Youareme“ The Earevelation of the jhwh volume 2

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It begins to run!

And in which direction does it run?

Towards the outside of course.

But where does the “outside” of your conflict-laden world lie?

Inside of you of course!
Now if we turn these radicals around, Samech-Nun form the term “sinai” (60-10-50-10), “sin” (the desert Sin = 60-10-50) and “sene” (60-50-5), which means “thorn-bush”. As well by this “burning thorn-bush”, but also “in the desert Sin”, you are getting “dazzled” (hebr. “sinver”,

60-50-6-200, also “to be stricken with blindness!”) by the godly sun. In the desert I “sift” (Hebr. “sinen” 60-50-50) the “mature” souls from “the immature souls”. Each single soul has to go through this “sieve of existence”, and that is “without” (Lat.=”sine”) any “ifs (and) buts” (Lat. “sin”). Your “testing” (“nissajon”) thereby consists in the “testing” of your “ability to perceive” all of my “miracles” and “signs” (“nes”). Only if you want to believe in “the higher dimensions”, only if you try to expand your “rational logic” instead of dogmatically trying to uphold its limitedness, my “miracles” are “going to appear” for you too. If you are on your path of becoming one, you go pregnant with the meaning of my creation and are also going to live to experience the birth of “miracles” and happy coincidences which are linked to this. These happy circumstances which you then are going to encounter in this existence, are going to supply you with the “manna” (=”seed of happiness”) which you are going to be able to “live” off more than well.

70 Ajin e (eye / nothing / well)
The Ajin is together with the Aleph the second consonant which is not being spoken; but Ajin can take on the vocal sounds A, E, O, U and so on. It resembles a Chameleon which adapts the “eye” to the “nothing”. In the Greek alphabet the number 70 corresponds to “O-micron”. Why don’t you just let your imagination wander around a bit, in order to grasp the meaning of this word. The O is the stem-sign for the Ajin (is often also spoken as Ojin). Your encounter with Samech and Nun is the prerequisite for the coming forth of the world perceived by you. Call to your consciousness what has gone on before in the succession of causality of the Hebrew signs: the hand Jod, with the secret of the 1-4 relation, the taking ahold of the Lamed (ox-goad) by the “active hand” (Kaf). Through the driving Lamed time (Mem) comes forth, which now is in a “straight growing movement” (Nun) or is in a perpetual “circle” (Samech).
Ajin also means “a well”. It is not without reason that you consider “the eye” as the well of all of your experiences. Eye and a well are as Ajin the same word. Your eyes convey to you the stream of all that is happening (Germ.=Geschehen > Gesehenes >that which is seen) as “experience” that is lively felt. But do observe thereby, that a well does not represent the actual source/spring! If all that is “seen” by you, as I claim, only corresponds to an admittedly damn real dream, then all appearances perceived by you consist, to be exact, of “nothing”. For this reason the three meanings “eye”, “well” and “nothing” are uniting itself in the sign Ajin. A human who only “sees superficially”, without being conscious of that which precedes it – the actual source – does not look into his being here/existence with perfection, the way it would actually be possible for him. He then is still blind to real life. All life is streaming forth out of the Ajin, the well. But the actual source/spring of the “living water” reveals itself to you only then, if you go beyond “the obvious” (the well) and you have found “the hidden” – the actual source/spring. You are in the position “to see” in a much more encompassing way than you are at this moment admitting to yourself. Your accuracy of seeing or better yet your “resolution” is dependent on it, if your rational logic is in the position to create a connection between the obvious “surface” and “the real core” of all of the phenomenon perceived by you. The “outer value”, that is to say the gematrial surface-value of Ajin is 70 and presents the limitedness of the “only-earthly” seeing. If you are only able to orientate yourself on your superficial outside impressions, then you yourself make of yourself an unconscious and superficial human. The “full value” of Ajin is 130 (70-10-50). Only in its full value the Ajin unfolds itself in its entire fullness and shows itself as the “connection” between “the visible” and “the invisible” (water), which is streaming out of this source/spring.
It might sound funny to you, if now you hear that the meaning of the number 130 comes from being the one which follows after the 120. The 12 is the measuring stick of time (this we are going to talk about still more specifically). Everything which has to do with time, this you see with the number 12. 12 months has the year, 2 x 12 hours are in a day, then there are also the 12 astrological signs. With the 13 (=130) one leaves the “time-circle” of the Samech (see volume 1, page 251). This is why the years of a human, whose existence “is happening/runs” in a time-circle, is being stated in the Bible with 120 symbolic years. In Genesis chapter 6, verse 1-7 I report to you about it. But you should not take the “English interpretations” (translations) too literally. The Hebrew original in this case too is being represented more than distorted and mutilated. The translators, in their endeavor “to translate” the Bible, obviously did proceed the same way as did the giant Procrustes. Just as he captured humans and adapted them to the size of his torture-bed by “mutilation and stretching”, so the translators of my “original text of revelation” also tried to adapt it by mutilation and self-opinionated adding it on to their limited world-view – that is to say to the rational logic of their dogmatic ideology (idiocy). The “women” which took the “sons of God” (=humans), symbolize the different ideologies, which humans are hanging on to. In Gen.6; 5 it says in my holy scroll:


