Methods and algorithms for processing big data using quantum algorithms

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Akhatov A.R.,KenjaevS.S.

Methods and algorithms for processing big data using quantum algorithms
Viserector, Samarkand State University, Republic of Uzbekistan
Samarkand State University, Republic of Uzbekistan

ABSTRACT: Nowadays, as a result of the development of information technology, there is a large flow of information. These data streams permeate every industry today. Analyzing and implementing this data through efficient processing and obtaining high results increases the relevance of the important research work called big data. This article presents an analysis of big data and approaches to its processing based on the analysis of materials from various sources. At the same time, general hypotheses of the approach to storing and processing big data using quantum computing, which is one of the modern approaches to processing big data, are presented.

АННОТАЦИЯ: В нынешнее время в результате развития информационных технологий существует большой поток информации. Эти потоки данных сегодня пронизывают каждую отрасль. Анализ и внедрение этих данных посредством эффективной обработки и получения высоких результатов повышают актуальность важной исследовательской работы, называемой большими данными. В данной статье представлен анализ больших данных и подходов к их обработке на основе анализа материалов из различных источников. Вместе с этим представлены общие гипотезы подхода к хранению и обработке больших данных с использованием квантовых вычислений, который является одним из современных подходов к обработке больших данных.
ANNOTASIYA: Hozirgi vaqtda axborot texnologiyalarining rivojlanishi natijasida katta hajmdagi axborotlar oqimi kuzatilmoqda. Ushbu ma'lumotlar oqimlari bugungi kunda har bir sohaga kirib bormoqda. Ushbu ma'lumotlarni samarali qayta ishlash va yuqori natijalarga erishish orqali tahlil qilish va amalga oshirish katta ma'lumotlar deb ataladigan muhim tadqiqot ishining dolzarbligini oshiradi. Ushbu maqolada katta ma'lumotlar tahlili va turli manbalardan olingan materiallarni tahlil qilish asosida ularni qayta ishlashga yondashuvlar keltirilgan. Shu bilan birga, katta ma'lumotlarni qayta ishlashning zamonaviy yondashuvlaridan biri bo'lgan kvant hisoblash yordamida katta ma'lumotlarni saqlash va qayta ishlashga yondashuvning umumiy farazlari taqdim etiladi.
Keywords: big data, big data technology, quantum algorithms, quantum supremacy, HDFS, MapReduce, NoSQL data bases
The expression “big data” refers to the volume of data that is too large for traditional data processing and analysis methods according to Clifford Lynch, published in the journal Nature in 2008[11]. Basically, big data is characterized by the triple “3V” - volume (amount of data), speed (rate of appearance and processing of data) and variety (different types of data) concepts introduced by Meta group in 2001, but with the practical addition of other interpretations to this series in the future.
The volume of data in big data can be so huge that traditional processing methods become ineffective [25]. This data can be collected from various sources, such as social networks, medical data, financial transactions, etc.
Working with big data requires special processing methods and algorithms, such as distributed data storage, parallel computing and machine learning [4].
In general, big data represents huge amounts of information that require special methods and tools for effective processing, analysis and use.

Fig. 1 Ecosystems of Big Data

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