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Agricultural Act of 1949, which gave farmers 90% of the market price as supports.

  • Civil Rights He desegregated the military, appointed more blacks than ever to high offices, and created a President’s Committee on Civil Rights, which wrote what was to become the agenda for the movement in the coming years – To Secure These Rights (1947).

  • Displaced Persons Act – He passed an act to allow more refugees into the country.

    - However, his attempts to modify TH, pass a civil right bill, establish national health coverage, and get more money for education were blocked by the Republican Congress and special interests.

    - Truman’s most significant legacy, however, is that he strengthened the powers of the Presidency and made many WWII agencies permanent – Atomic Energy Commission, Department of Defense, CIA.

    *The Eisenhower Presidency: Domestic Policies*
    - The Presidential Election of 1952 was a huge victory for war hero Dwight D. Eisenhower, who ran promising to end the war in Korea and the whole virtuous-decent-friendly guy deal (“I Like Ike”). Besides winning the presidency, the Republicans once again got both houses of Congress.

    - Overall, Eisenhower was a very popular President who relied a lot on the delegation of authority to cabinet members and didn’t have a clue what the heck was going on. This wasn’t such a big deal, b/c his years in office were about the status quo & conformity (“consensus mood”) where talk of reform became unpatriotic.

    - Both Democrats and Republicans alike avoided extremism (stuck with the center), and Eisenhower himself came up with “dynamic conservatism” – we can’t remove the New Deal, so we’ll live with it and try to represent business and balance the budget anyway.

    - What did Eisenhower do during his first term? He built a canal (spur economic development in Midwest), amended the Social Security Act to add people, reformed taxes, and passed the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, which gave private companies the right to use nuclear power.

    - Eisenhower also changed policies regarding Native Americans. His policy of termination (1953) forced NAs into American culture by getting rid of reservations, ending tribal sovereignty and federal services, and making Indians subject to state laws. This was supposed to help states’ rights and lower costs, but it was mainly motivated by land greed (as ever).

    - Although the Congressional elections of 1954 gave the Democrats control of both houses of Congress, Eisenhower was reelected in a landslide victory in the Presidential Election of 1956.

    *Eisenhower’s Second Term: Domestic Policies*
    - In his second term, Eisenhower faced rising costs (partially b/c of America’s involvement globally) but ended up going with deficit spending due to the military budget and three short recessions.

    - In 1958 Eisenhower faced further problems when Sherman Adams (the President’s chief aide) resigned under suspicion of a scandal, and the Republicans lost big time in the 1958 Congressional elections. Then in 1960 there was a recession, and the whole U-2 plane incident (more on that later).

    - Although Eisenhower was popular, in retrospect, he did avoid dealing with the major issues of poverty, urban decay, and civil rights – and he authorized CIA covert operations. Nevertheless, just before leaving office, he was eerily prescient in his warnings against the “military-industrial complex.”
    *McCarthyism – The Red Scare Redux*
    - McCarthyism was a major problem in both the Truman and Eisenhower administrations, and can basically be summarized as mass hysteria and overreaction to the idea of the Communist threat. Anti-communism had already surfaced in the Red Scare in the early 1920s, and e/t the Communist Party grew during the Depression, the Cold War brought the whole anti-communist deal back big time.

    - Anyhow, here’s how anti-communism began under Truman…

    • Investigations of US Gov’t Employees: Truman helped begin the circus in 1947 by ordering investigations in the loyalty of employees of the US gov’t.

    • This bred a whole atmosphere of fear and accusations ran rampant – in addition to the Hollywood Ten in the movie industry, teachers, professors, and union leaders were all targeted by the gov’t and by each other. This was especially harmful to the Unions.

    • Alger Hiss Case (1949)  State Department official Alger Hiss was accused by confirmed spy Whittaker Chambers of giving him classified documents. He was defended by Truman, and ended up being convicted of perjury (not espionage).

    • The Rise of McCarthy: It was in the midst of this whole deal that Senator Joseph McCarthy started waving around his lists of confirmed communists (they were really shopping lists, apparently). When this turned out to be a winning campaign issue, he stuck to it, and (for a time) seemed invulnerable.

    • Julius & Ethel Rosenberg Case (1950): The Rosenbergs were accused of passing atomic secrets to the USSR and were executed in 1953 (under Eisenhower).

    • Internal Security (McCarran) Act (1950) – Targeted Communist front-group orgs. by forcing them to register w/the gov’t and prohibiting them from holding defense jobs or traveling.

    • Dennis et al. v. US (1951) – This SC decision upheld the Smith Act (1940), under which CP leaders had been arrested, due to the precedent set by Schenk v. US and the whole “clear and present danger” deal on free speech.

