The main factors of punctuation (syntactic) development in english and uzbek languages

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Jizzakh state pedagogical university

In all cases, a period is used before the closing parenthesis. It should be mentioned here that if the remark comes after the character's name and indicates his action, then there is no period after them. Because these together with the name of the character form a syntactic whole:
Қўлдош (чўчиб).
Йўғ-э! Тошмат (кулиб). Ўн икки-ю нолъ-нолда!
In such cases, the period that should be used after the character's name is placed after the last closing parenthesis from the remark:
Қодир (ичкарига таклиф қилиб). Қани, марҳамат! (У.)
Also, it should be taken into account that there is no period after the phrases like “Қарсаклар, гулдурос қарсаклар, залда жонланиш” found in the pages of magazines and newspapers. Because there is no predicative characteristic of the sentence. These are bracketed except:
(залда жонланиш).
In dramatic works, each character's name is followed by a period and his speech begins with a capital letter. For example:
Дадавой. Орденларимни олиб чиқ!
Баҳор. Шу топда орденни нима қиласиз?
Дадавой. Керак... Медалларни ҳам ола чиқ! (У.)
The Uzbek language has different aspects of the use of the punctuation mark than the English language, which are as follows:
a) In dramatic works, hyphens are not used before each character's speech.
b) A period is placed after the ordinal numbers. Subsequent sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a period. Such sentences are lexically, grammatically, and semantically unrelated. For example:
...қуйидаги оналарга «Қаҳрамон она» фахрий унвони берилсин:
1. Кенжавва Парпи
2. Баратова Турсунтош
3. Бекмуродова Ўғил
If the order numbers are used together with the chapter (paragraph) sign (§) and words such as rule, article, clause, a period is placed after them. For example:
1-§. От ҳақида умумий маълумот.
2-§. Отларнинг семантик турлари.
If ordinal numbers (sometimes letters) are separated by semi-bracket 6, they are not followed by a period. The following sentences begin with a lowercase letter and are semantically and grammatically closely related: they serve to fill in, explain, and systematize the same story from different angles. Therefore, a semicolon is placed after them. For example:
Door inscription: 1) graphic representation of the letter; 2) direction of the letter from right to left; 3) it is close to the Oromo script with the absence of symbols between words. ("Uzbek language and literature")
c) A full stop is placed at the end of the compound sentences with the interrogative meaning from the subordinate clause and the meaning of the message from the main clause.
g) Cases of use of the point in sources and links:
1. If the names indicating where and from whom the quote, other speech and example are taken are used abbreviated, then a period is placed after them: (0.), (H. 0.), (G'. G'.).
2. In links (footnotes), a period is placed after the last name and at the end of the link. If the name of a journal, collection, or book is also indicated in the reference, their name is enclosed in quotation marks and given in parentheses. The dot that should be used at the end of a link is placed after the closing parenthesis. For example:
1. Ҳ. Олимжон. Танланган асарлар, Тошкент, 1951, 5- бет;
2. Қ. Пирматов. Ҳикоя жанрининг ўзига хос хусусияти (ТошДУ аспирантларининг илмий ишлари, «Ўзбек филологияси масалалари» тўплами, 395-сони, 1970, 166 – 181-бетлар).
The English language also has its own characteristics in the use of the period, which can be found in quotations. However, in the American version, the period is in quotation marks, that is, as follows:
The CEO said, “This is a great day for the company.”
Our five-year-old said that when she grows up she wants to be a “doctor and a pop star and a ballerina.” – ифодаланиб, Британия инглиз тилисида эса аксинча, қўштирноқдан сўнг келади. Масалан:
The CEO said, ‘This is a great day for the company’.
Our five-year-old said that when she grows up she wants to be a ‘doctor and a pop star and a ballerina’.
The next character used at the end of a sentence is the question mark, which in both languages means a complete thought and a question, used at the end of a sentence to clarify something. For example:
Will you be joining us tonight?”
How are you feeling?”
This weather is wonderful, isn’t it?”
Why did you do that?
He’s certain to be elected, isn’t he?
Would you like to have a cup of tea or coffee?

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