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Returning to Kesmai, the Quested must kill Daisy, the "small dragon," located in the northern part of the -4 dungeon. The Quested may have help with this part, but must deliver the killing blow. The Quested will search Daisy's corpse and take the blue-glowing agate gem, which will tie to him/her.

The Quested must take the agate gem to Harriette (the "hermit's sister") who dwells in Hermann's place to the far northeast on Kesmai's surface. The Quested lays the agate at Harriette's feet and asks for training. Harriette will take the gem, give a "special gift" of 37 health points and tells the Quested: "Now, off to the land of ice and snow for the thin-bladed bane of knights."

17.2: Second Knight Quest: (By Maggie)

Player Requirements: Knight, First-Quested (14 and above recommended)

Recommendations: Several high-level escorts for both hunt portions
Once begun, this quest should be completed uninterrupted by any trip to the UW, which will re-set the quest.

The Knight-Quested must first acquire a Yeti Dagger ("thin-bladed bane of knights") by killing the Yeti. The Yeti's lair is located on Axe Glacier ("the land of ice and snow") and can only be approached via the Ice Dragon's lair. The Quested must deliver the killing blow to the Yeti in order for Brych to accept the dagger.

The Quested must then travel to Oakvael and inquire of Brych, the Quest-Giver. Brych is located down a pit in the far northeast of Oak's surface. The Quested lays the Yeti Dagger at Brych's feet and asks for training. When Brych asks: "Do you wish to embark on another knightly quest?" the Quested must answer: "Brych, yes." Brych will take the Dagger, give a Knight's Halberd in return and tell the Quested to "Take this Halberd. Seek the one who dwells beyond the darkest pit." (Note that any number of Knights who have acquired the Dagger may do this quest at the same time.)

The "darkest pit" can be reached via the stairway leading down from the undead level of Oakvael. The area below the undead level is commonly known as the "Knight Quest Area" or the "WW Dragon area" and only Knights may gain entry. Once down the stairs, the Quested must pass a gate guarded by a knightess named Clwyd, who will grin wickedly and inquire if the Quested wants to be taught a "little lesson." The Quested should ask Clwyd to train them. They will be magically transported to the other side of the gate. Once through, Clwyd will wish them good luck and warn that "getting out is quite a chore." The major part of this "chore" is the Whirlwind Dragon located near the end of the path, along with numerous other dangerous critters along the way. Once the WW Dragon is disposed of, past the lair is Gorffwylltra, the "one who dwells beyond the darkest pit." The Quested must lay his Halberd at Gorff's feet and ask to be trained. Gorff will congratulate the Quested and give 16 health points to "make you more powerful, to better use your courage and valor."

17.3: Martial Artist Quest: (By Maggie)

Requirements: MA, any level (but 1st Dan highly recommended)

Recommendations: Mid-to-high level escorts for both hunt portions

The quested Martial-Artist must first seek the Quest-Giver, Yuri, located in a shack southwest of the portal area on Oakvael, and ask for training. Yuri will ask if the Quested wishes "to quest for a powerful weapon." If so, the Quested should, of course, answer "yes." Yuri will give a three-staff and instruct the Quested to: "Rescue the lonely one, slay the Ninja Master, and seek the sensei in the desert town."

To affect the "rescue," the Quested must first locate Konran, "the lonely one," in the Troll Temple level of Oak. The Quested should take along plenty of help of whatever class he/she can find for this part of the quest. Once found, Konran will ask: "Can you get me back to town alive?" He must be told: "Konran, follow me." Konran will follow, but is rather wimpy and needs careful guarding. The Quested and party must lead Konran back to his room in Oak Town. Once inside the room, Konran will thank the Quested and give a red cloth, which ties to the Quested.

