Yosef Rothstein

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During late June and early July, some correctional officers only allowed Navdeep 

ten to fifteen minutes to consume his Ensure, while others denied Navdeep the Kara because he 

was using his allotted time to recite grace prayers before eating his meal and not limiting his time 

with the Kara to eating.  On July 8, 2005, Pelc issued a memo clarifying that Navdeep would be 

entitled to wear the Kara for thirty minutes per meal regardless of whether or not Navdeep chose 

to eat with the Kara.  Correctional officers, however, continue to deny Navdeep the full thirty 

minutes with the Kara during meal times. 



In addition to denying Navdeep the Kara, DOCS personnel damaged the Kara.  

Upon information and belief, in April 2005, DOCS personnel intentionally burned the Kara

leaving a black burnt mark on it.  Similarly, in July 2005, DOCS personnel bent the Kara out of 

shape.  These incidents took place in between meals, at a time when DOCS personnel were in 

possession of the Kara outside the view of Navdeep.  However, upon information and belief, 

Correctional Officer Stewart was responsible for some of the damage done to the Kara.  

Damaging the Kara is considered a sacrilege.   



Furthermore, correctional officers imposed arbitrary and capricious rules upon 

Navdeep concerning his use of the Kara.  For example, certain correctional officers have allowed 

Navdeep to have his Kara to consume his lunch during legal and family visits, while others have 

denied him food during these visits. 



DOCS response to Navdeep’s request to wear the Kara at all times was, in part, to 

determine on its own, the significance of the Kara to Navdeep’s religious beliefs.  For example, 

on April 25, 2005, Pelc wrote to Navdeep that DOCS was reviewing “the necessity of your 

possessing” the Kara “at all times.”  Similarly, on May 16, 2005, Pelc wrote to Navdeep stating 


that “I’ve come across nothing in my research, albeit incomplete at this time, which states you 

cannot eat or take medication without wearing your Kara.” 



On several occasions, despite instructions by Pelc to the contrary, correctional 

officers have and continue to personally handle the Kara.  Because of its holy nature, anyone 

coming into contact with the Kara must have clean hands and treat it with the proper respect.  

Several of the correctional officers refused to accommodate these religious requirements.  

Navdeep repeatedly complained to Pelc and the Inmate Grievance Program that correctional 

officers, despite clear instructions to the contrary, were personally handling the Kara, and 

generally treating it with disrespect.    



DOCS continues to deny Navdeep the right to possess the Kara except for thirty 

minutes during breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Navdeep is still housed in the RMU, where he 

shares a room with as many as three other inmates.  Pursuant to the current procedures, when 

Navdeep’s food arrives, a correctional officer brings him the Kara in an envelope.  Navdeep is 

permitted to remove the Kara from the envelope, recite his grace prayers, and then consume his 

meal.  Approximately thirty minutes later, the correctional officer returns with the envelope, and 

Navdeep returns the Kara



Upon information and belief, DOCS can accommodate Navdeep’s request to wear 

his Kara at all times, as DOCS has accommodated similar requests from other religions.  For 

example, inmates that observe other religions may wear religious pendants on a metal chain, and 

Native Americans may wear the Native American Rosette on a fabric or leather cord. 



Treatment of Religious Scriptures and Books 



When transferred to keeplock, Navdeep was not provided an appropriate place to 

keep his Scriptures and other religious books.  In his room, Navdeep only had a bed, a toilet and 

a sink, but did not have a table, locker or other piece of furniture on top of which he could keep 


his Scriptures.  As discussed above, a Sikh must place the Scriptures in a location of respect; the 

Scriptures must rest in a clean location on an elevated level.  In order to comply with his 

religious requirements, Navdeep removed his mattress from his bed and placed the Scriptures on 

the frame.  This way, he was resting on a mattress on the floor, while the Scriptures were on a 

higher level than he, in a clean location (the mattress itself was stained with urine).   



On June 7, 2005, the day after Navdeep was transferred to keeplock, Correctional 

Officer Mendoza instructed Navdeep to place the mattress back on the bed.  At the time that 

Mendoza walked into his cell, Navdeep was in the middle of his prayers and did not respond.  

Navdeep later approached Mendoza to discuss the issue, but Mendoza refused, stating that it was 

too late.  Mendoza issued Navdeep a tier II misbehavior report for refusing to obey a direct 




On or about June 8, 2005, Navdeep met with Captain Pelc about his various 

requests for religious accommodations.  At that meeting, Navdeep discussed with Pelc the 

incidents with Mendoza, and Pelc told Navdeep that he would address the problem.   



According to a misbehavior report, on June 8, 2005, Correctional Officer 

DiGirolamo instructed Navdeep to place his mattress on the bed frame.  DiGirolamo issued 

Navdeep a tier II misbehavior report for refusing to obey a direct order. 



According to a misbehavior report, on June 10, 2005, Correctional Officer 

Monzillo instructed Navdeep to place his mattress on the bed frame.  Despite Pelc’s assurances 

that the problem would be dealt with, Navdeep was not offered any religious accommodation by 

DOCS personnel.  As on the prior two occasions, Navdeep was issued a Tier II misbehavior 

report for refusing to obey a direct order. 


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