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3.10: Deletion of your Character

You can have up to 8 different characters per account. Your characters are stored on the Kesmai game server; not your hard drive. However, once a character is created it cannot be deleted. You have the option of overwriting, renaming, or just keeping your characters. Characters which are not used for an extended period of time are subject to deletion at the whim of KesCorp in order to make available space for other players' characters.

Section Four: Creating a Character

The first step is to create your character. (Commonly called "rolling a character"). When you play Legends for the first time, you are automatically brought to the Character Creation Screen. From here, you can select your character's profession (class), appearance, primary statistics, gender, and name. Here are a couple of suggestions for your first character: First, recognize that it will probably not be a "keeper" character; in other words, you will probably be killed several times as you learn the manner of the game, and your character will eventually die once too often, and you will want to create another. In the beginning, this is no great tragedy; in fact, you should plan on it as you learn the game and begin preparations for an eventual "keeper" character. Secondly, for your first character, you may wish to choose a Fighter or a Martial Artist. These characters are the simplest to run and they are the hardiest characters in the game. A common practice is to gather wealth and weapons for one's "keeper" character with his first few characters. In this way the keeper character has gold with which to purchase levels, training, and other necessities. Often a character-tied weapon is ancestored to the new character, which is a practice described in full detail later in this manual.

4.1: Naming Your Character

After you are done "rolling" your character, you will be asked to name it. Players can change their character's name every 7 days. There are no traditional conventions for naming except that the name may not be vulgar, sexually explicit, or offensive. Guild tags follow a few dots behind character names, i.e., Crafty.Zig, Mighty..LDR, Granny.Tuf. Guild tags should only be used if you start a guild or you are accepted into a guild. Existing guilds do not approve of players using their guild tags unless the player has been formally accepted into their guild.

Beyond guild names, there are few other considerations. Humor, self-deprecation, and imagination are appreciated by other players. So too are literary, mythical, and historical allusions. Pick a name that complements the role you envision for your character. Thaumaturges are religious zealots, wizards are stuffy intellectuals, thieves are sly and unobtrusive, knights may be chivalrous heroes or bashing brawlers, and martial artists have a wealth of history behind them.

4.2: Gender and Nationality

You will be asked to choose your character's sex and nationality. Gender is merely cosmetic. There is no difference in skills or capacities between the sexes.

Nationality is somewhat more important in that certain nationalities have slightly better starting skill levels. There are eight choices of nationality: Illyria, Mu, Lemuria, Leng, Draznia, Hovath, Mnar and a kind of non-national Barbarian.

4.3: Character Class

Your character class is the most important decision you will make. A discussion of each class follows.

4.3.1: Fighter/Knight

Running a fighter traditionally has been the most popular choice. It is an especially good choice for first time players. Fighters rely on weapon skills and strength to kill opponents and blocking skill and dexterity to avoid opponents' weapons. Fighters gain vital experience points rapidly and are given a higher number of hit points than any other class except martial artists. When fighters are knighted they gain magical powers that enhance their weapons, enable them to locate opponents and allies, increase their strength, and heal wounds during combat

There are disadvantages, however. Fighters are able to fight only one opponent at time in direct combat and must choose fight or flight when faced with overwhelming odds.

4.3.2: Martial Artist

Martial artist (MA) characters are for the action oriented player. They are fast, nimble and possess extraordinary ability to block opponents' blows. At higher skill levels they have offensive blows that exceed all other fighting classes. But because they must engage in direct hand to hand combat, the life of martial artists is as dangerous as it is exciting. Martial artists receive many hit points and acquire skills and experience rapidly.

This is not a difficult class to begin with, as equipment needs are minimal, and it offers much power to the player at higher levels. It requires, however, much patience during the middle skill levels. Opponent armor will frequently block a martial arts attack, and oftentimes the MA will not have enough HP to survive anything more than a brief stun. Moreover, martial artists who choose to wear armor to protect them while stunned will find their weapon blocking abilities severely limited.

4.3.3: Wizard

Wizards rely almost entirely on magic for their play. Highest level wizards are, arguably, the most powerful characters in the game. Even at middle experience levels, wizards possess terrain spells that can clear rooms full of opponents. Intelligence and dexterity are extremely important for this character class. Additionally, wizards are gifted with powerful shielding spells which are especially effective against missile weapons.

However, there are several disadvantages for this class. A low level wizard spends most of his time running for his life. To balance the awesome powers of the magic spells wizards can acquire, a wizard gets considerably less hit points to work with. This is why beginning players should consider a fighter or MA as a first character.