II am now going to try to convey to you – as far as this is even possible in an “undiluted” way - a “literal translation” “into English”. Please do consider that there is no “time-form” in Hebrew and therefore also “no past tense” form. My original Hebrew words in the holy scrolls are being written without “division of words” and “punctuation marks” (see volume 1, page 59). In it you also do not find any vowels. The ancient Hebrew is a pure language of consonants. The vowel indications that are common nowadays – the so-called Masorah – which are ordered around the signs in the form of dots and lines, and the word-divisions, have only been initiated in the eighth century of your time calculation. In the original all of the signs form “a whole which is interlinked in itself” that only consist of a core of “19” consonant signs (plus a half vocal y and two soundless signs a and e). If you transfer it into English, then for example “father” would be written as FTR and “king” would be written as KNG. Some transcriptions therefore work with upper case and lower case letters (FaTheR and or KiNG).
The now following boldly printed words are the “literal translation” which you are going to get by using the help of a Hebrew/English dictionary:


(the)sight/(of the)human (is a) well/

and all/everything (is the) creating (of the rational) thoughts (40-8-300-2 also means “accountant” and “computer”, important is: the total value is “350”)

/(his heart/only/bad:/(is only)one day.

(Ground Hog Day! )
In this verse I “clearly” tell you about HOLO-FEELING.

Your limited rational thinking – (the)seeing/view(of the)human – is the well, out of which originates the “imperfect world” (much/bad/signs) “perceived by you” (and/all/creating /thoughts) heart/only/bad is pointing you towards your only dichotomous, that is to say your only “equivocal” ability to perceive, because the word “bad/evil” is, if viewed etymologically, “clearly” an oxymoron, that is a word, that is “equivocal” and “bi-nominal”, (see volume 1, page 95).

All//view/one day puts in front of your eyes “the timelessness” of your being here. “In reality” there is neither a past, nor a future. The “only” thing which really ex-ists is only the “now”! The only thing which links you to your “yesterday” are your “memo”-ries (Germ. = Er-“inner”-ungen). If now I claim, that all of the “memories” which you have regarding “your past”, have only been dreamt by you and that you have ended “this dream” with your “waking up” today in the morning, then you actually have no possibility to refute this “fact”. The only thing which is able to prevent you from pursuing this “train of thought”, is your “dogmatic belief” into your (limited) rational logic, which makes it seem to you as if this fact is “impossible”. And this is how “one day” can become as thousand years and “thousand years” as one day.
You should slowly “learn to accept”, that you cannot prove anything to a “normal human”, if his “spiritual ability to perceive” – his “rationality” (=spiritual calculation-capacity) is not sufficient enough to re-construct/comprehend “the new” also rationally. And this is how the complex “real knowledge”, which is inherent to each human soul – to you too – is always limited by the maturity of the soul of that person itself – which calculates the measure of the respective ability to belief. Your only escape out of this dilemma is “the path of humility”, that is to say first the conscious insight/recognition and then also the unconditional acceptance of your own ignorance/lack of knowledge so far. If now you look at and “understand” this verse on the number level, it contains, viewed as mathematical “formula” (Lat.= “formula” = “legal regulation”; abbreviated form with letters, math. signs and symbols for axioms and regularities), all solutions to the paradoxes and antinomies of the natural sciences in your world, which you too mistakenly have been “brought up” to consider as being apodictic.
Now let’s just take a look at what the “established churches” in their self-aggrandizing “Procrustes-like” interpretations have made of this verse:
(German Einheitsübersetzung of 1996) Genesis 6; 5