For the next part of the Quest, only Martial Artists may attend, and several high level ones are recommended. The Quested and party must travel to Leng, home of the "desert town", acquire portal gems, which can be found on dead sandwyrms, and proceed to the special entrance to the Quest area located through the Sand Portal west of the Leng Town stables. Holding the portal gems in their hands, the MAs may pass through the sand portal. Once they get through the dungeon area, they must find the special MA portal square to enter the lair proper. Once there, they must kill the nine resident ninjas and the Shidosha (the "Ninja Master"). The Quested must land the killing blow on Shidosha. The dead Shidosha will yield a fan (which will tie to the bearer), a lovely green kimono, and a Buddha. The Quested must take this Buddha, and the cloth that Konran gave, to the "sensei." Puck is the sensei, and can be found upstairs in a garden above Leng Town. The Quested must lay both items at Puck's feet. Puck will be very impressed with the Quested's "resourcefulness," he will bow and give the Quested a pair of crystal gauntlets.

17.4: Hummingbird Sword Quest

The hummingbird sword quest is one of the easier quests. The quest starts by killing the Troll King in his palace in the Underkingdom and taking his hummingbird amulet. The hummingbird amulet is a prize in itself, having the power of protection from stun and death. Take the amulet through the secret door in the southeast corner, where you will find a darkened hex. Hold or wear the amulet, step on the dark hex, and you will be teleported to a room with a circle of fire in the center. Stepping into the circle of fire will trigger a whirlwind, so have a balm ready and whatever you do, don't try to run from it. Once the whirlwind has passed, the hummer will be left on the ground. In order to gain the sword, the amulet must be from the most recent incarnation of the Troll King. Should you attempt to use an amulet gained through other means, you will be sorely disappointed. To exit the room step back into the dark hex in the west wall.

17.5: Ianta Quest

This quest is a quite simple premise - all you need to do is find Ianta and lead her back to the throne room in Leng. It sounds easy but it is not. You will need a few other players to assist in the rescue. Your reward for successfully completing this quest is either a drake potion or wisdom potion; the time of day determines which potion you will receive. To get to Ianta climb the rope that is located on the eastern edge of the Griffin Ledge. Once up the rope, travel southeast across the water, then south. Follow the east wall south until you can go east again. Continue northeast until you get to the northern wall. Search the wall for a secret door. A wizard or thief's find secret doors spell may be useful here. Ianta is behind the secret door. Ask Ianta to follow you - "Ianta, follow me". Ianta is extremely fragile. Once she is wounded she has a tendency to get confused. Once you get to town take her to the throne room located southwest of Crazy.Derf, the Wizard trainer. You will be rewarded once Ianta is with her mother, the queen. Good Luck.

17.6: Princess (Permanent Increase Mana Potion) Quest

As with the Ianta quest all you have to do is lead the Princess from her prison cell in the Troll King's palace in the Underkingdom to King KooKoo on the lower level of Kobold City. The rescuer will receive a permanent increase mana potion (PiMP) which will permanently increase a MU's mana level by 6 points up to a maximum determined by experience level. It will take more than one player to accomplish this quest. To begin the quest you will need to get a key from GooGog. To find GooGog, first go to the air hexes northeast of town and jump into the center air hex. Make your way south to Googog who is located behind a secret door in the southeast corner of the -200 level. Buy a key from GooGog for 20,000 gold coins. Go to the Troll.King's palace and climb up the stairs. Go south, then enter the first room on the left. Find the secret door on the north wall of this room. Follow the stairs down to the dungeon, and proceed to the south end of the cell block. Before opening the cell, verify that the princess is in fact in her cell. To open her cell, hold the key in your right hand and step into the hex directly in front of the princess' cell. Type "princess, follow me". Lead her back to town along the following route: Proceed north back to the steps, climb the stairs, exit to the main hallway and continue north to the steps. Climb down either flight and proceed east along the path until you encounter three doors. Once through these doors, head immediately north and portal through the wall. Climb the stairs, proceed west until you come to another set of steps, ascend those steps and continue west again. The next flight of steps you will come to will bring you to the -100 level. Proceed south past the air hexes until you come to yet another set of steps leading up. Naturally, ascend this flight of steps, and head west again. Portal through the walls as necessary until you come to the final flight of steps along your journey. Climb these steps, move two hexes north, search west to reveal a secret door, and proceed west until you come to another wall. Search this wall to reveal another secret door, and head east until the hall takes a turn to the north. Continue north through two doors in succession, then slightly northwest, then northeast until you see that the floor has changed from green-tiled to brown. Proceed east and enter the first room to the north. Congratulations, you have reached GooGog's throne room. Double congratulations if you complete this quest on your first attempt. The princess will promptly disappear, and a light blue porcelain bottle will appear in her stead. (Rumor has it that she actually turns into the bottle, although it is more likely that she is merely kidnapped again, as she appears in the cell back in the Troll King's palace shortly). You are now the proud owner of what is possibly the most coveted item among MUs.

