Course goals and objectives

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1.1 Course goals: formation of competences, needed for development of practical skills and knowledge required to work in the companies, leading ministries and departments related to foreign economic activities, with the aim of ensuring competitiveness of Russian companies.

1.2 Course objectives:

- to study theoretical aspects of the modern geo-economic space;

- to consider the position of Russia in the modern geo-economic space;

- identify the conditions necessary for Russia's participation in the development of the world's

geo-economic space;

- to apply the instruments of trade policy to ensure the competitiveness of companies, to

analyze the laws and regulations governing commercial activity at the macro and micro level;

- to expand the horizons of students in international geo-economic space with the aim of

applying the acquired knowledge in future professional activity;

- to teach to work independently with the economic literature, to systematize and generalize

information, statistical data contained in the reference and scientific literature, specialized



    1. Part (block) of educational programme: B1.V.DV.1.1

    2. Association with other courses of current study plan

Preceding courses list

Following courses (activity) list

Microeconomics (advanced level)

Economics of Organization

Foreign Language of Professional Communication

Global Transformations

Theoretical Basis of International Business

Macroeconomics (advanced level)

Econometrics (advanced level)

Foreign Language of Professional Communication

The Organization of International Business

Quality Management in International Business



To know, to have skills, to be capable



General Cultural Competence (GCC)


Willingness for self-development, self-realization, development of creative potential

K - basic principles of geo-economic theory, the differences from geopolitics to geo-Economics

S - use the creative potential

C - use methods of self-development and self-realization in professional activity

General Professional Competence (GPC)


Willingness to communicate in oral and written forms in Russian and foreign languages for solving tasks of professional activity

K - principles of foreign language proficiency as a means of social interaction, entry into the linguistic community, identification;

- method of communication in oral and written forms in Russian and foreign languages

S - to communicate in Russian and foreign languages in order to solve tasks of professional activity; to understand authentic business and scientific texts of high complexity in the field; interpret professional information in oral form

C - of communication in oral and written forms in Russian and foreign languages; of oral and written translation of texts on economic topics from a foreign language into Russian and from Russian into foreign language in order to solve professional problems

Professional Competence (PC)

Analytical activity


Ability to forecast the main socio-economic indicators of activity of the enterprise, industry, region and economy as a whole

K - principles and methods of drawing up of economic forecasts

S - to structure logically information and to make predictions, to identify problems of economic development and political and social conflicts in society

C - to summarize the results of their own studies of problems in modern geopolitical space, or studies prepared by an organized group


    1. Classroom hours – full time learning

Academic Hours

Including interactive, AH

Activity type, module, topic, brief description





Module 1 "Theoretical and methodological bases of the formation of contemporary geo-economic space"

GCC-3,GPC-1, PC-10


Topic 1.1 "The end of the cold war and global development trends"

GPC-1, PC-10


Topic 1.2 "Postindustrial society and the global geo-economic system"

GPC-1, PC-10


Topic 1.3 "The new world order and geo-economic expansion"

GCC-3, GPC-1


Module 2 "The Russian economy in the context of contemporary geo-economic space"

GCC-3,GPC-1, PC-10


Topic 2.1 "Foreign economic strategy of the states in the XXI century in the context of the new world order"

GCC-3, GPC-1


Topic 2.2 "Competitiveness of the Russian economy"

GCC-3, PC-10


Topic 2.3 "Foreign economic policy of Russia in the XXI century"

GCC-3, GPC-1


Topic 2.4 "Actual problems of creation of foreign economic strategy of Russia in the XXI century"

GCC-3, PC-10


Topic 2.5 "Assurance of economic security of Russia in the XXI century"

GCC-3, PC-10



Practical Classes/Seminars


Module 1 "Theoretical and methodological bases of the formation of contemporary geo-economic space"

GCC-3,GPC-1, PC-10


Topic 1.1 "The end of the cold war and global development trends"

GPC-1, PC-10


Topic 1.2 "Postindustrial society and the global geo-economic system"

GPC-1, PC-10


Topic 1.3 "The new world order and geo-economic expansion"

GCC-3, GPC-1



Module 2 "The Russian economy in the context of contemporary geo-economic space"

GCC-3,GPC-1, PC-10



Topic 2.1 "Foreign economic strategy of the states in the XXI century in the context of the new world order"

GCC-3, GPC-1



Topic 2.2 "Competitiveness of the Russian economy"

GCC-3, PC-10



Topic 2.3 "Foreign economic policy of Russia in the XXI century"

GCC-3, GPC-1



Topic 2.4 "Actual problems of creation of foreign economic strategy of Russia in the XXI century"

GCC-3, PC-10



Topic 2.5 "Assurance of economic security of Russia in the XXI century"

GCC-3, PC-10

    1. Independent study – full time learning

Academic hours

Topics and units planned for independent learning, themes of reports and written assignments, reading and PC-using advise



