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Science, Technology, & Their Representation

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Science, Technology, & Their Representation

Kawana, Sari, ‘Mad Scientists and Their Prey: Bioethics, Murder, and Fiction in Interwar Japan’, in Journal of Japanese Studies, Vol. 31, No. 1, Winter 2005.

Lummis, C.D., ‘Introduction, Japanese critiques of technological Society’, Journal of Social and Political Theory, 8, 3, Fall 1984.

Matthew, Robert, Japanese science fiction : a view of a changing society , London ; New York : Routledge ; [Oxford, England] : Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies, University of Oxford, 1989

McCormack, G., ‘Manchukuo: Constructing the past’, East Asian History, 2, December 1991.

Morris-Suzuki, T., ‘Concepts of nature and technology in Pre-Industrial Japan’, East Asian History, 1, June 1991.

Schodt, F.L., Inside the Robot kingdom: Japan, mechatronics, and the coming robotopia, Tokyo, Kodansha International, 1988.

‘Technology in Modern Japan’, Special Issue, Japanese Studies, 13, 2, September 1993, includes Low, M., ‘The birth of Godzilla: Nuclear fear and the ideology of Japan as victim’.

Selected Texts on Modern Japanese Cultural and Intellectual History

Ammann, Jean-Christophe and Araki, Nobuyoshi, Araki Mythologie, Paris, Images modernes, 2001, 252 p.

Arai, Andrea G, ‘The ‘Wild Child’ of 1990s Japan’, The South Atlantic Quarterly, 99.4, Fall 2000

Bellah, R., Beyond Belief: Essays on Religion in a Post-Traditional World, Harper and Row, 1970

Blacker, C., The Japanese Enlightenment: A Study of the Writings of Fukuzawa Yukichi, Cambridge UP, 1964

Bernstein, Andrew, ‘Whose Fuji?: Religion, Region, and State in the Fight for a National Symbol’, in Monumenta Nipponica, Vol. 63, No. 1, Spring 2008.

Bowring, R.J., Mori Ogai and the Modernization of Japanese Culture, Cambridge UP, 1979

Braisted, W.R., tr. Meiroku Zasshi: Journal of the Japanese Enlightenment, Harvard UP, 1976

Cazdyn, Eric M., ‘Representation, Reality Culture, and Global Capitalism in Japan’, The South Atlantic Quarterly, 99.4, Fall 2000

Ching, Leo T. S., 1962-, ‘‘Give Me Japan and Nothing Else!’: Postcoloniality, Identity, and the Traces of Colonialism’, The South Atlantic Quarterly, 99.4, Fall 2000

Dale, P.N., The Myth of Japanese Uniqueness, Croom Helm, 1986, (reVol.: Mulhern, C.L., Japan Quarterly, XXXIV, 3, 1987), reVol. ed. Routledge, 1995.

Doi, T., The Anatomy of Dependence, Tokyo, Kôdansha, 1973

Doi, T., The Psychological World of Natsume Soseki, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1981

Figal, Gerald, Civilization and monsters, spirits of modernity in Meiji Japan, Durham, Duke University Press, 2000

Fukuzawa, Yukichi, tr. Kiyooka, E., The Autobiography of Fukuzawa Yukuchi, Columbia UP, 1966

Gluck, C., Japan’s Modern Myths: Ideology in the Late Meiji Period, Princeton UP, 1985 (reVol.: Brown, S.D., Monumenta Nipponica, 41, 1, 1986)

Hamaguchi, E., ‘A Contextual Model of the Japanese...’, Journal of Japanese Studies, 11, 2, 1 1985

Hamaguchi, E., ‘Towards a theoretical dialogue between Asia and the West’, Japan Foundation Newsletter, XIV, 4, 1987.

Harootunian, H., Overcome by Modernity, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2000.

Harootunian, Harry D., 1929-, ‘Japan's Long Postwar: The Trick of Memory and the Ruse of History’, The South Atlantic Quarterly, 99.4, Fall 2000

Hirayama, Mikiko, ‘Notes on Japanese Art Criticism: The First Fifty Years’, in Thomas, J., ed., Survey of Modern Japanese Art, Honolulu, University of Hawai’i Press, 2010.

Hsu, F.L.K., Iemoto: The Heart of Japan, New York, Halsted Press, 1975

‘The Japanese: Portrait of Change’, Special Issue, Japan Echo, XV, 1988

Irokawa, D., tr. Jansen, M.B., The Culture of the Meiji Period, Princeton UP, 1985 (reVol.:Marshall, B.K., Monumenta Nipponica, 41, 1, 1986. Waswo, A., Journal of Japanese Studies, 13, 1, 1987)

Ivy, Marilyn, ‘Formation of Mass Culture’, in Gordon, Andew, ed., Postwar Japan as History¸ Berkeley, University of California Press, 1993.

Ivy, Marilyn, ‘Revenge and Recapitation in Recessionary Japan’, The South Atlantic Quarterly, 99.4, Fall 2000

Kamishima, J., ‘Modernization of Japan and the Problem of ‘IE’ Conciousness’, Acta Asiatica, 13, 1967

Kasza, Gergory J., The State and Mass Meida in Japan, 1918-1945, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1988.