4.3.4: Thaumaturge

Thaumaturges are the LoK version of warrior/priests. They are a compromise between pure magic users and pure head bashers like fighters and MAs. Thaums, for short, are easier to train with standard weapons and are somewhat more durable than wizards. Like wizards, they have powerful spells and higher level thaums can even summon phantasms of various sorts to assist them. The main drawback is that their spells are more restricted than wizards'. Whereas a wizard has a number of area type spells such as fireballs and ice storms, a thaum's spells are more tailored for one-on-one combat, which can be awkward at times since most of the critters and other nasties like to gang up on adventurers.

4.3.5: Thief

The final class of characters to consider is the thief. Running a thief is both infuriating and exciting. The biggest strength of the thief class is the ability to hide. Thieves can use this power early in their careers to penetrate the lairs of dragons and drakes, the castle of the giant, and rooms full of opponents (if careful) without detection.

Also, although not terribly effective until a high thievery skill is achieved, thieves can steal. They can steal goodies from players and occasionally not get caught but more often than not a thief will get caught and set the player's self defense flag. Thievery is geared more towards stealing from the critters. To steal from anyone or anything you must be in the same hex. However, the steal command can be tedious and most thieves will develop MA skills. A thief with a high skill level in hand (martial arts) combat is not a character to be trifled with. Thieves also have the ability to appraise gems and rings simply by looking at them.

The down side is that thieves have one of the lowest HP levels of all the classes, second only to the wizard. Another major handicap is that thieves are neutral (their names are green). This means that lawful non-player knights such as the sheriff and his deputies will attack you.

NOTE: Thieves appear to be lawful fighters to all players, crits, and NPCs except knights and higher level thieves. Keep in mind that the sheriff and his deputies are knights.

4.4: Beginning Skills

One aspect to keep in mind is the skill with which your character will begin. The following chart shows what weapons each class in each nationality starts out with, and what their skills are with each weapon. Keep in mind that you can use most any weapon you like (except for thieves, more on that later). Also, remember that the skills at this stage are still fairly low level, and can easily be taken to higher levels.

New Character Starting Skills by Maggie

(All nationalities
untrained in Magic
and Theft)

Martial Artist
(All nationalities
untrained in Magic

(All nationalities
untrained in Theft)