The Lord saw, that on earth the wickedness of the humans increased and that all thoughts and striving of his heart was always evil.
(Luther of 1912) 1. Moses 6; 5

But because the Lord saw, that the malice of the human was great on earth and all poetizing and striving of their heart was only evil continually.
(Unrevised Elberfelder Bible of 1905)

And Jahwe saw, that the wickedness of the humans was great on earth and all constructing of the thoughts of his heart only evil the whole day.
All organizations – no matter if religious, ecological, natural scientific or political – “kill” the “really holy” in your world!
Holy means “to be whole”. To think holy is the ability of a human to think “wholly/entirely” and “healthy”. But each “normal organization” has “enemy images”! In this way they make it “impossible” for themselves to grasp my wholeness/entirety – my actual reality that is. In the case of the established churches, including all of the “streams” and sects that are numbered with them, those humans who do not move about within “the norms” of the observer, are most of the time declared by them as being an enemy of the idea of “their personal term of wholeness/entirety”. An evil “spiritual short circuit” is found in this kind of thinking, because they themselves sentence themselves in this way to be evil – because without question they
too are also humans. All humans are equal among each other and I have created all/everyone with the same love. Every single one is thereby “the well” of his own perception. The difference lies solely in their maturity of soul. This is the law of equality in the godly hierarchy of real life. Is a baby “less of a human”, that is to say “of less value” than is an adult? This is exactly how it is regarding the “maturity of the soul” of the human. This is what inevitably leads to it, that exactly those arrogant, self-aggrandizing and power-possessed “know-it-all / wiseacres” are the ones who have the least bit of “maturity of soul”. Each self-declared moralizer with his short-sighted condemning of his fellow-humans judges/sentences himself. My mill of divine justice grinds very slowly. Don’t worry, no one is able to run away from me and from the “beyond”. I herewith give you my godly promise, that there every single human will get the “reward” which is due him according to his conduct here! By the clinging to a fanatically adhered to and dogmatically shortsighted ideology (idiocy) each human soul makes of himself a “poisoned well”, which poisons “the harmony” of ones own world. The “limited trains of thought” of the established ideologies are the toxic source which poison your “world” with their ignorance/lack of knowledge and their “erroneous belief”. What was that again: The world perceived by you is only a mirrored reflection of your own not conscious/not aware psyche! The “love your neighbor as you love yourself!” in this way is elevated unaware/not consciously to a “hate-love”. Even if so far you have voiced your statements so far always “to the best of your knowledge and conscience”, this by far does not tell anything about the quality of your assumed knowledge so far – in regard to real actual reality.
In the Bible there is only one human who becomes 120 years old and this is Moses. The mountain “Sinai”, where Moses received my revelations, in Hebrew is written as 60-10-50-10, that is as 130. Adam symbolically was 130 years old, when his “third” son (Seth) was born, with whom begins, just as if anew, the creation of the human in the image of God. Cain and Abel symbolize thesis and anti-thesis – 1 and 2 – which leads to the synthesis (to Seth), the 3. For as long as 1 and 2 form an alternating “circuit/circle” of life and killing (death), synthesis does not come about. Seth who is conceived by Adam at the age of 130 symbolizes the synthesis, the merging/melting together of the opposites and thereby also the overcoming of this circle/circuit. The 130 points over/above the “normal sensing of time”. The “Jacob’s ladder” (“sulam” 60-30-40), which according to tradition links/connects the earth with the heavens, has “seven steps” and a total value of 130.
Your eye (“ajin” 70-10-50 =130) does not only have to be tied to space and time, it has the ability “to see above/beyond the space and the time of the present (= this side)”. If you say Ajin, you also speak 130, even though “the outside”, that is to say “the obvious” of the sign Ajin only means 70. Only with its value which “lies within”, 130, your eye turns into the complete source and unites you with that which is hidden within you – the beyond without space and time. For as long as you view all phenomenon which appear to/for you only superficially, you will never recognize/realize all that is weaving and vibrating along in the hidden. Are you a responsible-minded shepherd? By your disposition so far, to view/see (Hebr. =”ra’a” 200-1-5) many of the appearances of your being here only in a shortsighted way and therefore also mostly in a destructive way, you “are pasturing” (Hebr.= “ra’a” 200-70-5) mostly only “evil” (“ra” 200-70) and “injustice” (“ra’a” 200-70-5 as well). A real “shepherd” (“ro’e” 200-6-70-5) overlooks the “herd of sheep” entrusted to him (=all appearances of your existence) and leads them to their real purpose/calling. You are without question also in the position to see through the surface of all the phenomenon which are come to appear for you only “temporally”. Each and every phenomenon which you perceive hides in its depth the great secret of your existence.