    - Then, under Eisenhower, there was more of the same. McCarthy continued his demagogic attacks, and Eisenhower avoided confronting him lest it split the Republican Party. Additionally…

    • Eisenhower attacked communists himself though a 1953 executive order that allowed federal workers to be dismissed as “security risks.”

    • Communist Control Act (1954): This act, which received widespread bipartisan support, effectively made membership in the CP illegal.

    • Army-McCarthy Hearings (1954): McCarthy finally fell after he attacked the US army. In the hearings, his vile treatment of witnesses and general obnoxiousness got him condemned for sullying the dignity of the Senate.

    - E/t McCarthy finally fell the hysteria had already taken its toll on the American tradition of free speech.
    *The Civil Rights Movement*
    - The Cold War ended helping the civil rights movement b/c the US couldn’t make a big fuss about human rights if it didn’t live up to its own ideals either. Additionally, the blacks that had migrated to the cities in WWII began to control the political “balance of power” in the cities, and thus became important.

    - Subsequently Truman (in addition to genuinely believing in civil rights) had reasons to support it – in 1946, he created the President’s Committee on Civil Rights, which basically summed up the civil rights movement in their report To Secure These Rights (1947) – i.e. anti-lynching & anti-segregation laws.

    - Congress, however, didn’t act on the Committee’s suggestions – e/t Truman did in the end issue two executive orders ending discrimination in the federal gov’t: one was on fair employment (Employment Board of the Civil Service Commission), and the other desegregated the army (another committee to oversee).

    - A series of SC decisions also helped African Americans…

    • NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund (Thurgood Marshall & Charles Hamilton Houston) worked against the separate but equal policies and got many blacks into universities.

    • Smith v. Allwright (1944) – White-only Democratic Primaries in some states were outlawed.

    • Morgan v. Virginia (1946) – No more segregation in interstate bus transportation.

    • Shelley v. Kraemer (1948) – Outlawed agreements among white not to sell houses to blacks.

    • Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) – The NAACP challenge to school segregation succeeded on the grounds that separate facilities denied kids equal protection under the law (feeling of inferiority generated). Still, the SC didn’t order desegregation directly until a year later, and even then there was no definite schedule, so Southern schools resisted.

    - In general, much of the South resisted the push towards civil rights – White Citizens’ Councils created to resist the school order – and Northern cities maintained a policy of segregation in terms of housing.

    - And the election of Eisenhower didn’t help as Ike ignored the issue (like he did everything else) hoping it would gradually resolve itself – i.e. he objected to compulsory federal segregation laws, therefore encouraging white noncompliance to orders through his lack of leadership.

    - Then in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957, the test of school integration occurred when whites tried to block the 8 black kids from entering Central High. In the end, Eisenhower was forced to send army paratroopers to ensure their safety. In response, schools were closed for the following 2 years to avoid desegregation.

    - There was also the whole Rosa Parks and Montgomery Bus Boycott deal in 1955 – after Parks was arrested, blacks under the leadership of MLK, a follower of Gandhi and advocate of non-violent protest, boycotted the buses until they were integrated – partially b/c of economic reasons and partially b/c of an SC decision that declared the segregation laws unconstitutional.

    - Civil Rights Act (1957) – Created the US Commission Civil Rights to investigate discrimination, but proved ineffective.

    - As a result, blacks started a campaign of sit-ins in the South, which helped by giving their cause publicity and demonstrating the brutality of Southern Whites who attacked the non-violent protestors. The SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordination Committee) was formed b/c of the sit-ins.

    *The 1950s: Comfort, Consumerism & Conformity*
    - First of all, the 1950s were (for most) an era of unprecedented prosperity and expansion. More specifically:

    • The Postwar Economic Boom: Increasing output & increasing demand – it really was that simple. Economist Galbraith called it the “affluent society” – productivity increased, people wanted more stuff, and they used consumer credit to keep buying, which caused profits (and paychecks) to go up, spurring more consumerism, and so on. Per capita real income (adjusted for inflation) jumped up, as did standard of living (for most).

    • The Baby Boom: The baby boom was actually both a cause and effect of the new prosperity, as the new population generated new needs for services, esp. in the three industries that expanded most – construction, cars, and defense (well maybe not that).

    • Housing & Highway Boom: The GI mortgages and Federal Housing Administration insurance led to an explosion in home building and buying – prefabricated suburbia. Tons of new highways were built, which also speed up the process of suburbanization.

    • Military Spending: The other big reason for the economic boom was military spending, which also helped advance the electronics industry.

    • Consolidation & Conglomerate Mergers: Due to the new technologies, industry ownership became increasingly concentrated as only the big companies had the $ to buy the new stuff. Conglomerate mergers (when unrelated industries join together to stabilize markets) became increasingly common. Even agriculture became dominated by big, mechanized farm companies – no more family farms, fewer tenant farmers.

