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@thompson english IELTS Model Essays

Model Answer
Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed
because of technology. 
In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships people
Is this a positive or negative development?
It is evident that technology has transformed the ways of communication and
influenced relationships in a variety of ways. In my opinion, there are both
positive and negative effects of this.
The principal way in which relationships have been affected is that they tend
to be at a distance rather than face-to-face. The advent of the internet has
made it easy for business owners to communicate across the world, with

remote job opportunities one call away. Online educational programs are
available for people residing in different countries, and it is no longer a
dream to attend live classes from the comfortable environment of a home.
Not only this, the social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have
revolutionized relationships, be it making online friendships with people
from other countries or staying in touch with loved ones. Based on this
perspective, technology has influenced relationships in a positive way. 
However, despite these advances, the quality of interaction has significantly
declined in several respects. If people are developing most of their
relationships online, this means that they may also have less fact-to-face
contact. This kind of contact on a personal level is important for human
beings to feel wanted and a part of society. This may be a particular problem
for children's social development as they used to be seen playing out on the
streets but are now too often indoors. Technology can also mean people are
detached from what is going on around them even when they are out, as can
be seen by the many people staring into their mobile phones as they travel or
walk around. 
In conclusion, technology has brought some positive development in the
ways people interact with each other. However, there are also some negative
impacts of technology on the types of relationships people make. 
(299 Words)
This Communication Technology Essay would get a good score for the
following reasons.
It fully answers the question, setting out the way the types of relationships
people make have changed (they tend to be 'online') and then expanding on
this by giving examples. 
A balanced opinion is also clearly explained, with the impacts in the first
body paragraph seen to be positive, and the second body paragraph
dedicated to explaining the negative points. 

The essay is also clearly organised and coherent, with the opinion clearly
stated and the body paragraphs clearly each focused on one central idea.
There is also good vocabulary used and good collocations. For example:
advent of the internet
remote job opportunities 
social platforms 
revolutionized relationships
people are detached from 
The grammar shows accuracy and a wide range of structures are used. 

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