TəRCÜmeyi-hal soyadi, adi, atasının adı

Yüklə 56,75 Kb.
ölçüsü56,75 Kb.


sOYADI, ADI, atasının adı:

Rəhimov Rəvan Abdullətif


28 İyun, 1980


İsmayıllı, Azerbaijan












Pasport: P 4469946, verilmə tarixi 19.04.2011, son qüvvədə olma tarixi 18.04.2021, Azərbaycan Daxili İşlər Nazirliyi

İş Adresİ:

Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyası, Neft Kimya Prosesləri İnstitutu, Səthi-aktiv maddələr və preparatlar laboratoriyası, Xocalı pros, 30 Bakı, Az 1025, Azərbaycan.







Kimya üzrə fəlsəfə elmləri doktoru

Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyası, Neft Kimya Prosesləri İnstitutu

PhD Diplomu, verilmə tarixi 12.05.2009


Magistr dərəcəsi (Yüksək molekullu birləşmələr kimyası üzrə)

Kimya fakültəsi, Bakı Dövlət Universiteti

Fərqlənmə (Qırmızı Diplom)


Bakalavr dərəcəsi (Kimya üzrə)

Kimya fakültəsi, Bakı Dövlət Universiteti

Good (16-18 bal 20 şkalası üzrə)






Layihə rəhbəri EİF/GAM-1-2011-2(4)-26/18/4-M-12

“Suyun səthinə dağılmış neftin nazik təbəqəsini kənar etmək üçün ekoloji zərərsiz səthi-aktiv reagentlərin sintezi və tədqiqi”

Azərbaycan Respublikası Prezidenti Yanında Elmin İnkişafı Fondu

2008- indiyədək

“Neft kimya sənayesi üçün səthi-aktiv maddələrin alınması və tədqiqi” layihəsi çərçivəsində böyük elmi işçi

Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyası, Neft Kimya Prosesləri İnstitutu Bakı, Azərbaycan


“Çoxatomlu spirtlər və propilen oksidi əsasında benzinin buxarlanmasını ləngidən reagentlərin alınması və tədqiqi” layihəsi çərçivəsində elmi işçi

Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyası, Neft Kimya Prosesləri İnstitutu, Bakı, Azərbaycan


“Poliolefinlərin oksigen iştirakında fosfoxlorlaşması” layihəsi üzrə gənc tədqiqatçı

Kimya fakültəsi, Bakı Dövlət Universiteti, Bakı, Azərbaycan


Neft kimyası

Makromolekullar kimyası

Ekoloji kimya

• Üzvi və neft-kimyəvi sintez

• Kolloid kimya

• Ekoloji kimya (müxtəlif neft sənayesi proseslərində tətbiq edilə bilən səthi-aktiv maddələrin alınması və tədqiqi)



Kafedra və ya şöbə


2012-dən indiyədək

“Kimya” departamentində müəllim

Xəzər Universiteti, Bakı, Azərbaycan

2011-dən indiyədək

“Yüksək molekullu birləşmələr” kimyası kafedrasında müəllim

Kimya fakültəsi, Bakı Dövlət Universiteti, Bakı, Azərbaycan














Beynəlxalq jurnallarda cap olunmuş məqlələr (15)

  1. Asadov Z.H., Ahmadova G.A., Rahimov R.A. Colloidal-chemical parameters and petroleum-collecting properties of chloropropoxylate surfactants based on epichlorohydrin and carboxylic acids fractions of animal origin. Materials Research Innovations 2010 Vol 14 No 4 p.327-331

DOI: 10.1179/143307510X12777574295343


  1. Asadov Z.H., Rahimov R.A., Nasibova Sh.M., Ahmadova G.A. Surface activity, thermodynamics of micellization and adsorption properties of quaternary salts based on ethanolamines and decyl bromide. J. Surfact. Deterg.2010, 13:459–464

DOI: 10.1007/s11743-010-1180-0


  1. Asadov Z.G., Ragimov R.A., Akhmedova G.A. Synthesis, physicochemical characteristics and properties of oligomeric surfactants based on pentaerythritol and propylene oxide. Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2011, Vol. 84, No.7, p. 1188−1194.