Koschmann, VOL., Revolution and Subjectivity in Post-War Japan, 1996.

Krämer, Hans Martin, ‘The Prewar Roots of "Equality of Opportunity": Japanese Educational Ideals in the Twentieth Century’, in Monumenta Nipponica, Vol. 61, No. 4, Winter 2006.

Kuwabara Takeo, Japan and Western Civilization, Tôkyô, Uinversity of Tôkyô Press, 1983.

Minami, H., The Psychology of the Japanese People, U Toronto P, 1971

Mitchell, R.H., Thought Control in Pre-War Japan, Cornell UP, 1976

Mitchell, R.H., Censorship in Imperial Japan, Princeton UP, 1983

Miyoshi, Masao ed., Postmodernism and Japan, Durham, Duke University Press, 1989 [except for two additions by Isozaki Arata and Oe Kenzaburô, the content is largely the same as the Special Issue of The South Atlantic Quarterly, Vol.87, No.3, Summer 1988].

Miyoshi, Masao & Harootunian, H.D., eds., Japan in the World, Durham, Duke University Press, 1993.

Miyoshi, Masao, ‘The University and the ‘Global’ Economy: The Cases of the United States and Japan’, The South Atlantic Quarterly, 99.4, Fall 2000

Najita,T., Harootunian,H.D., ‘Japanese revolt against the West: political and cultural criticism in the twentieth century’, in The Cambridge History of Japan, Vol.6, The Twentieth Century, Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Pitelka, Morgan, ‘The Empire of Things: Tokugawa Ieyasu’s Material Legacy and Cultural Profile’, in Japanese Studies, Vol. 29, No. 1, May 2009, p. 19-32.

Pyle, K.B., The New Generation in Meiji Japan: problems of cultural identity 1885-1895, Stanford UP, 1969

Rimer, J. Thomas, ed., Culture and Identity: Japanese Intellectuals during the Interwar years, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1990.

Roden, D., Schooldays in Imperial Japan: a study in the culture of a student elite, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1980

Rubin, J., Injurious to Public Morals: Writers and the Meiji State, U Washington P, 1984

Rubin, J., ‘From Wholesomeness to Decadence: The Censorship of Literature under the Allied Occupation’, Journal of Japanese Studies, 11, 1, Winter 1985.

Sakabe Megumi. “Modoki; The Mimetic Tradition in Japan.” MJAR.

Shillony, Ben-Ami, Politics and Culture in Wartime Japan, Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1981.

Shively, Donald, ed., Tradition and Modernization in Japanese Culture, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1971.

Silverberg, M, ‘Modern Girl as Militant’, in Berstein, Gail Lee, ed. Recreating Japanese Women, 1600-1945, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1991.

Silverberg, M, ‘Constructing a new cultural history of pre-war Japan’, in Miyoshi Masao & Harootunian, H.D. eds., Japan in the World, Durham, Duke University Press, 1993

Sugimoto, Y., Arnanson, J.P., Japanese Encounters with Postmodernity, London: KPI, 1995.

Tamanoi, Mariko, ‘A Road to ‘A Redeemed Mankind’: The Politics of Memory among the Former Japanese Peasant Settlers in Manchuria’, The South Atlantic Quarterly, 99.1, Winter 2000

Tanaka, T., ‘The Acceptance of Western Civilization in Japan (Meiji Period)’, East Asian Cultural Studies, VI, March 1967

Tanizaki Junichirô, In Praise of Shadows, [tr. Harper, T.J.. & Seidensticker, Edward G.], New Haven, Leete’s Island Books, 1977.

Toyama, S., ‘Reformers of the Meiji Restoration and the Birth of Modern Intellectuals’, Acta Asiatica, 13, 1967

Tsurumi, S., An Intellectual History of Wartime Japan, Kegan Paul International, 1986.

Tsurumi, S., A Cultural History of Post-War Japan, 1945-1980, Kegan Paul International, 1987.

Wilson, Sandra, ‘Enthroning Hirohito: Culture and Nation in 1920s Japan’, in Journal of Japanese Studies, Vol. 37, No. 2, Summer 2011.

Yanagita, K., tr Morse, R.S., The Legends of Tono, Japan Foundation, 1975

Yanagita, K., About our Ancestors: The Japanese Family System, UNESCO, Japanese Ministry of Education, 1970.

Yoda, Tomiko, ‘A Roadmap to Millennial Japan’, The South Atlantic Quarterly, 99.4, Fall 2000

Yoda, Tomiko, ‘The Rise and Fall of Maternal Society: Gender, Labor, and Capital in Contemporary Japan’, The South Atlantic Quarterly, 99.4, Fall 2000

Yoshimoto, Mitsuhiro, 1961-, ‘The University, Disciplines, National Identity: Why is There No Film Studies in Japan?’, The South Atlantic Quarterly, 99.4, Fall 2000

Zwicker, Jonathan, ‘Playbills, Ephemera, and the Historical Imagination in Nineteenth Century Japan’, in Journal of Japanese Studies, Vol. 35, No. 1, Winter 2009.

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