Section Eighteen: The 'Critters'

The following is a list of dungeon creatures, listed alphabetically. The first group are the fighter types, magic users second and the lair critters last.

Bees - They are venomous and attack in swarms, but very weak fighters. Anyone who has more than +3 in shield rings will block 99% of their attacks.

Beetles - Same as bees but beetles travel solo.

Bears - Come in two varieties indistinguishable by sight. Regular bears are less trouble than a common troll, but there is one variety, known as bigfoot, which is fairly common in Axe. Possessed of tremendous durability, and able to dish out damage in the area of 65 HP per round, this bear can do more damage than the Kesmai Dragon and is to be feared. Bigfoot will always greet you with a roar, while smaller bears will be content to growl at you. Bigfoot does have a big brother named Smoky who wanders the woods east of Kesmai. Smokey has a resistance to fire and hits harder than his Bigfoot siblings. Be sure to put out your camp fires before entering the east woods of Kesmai.

Boars - Usually travel in pairs or trios, they announce their presence with an 'angry squeal'. They are comparable to hobgoblins in damage potential and will either trample or gore you. Fighting boars will cause you to age at an accelerated rate. Note: skinning a boar will yield a pigskin. Think we're kidding?

Centaurs - The great archers of the crit kingdom. These half horse half man crits have a real kick to them.

Ducks - This is more or less comic relief and to prove the ghods of Kesmai have a sense of humor. Anyone who gets killed by a duck had better find a different game to play.

Gargoyles - Fast and fierce, they can often move three hexes and hit in the same round. The Oakvael versions can only be hurt with blunt instruments. Gargoyles in the Underkingdom have the ability to poison. They rarely yield more than several coins.

Ghouls - One of the most feared non-lair critters in the game, ghouls are very nasty fighters and have a venomous bite that can do severe poison damage. They are tougher to kill than the average minotaur and can be difficult for even experienced players to handle. They are found on the -4 level of Kesmai and the undead levels of Oakvael and the Underkingdom.

Goose - Only found in the Axe Giant's lair, the only thing of great interest with this critter is the golden egg she leaves when killed. Other than the fact the goose is guarded by the giant, it is not particularly dangerous.

Griffins -Griffins are a formidable opponent. These fine feathered friends stun with the best of them. Take a griff corpse to a tanner and you will get a feather vest of blind protection. Griffins can be found at Hermann’s east of Kesmai and on the Griff level of Leng. Griffins yield large ochre eggs which are worth roughly 100 coins.

Hobgoblins - These critters are found in the lower levels of the Kesmai dungeons. They are quite tough and have a habit of travelling in groups of three or four. Hobs in the -300' level of the Underkingdom cast lethal lightning spells.

Hyena - These critters inhabit the plains of Leng and are comparable to wolves in habits and damage potential. Unlike wolves, however, a hyena is smart enough to flee when badly wounded.

Kobold - The lowest level critter in any game segment, they are not particularly dangerous, except to the newest of new players.

Lizards - Cold cousins to the Kesmai salamanders, they cast ice storms, which are more damaging to most characters than are fireballs. Usually, the damage from ice does not amount to more than 15 hit points (with basic fire and ice protection), but should a player get caught in overlapping or double storms, the damage can increase quickly. Lizards are not difficult to kill, and will run when severely wounded.

Lurkers and Orugugras - These octopus like critters are found in the waters of The Underkingdom. Lurkers come in two sizes. The regular lurker and the much larger Orugugar. Orugugars are found in the Blood river in the UD level of the dungeon. Lurkers hit fairly hard but are better at poisoning victims.

