Tossups round 5 dennis haskins open 2000 ut-chattanooga questions mostly by Case Western

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Questions mostly by Case Western
1. This land agent caused controversy in County Mayo, Ireland, in the 1880s by charging exorbitant rent rates, even by the standards of Irish landlords. As a result, the people isolated him economically and socially. For ten points, name this man, whose name now means the tactics used against him as later applied by such advocates of civil disobedience as Martin Luther King.

ANSWER: Charles Cunningham Boycott

2. The results of an experiment shocked its designer so much he proclaimed, “It was quite the most incredible event that has ever happened to me in my life. It was almost as incredible as if you fired a 15-inch shell at a piece of tissue paper and it came back and hit you” when one of his assistants announced he could get alpha particles to reverse trajectories. For ten points, name the scientist whose gold foil experiment proved the existence of a small nucleus with a positive charge.

ANSWER: Ernest Rutherford

3. Between the 4th and 7th centuries, Christians started celebrating her birth on September 8 and her purification on February 2. For ten points, name this religious figure commemorated with the assumption of her dead body into Heaven on August 15.

ANSWER: The Virgin Mary

4. “Awakening of Serene Impressions on Arriving in the Country”, “Scene by the Brookside”, “Jolly Gathering of Country-folk”, “Thunderstorm, Tempest”, and “Shepherd’s Song: Gladsome and Thankful Feelings After the Storm”. These are the names of the movements of, for ten points, what symphony by Beethoven?

ANSWER: Pastoral Symphony or Beethoven's Sixth Symphony

5. The United States claimed that the invasion of this country was meant to protect American medical students there. The leftist military had deposed the prime minister 12 days earlier, and the US also stated a desire to return peace and order to this nation. For 10 points, name this Caribbean island invaded in October of 1983.

ANSWER: Grenada

6. Applicants for custodial and other common jobs at this site were disqualified if they could read. In other words, they wanted the janitors to be illiterate so top secret documents couldn’t be read by them at this top secret site in the New Mexico desert. For ten points, name this city where the atomic bomb was developed.

ANSWER: Alamogordo, N.M.

7. Joost Burgi, a court watchmaker to Duke Wilhelm IV, published a table of these numbers in 1620 but it is thought he could have invented the concept back in 1588, and began writing his table ten years before John Napier. For ten points, identify these "exponents" to which a base needs to be raised to get to a particular value.

ANSWER: logarithm

8. Olivine, pyroxene, and garnet comprise most of its upper layer. For ten points, name this part of the earth that lies underneath the crust.

ANSWER: Mantle

9. Because of the failure of the state legislature to issue paper money and reform debtor laws, he led a force of several hundred men in forcing the state Supreme Court to adjourn. Leading about 1,200 men, his attack on the federal arsenal in January of 1787 was repulsed and he was decisively defeated at Petersham the next month. FTP, name this leader of the rebellion of Massachusetts farmers of 1786-87.

Answer: Daniel Shays

10. The animated movie version of this book features the song “Bright Eyes” by Art Garfunkel. The novel itself is written mostly in English, but partly in Lapine, using such terms as Tharn and Hrududu. A sequel was released in March of 1998, and yes, Hazel and other familiar rabbits are still in it. FTP name this book by Richard Adams.

Answer: Watership Down

11. Established at Athens about 300 BC and taught at a school in a colonnade known as the "Painted Porch," Much of its philosophy is drawn from Crates of Thebes. For ten points, name this philosophy whose major figures include Zeno, Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius who believed that living according to nature and reason is living in conformity with the divine order of the universe.

ANSWER: Stoicism
12. Dedicated to Carl Soloman, this poem was first published in the fourth volume of City Lights’ Pocket Poets series. In May of 1957, San Francisco customs officers began seizing copies of the volume, claiming that the poem was obscene. The charges were dropped, however, and the poem is now recognized as the first important poem of the beat movement. FTP, name this Allen Ginsberg work.

