Possibilities of using smart technologies in teaching robototechnics

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German conference 0916

Hosted from Hamburg, Germany 
Yavqochdiyev Davlat Davronovich 
A teacher at the Department of Heliophysics, Renewable Energy Sources and 
Electronics, Bukhara State University 
This article is about SMART technology, its application in the teaching of robotics. 
In it we will learn about the importance, advantages and directions of technology.
SMART technology, robotics, teaching, multimedia. Smart educational technologies, 
interactive displays, Content integration multimedia fragments, external electronic resources, 
Robotics education individualization project activities.
Smart education implies the presence of a large number of sources, the maximum variety of 
multimedia (audio, video, graphics), the ability to quickly and easily adjust to the level and 
needs of the listener. This is a completely new educational environment in which educational 
activities are carried out on the Internet based on common standards, technologies and 
agreements established between the network of educational institutions and faculty, and 
shared content is used. A feature of this type of education is accessibility to all segments of the 
population, regardless of place of residence and financial possibilities, i.e., “ubiquitous” 
Smart (translated as "smart", "intellectual") is characterized, first of all, by the presence of 
communication technologies of collective activity, which significantly transform not only 
education, but also other activities, making it focused on the use of knowledge. Education due 
to the introduction of electronic and collective technologies is becoming more widespread and 
effective. At the same time, in Smart education, the use of electronic technologies is combined 
with individual training in thinking and creativity. 
Smart technologies are based on information and knowledge. They make it possible to create 
fundamentally new teaching methods, while innovations and the Internet are used in the 
educational process, which makes it possible to acquire professional competencies based on a 
systemic multidimensional vision and study of disciplines, taking into account their 
multidimensionality and continuous updating. 
Smart education technologies mean educational content that is freely available to students, 
feedback from teachers and students, knowledge sharing between them, automation of 
administrative tasks. Many educational institutions already widely use interactive equipment 
(SMART Boards interactive whiteboards, interactive projectors, interactive displays, etc.). But 
it is not only equipping educational institutions with modern tools and equipment. This is the 
involvement of students in the practice of obtaining knowledge independently in electronic 
form, as well as the unique versatility for their effective use in the full-time system for 
organizing high-quality and effective independent work of students, the distance education 
system of working students, advanced training of specialists, system of general non-formal 
education of the population. 
Tools such as blogs, podcasts, social networking tools, and online communities help improve 
essential communication, collaboration, problem-solving, research, and critical thinking skills. 
According to the concept of Smart education, modern educational content is acquiring new 
characteristics. It should be freely available, ensure both the quality of education and the 

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