  1. Asadov Z.H., Ahmadova G.A., Rahimov R.A., Mammadova Kh.A. Colloidal-chemical parameters of petroleum-collecting and dispersing surfactants based on vegetable oil acid fractions and 2-(chloromethyl) oxirane. Journal of the Korean Chemical Society 2011, Vol. 55, No. 6, p. 1012-1017

DOI: 10.5012/jkcs.2011.55.6.1012


  1. Mahmudov K.T., Rahimov R.A., Babanly M.B., Hasanov P.Q., Pashaev F.G., Gasanov A.G., Kopylovich M.N., Pombeiro A.J.L. Tautomery and thermodynamics of some azoderivatives of benzoylacetone. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2011, 162(2), 84-88.

DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2011.06.005


  1. Asadov Z.H., Rahimov R.A., Poladova T.A., Nasibova Sh.M., Guliyev A.D., Asadova A.Z. Triethylenetetramine-based novel cationic surfactants and their complexes with anionic polyelectrolytes. Journal of Molecular Liquids 2012 166:44–48

DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2011.11.011


  1. Asadov Z.H., Rahimov R.A., Salamova N.V. Synthesis of animal fats ethylolamides, ethylolamide phosphates and their petroleum-collecting and dispersing properties. J Am Oil Chem Soc.2012, 89:505–511.

DOI: 10.1007/s11746-011-1931-8


  1. Asadov Z.H., Nasibova S.M., Poladova T.A., Rahimov R.A., Asadova A.Z. Petroleum collecting and petroleum dispersing reagents based on alkyl amine and alkyl iodides. Materials Research Innovations. 2012, 16: 175-178.


  1. Asadov Z.H., Tantawy A.H., Zarbaliyeva I.A., Rahimov R.A., Ahmadova G.A. Surfactants based on palmitic acid and nitrogenous bases for removing thin oil slicks from water surface. Chemistry Journal. 2012, Vol. 02, Issue 04, pp. 136-145.


  1. Asadov Z.H., Rahimov R.A., Ahmadova G.A., Mammadova Kh.A. Synthesis, surface active and thermodynamic parameters of novel quaternary ammonium salts. J. Surfact. Deterg. 2012 15: 721-727


  1. Asadov Z.H., Tantawy A.H., Zarbaliyeva I.A., Rahimov R.A. Petroleum-collecting and dispersing complexes based on oleic acid and nitrogenous compounds as surface-active agents for cleaning thin petroleum films from water surface. Journal of Oleo Science. 2012, 61, (11), 621-630


  1. Asadov Z.G., Akhmedova G.A., Aga-Zadeh A.D., Nasibova Sh.M., Zarbalieva I.A., Bagirova A.M., Ragimov R.A. Ionic Liquid Surfactants. Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2012, Vol. 82, No. 12, pp. 1916–1927.


  1. Rahimov R.A., Asadov Z.H. Coconut oil fatty acid ammonium-type salts. Journal of Molecular Liquids in press 2013


  1. Rahimov R.A., Asadov Z.H. Ammonium salts of palm oil fatty acid. Journal of Oil Palm Research in press 2013

Yerli jurnallarda cap olunmuş məqalələr (ümumilikdə 18)

  1. Rahimov R.A. New surfactants based on corn oil and polyethylenepolyamine and their petroleum-collecting and petroleum-dispersing capacities. The works of young scientists in press 2013

  2. Asadov Z.H., Tantawy A.H., Rahimov R.A., Zarbaliyeva İ.A. Synthesis and Properties of Surface-active Complexes based on Pelargonic acid and Nitrogenous bases. Journal Processes of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining, 2012, Vol. 13, No.3(51) p. 236-246

  3. Asadov Z.H., Tantawy A.H., Zarbaliyeva İ.A. Rahimov R.A. Surface-active complexes based on stearic acid and nitrogen-compounds as petroleum-collecting and dispersing agents. Azerbaijan Technical University, Scientific Works of fundamental science, 2012, Vol XI (42) № 2, p.165-170

  4. Asadov Z.G., Nasibova Sh.M., Poladova T.A., Ragimov R.A. New oil-collecting and dispersive polymeric complex on the basis of the partially neutralized polyacrylic acid and salt of heptyliodide with triethylenetetramine. Petrochemistry and oil refining, 2012. №8. p.40-44

  5. Asadov Z.H., Nasibova Sh.M., Poladova T.A., Rahimov R.A. Synthesis and properties of the complex of the salt based on octadedylamine and butyl iodide with partially neutralized polyacrylic acid. Azerbaijan Technical University, Scientific Works of fundamental science, 2011, №2, Vol. X(38), p.138-141