    • Labor Merger: Finally the AFL and CIO joined back up again, but union membership still didn’t increase all that much, probably b/c most workers were doing quite well.

    • Environmental Costs – We screwed up the environment by dumping waste everywhere and spraying DDT (Rachel Carson, Silent Spring). We also wasted a lot of stuff. Sound familiar?

    - As for 1950s culture, here are some of the main themes:

    • Conformity: The rat-race, status seeking suburbia, materialism…basically the same as suburbia now only people had strange looking black & white TV sets.

    • Education: Education was a big concern, and many GIs went to college w/the provisions of the GI Bill of Rights. Parents also became obsessed w/their kids as successful students (we wouldn’t know anything about that, would we) and joined the PTA and so on. Education also became a nat’l security deal with the Sputnik thing (“their scientists are beating our scientists”) so the NDEA was passed to enrich high school programs.

    • Religion: Religion was seen as very American – in 1954 they added that little “under God” phrase to the Pledge.

    • Television: Evangelists and car salesmen had a new way to be heard, and heard they were as families spend their time glued in front of the “idiot box.” Oh well.

    • Women’s Roles: There was a cult of motherhood on one side, but the growing trend of women in the labor force on the other.

    • Youth Subculture: Music (oh dear – Elvis!) and movies like Rebel Without A Cause catered to bored teenagers dissatisfied with blah middle class conformity.

    • Beat Generation: On the sidelines, a few serious artists tried to speak about America’s problems. The Beats (Allen Ginsberg, etc.) rejected conformity and embraced sexuality and drugs – they were largely ignored in the 1950s but then were rediscovered in the 1960s.

    - The general prosperity notwithstanding, there was a large group of other Americans – immigrants, blacks, inner city dwellers, rural poor, Native Americans – that remained unaffected by the outburst of new products and stayed very poor. But they were largely ignored.
    The [Early] Cold War (1945 – 1961)
    *General Origins of the Cold War*
    - Following the war, the US & USSR developed a tremendous rivalry. This was for several reasons…

    • Power Vacuum – Following the collapse of Germany and Japan and the devastation of much of Europe, there was the question of how rebuilding would commence, and who would have hegemony in the areas where the Axis once dominated.

    • Decolonization – Another source of instability was the disintegration of the big empires and the creation of the new “Third World” countries, which both the US and USSR hoped to win over as military bases and markets.

    • Failure of Diplomacy – Diplomacy was largely ignored b/c both countries were thoroughly convinced they were completely right, and weren’t willing to accept “appeasement.”

    • US Economic/Strategic Needs – The US knew that its economic well being depended on exports, and therefore wanted to continue the trend towards economic expansionism through an active foreign policy. Also, the increasingly interconnected world (faster travel, etc.) made the US feel it was important to establish defense away from home.

    • Truman’s Tough Style – Truman was not a good diplomat.

    • US Suspicion of Soviet Intentions – Throughout the Cold War the US obsessed over what the USSR could and wanted to do. They really weren’t as much of a menace as we thought, but we still were concerned they could take over our interests in Western Europe.

    - Basically, only US influence was allowed, so as soon as the USSR started taking interest in new territory we lost it…
    *The Cold War under Truman*
    - After the war ended, the US & USSR lost no time in getting each other mad. As follows:

    • Soviet Expansion: In 1945 The USSR didn’t allow the Polish gov’t that had been in exile in London to join their new communist gov’t in Lublin (as they had promised). They also took over Romania, and encouraged coups in Hungary (1947) and Czechoslovakia (1948). The Soviets claimed the US was doing the same thing, and complained about the double standard.

    • Atomic Diplomacy: The USSR whined that the US was trying to scare them into concessions b/c of their monopoly on the atomic bomb. Then Truman refused to turn the bomb over to an internat’l institution and backed the Baruch Plan instead – the US would give up its atomic monopoly if all the world’s fissionable materials were given to an agency. The Soviets felt this would let the US continue researching the bomb w/o letting anyone else…

    • World Bank/IMF: After clashing on several fronts (reconstruction loans, Iran, etc.) in 1946, the USSR decided not to join the new institutions, believing them to be too US dominated (and also b/c they were capitalist). Still, the IMF opened and began making loans.

    - This caused more paranoia and obsession on both sides, and we responded with the…

    • Truman Doctrine (1947): After the British asked for US help in Greece (to defend their client gov’t against a leftist uprising) Truman gave a speech to sell the idea to Congress that defined the Truman Doctrine – “It must be the policy of the US to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.” The US backed both Greece (gov’t won in 1949) and Turkey (because big US ally) as a result.

    • X Article: After Truman’s speech, George Kennan (writing as “Mr. X”) published an article on containment of Soviet power – confronting the USSR with a strong counterforce anywhere they showed signs of expansion.