Your seeing will only then turn into a real seeing, if you do not only perceive the water which is bubbling into your daylight – that is to say your con-sciousness light, but also bring to your mind/view continually the entire “cycle” of life “that is behind it”.

This cycle of your soul consists of: springing up – flowing – evaporating – cloud – (gathering in heaven!) – raining down (the gathering on earth!) – springing up and so on and so forth. You indeed see many things, but can you therefore also “SEE”? Each phenomenon which you observe is going to, depending on the “intensity and penetration depth” of your personal viewpoint/perspective, change in its quality. Do you still remember the “mouse wine example” in volume I? A “SEEING ONE” does not only perceive the different kind of facets that are dispersed into time – the “single/separate possibilities of being/existence” – of each creation, but rather “ALL/EVERYTHING”; that is to say all possibilities which are inherent to the perceived appearance.

He sees “each process(ion)” as an undistorted and harmonious “unity”. He recognizes by observing the grain also the plant which grows out of it and the “perpetual/everlasting return” that is connected to it. So therefore he recognizes “his own growth/growing” and the permanent shape-shifting which inevitably is linked to it.

The Bible tells about the “tree of life”, “ez ha chajim”. The word “chajim” (=”life” 8-10-10-40) in Hebrew has an “ajim”-ending, which always represents a twoness, the twoness of the “chet”. “Chajim” explains to you your life as something “obvious” and “hidden”, as a perpetual “being” and as a constantly changing “becoming”, as “beyond” and as “on this side”. This also corresponds to the 8 kinds of nature/characters of the upper (macrocosm) and the lower (microcosm) of the trigram of the Taoist I - Ging. The term/title of the “Tree of knowledge” according to Gen. 1;2, “ez ose pri” means literally “tree makes fruit”. If you only want to get something accomplished by “shortsighted egoistic actions”, without thereby considering the a-causal actual reality which is eternal and which lies at the basis of “your being”, all that is being created by you in this existence is going to stay separate from the “actual being – the apodictic origin”. You then dedicate “all of your creations” to doom.
All human truths are always something perishable, only my “godly actual reality” is timeless.
All this is what the fruit from the “tree of knowledge” symbolizes. If you look at the process more closely you will realize pretty soon, that a tree by itself by far does not make any fruit yet. The name of the “tree of life” according to Gen.1;11 is “ez pri oze pri”. This means literally “tree fruit makes fruit”. You are a tree of my creation, that is to say a tree “which itself is a fruit” and from which “new fruit is supposed to come forth”. So to “be fruitful and multiply” does not refer to an “animalistic, only physical reproducing”, but rather to the development of your “godly spirit”. By your fruits (your perceptions) you can in this way also recognize your own thoughts (the spiritual projector of this world)!
If you view my timeless actual reality as the origin, you also will “eternally” live with joy and happiness, but if you prefer “your dogmatic truths”, you remain in the cycle of joy and pain, of life and death. The “SEEING” of one who is wise is called “chason” (8-7-50) or “chisajon” (8-7-10-6-50). So far you still see with the eyes of a “normal human”. You are only concentrating on the surface of all of your appearances – on the superficial. But the eye of a wise one sees in the things also at the same time that which is hidden. With this kind of SEEING more is happening than can be explained with the mere becoming/being aware of the outer value alone. If you merely “see”, you inevitably consider something to be beautiful and attractive, ugly and repulsive or amazing and frightening. This happens through the qualities
which you are admitting to this perceived phenomenon. But since you only perceive (receive as true) its surface, you also only see the outer parts – certain proportions, colors and ways of conduct – which are inherent to the whole and you thereby judge/sentence the original whole to that which you are able to perceive of it, and/or want to perceive. The proportions which you perceive, you define with your language. If now you change from the “sound level” to the “number level” of the words used by you, these proportions which are sensed by you qualitatively, turn into quantities which are exactly described mathematically. Your empiric sensations therefore mirror themselves mathematically exact in the number-relations of gematria, which is “inherent” to the words used by you. These number-relations all do have their specifically determined meaning and can be viewed by you as “outer value”, “inner value”, “hidden value” and “Athbasch value”. They all correspond exactly to the mathematical laws of the entire cosmos “which is inside of you”. Your perception will only then lead you to the unity, if you are able to SEE through the surface on to the hidden of all the phenomenon of your existence.
80 Pe p PF “the mouth”
The sign Pe follows, number value 80, sound value “P”. Partly the Pe is also spoken as “F” or better yet as “Ph”. In the ranking of the primal signs the seeing comes before the speaking. This symbolic mouth bestows all words with life. The sign Pe has the form of an opened mouth with a visible tongue p, it is thereby about a speaking mouth, here it is primarily about your “inner speaking” – your thinking. With your thinking you begin with “activating/invoking” your present. Your thoughts thereby bring for you parts of your invisible not-knowing into appearance. In each and every word that is thought and spoken by you, there resonate thereby also all the qualities and values, which you assign to it. What value, or better yet, what depth are you able to recognize of the words which you are using daily? What penetrates into your consciousness from the whole? Is only the outer value the “one and only” thing for you or do you also feel connected/linked to the hidden value? If you hear words only superficially, without grasping them with your mind as a “position of a mathematical whole”, you will never get a right, that is to say harmonious result (of your equation of existence) (see volume 1, page 116) and inevitably you are also going to perceive a disharmonious world. You grasp your world only on the basis of your “rational logic”. But “ratio” now means “calculation” and “logos” is the term for “the words” which you are juggling with in the “process of thinking”.
Rational logic” means etymologically literally “calculating with words”!
Now for the words the same applies as has been said regarding seeing. Just as you only look at/view the surface of things, you also only listen to the superficial meaning of the words. But their hidden values always resonate along with them too. For a young soul a word is nothing else but a word. With maturity there also comes the awareness, that words cannot only be used for “differentiating”, but rather for “connecting/linking”. One gets a feeling for the complex relations, the sound and the “depth of wisdom”, which each word contains. Then at the end you are going to realize, that “each word” actually is “the word”, that “was at the beginning” – all in one. My godly heaven is a, for you (still) not comprehensible and therefore unknown dimension. It is of no use to search for it in space and time. You only comprehend/grasp all of the things of space on their surface, also time. You are not able to penetrate into any one of them both, but you are able to – if you are an understanding one – speak of it. Space and time contain in their “hidden part” my secret. But only “a mouth”, whose eyes have become