  6. Аsаdоv Z.H., Аhmedоvа G.А., Zаrbaliyeva I.А., Rahimov R.A., Mаmеdоvа Х.А. Obtaining of new surfactants based on acid fractions of tall oil. Processes of petrochemistry and oil refining. № 2(42), 2010, p.147-153

  7. Asadov Z.H., Aga-zade A.D., Ahmadova G.А., Rahimov R.A. Retardation of gasoline vaporization by oxypropyl ethers of polyols of oligomeric nature. Reports of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, 2009, №1, p.59-64

  8. Asadov Z.H., Salamova N.V., Ahmadova G.A., Rahimov R.A. Kinetic regularities of oxypropylation of palimitic, stearic and oleic acids. Georgia Chemical Journal. 2008. Vol. 8, №3, 261-265

  9. Asadov Z.H., Ahmadova G.A., Rahimov R.A. Oligomers based on epoxy compounds and phosphoric acids. Azerbaijanian Chemistry Journal, 2007, 4, 33-39

  10. Asadov Z.H., Ahmadova G.A., Baghirova A.M., Rahimov R.A. Kinetic regularities of reaction of glyserine chloroxypropylation with epichlorohydrin. Azerbaijanian Chemistry Journal, 2007, 1, 93-100

  11. Asadov Z.H., Zarbaliyeva I.A., Rahimov R.A., Ahmadova G.A. Regularities of reaction of caprinic acid oxypropylation with propylene oxide and properties of final oxypropylates. Azerbaijanian Chemistry Journal, 2007, 2, 84-92

  12. Asadov Z.H., Rahimov R.A., Ahmadova G.A., Husseynova M.B., Ahmadbayova S.F. Synthesis and physico-chemical characterization of novel surface-active oligomers based on 1.3-butylene glycol and propylene oxide. Georgia Chemical Journal. 2007. Vol. 7, №4. 391-397

  13. Asadov Z.H., Rahimov R.A., Ahmadova G.A. Regularities of reaction of glycerine oxypropylation with propylene oxide. Prosesses of petrochemistry and oil refining. 2006, №1(24) 18-28

Asadov Z.H., Rahimov R.A., Ahmadova G.A. Film-forming oligomers decreasing gasoline losses upon vaporization. Georgia Chemical Journal, 2006, Vol 6 No 2, 201-217

  1. Asadov Z.H., Rahimov R.A., Ahmadova G.A. Physico-chemical characteristics of surface-active oligomers based on ethylene glycol, propylene oxide and phosphating agents. Azerbaijanian Chemistry Journal, 2005, 2, 28-33

  2. Asadov Z.H., Aga-zade A.D., Ahmadova G.A., Zarbaliyeva I.A., Rahimov R.A., Salamova N.V. Phisico-chemical, petroleum-collecting and dispersing properties of new surfactants based on acid fractions of castor oil, propylene oxide and ethanolamines. Georgia Chemical Journal. 2005.Vol. 5, №3, 286-299

  3. Asadov Z.H., Aga-zade A.D., Ahmadova G.А., Nasibova Sh.M., Rahimov R.A., Aliyeva G.S. Synthesis of surface-active ethers and esters based on (di)methyl-aminoethanol and propylene oxide. Georgia Chemical Journal, 2004, Vol 4, №2, 113-118

  4. Asadov Z.H., Aga-zade A.D., Zarbaliyeva I.A., Salamova N.V., Ahmadova G.A., Eyubova S.K., Rahimov R.A., Baghirova A.M. Petroleum-collecting and dispersing properties of oxypropylates of individual monocarboxylic acids (C16, C18) and their natural fractions. Processes of petrochemistry and oil refining, 2003, №4 (15), 4-16

  5. Asadov Z.H., Aga-zade A.D., Ahmadova G.A., Nasibova Sh.M., Rahimov R.A., Aliyeva G.S. Synthesis of surface-active ethers and esters based on (di)methylaminoethanol and propylene oxide. Georgia Chemical Journal, 2003, Vol. 3, №3, 205-211

Patentlər (ümumilikdə 7)

  1. Azizov A.A., Rahimov R.A., Alosmanov R.M., Akparov O.H. Method for preparation of sorbents containing phosphoric acid fragments. Patent I 2005 0142 Azerbaijan, МPА7 G 01 N 21/78, Number of the document invention: 2002 0084 (priority date: 29.04.2002; award date: 17.10.2005)

