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Always an S Webelos always ends with an S whether talking about one Webelos Scout or a den of Webelos. It is an acronym – WE’ll BE LOyal Scouts. As the CS RT Commissioner who mentored me says – "If you don’t have an S at the end – then there is nothing to which to be loyal."


Margo, Pacific Cascade Council

Transitioning a boy from Webelos Scouts into Boy Scouts is an important part of fulfilling the mission of BSA: preparing young people to make moral and ethical decisions by instilling into them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. Scouting is for the life of the boy. Every graduating Webelos Scout deserves the opportunity to continue his Scouting experience as a member of a Boy Scout troop. How can we make this transition go smoothly?

The purpose of the Webelos-to Scout transition process is to get every Webelos Scout into Boy Scouting by giving every Webelos Scout a sampling of:

    1. Troop programs and events

    2. Troop leadership style

    3. Boy Scout advancement opportunities

    4. The fun and excitement of Boy Scouting

The Role of the Webelos Den Leader.
The leaders of the Webelos dens have a big job. They are responsible for the bulk of the transition into Boy Scouting. Over the course of the boys’ 4th-and-5th-grade years the Webelos leader will carefully guide the Webelos Scouts through the process.

The transition starts with the introduction of the Webelos Scouts to basic elements of Boy Scouting through the requirements of the Webelos rank and the Arrow of Light award. These include learning more about the Scout Oath and Law, as well as other basic elements of Boy Scouting such as the motto, slogan, handshake, and salute. The boys learn about the First Class rank of Boy Scouting and about how their uniform will be different when they are in Boy Scouting.

Conscientious Webelos den leaders who wishes their boys to have a smooth transition into Boy Scouting will enthusiastically describe the adventures to come in Boy Scouting and tell each boy that he is ready for the challenge.

Visit One Troop or Several?
As the boys go through the steps of the Arrow of Light badge, the time will come for the den leader to arrange visits with one or more troops. Let’s talk for a minute about the advantages and disadvantages of transitioning to one troop vs. several.

Transitioning all the boys to one Boy Scout troop is certainly easier for the leaders. Fewer troop visits are needed, and the transition can flow much more smoothly. Visiting with the same troop several times allows the Webelos Scouts to bond with boys in the troop more quickly. However, not every boy will find that he fits well in the troop that was chosen “for” him. And since he will likely be unaware of what other options are out there, if he is not happy in the troop, he will likely drop completely out of Boy Scouts.

In an ideal world, Webelos den leaders will arrange visits with several different troops. This can be difficult and time-consuming. But this method will allow the boys to see that they have options. Each Webelos Scout can choose the troop that he and his family feel is the best fit for him. And if he discovers that he is not happy in his chosen troop, he will know of other troops he could join.

If a Webelos den visits several troops, the Webelos den leader should help the boys compare and contrast the different troops. Each troop will have different strengths and focuses. Some troops love camping, others focus on service, etc. Troops can and should be visited both at regular meetings and at outdoor activities to get a more complete picture of how the troop functions.

The Cross-Over
Another duty of the Webelos den leader is to work with all of the troops involved in the transition, to plan the cross-over ceremony. All of the troops that will be receiving boys from the Webelos den into their troops should have a representative (Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster) at the cross-over ceremony.

How to Find Troops to Visit

A Webelos leader may wonder how to find troops to visit. Attending Roundtable is one way to meeting Scoutmasters and find troops that are open for visits. Another way would be to ask the unit commissioner for the pack to help find troops that are recruiting new boys into their troop. Other parents in the pack may have contacts with troops in the area.

Another way to learn about several troops at once is to attend events such as Webelos Woods or Webelos-ree, which often have troops run the activities, or a specific transition event, such as one offered in the Sunset Trail District of the Cascade Pacific Council called TAGS (Take a Giant Step).

Family Involvement in the Transition
It is important to involve the families in the transition to Boy Scouts. Webelos den leaders should meet with parents no later than the fall of their 5th-grade year to introduce them to the process that the boys will be undergoing as they earn their Arrow of Light and visit troops. Families should help the boy decide which troop to join. The decision can often be based not just on the “style” of the troop, but also on other more practical factors such as the troop’s meeting time and location, costs involved in the troop’s activities, fundraising activities, etc. Families might be more attracted to a bigger or smaller troop, or one that has a high percentage of Eagle ranks earned, or one that goes camping once a month.

The Role of the Boy Scout Troop
The leaders of a Boy Scout troop also have a role in the transition. Putting an Assistant Scoutmaster in charge of Cub Scout recruitment, including arranging for packs to visit the troop, will make the process more organized and purposeful. The ASM in charge of recruitment could make sure to contact local packs in the summer to arrange troop visits—before everyone is panicking trying to fit visits in! This ASM can also look for opportunities to invite Webelos dens to come camping with the troop, help with Pack or Webelos Den camping, take a contingent of Boy Scouts to Webelos Woods or Webelos-ree, and offer to help with Arrow of Light ceremonies and crossovers. Troops that have an organized and helpful approach to facilitating troop visits will certainly recruit more boys than a troop which recruits only as an afterthought.

Webelos-to-Scout Transition: What Makes It Easy?

  • The Scouting Adventure adventure includes a great introduction to Boy Scouting.

  • The requirements of the Scout rank are included in the Arrow of Light

  • Adventures are set up similarly to merit badges

  • Both have outdoor programs

  • Cooperation of Scoutmasters and Webelos den leaders

  • Possibly same uniform

Webelos-to-Scout Transition: What Makes It Hard?
We want Webelos to flow smoothly into Boy Scouting, yet they are structured as separate programs with very different ways of operating.

  • We want Webelos to flow smoothly into Boy Scouting, yet we ask them to move into a new organization (a troop) that they may have no prior connection with.

  • We ask them to do this at one of the worst possible times of year – mid-winter - a time that is not a "natural" transition time (like beginning of summer, end of summer, and end of calendar year).

  • We make a really big deal out of completing -- finishing -- Cub Scouting and earning the Arrow of Light, essentially inviting Webelos and their families to think about leaving Scouting behind rather than starting up a whole new activity (Boy Scouting) as beginners.

  • We ask Den Leaders, who may know nothing at all about Boy Scouting except what is in the Webelos Book, to teach Webelos about Boy Scouting and get them excited about it.

  • We ask Den Leaders, who may be burned out after 4 1/2 years, to be excited about starting all over again with Boy Scouting.

  • We put the burden on Den Leaders to arrange visits to troops because visits are part of the Arrow of Light requirements.

Results of A Good WTS Transition
Webelos-to-Scout transition can be hard at times, but proper planning and preparation will make the process smoother. A good Webelos-to –Scout transition process will leave the pack with a strong feeling of success, and will leave the boy well-prepared and enthusiastic, ready to start his new adventure in Boy Scouts.

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