SEEING, can speak of it. If the developing of your soul has progressed that far, then Zade appears on the plan, the fishing hook.

Zade 90 j (J) the fishhook“

With the “fishhook” the fish is being pulled out of the water. Zade as number is 90 and as sound it is a “z” or a “th”. A “Zadik” – usually translated as “the righteous one” – is someone who catches the fish, that is to say, fetches the humans out of the water (time). The Zadik brings the humans into the dry, there where they actually belong. Jesus chose fishers to be “fishers of men”. Your “materialistic-spiritual overall development” passes through three stages of growth. It is your path from the “water existence” across your “time existence” in the flowing circuits of “mother earth”, right up to the pure “BEING” of an understanding one. Only then “you are” a real alive space/timeless, all encompassing, grown up and awake soul. The 90 is the 9 (the new) on a higher level. Out of time a new human is being born: The son sets out to come, with him comes new life into the world. The entire/complete event of life is happening above the water. Above the water there is the bright and free world, there is heaven. You strive against being fished out of time and to enter into eternity. You are afraid of your shape-shifting that is necessary for this. Haven’t you changed your form constantly so far? As a small child, have you been someone else than now? Doggedly your dogma is holding on to the measuring stick of chronological time. It does not want to let itself get convinced of any other kind of actual reality. You are getting all uptight about others who are trying to point you to the possibility of a life outside of your conservative thought-tin-can/”conserve”. This resistance is the cause of your continuous battle with death (battle to survive?). With this you yourself put yourself spiritually on the level of perception of a foolish fetus, who does not want to grow and to be born. You believe that you are safe in your conserve. Conservative “con-duct” is the opposite of real growth and therewith also the opposite of life. This is why for you too ultimately there is no getting round the Zade. It is good to delight/feast on the water of time, but it is deleterious to drown therein. In the “mabul”, the flood (Germ.=Sintflut>Sinn-flut=flood of the senses) the human drowns in time. Only he who exists outside of the water is able to drink. The great sign on the path through the desert is the dividing of the water. Suddenly time is experienced as something which you can see-through, as a two-ness. Time only then shows itself from this side if one goes into it “fearlessly”. This space/time opens itself by the trust in God of Nachschon (see volume 1, page 94). In an old Hebrew tradition it is told, that the alleyway through this ocean did not stay open all at once. It opened up according to the measure of steps forward which were being made by the humans and closed itself “im-media-tely” (Germ.=”un-mittel-bar”) behind the trail (“mid-bar”=desert!) again. This is supposed to indicate to you, that it is only your own way of acting – your belief – by which you are able to bring about the standing still of time. It is not an automatic process, but rather it is the godly answer to the kind of way of your existence. You are able to bring it about at this very moment, but you can also “eternally” wait for it. The world which is perceived by you is only superficially seen a predetermined fate/dilemma. All of the appearances which I put before you in your existence, are at their very “core” balanced, that is completely “neutral”. You are the one, who divides it up with his immature adjudicating into good and evil and/or into right and wrong and so on. The world which is being considered by you a being imperfect is therefore only the mirrored image of your own immaturity and thereby also of your self-chosen form of existence.
It is also being told, that out of the walls of water there was dripping “sweet water” into the cups of those who were passing by. Just as much (time) as was necessary, in order to feel good. The water which usually has a strong taste of salt, is suddenly drinkable, sweet and of a marvelous taste. It is just like with the manna, which takes on the taste which one connects with