Manticoras - This is a cross between a winged lion with a scorpion's tail. The scorpion's tail is a good hint that these critters are venomous and will frequently sting. They are about as tough as minotaurs for simple fighting, but do not have nearly as many hit points and are easier to kill.

Minotaurs - These critters are hard hitting and tough to kill. They are blessed with loads of hit points and can take experienced players several rounds of intense fighting to subdue. Minotaurs also have an annoying habit of running (fast) when they are badly wounded, so in addition to the initial fight, you will have to run a foot race to finish them off. They typically use greatswords or staves. Some will be armed with iron gem staffs, which are among the hardest hitting weapons in the game.

Mummies - Found in the mummies crypt one level below the undead level in the Underkingdom dungeon. Mummies are good fighters and the touch of a mummy will age you. Blue-glow weapons or magic are required to wound these undead foes.

NPCs (Non-player characters) - These computer operated players come in the same varieties that are available to regular players. The ones to be especially careful of are the thaums, who can cast blindness, death, fear, and stun. Wizards cast fireball, concussion, and ice storms. A variety of fighters and MA types will be encountered. Most fighters carry +4 weapons; greatswords, longswords or axes, and hit hard and fast. MA NPCs have very effective jumpkicks and can hit you from three hexes away. They can average 15 to 40 hits with a punch and 20-65 hits with a good jumpkick. It is wise to try to handle NPCs from a distance.

Ogres - Tough cousins to the trolls, they hit somewhat harder and can be one of the most difficult non-lair critters to kill. They are usually armed with halberds, which can hit from one hex away. Ogres have night vision and are located on the mountains of Axe Glacier.

Orcs - The most commonly encountered critters in almost any game segment. In the upper levels of the Kesmai dungeon, they are slightly more dangerous than the kobolds. In the lower levels of the dungeon, they get considerably more powerful and in addition to the fighter types, you will start seeing spell casters. Their primary spells are magic missile, web, and fireball. Webs are nuisance spells, but without fire protection the fireballs can be are lethal.

Rats - Low level critters that can usually be found in Praetoseba and various parts of the Underkingdom. Beware of the rats in Praetoseba - remember that you are little more than a ghost yourself, and these rats will push you around like the Axe dragon.

Ravens - These are nuisance critters that will avoid fights most of the time; content to fly around and cry out a squawk periodically.

Rockworms - They are confined to two hexes of movement at a time, but can move and hit in the same round. They can see in the dark, and ram their way through walls. Most spells and weapons are effective against them. Rockworms hit for 15-35 HP. There is one breed of rockworm, indistinguishable from others by sight, that can hit for four times that amount of damage. This rockworm is only susceptible to pointed weapons, such as rapiers, halberds, arrows, crystal gauntlets and the wizard's ice spear. They are unique to Axe.

Sandwyrms - As their name implies, these critters are restricted to sandy areas. They do not carry weapons and fight with claws and an occasional bite. They are found in Leng and Praetoseba and frequently carry a polished red gem that is required for several portals. They are not particularly dangerous and can usually be killed with one or two swings by all but the lowest of characters.

Sharks - Inhabit the waters around Kesmai and the lake at the east end of Leng. Watch yourself around sharks because you are their favorite dinner item. If you are eaten by a shark be prepared to visit Praetoseba. They can usually be avoided, unless you find yourself trapped between a zoo on the land and a shark in the water.

Skeletons - These are strictly fighter types. As with orcs, in the upper levels of the Kesmai dungeon, most are only a big problem for very new players. Beware of skeletons in the undead levels of the Underkingdom, however. They possess great skill at fighting, and each has more HP than an Ogre.

Snakes - There are a few chaotic snakes about, but most often any snake you might see will be from a snake staff or create snake spell from another player.

Stalkers - You can always tell when a stalker is approaching by 'the sound of many gnashing teeth'. They are very tough fighters that only experienced players should try to tackle.

Tigers - Not your run of the mill kitty. Tigers let you know they are around by their loud roar. Very ferocious and a real challenge for the seasoned player.