Topics and units planned for independent learning

GCC-3,GPC-1, PC-10


Topic 1.1 "The end of the cold war and global development trends"

Study Questions:

1. What are the reasons for the beginning and the end of the cold war?

2. What is it the Conference on security and cooperation in Europe and what role did it play in the détente?

GPC-1, PC-10


Topic 1.2 "Postindustrial society and the global geo-economic system"

Study Questions:

1. What is a technological harassment?

2. What is а new economics?

GPC-1, PC-10


Topic 1.3 "The new world order and geo-economic expansion"

Study Questions:

1. What is the economization of politics?

2. How has the EU become an international reproduction core?

GCC-3, GPC-1


Topic 2.1 "Foreign economic strategy of the states in the XXI century in the context of the new world order"

Study Questions:

1. What are the signs of geo-economic expansion of the EU to the East of the European continent?

2. What is the contribution of E. G. Kochetov in the study of geo-economic issues?

3. How does the state, having geo-economic interests, retains its sovereignty?

4. How does a state, created a supranational system, come with it in a relationship?

GCC-3, GPC-1


Topic 2.2 "Competitiveness of the Russian economy"

Study Questions:

1. How do foreign experts assess the competitiveness of the Russian economy?

2. What is the significance of cooperation between Russia and the states of the European Union and the Asia-Pacific region for enhancing national competitiveness?

3. What problems exist today in the cooperation between Russia and the states of the European Union and the Asia-Pacific region?

GCC-3, PC-10


Topic 2.3 "Foreign economic policy of Russia in the XXI century"

Study Questions:

1. Why does mining remain the backbone of the Russian economy?

2. What changes in the foreign economic policy of Russia do they need according to experts?

3. How do the attempts of Western countries to maintain their economic positions affect the foreign economic policy of Russia?

GCC-3, GPC-1


Topic 2.4 "Actual problems of creation of foreign economic strategy of Russia in the XXI century"

Study Questions:

1. What are the prospects of raw material economy of Russia in the context of the modernization plans?

2. How do experts explain the reasons for the lack of structural reforms in the Russian economy?

3. What is a glocalization?

4. What is the significance of globalization for the foreign economic strategy of Russia?

GCC-3, PC-10


Topic 2.5 "Assurance of economic security of Russia in the XXI century"

Study Questions:

1. How important are economic issues for "The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation"?

2. How are the prospects of Russia's economic security in the context of formation of a multipolar world?

3. Why do Russia's national interests often come in conflict with the global geo-economic trends?

4. What has been debated in connection with the gaining progressive geo-economic status by Russia?

5. What reserves does our country possess to ensure its competitiveness in the contemporary geo-economic space?

GCC-3, PC-10


Topics and questions appointed by the teacher in a view of student’s interests
Topics of essays:

1. Political and economic changes in the world after the cold war.

2. Economic situation in Russia in the 1990s years.

3. Comparative analysis of the main characteristics of Russian society and the society of postindustrial type.

4. The concept of new economics as a solution of the world development problems.

5. Comparative analysis of foreign economic strategies of the leading states of the world.

6. A comparative analysis of the foreign economic strategies of Russia and one of the developed countries of the world (student's choice).

7. Russia's place in the new world order.

8. Ways of increase of competitiveness of the Russian economy.

9. Trade and economic relations between Russia and the EU.

10. Trade and economic relations between Russia and the United States.

11. Trade and economic relations between Russia Russia and China.

12. The economic security of our country (As to "The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation").

GCC-3,GPC-1, PC-10


Total independent study workload (academic hours)


    1. Assessment tools for in-process assessment

Standard problems, cases, tests and other control tools for the assessment of knowledge, skills, acquired competence (demo version, no more than 2 examples of one kind)


Control works
Module 1 "Theoretical and methodological bases of the formation of contemporary geo-economic space"

1. Clarify the concept of geo-economics and explain the importance of geo-economic space in the modern world.

2. Clarify the concept of geo-economic expansion and give examples of such expansion in the XXI century.
Module 2 "The Russian economy in the context of contemporary geo-economic space"

1. Analyze the major indicators of competitiveness of the Russian economy in the XXI century.

2. Analyze the foreign economic policy of Russia in XXI the century.


Practical tasks
Module 1 "Theoretical and methodological bases of the formation of contemporary geo-economic space"

1. Analyze criteria of the postindustrial society following the example of developed countries (for choice the student).

2. Pick up examples of economic globalization in the modern world.
Module 2 "The Russian economy in the context of contemporary geo-economic space"

1. Pick up the examples of growing global conflicts in the XXI century.

2. Point out macroeconomic indicators for the economic security of Russia.

For the list and description of assessment tools see Appendix 1 of this Work Program

    1. Assessment tools for interim assessment for a pass-fail examination

Questions for pass-fail examination:

1. The end of the cold war and the global development trends.

2. Post-industrial society and the global geo-economic system.

3. Technological harassment and new economics.

4. The new world order and geo-economic expansion.

5. Russia's place in the new world order.

6. Foreign economic strategy of the states in the XXI century in the context of the new world order.

7. A comparative analysis of the foreign economic strategy of Russia and one of the developed countries of the world (student's choice).