it. All of the wishes and hopes are thereby being “realized”. Time in this way is being enjoyed/relished and is not considered to be an enemy, that one is trying to fight against, even though it constantly is running away! This way time becomes refreshment/delight. One then does not try anymore “to kill it”, but rather one begins to enjoy/savor it. With this kind of spiritual perception you take delight/take pleasure in time and in life. What before was a never-ending “tehom” (Hebr.=”abyss” 400-5-6-40), suddenly opens up to a paradise. What before you have regarded to be a terrible abyss, as a dead-end gorge which swallows up everything in itself – your uncertain future which leads you to death – then shows itself to you as a gorgeous front garden of an even more gorgeous castle. It is there where your real home is, it is the new city of Jerusalem, that my Revelation is telling you about. All this is what you are going to experience, if you are going to start off on the right path. To recognize the real cause of everything, this is called real intelligence. Only once that you are conscious of any mechanism “in you”, then you are also free and can get started on this path! Everyone who only persuades himself of his “freedom” is thereby deceiving himself. One who only copies “freedom”, drowns in his dogmas. Water is the original form of life, without water (time) no life is possible. At the trail through the desert the peoples are accompanied by a spring – the Mirjam spring. This spring always accrues there where Moses hits the “zur” (Hebr. = “rock” 90-6-200). By this he shakes “the rock”, that which (superficially seen) is imperishable – matter – suddenly it begins “to flow”. For as long as you allow yourself to be deceived by your own spiritual – the ones which appear to you as matter – “”reflections” (Hebr. = “miraj” 40-10-200-7), you are also going to have to suffer under these hallucinations. The mere rock symbolizes the product of a spiritually “unmovable human” with a heart of stone. Only once that one “hits against” his dogmatic knowledge, it will become movable/flexible and begin to “flow”. Only by a “spiritual kick-off” your thoughts are able to develop into a real source/spring of perception, which is able to tell you about real life without fears for survival. Only with a flowing (flexible) thought-source/spring inside you are you in the position, to create an oasis in the desert of your being here, in which there flows milk and honey and where you do not lack anything. Without this “living water”, which is able to gush forth out of yourself, you die of thirst, you dry up – everything around you then is “meaningless”. Mechanical movements of thought, which only take place on the basis of a paradigm, are just as unmovable as the static software of a computer. “Software” is a beautiful metaphor for a determined movement in something which itself is unmovable – for the uncreative circuitry!