  2. Asadov Z.H., Rahimov R.A., Aga-zade A.D., Ahmadova G.A., Qasimzade E.E. Method of decreasing of the gasoline losses upon vaporization. Patent I 2009 0176 Azerbaijan, C 10 L 1/18, H 01 L 1/185. Number of the document invention: 2007 0124 (priority date: 25.05.2007; award date: 19.10.2009)

Digər nəşrlər

  1. Rahimov R.A. Ph. D. Thesis "Reagents based on polyatomic alcohols and propylene oxide for retardation of gasoline vaporization" under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Z.H.Asadov (Institute of Petrochemical Processes of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan), December 2008

Tezislər və konfrans materialları (ümumilikdə 35)

  1. Aliyeva R.A., Aliyev I.A., Rahimov R.A., Azimova S.I., Mahmudov K.T. Azoderivatives of -diketones as analytical reagents in the photometric determination of iron(III). IV Regional conference of young scientists «Theoretical and experimental chemistry in liquid phase systems», November 17-20, 2009, Ivanovo, Russia. Book of Abstracts, p. 111.

  2. Maharramov A.M., Aliyev I.A., Aliyeva R.A., Rahimov R.A., Mahmudov K.T. Thermodynamic, tautomeric, spectroscopic, studies on 3-(4-fluorophenylhydrazo)pentane-2,4- dione. IV Regional conference of young scientists «Theoretical and experimental chemistry in liquid phase systems», November 17-20, 2009, Ivanovo, Russia. Book of Abstracts, p. 112.

  3. Asadov Z.H., Ahmadova G.А., Rahimov R.A. Epoxide-based oligoester reagents for decreasing of the gasoline vaporization losses. Int. Conf. «Ecology: problems the nature and society», November 8-10, 2007, Baku, Azerbaijan. Book of Abstracts, p. 416.

  4. Asadov Z.H., Rahimov R.A., Ahmadova G.A., Aga-zade A.D. Catalytic condensation of glyserine with propylene oxide and epichlorohydrine. III Int. Conf. “Fine organic synthesis and catalysis”, Decemder 14-16, 2005, Baku, Azerbaijan. Book of Abstracts, p.307-310.

  5. Asadov Z.H., Ahmadova G.A., Aga-zade A.D., Rahimov R.A. Oligomeric derivatives of epichlorohydrin and propylene oxide for decreasing the rate of gasoline evaporation. 11th Int. Conf. on Polymers and Organic Chemistry, July 18-23, 2004, Prague, Czech Republic. Book of Abstracts, p. 70

  6. Aga-zade A.D., Asadov Z.H., Ahmadova G.A., Rahimov R.A., Baghirova R.A. (Chlor)oxypropylation of polyatomic aliphatic alcohols (C2-C3). XVIII Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, June 5-9, 2004, Kars, Turkey, Book of Abstracts, p.1026

  7. Asadov Z.H., Ahmadova G.A., Rahimov R.A., Baghirova A.M. Oligomeric reagents for the lowering of the gasoline vaporization. Vth Int. Conf. “Ecology and protection of vital activity” April 7-9, 2004, Sumgait, Russia. Book of Abstracts, p. 140-141

  8. Asadov Z.H., Ahmadova G.A., Aga-zade A.D., Rahimov R.A. Retarding of the gasoline evaporation with an aid of additives. 18th Int. Conf. on Chemical Education. August 3-8, 2004. Istanbul, Turkey, Book of Abstracts, p. 163

  9. Asadov Z.H., Aga-zade A.D., Ahmadova G.A., Rahimov R.A., Aliyeva G.S. Deceleration of petroleum products vaporization with an aid of reagents of oligomeric nature. Oil refining and petrochemistry-2003, May 21, 2003, Ufa, Russia. Book of Abstracts, p.242

  10. Azizov A.A., Rahimov R.A., Alosmanov R.M., Akparov O.H. Purification of water from heavy metals by sorbents containing phosphonic acid (-PO3H2) fragments. IVth Int. Conf. “Ecology and protection of vital activity” April 17-19, 2002, Sumgait, Russia. Book of Abstracts, p. 44

  11. Rahimov R.A. Chlorophosphorylation of the butadiene-styrene rubber. VIII repub. Conf. of Post-graduate students and young researchers, 30 April-1 May, 2002, Baku, Azerbaijan. Book of Abstracts, p. 21.

  12. Rahimov R.A. Regularities of polyolefine phosphochlorination. ХVIII repub. Stud. conf, May 30, 2002, Baku, Azerbaijan. Book of Abstracts, p. 54.

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