Trolls - Trolls can be found throughout all the lands. Depending on the location, they can be either slightly tougher than the orcs or considerably tougher than hobgoblins. In most areas, trolls are solitary critters, so it is unusual to see more than two at a time, which somewhat offsets the risks fighting them.

Troll Elite Guard - These beefed up trolls are found in the Troll Kings palace in the UK. They are quite a bit stronger than a regular troll and are skilled in the use of better weapons. They surround the Troll King and attack viciously when anyone enters the palace.

Wolves - Wolves come in three varieties. Ordinary wolves usually run in packs and they are easily killed. Although they typically do less than 15 points damage on average, if they all get a lucky bite in, start making plans to retrieve your death pile. The next two types of wolf are Prince Wolves and King Wolves (found in Axe). They usually run alone, and can only be killed by a wizards ice spear or a silver weapon. The Prince Wolf bites for between 10 and 35 points of damage. The King wolf, which is indistinguishable from the others by sight, is much harder to kill, and does damage for between 10 and 110 points! His attacks usually are in the 30-40 range, but can be much more severe, and he often will stun you with a blow. When killed, his corpse will yield an obsidian egg, necessary to obtain a returning axe. Wolves are fast, able to move three hexes at a time, but they cannot move those hexes and hit at the same time; a fact that is of great strategic value to a fighter who can run and balm at the same time.

Wyrms - These are distant cousins to the dragons and can be formidable foes. They are presently only found in Oakvael and the ones found on the wyrm level can be hurt with silver weapons only. There is a wyrm pack that can be found in the reptile pit (-310ft) in Oakvael and are the equal of most any dragon.

Wyverns - Wyverns are fast moving lizards that usually fight you with claws and an occasional bite. They are very tough critters for new players and must be treated with respect by even intermediate level players. The wyverns in the Underkingdom come in different colors, green, red, blue and grey. Red wyverns are immune to fire, blue to poison, and grey to ice. They travel in groups of three, but are usually no more than a nuisance to the traveller experienced enough to hunt the Underkingdom.

Yasnaki - A brotherhood of sorcerers and warriors. They are mainly found on the Carfel level of the Underkingdom dungeon guarding the secret entrances to Carfel's Spider and Carfel's lair. They are very powerful magic casters and fighters.

18.1: Magic Using Critters

Banshees - They always announce their presence with a piercing shriek and will cast one of two spells. About 35 percent of banshees will cast darkness spells at you, so a night vision helm is necessary. Another 35 percent will cast curses at you EVERY round. While the curse may only do 20 to 30 hits per round, they can add up real fast. The remaining group will fight you, usually with axes. They are fairly easy for high level players to kill. The banshees found in the Underkingdom are considerably more deadly, possessing powerful death spells and curses.

Goblins, Hobgoblins and Orcs - In all the lands except The Underkingdom they are all fairly low level magic users, which can cast fireballs, magic missiles, and webs. They usually die with one or two blows from anyone with moderate weapon skills. These same crits in the underkingdom can cast a range of spells. Goblins usually cast potent fireballs while hobs and orcs tend to cast lightning.

Lich - Liches have a variety of spells. In Oakvael, they will cast Icestorms, except for the Lich Twins, who prefer Fireballs and aging. Other liches will cast Stuns and/or Death spells.

NPCs - Wizards and Thaums have the same choice of spells available to players. Wizards usually will use a concussion for the initial spell and then follow it with icestorms. Thaums can be considerably more dangerous with blind, death, fear and stun spells. Any thaum wearing a robe is a fairly high level magic user and can inflict serious damage.

Presence - Similar to spectres, these creatures inhabit four places; the Oakvael Doom.Orc lair, the Axe Drake lair, the region outside of Vulcan's home, and the Leng mausoleum. The presence in Oakvael will cast continuous stun spells. This gets rather awkward when there are several other critters around beating on you. The presence in Axe will cast icestorms at you. The presence in Leng casts Curse spells.

Salamanders - Noted for the continuous fire walls they cast, occasionally they will take a swing at you with a claw. Some salamanders in Oakvael also require blue glowing weapons to fight.

Shadows - Hiding in the shadows is this crits forte. Darkness is their spell of choice and they remain invisible until they are on the same hex as you.

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