without convincing Job to do anything improper.

12.3 tw=n peirasmw=n oi( me\n prosa/gontai t$= yux$, oi( de\ t%= sw/mati, oi( de\ toi=j pe/ric tou= sw/matoj. kai\ oi( me\n t$= yux$ proago/menoi logismoi\ a)ka/qartoi le/gontai a(marti/aj gennw=ntej kai\ do/gmata yeudh=, oi( de\ t%= sw/mati prosfero/menoi plhgw=n kai\ streblw/sewn kai\ diwgmw=n kai\ fulakw=n kai\ qana/twn ai)/tioi gi/nontai: oi( de\ tw=n pe/ric tou= sw/matoj peirasmoi\ perie/xousi zhmi/aj xrhma/twn kai\ kthma/twn kai\ a)pobola\j te/knwn kai\ gunaikw=n a)faire/seij. dhlou=n ou)=n e)/stin e)k tou/twn o(/ti pa/ntwj dia/ tinoj tw=n kateilegme/nwn peirasmwn e)kurieu/se panto\j dikai/ou o( satana=j.

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