Answer: Howl

13. This Hall of Fame pitcher is the only Major League pitcher to win a Cy Young award while playing for the last place team. He did it in 1972, going 27-10 for a team that won only 56 games. FTP name this standout lefthander who began his career with the Cardinals but spent most of it with the Philadelphia Phillies.

ANSWER: Steve Carlton
14. In the fifth century, this group of peoples used a 25-letter alphabet called Ogham to carve inscriptions on wooden or stone objects called standing stones. It was used by these people until the Christian church banned it. For 10 points, name these peoples of the British Isles, whose powerful priest class was called the Druids.

ANSWER: Celts; prompt on early buzz with Druids

15. She was the daughter of Thomas Dudley, governor of the Massachusetts Colony, and married a man who would also become a governor of the colony. Despite being a housewife with eight children, she wrote poetry, a collection of which was published in 1650 under the title The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up In America.. For ten points name this woman considered the first female poet of America.

Answer: Anne Bradstreet

16. According to Homer Simpson, this President is at the party with all the others on the $10,000 bill–"passed out on the couch." It's not surprising that he would have problems with excess; after all, he confessed to Playboy magazine that he had "lust in [his] heart." Furthermore, his encounters with UFO's and swimming rabbits suggest a bout with the DT's. FTP, name this Georgian who had careers as a Navy submarine commander and a peanut farmer and who is currently involved in a number of philanthropic and peace-oriented efforts worldwide.

ANS: Jimmy Carter

17. In its simplified form, each solution to this complex equation is associated with a given wave function called an atomic orbital. For ten points, name this famous equation of quantum mechanics that gets its name from the scientist who developed it.

ANSWER: Schrodinger’s Wave Equation

18. Upon her husband's death in 1927 she moved to Vermont. In 1935 she moved back to New York and began to substitute painting for embroidery because of severe arthritis. Her early works were displayed in the show Contemporary Unknown American Painters in 1939. For ten points, name this painter, a champion of primitivism whose works include Sugaring Off and Out For the Christmas Trees.

ANSWER: "Grandma" Anne Mary Moses

19. Lynn Margulies, a biologist at the University of Massachusetts, believes that these organelles got their start as the prokaryotic symbionts of early eukaryotic cells. It seems likely, as they have their own chromosomes which strongly resemble those of modern bacteria. FTP, name this organelle, responsible for the operation of the electron transport chain, the Krebs cycle, and the production of ATP.

ANS: Mitochondrion (acc. Mitochondria)

20. Some say Matteo Bandello created the story; others credit Masuccio Salermitano’s 1476 Novellino, which was translated and transcribed into an English long poem by Arthur Brooke. Characters in the more famous version include Paris, Tybalt, Mercutio, and Friar Laurence. For ten points, name this Shakespeare play about the feuding families Montague and Capulet.

ANSWER: Romeo and Juliet

21. By the mid-1980s Margaret Thatcher, Saddam Hussein, Manuel Noriega, George Bush had all admitted their addiction to it. Similarly, the TASS agency in the USSR, and the CIA relied upon this on a daily basis. Not bad for something that started on so small a budget it originally used fake teletype sounds in place of theme music. FTP name this Ted Turner venture, which in 1981 revolutionized news gathering.

ANSWER: Cable News Network

22. At the age of 24, he was appointed professor of philology at the University of Basel. In 1870, he volunteered as a medical orderly in the Franco-Prussian War and became ill. The author of The Birth of Tragedy, he once postulated a master morality and a slave morality, and one of his works inspired a famous tone poem by Richard Strauss. For ten points, name the author of Ecce Homo and Thus Spake Zarathustra.

Answer: Frederich Nietschze


Questions mostly by Case Western
1. Identify these royal works of literature FTPE.

a. The main character in this Shakespeare play is a bastard, literally. Much of the plot involves the Magna Carta.

