Who Killed Diana, and Why? Citizens Electoral Council of Australia

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termind all this and orchestrate it?” To which Al-Fayed 

replied, “Yeah, he’s vicious, of course. You think a guy 

like that would accept my son, different religion, different 

nationality, would be the future step-father of the future 

king? You think this bloody racist family will accept that?”

The film also documents Prince Philip’s little-known 

ties to the Third Reich, including his education in Ger-

many under the Nazis, and the marriages of his two sis-

ters to high-ranking officers of Hitler’s SS and SA. A pho-

tograph is presented of Philip as a young man, march-

ing with a group of high-ranking Nazi officials, includ-

ing his in-laws.

Al-Fayed said to Stern, “Powerful people in this coun-

try, my country, don’t want to hear me talking about 

Prince Philip’s Nazi background, but I have to, because 

it’s just 100 per cent true. They wouldn’t accept me, or 

my son, and when he fell in love with Diana, they mur-

dered them”.

Rumours had it that Dodi and Diana were about 

to announce their engagement, and that Diana may 

even have been pregnant. Although she had been 

stripped of her Royal status upon her divorce from 

Charles (while retaining the title “Diana, Princess of 

Wales”), the Royals immediately claimed custody of 

her body, and had it embalmed within a few hours 

of her death. This made it impossible for a post-mor-

tem to determine if she were pregnant, and was done 

even though Paris is a quick plane flight from Lon-

don, so there was no need to rush an embalmment.

The film presents evidence of Prince Philip’s per-

sonal degeneracy, such as author Noel Botham’s as-

sertion that, “Certainly Philip’s been in half the beds 

in England, including two of his wife’s close family… 

Princess Margaret and Princess Alexandra”. Clinical 

psychologist Oliver James recounts, “I have a friend 

of mine who was at a party where he [Philip] was. 

He had to observe the disgusting sight of Prince Phil-

ip at a party wearing a leather jacket, dancing to a 

Stones song, with his hand halfway up the skirt of 

some young woman. That’s not an unusual event 

at all for Prince Philip. He’s done that kind of thing 

many times”. More to the point is psychologist James’s 

professional diagnosis of Philip: “I think Prince Phil-

ip is somebody who is devoid of any internal sense 

of right and wrong, so deep down he cares nothing 

about anybody else. He regards everybody else as po-

tentially a threat. He is completely selfish. And that 

is very like [serial killer] Fred West, or any other psy-

chopathic individual”.

The Verdict, and Allen’s Summation

After the longest and most expensive inquest in Brit-

ish history, Her Majesty’s Coroner instructed the jury to 

find that the deaths were merely the result of an acci-

dent. The jury, however, took its responsibilities serious-

ly. They took a week to consider the evidence, and then 

delivered the strongest verdict not explicitly ruled out by 

the Coroner, that of “unlawful killing”. They specified that 

the blame for this unlawful killing lay not with the pa-

parazzi, but with the high-powered motorcycles and the 

white Fiat Uno, the “following vehicles” chasing Diana’s 

Mercedes. Despite this unambiguous verdict, the estab-

lishment news media continued their role in the cover-

up by claiming that the jury had blamed the paparazzi.

Allen delivers a summation of what he discovered 

while making the documentary:

“There is no doubt that the entire inquest was skill-

fully manipulated by powerful, unelected forces, to the 

advantage of the Royal Family. This could only happen 

because Britain is, in essence, a monarchy, not a de-

mocracy. Much of Britain still operates on a system of 

unelected power, and at its centre are the Windsors, the 

old aristocracy, and their vast wealth. Just as in medie-

val times, the Royal Family live a life of unfettered privi-

lege, the British taxpayers funding their lavish existence”.

“Despite presenting itself as a charming and pictur-

esque relic of the past”, Allen continued, “the Royal Fam-

ily retains a ruthless grip on power in 21st-century Brit-

ain. It presides over a corrupt and corrosive honours sys-

tem, that keeps tens of thousands of public officials in 

permanent obedience to the monarchy, all hoping for a 

knighthood, or an OBE, in return for a lifetime’s loyal ser-

vice. These are the people who operate Britain’s system 

of government—judges, coroners, civil servants, police 

chiefs, permanent private secretaries, members of the se-

cret services, and privy counsellors….The Royals don’t 

only use honours and oaths of allegiance to preserve 

their power, they use intimidation too, as Diana found 

to her cost. They demand absolute secrecy and loyalty 

from their subjects, and they stifle dissent…. That’s why 

many people regard them as gangsters—gangsters in ti-

aras. And given Prince Philip’s Nazi background, is it so 

unthinkable that those at the top of the present day Brit-

ish establishment might go to any lengths to rid them-

selves of a turbulent princess?”

In conclusion, Allen says, “The British Establishment 

think that they have got away with murder. But then, 

what’s new? They’ve been getting away with murder, 

for centuries”.

Prince Philip’s little-known ties to the Third Reich, including his ed-

ucation in Germany under the Nazis, and the marriages of his two 

sisters to high-ranking officers of Hitler’s SS and SA, are identified 

in the film. This is a photo of Philip as a young man, marching with 

a group of high-ranking Nazi officials, including his in-laws.

The only senior member of the Royal household to appear at the 

inquest was the Queen’s Private Secretary Sir Robert Fellowes, Di-

ana’s brother-in-law. Diana had told friends that she feared Fellowes, 

because he hated her, and wanted her out of the Royal Family. He 

was later knighted by the Queen.

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