You now have to develop yourself from an “immature fruit” to a “tree of insight/knowledge”, in order to then nourish yourself from your own insights/knowledge. You have to learn to only feed off yourself. Everything else is thoughtless repeating after without ones own creativity. This is the realization/attainment of my blessing “pru urewu”, the “be fruitful and multiply”. But all of this can only then be experienced by you, if you have recognized the secret of the Zade and you thereby/therewith pull yourself out of your own chronological water. By your “rock-solid belief” in a linear time and your enslavement to the superficial causality, you are leading yourself around in a circle and thereby are giving yourself a run-around.
So there will be a Zadik that is going to appear in your being here and is going to open up your eyes to a world which exists outside of time. This world is eternity, which constantly is unfolding itself into time which is perceived by you so far. The Zade, the 90, is the stem of the word “Zadik” (=the righteous one). This is how a human is called, who fetches himself, and thereby also all of the others, out of the water. He has the insight into the world of the absolute and connects therefore both worlds in himself: the one of the water and the dry one (Rev.10;2). We want to end the Zade with the Sanskrit word “sadh”, because it means also: ”to finish/to

end it”, “to reach a goal”, “to fulfill a purpose”.

We now leave the level of the tens and come to the level of the hundreds. If the Zade has turned into your own conscious “experience”, there appears in the order of precedence of the primal signs the picture of the “Koph”. It has a double meaning, it shows two aspects of one and the same thing/issue.

100 Koph q “the eye of a needle – the monkey”
The Koph is being spoken like the Kaf (20) as “K”, but also as “Q” (Qoph). We already met the K in the Kaf and of course these two signs cannot just be interchanged at random. The sound of a word admittedly would not change by confusing them, but very much so their gematrial structure and therewith its primal/original meaning and creative determining power. Koph means “eye of a needle”. This means, the passage is very small. The Koph acts like a “sieve of consciousness”, which determines the size of the fish which are being pulled out of the water. In the square script it is hardly possible anymore to recognize the original ancient Egyptian hieroglyph. It consisted of a circle, and out of the center of it a ray penetrated towards the outside. In the Q there again the old symbolic character appears much better. Your ego has to become small, so that your consciousness can grow. You know the story of the “camel”, that does not fit through any “eye of a needle”. In this being here/existence I now examine, if you are still numbered among the “monkeys” – which are only able to mechanically exist according to their instinct – or if you are already a “real human”, who is also able to think and decide independently. The Kopf is the gate to a new world. But the final station is far from having been reaches yet. When Abraham turned to be 100 years old, he thought that it was “unthinkable” that still a son would be born to him. That would be against any “law of nature and law of creation” that were “known to him”. The announcement of the birth of Isaac makes him laugh and brings new joy into his life. Therefore also the name “jizchak”, which means “ridiculous”. And yet Isaac is being born – a completely new life begins!

To you too it will seem ridiculous, if a, superficially seen completely “normal human”, places himself in front of you and audaciously claims, that he is “the son of man” who is being predicted in the revelation of John. Now really, aren’t there already enough weirdoes in your world. But isn’t it exactly this kind of “prejudice” of yours which represents an even greater snootiness. With what kind of right do you presume, without having examined/checked out this statement accurately, to berate this human to be a liar? Your own pride now stands/comes before your own fall. It is exactly for this reason, because you brand/label a lot of things mostly “inconsiderately” and therefore way too soon as “impossible”, that you experience your being here mostly only as a “misery”. The Latin word “misereor” means “I have mercy” and “miserere” is the first word (and the notation) of the 51st psalm (=the so-called psalm of repentance and plea for forgiveness and recreation), but it is also the medical term for a “fecal vomiting” when there is a bowel occlusion. Every “smartass”, from whom mostly only spiritual feces are gushing forth out of his mouth, is therefore always himself responsible for the whole misery of existence which he perceives. You have gathered many experiences on your path of development through the ones and the tens. But sad to say you are not yet in the position, to bring your being here/existence down to one denominator. I have tried to bring to your ears the meaning of the actions of your deeds and to give you a small insight into the great secret of time. You have come across the association of Nun and of Samech. Your eyes have I opened, for things in which so far you have not been able to see any association and your mouth knows now the power of “the word”.

Now you are standing at the border to a new world. Out of the Cheth and the Teth the Jod is being born, the ten. But now what is being born out of the Zade, the ninety? In the proportions of the “Holy word” JHWH hvhy (10-5-6-5), the unspeakable godly, the Koph is coming to its fulfillment. The “full value” of the Koph (100-80-6) is 186. The “fulfilled/full JHWH” (10x10 + 5x5 + 6x6) is 186 as well. Also the word makom” (40-100-6-40), which means “place”, is 186. Which place? It is the space/timeless whereabouts “of that which” I call in the Bible JHWH, which as a rule is translated as “Lord”.
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