(All nationalities
untrained in Hand and



Ra: Cap
Ma: Awk
Da: Cap
Bo: Awk
Sw: Med
2H: Awk
St: Awk

St: Cap
Sw: Med
Sh: Cap
Da: Cap
3s: Med
Ha: Grn
Tf: Clm

Ra: Med
Bo: Awk
Da: Med
St: Awk
Sw: Med
2H: Awk
Ma: Awk
Mg: Sha

Ra: Med
Da: Med
St: Awk
Sw: Awk
Mg: Apr

Da: Cap
Sw: Med
Ra: Med
Sh: Med
Ha: Yel
Tf: Med
Mg: SiS


Ma: Cap
Da: Awk
Fl: Med
2H: Awk
Sw: Awk
St: Awk

St: Cap
Sh: Awk
Ma: Cap
3S: Med
Da: Awk
Sw: Awk
Ha: Grn
Tf: Clm

Ma: Med
Fl: Awk
Da: Awk
2H: Awk
Mg: Appr

Ma: Med
St: Awk
Da: Awk
Fl: Awk
Mg: Aspir

Da: Cap
Fl: Awk
Sw: Med
Sw: Med
Ma: Med
Sh: Med
Ha: Yel
Tf: Aver
Mg: MoM


Sw: Cap
Ma: Awk
Da: Med
Ra: Med
Bo: Med
Sh: Awk
St: Med
Ha: Whte

Sw: Cap
St: Cap
Bo: Med
3S: Cap
Da: Med
Sh: Awk
Bo: Med
Ha: Blue
Tf: Med

Sw: Med
Ra: Awk
Da: Awk
Ma: Awk
St: Awk
Sh: Awk
Bo: Awk
Ha: Whte
Mg: Sha

Sw: Med
Ra: Awk
St: Awk
Da: Awk
Mg: Appr

Da: Cap
St: Awk
Sw: Med
Ra: Awk
Sh: Med
Bo: Awk
Ha: Yel
Tf: Aver
Mg: MoM


2H: Cap
St: Awk
Bo: Cap
Da: Awk
Sw: Cap
Ma: Awk

Sw: Med
Da: Med
Bo: Cap
3S: Med
St: Cap
Sh: Med
Ha: Grn
Tf: Clum

Sw: Med
Ma: Awk
Bo: Med
St: Awk
2H: Awk
Da: Awk
Mg: Appr

Bo: Med
2H: Awk
Sw: Med
St: Awk
Da: Awk
Mg: Appr

Da: Cap
Sw: Med
Bo: Med
Sh: Med
Ha: Yel
Tf: Aver
Mg: MoM


Ma: Cap
St: Awk
Bo: Med
Sh: Awk
Sw: Med
2H: Awk
Da: Med

St: Cap
Da: Med
Ma: Cap
3S: Med
Bo: Med
Sh: Awk
Sw: Med
Ha: Grn
Tf: Clum

Ma: Med
Sh: Awk
Bo: Awk
2H: Awk
Sw: Awk
Da: Awk
Mg: Appr

Ma: Med
Bo: Awk
St: Awk
Da: Awk
Sw: Awk
Mg: Appr

Da: Cap
Bo: Awk
Sw: Med
Ma: Med
Sh: Med
Ha: Yel
Tf: Aver
Mg: MoM


Ma: Cap
Da: Awk
Sw: Med
St: Awk
Fl: Med
2H: Med

Ma: Cap
3S: Med
St: Cap
Da: Awk
Sh: Med
Sw: Med
Ha: Grn
Tf: Clum

Ma: Med
Fl: Awk
Sw: Awk
2H: Awk
Da: Awk
St: Awk
Mg: Appr

Ma: Med
Fl: Awk
St: Awk
2H: Awk
Da: Awk
Sw: Awk
Mg: Appr

Da: Cap
Fl: Awk
Sw: Med
Sh: Med
Ma: Med
Ha: Yel
Tf: Aver
Mg: MoM

Abbreviations - Bo: Bow, Da: Dagger, Fl: Flail, Ha: Halberd, Ma: Mace, Ra: Rapier, Sh: Shuriken, St: Staff, Sw: Sword, 3S: 3-Staff, 2H: 2-Handed Greatsword, Ha: Hand, Tf: Thievery, Mg: Magic; Awk: Awkward, Med: Mediocre, Cap: Capable, Appr: Apprentice, Clum: Clumsy, Aver: Average, Aspir: Aspiring

Fighters: Only the Barbarian tribes give fighters above awkward skill in both mace and greatsword. Only Leng offers any martial arts skill, and only Lemuria bestows halberd skill. All lands except Mu offer above awkward sword skill.

MAs: Only Leng and Hovath start MAs with blue belt. Hovath has the additional attraction of giving capable bow skill for those MAs who like to use bows as range weapons until their jumpkicks become reliable, although Leng also offers bow skill (at mediocre). MAs who like to steal will note Leng's higher thievery skill. Leng also offers the highest 3-staff skill.

Thaums: Unfortunately for thaums who like to use MA skill, only Leng bestows any skill at all, but starts you off in lower magic. For thaums who like to use BBSes and raxes, the only nations who give an above awkward level in at least one of those skills are Mu, Mnar, and the Barbarian Tribes. Hovath and Draznia, however, may be attractive choices since they also add mediocre bow skill to at least a smidgen of mace and/or greatsword skill without sacrificing magic. In addition, Hovath is the only nation to offer above awkward staff skill.

Wizards: Wizards who like BBSs and raxes will find the pickings to be slim. Only the Barbarian Tribes offer both skills while keeping highest in magic. Draznia offers greatsword only where Mu and Mnar offers only Mace. Note, however, that Draznia also offers above awkward bow skill for those beginning mages who need a ranged weapon when their mana runs out. And Hovath offers mediocre staff skill.

Thieves: As all thieves start out equal with dagger, shuriken, and MA skills, it gets down to magic, bow, thievery, and rapier. Only Draznia and Hovath offer decent bow skill without sacrificing magic or theft. Leng, however, offers a bit of rapier skill. Bow is slightly sacrificed for the exchange of rapier, but magic and thievery are not.

4.5: Character Attributes

You will want to adjust your primary stats with the extra character points you are given. All characters start with six basic attributes: Constitution, Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma

Constitution determines one's ability to gain hit points, magic points and stamina points as one advances in the game.