8. Competitiveness of the Russian economy.

9. Ways of increase of competitiveness of the Russian economy.

10. Mining and export of raw materials as the basis of the Russian economy.

11. The foreign economic policy of Russia in XXI century.

12. Russian experts on the necessary changes in foreign economic policy of Russia.

13. Glocalization and its importance for the foreign economic strategy of Russia.

14. Prospects of Russia's economic security in the context of a multipolar world.

15. Trade and economic relations between Russia and the EU.

16. Trade and economic relations between Russia and the United States.

17. Trade and economic relations between Russia and China.

18. Economic security of Russia (according to "The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation").


    1. Basic and further readings


Number of copies

Basic readings


National Economy: Textbook. 3rd ed., revised. and exp. / Under the editorship of P. V. Savchenko. - M.: INFRA-M, 2015. - 832 p.

Electronic text is available

Further readings


Kochetov E. G. Geo-Economics. Mastering the World Economic Space. Textbook. - M.: Publishing house Norma, 2006. - 495 p.

Electronic text is available


Kochetov E. G. Geo-economic (global) Thesaurus (Elements of the mechanism of the Russian model of global strategic management). In 2 volumes. M.: RIO RTA, 2002. Vol. 1 - 240 p.; V. 2. - 256 p.


Ivanova I. R. The Relationship of the EU and Russia in Today's World Order // Panorama. Scientific works of the faculty of international relations, Voronezh state University. T. XXIII. - Voronezh, VSU Publishing House, 2016. - P. 16-30.


Aslanova L. O., Batova B. Z. Geo-economic Position of Russia in the World: Problems and Prospects // Contemporary Problems of Science and Education. 2014. No. 2. - P. 1-9.


Geo-economics in the Context of Globalization: Achievements and Prospects // Global Studies as a Field of Scientific Research and Teaching. Vol. 2. - M., 2009. - P. 284-296.


Sapir E. V. The World Economy: Geo-economic Approach. Textbook. - Yaroslavl: Izd. YSU, 2003. - 263 p.


Metelev S. E. National Security and Development Priorities of Russia: socio-economic and legal aspects. Monograph. - M.: YUNITI-DANA: Zakon i pravo, 2006. - 223 p.


Kortunov S. V. Conceptual Basis of National and International Security. Educational and methodical manual. - M.: State University – Higher School of Economics, 2007. - 307 p.

    1. Web resources


1 - official web site of The President of Russian Federation

2 - official web site of The Government of Russian Federation

3 - official web site of The Federal State Statistics Service

4 - official web site of Kommersant

5 - official web site of the European Union

6 - official web site of The Wall Street Journal

7 - official web site of The Economist

    1. Software



Microsoft Office

    1. Data bases and systems



Global Financial Data


The Global Financial Development Database


IMF Data


All the rooms for any activity implied with this Work Program are supplied with special furniture for learning and essential teaching and learning equipment. The presentation equipment is used for delivering lectures.


These learning guidelines for “Russia within Modern Geo-Economic Space” course fulfillment are addressed to either full-time, part-time or mixed mode learning.

The Study Plan for “Economics” field of study includes following types of classes: lectures; practical classes.

The lectures are intended to generate students' ideas about the value of geo-economic space in modern world and Russia's place in this space. Students should study the trends of the world development after the cold war, the structure and principles of the analysis of the external environment. Lectures also cover the issues of foreign economic strategy and foreign economic policy of Russia at the present stage. Lectures will be accompanied by related presentations that will be then sent to the students and to serve together with the materials of the core modules of the subject the basis for learning in the discipline.

In preparation for practical training, each student must:

  • examine the recommended textbooks;

  • study the lecture notes and provided by lecturer presentations;

  • prepare the answers to all your questions on the subject matter.

During practical classes, students are encouraged to analyze and explain the material covered in the previously read lectures. In addition to interactive sessions, students will be given the opportunity to provide presentations on selected topics and to report on the results of practical assignments. Presentations and reports will be evaluated according to the results of group discussion. Thus the teamwork is stimulated, which promotes better assimilation of educational material.

The issues from the lectures and practical lessons, to be studied by students during independent work. Control of independent work of students on the curriculum of the course is carried out in the classroom by the method of oral survey, or by testing. In the course of independent work, each student is required to read primary and secondary literature on the topic studied, to supplement the lecture notes missing material, extracts from the recommended sources.

To prepare for classes, ongoing monitoring and intermediate attestation the students can use electronic library of the University - In addition, the students can borrow the books from the University library or use the reading rooms of the University.
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