    • Marshall Plan (1947): In order to prevent radicalism through the sponsorship of international prosperity, the US began a huge European recovery program – money was sent, but it had to be spent in the US on US-made products (to stimulate our economy). It was mixed success, as it caused inflation and divided Europe even more (East/West) in addition to spurring industrial progress. From our POV, though, it was excellent b/c it helped contain communism.

    • National Security Act (1947): This act created the Office of Secretary of Defense (later the Dept. of Defense) and the CIA (“The Department of Dirty Tricks”).

    • Fulbright Program (1948): This program of exchange students tried to blunt anti-Americanism and aid cultural exchanges – there was also the Congress for Cultural Freedom.

    • Rio Pact (1947) & Organization of American States (1948): Both these military alliances were in Latin America and served to protect American interests and boost the militaries of LA states.

    - Other key events in the early Cold War:

    • Recognition of Israel (1948): Truman did this to gain Jewish votes and get another ally.

    • Berlin Blockade/Airlift (1948): After the US, France and GB agreed to merge their German zones, the USSR cut off access to all of Berlin, prompting a US airlift of supplies there until May 1949 and the foundation of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany).

    • Point Four Program (1949): This was an aid program for the Third World that helped to win allies onto our side. It later became part of the Mutual Security Agency.

    • NATO (1949): We formed a Western Europe security pact, which caused some domestic debate (no alliances since 1778) since some felt it would force us into war. But it was ratified.

    • NSC-68 (1950): After the double shock of the USSR exploding its first bomb and China going communist, the Nat’l Security Council came up w/this report asking for more $ for the military.

    *The Cold War in Asia*

    - Like Europe, Asia became involved in the conflicts of the Cold War.

    • Japan: In Japan, the US monopolized reconstruction through military occupation under MacArthur, who started a “democratic revolution from above.” In 1951, we signed a separate peace w/Japan that ended occupation. A Mutual Security Treaty the next year provided for the stationing of our forced on their soil.

    • China: We didn’t do so well in China, where we insisted on backing Chiang against Mao, who we refused to talk to once he did come to power in 1949 (this pushed him over to the USSR, but that relationship didn’t last either – Stalin & Mao didn’t get along). Anyway, we didn’t recognize the actual gov’t of China in 1979.

    • Vietnam: During WWII, Ho Chi Minh, while planning to free the nation from the French, also fought against the Japanese (with our help). Once we “lost China,” though, we decided to back a restoration of French rule in order to (1) gain French cooperation, (2) have more economic hegemony in the areas, and (3) Ho was a communist, so we thought he was Soviet-sponsored. Anyway, in 1950 we decided to recognize the puppet gov’t under Bao Dai and start sending weapons and advisers to the French. More on this later…

    - Then there was the whole Korean War issue, which bears going into. The KW began as a civil war in 1950 when North Korea moved across into South Korea (the two parts had been divided in 1945 w/US & USSR approval). Both leaders hoped to reunify the nation, but Truman thought that the USSR had planned the whole thing (he hadn’t really, and had barely been convinced to help at all).

    - Anyway, the United Nations then voted on helping South Korea, and since Stalin wasn’t there (he had walked out b/c of the China deal) it went through. MacArthur became commander of UN forces (90% US), and they fought until they not only passed the original boundary but went into NK (hoping to reunify).

    - UN forces went deep into NK until they were stooped by a surprise counterattack by Chinese forces. This sent them back to the 38th parallel (original boundary) and e/t MacArthur wanted to go fight China, Truman told him off and then fired him as a result.

    - Fighting went on as the POW issue stalled negotiations (US officials said only the prisoners that wanted to go back would be returned, and NK countered by saying they wouldn’t return anyone). An armistice was finally signed in 1953 – the POW question was handed over to a board of neutral nations, who ended up giving the prisoners their choice, and the border went to the 38th parallel again w/a demilitarized zone.

    - Domestically, the war helped get Eisenhower elected, and also gave the President more power, since he had never asked Congress for a declaration of war prior to sending the troops.

    - Overall, Truman’s legacy was a very militarized foreign “containment” policy on a global scale.

    *The Cold War under Eisenhower*
    - Eisenhower basically kept up Truman’s policies and made sure the more hawkish (to say the least) John Foster Dulles (Secretary of State) didn’t get out of control. Dulles was totally anti-communist (and anti-compromise) and called for “liberation” (instead of containment) & “brinksmanship” (taking the country to the edge of war and relying on MAD), and popularized the Domino Theory (if one goes they all will).

    - Eisenhower, however, did rely increasingly on the CIA to buy out foreign leaders, labor unions, newspapers and political parties. The CIA also planted fake stories in newspapers, trained foreign military officials, experimented w/mind control drugs, and launched covert operations to subvert Third World gov’ts.

    - The Eisenhower administration also tried to spread American culture in the USSR and the East (to spark discontent) through the

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