ANSWER: King John

b. In this roman a clef /CLAY/, Huey Long, er, Willie Stark, is assassinated in Louisiana.

ANSWER: All the King's Men

c. This 1920 play follows Brutus as he rises from pullman porter to King of Haiti

ANSWER: Emperor Jones
2. For ten points each, name the scientist from information given.

a. His eponymous equation accounts for the attraction that gas molecules have for each other, causing non-ideal behavior

ANSWER: Johannes Diderik van der Waals

b. He was the first to successfully isolate many of the noble gasses.

ANSWER: Sir Arthur Ramsay

c. Coke and PepsiCo. owe a lot to this man whose second best know discovery was carbon dioxide.

ANSWER: Joseph Priestley
3. The 1999 Oscars are tomorrow night, and one category prompts this question: Who are these people? Given a film, name the performer nominated for Best Supporting Actress, 5 points each or 30 for all 6:

a) Sweet and Lowdown Samantha Morton

b) Girl Interrupted Angelina Jolie

c) Being John Malkovich Catherine Keener

d) Boys Don’t Cry Chloe Sevigny

e) The Sixth Sense Toni Collette

4. Give the full names of these civil rights organizations FTPE. if you can only give the acronym, you’ll get 5 pts.

a. Established in 1910, its co-founder W. E. B. DuBois [du-BOYS] edited its magazine Crisis.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

b. This organization was established in 1957 by the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

c. This organization's members had the first-ever sit-in at a coffee shop in Chicago in 1942, and challenged segregated busing laws by sending "Freedom Riders" in May 1961.

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
5. Answer these questions regarding computer technology for ten points each.

a. This word describes a single request a web browser requests for a single item from a web server.


b. This was the first web browser with the identical interface available for Mac, PC, and Unix platforms.

ANSWER: Mosaic

c. Routers, hubs, and switches all use this set of communication protocols connected to a TCP/IP network.

ANSWER: Simple Network Management Protocol
6. Answer these questions on plants for ten points each.

a. In angiosperms, pollen is received by this structure resting on top of the style and the ovary.

ANSWER: Stigma

b. This word is used to describe the tendency for roots to grow down.

ANSWER: Positive geotropism

c. This layer of actively-dividing cells is responsible for forming the secondary growth of stems and roots.

ANSWER: Cambium
7. Given a year and the losing party, name the battle.

a. [5] 490 B.C., the Persians

ANSWER: Marathon

b. [10] 1571, the Turks

ANSWER: Lepanto

c. [15] 1314, the English under Edward II

ANSWER: Bannockburn
8. Time for a good old fashioned musical artists and their albums bonus. For the stated number of points name the artist given an album.

a. [5] Flesh of My Flesh, Blood of My Blood


b. [10] Paul’s Boutique

ANSWER: The Beastie Boys

c. [15] The Brown Album

ANSWER: Primus
9. Name these works of Mark Twain from descriptions, for ten points each.

a. [10] In this work, Roxana, a slave of mixed race, exchanges her baby with that of her white owner.

The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson or the Comedy of Those Extraordinary Twins

b. [10] In this short story, Jim Smiley wins a lot of money with the help of "Daniel Webster."

"The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County"

c. [10] In the short story "1601", Twain takes the narrator back to the title year where he serves as a cupbearer to what monarch?

Queen Elizabeth (I)

  1. Given the principal city of a well-known county in the United States, name the county for 5 pts. each. The city may not be wholly confined to that county, but it will be the city most associated with that county.

A) Chicago (ANS: Cook County)

B) Miami (ANS: Dade County)

C) Indianapolis (ANS: Marion County)

D) Nashville (ANS: Davidson County)

E) Manhattan (ANS: New York County)

F) Seattle (ANS: King County)

11. Identify the philosopher from works, for ten points each:

a. On the Way to Language, Being and Time

Answer: Martin Heidegger

b. The Philosophy of Right

Answer: Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

c. The Reasonableness of Christianity, Essay Concerning Human Understanding

Answer: John Locke

12. For the stated number of points, name these hominids:

a. [5] Give the scientific name of this hominid which was first dicovered in the Neander Valley and flourished from 130,000 to 30,000 years ago.