Strength has two numbers, the point value and the combat adds. Point value determines how much you can carry and how rapidly you use up stamina while moving about the game. Each point allows you to carry up to an additional 4,000 coins worth of weight. All items in LoK have weight expressed in coins. Any character who has a strength point value of 14 can carry 56,000 coins if he is completely "naked", wearing no rings, and carrying no additional items. Each additional point increases this value by 4000 coins. All equipment and items add weight. A ring weighs 20 coins, robes weigh 1600 coins, and a bracelet weighs 4 coins. Combat adds increase one's effectiveness with weapons. Each add gives better odds at penetrating opponent armor and inflicting damage. As you gain experience levels, you will gain additional strength adds from time to time, however failure to assign a strength of at least 15 will result in the loss of one strength add. This add can never be recovered, so it is an important consideration when creating your character.

Dexterity also has point and combat adds values. The point value gives one better odds at dodging attacks. The combat adds give one better odds at landing a blow. As with strength, failure to assign a dexterity of less than 15 will result in the loss of one strength add. This add can never be recovered, so it is an important consideration when creating your character.

Intelligence is needed by wizards, thaums, and thieves for spell casting. Intelligence primarily affects how rapidly a character will advance in the magical arts, and how much additional MPs you are likely to gain at each experience level. There are no combat adds.

Wisdom works like intelligence.

Charisma is not currently used.

Of these attributes, each class has certain primary attributes that should be sought.

New Character Creation Statistics by Maggie

Inborn Points/Max Limit

Martial Artist
Inborn Points/Max Limit

Inborn Points/Max Limit

Inborn Points/Max Limit

Inborn Points/Max Limit





































Creation Points






Max Limit: This means only the maximum that can be achieved using the new character creation points. Wizards, for instance, can later increase their strength to 17 by drinking permanent strength potions.

Constitution: Important! Note that unless you assign at least one creation point to Constitution, your new character will fail to start out with the highest hit and stamina points available for your class of character. Once you use that one point, remember that a quick trip to the UW, even with a brand new character, can be a cheap way to increase constitution to 18, thus saving those creation points for other stats not as easily increased later on, such as intelligence and wisdom. Also note that all characters will probably have better luck with their HP rolls on level-ups if their constitution is maxed.

Intelligence and Wisdom: Unless your magic user assigns at least one creation point to intelligence and wisdom, you will not receive the highest mana points available for your class of character. This affects wizards, thaums, and thieves alike. Wizards and thaums will probably have better luck achieving max magic point rolls during the level-ups if their intelligence and wisdom are maxed. Thieves would do well to max intelligence.

Strength and Dexterity: Unless you assign enough creation points to achieve at least 15 strength and dexterity, your character will fail to accumulate the full adds bestowed during level-ups. This is true even if you later max these stats to 17 using permanent strength and dexterity potions. This affects all classes.

Charisma: Despite rumors to the contrary, charisma is currently inactive in the game.

Section Five: Interfacing with the game

There are two ways of interacting with the game: the mouse and the command line. These methods are sometimes interchangeable, but there are several actions which can only be accomplished using the command line. The mouse may be used to perform actions such as moving your character and individual items in the game. Your may also use the text line located below the main display screen. You will see either a set of lips or a sword in the left corner of the text line. To toggle between chat and command modes you can either click on the lips/sword or press Alt-T. A set of lips indicates that you are in chat mode. Chat mode allows you to talk with the other players. You are unable to use commands in chat mode. A sword indicates that you are in command mode and you can perform certain actions as well as chat with other players. To chat while in command mode you must to precede the text with / [forward slash]. There is a list of text commands in appendix A. As you make your way through the lands, you will notice piles of what appear to be treasure lying in various hexes. Each pile may contain anything; an empty bottle, a ring, some gold, a weapon, armor, a potion, a gem, a corpse, or any combination of these things. The best way to tell is to move to the hex with the pile and right click on the ground in your hex. You will see what is on the ground. The command line equivalent to inspect a loot pile is the "Look" command. You can also look in adjacent hexes by right clicking on the desired hex or by typing "Look n", "Look se", etc. If you see something interesting you can move to the hex where the object is. If there you so desire, you can click and drag the item to your hand, sack, or wherever it may fit. You can also type "Take as long as your hand is empty. Your sack is always with you, except in Praetoseba, and holds up to twenty items. When you first arrive in Kesmai the only item in your sack will be a shiny gold coin.

5.1: Dealing with Shop Keepers

Keep in mind that you will not want most of what the shopkeepers have to sell. Occasionally you may want to purchase a special weapon, ring, or suit of armor at the pawn shop. Almost any shopkeeper (with the exception of the banker) will buy almost anything from you. You should be in command mode and must be standing in front of the counter when dealing with the shopkeepers.

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