ANSWER: Homo sapiens

b. [10] The first hominid to walk upright

ANSWER: Homo erectus

c. [15] The first hominid to use tools

ANSWER: Homo habilis

13. Given a description, name these African dictators for ten points each.

a. He was the emperor of Abyssinia for over 50 years until his overthrow in a 1974 military coup.

ANSWER: Haile Selassie I

b. As dictator of Uganda he expelled all Asians from the country.

ANSWER: Idi Amin

c. When he ruled the Central African Republic in the 1970s he dined with and on his officials. He then declared it an empire and spent ¼ of the nation’s annual GNP on a coronation ceremony most nations boycotted.

ANSWER: Jean-Bedel Bokassa
14. Name the author given works on a 30-20-10 basis.

30: A history of exploration from Phoenician times to the mid-19th century called The Discovery of the Earth and a work entitled Michael Strogoff.

20: A Trip to the Moon and The Mysterious Island

10: Five Weeks in a Balloon and A Journey to the Center of the Earth.

ANSWER: Jules Verne
15. Identify the following sculptors from works FTPE.

A. “Lion of Belfort,” “Liberty Enlightening the World”

Answer: Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi

B. “Sleeping Muse,” “Princess X,” “Mademoiselle Pogany”

Answer: Constantin Brancusi

C. “Age of Bronze,” “Gates of Hell”

Answer: Auguste Rodin
16. Given a jazz musician name the instrument they played FTPE

a. Charlie Parker

ANSWER: Alto saxophone

b. Dave Brubeck


c. Gene Krupa

17. Given a main character from a work of American literature, identify the work FTPE:

a. Simon Legree

ANSWER: Uncle Tom's Cabin

b. Wolf Larsen

ANSWER: The Sea Wolf

c. Jeeter Lester

ANSWER: Tobacco Road
18. Only 4 United States Presidents were elected to the Presidency without having

previously held elected political office. You’ll get 5 points each for the first two you

name, and ten points each for the other two.

ANSWERS: Dwight Eisenhower, Ulysses Grant, Herbert Hoover, and Zachary Taylor

19) There are seven planetary satellites in our solar system that are larger than the planet Pluto. For five points each, name any 6 of the 7.

ANSWERS: Callisto, Earth's Moon (Luna), Europa, Ganymede, Io, Titan, Triton

20). Given the year it took place and a brief description, name the early ecumenical council FTP each.

a. Called by Constantine, it took place in 325. The creed which resulted from this council basically stated that the Father and Son are homoousios, “of one substance.”

ANSWER: First Council of Nicaea

b. Called by Theodosius I in 381, this council amended the Creed of Nicaea into the Nicene creed, equating the Holy Spirit with the Father and the Son.

ANSWER: First Council of Constantinople

c. The largest early council, it was called by Marcian and Pulcheria in 451. Basically, it confirmed both the Creed of Nicaea and the Nicene Creed, and approved the term Theotokos for Christ’s two natures after incarnation.

ANSWER: Council of Chalcedon
21) Answer the following about London theatres at the end of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th century, FTPE:

A) Name the playhouse built by Cuthbert and Richard Burbage in which the plays of William Shakespeare were performed after 1599.

Answer: The Globe Theatre

B) Name the theatre built about 1595 by Francis Langley, one of three including the Globe, which shared the Bankside area of London.

Answer: The Swan Theatre

C) Built by Philip Henslowe, it was home to Lord Strange’s Men, the Admiral’s Men, and the actor Edward Alleyn. The third theatre of the Bankside district, it saw the first performance of Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus. In 1989, the building foundations were rediscovered during a construction project and subsequently preserved as an unofficial historic site.

Answer: The Rose Theatre
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