Stqarrija mill-Ministeru tal-Biedja u Sajd dwar il-bdiewa u r-refunds tal-vat

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Nru. 63
Il-Ministeru tal-Biedja u Sajd jirreferi ghall-istqarrija li ghamel il-Kelliem Ewlieni ta’ l-Oppozizzjoni dwar il-Biedja dwar dan is-suggett.
Din l-istqarrija ma semmietx il-fatt maghruf sewwa mill-bdiewa, li l-insetticidi u materjal iehor tant essenzjali ghal biedja ma kellu l-ebda ezenzjoni mill-hlas tat-taxxi ta’ l-ETI u l-ETP li kienu jezistu fi zmien l-Amministrazzjoni precedenti. Il-bdiewa jafu wkoll kemm kien hemm proceduri burokratici twal sabiex jithallsu xi refunds li setghu jkunu dovuti. Minn naha l-ohra, refunds tal-VAT jithallsu regolarment skond kif hemm mahsub apposta fil-ligi, fejn hemm ukoll provizjoni ghal hlas ta’ interessi fuq refunds li ma jithallsux skond l-istess ligi. Il-bdiewa jistghu jazlu wkoll li jkollhom Perjodu ta’ Taxxa iqsar, skond kif jista’ jiddetermina il-Ministru tal-Finanzi b’regolamenti apposta.
Dwar il-laham tac-canga, qed isiru arrangamenti biex jinxtara dak il-laham kollu li jibqa’ ma jinbieghx permezz tal-Beef Intervention Scheme. Din l-iskema kienet qed tnaqqas mill-effettività fi zmien l-Amministrazzjoni precedenti, peress li ma kienux qed jigu allokati fondi bizzejjed biex tiffunzjona. Id-Dipartiment tas-Servizzi Veterinarji issa ghandu awtorizzazzjoni biex jixtri c-canga kollha li ma tinbieghx bil-prezz minimu miftiehem mar-rapprezentanti tar-rahhala. L-istqarrija mahruga mill-MTARYC, ghaqda ohra tal-Kelliemi ta’ l-Oppozizzjoni, hija frivola u bla bazi fil-verità.
L-agrikoltura organika hija suggett li mhux lakemm wiehed jitkellem fuqu bl-addocc, minhabba fin-natura komplessa tieghu. Qed jittiehdu passi sabiex tinholoq l-infrastruttura legali li fiha din il-forma ta’ agrikoltura tist’ topera u tigi inkoragguta. Qed jigu studjati il-proposti kollha “bona fide” li qed jircievi il-Ministeru.
Tajjeb wiehed ifakkar li f’dawn l-ahhar hames xhur, il-Gvern ha passi biex inehhi ix-xkiel li kien hemm itellef lill-industrija ta’ l-agrikoltura milli tkompli tizviluppa fosthom:


  1. ir-revizjoni tar-rati ta’ l-ilma u d-dawl ghall-bdiewa u r-rahhala li kieku dahlu kif kienu proposti mill-Amministrazzjoni precedenti kienu jaghmlu hsara irreparabbli lill-kommunità agrikola ta’ pajjizna;

  1. it-tnehhija tat-taxxa tac-CET li ma kienitx taghti refunds lill-bdiewa fuq il-maggor parti tax-xiri taghhom;

  1. l-irtirar tal-proposta ta’ twaqqief ta’ Free Trade Zone ma’ l-Unjoni Ewropea, li kienet tfisser, kif gie rrapurtat li kkonferma l-Kap ta’ l-Oppozizzjoni nnifsu, l-Onor. Alfred Sant, meta kien ghadu Prim Ministru, kienet tfisser it-tnehhija ta’ kull forma ta’ protezzjoni li kienet tgawdi l-Agrikoltura Maltija.


Nru. 63
Reference is made to the statement issued by the Opposition Party’s spokesman for Agriculture and Fisheries regarding the subject in caption.
Farmers are aware that insecticides as well as several other essential farming inputs were not exempted from the payment of ETI and ETP and that farmers were subjected to lengthy bureaucratic procedures for any refunds to be paid. On the other hand, VAT refunds are paid regularly in accordance with the provisions of the Act, including the payment of interest on refunds due but not paid as specified by the Act. Farmers may opt for shorter tax periods as may be prescribed by the Minister of Finance by regulations.
Regarding beef, arrangements are being made for the purchase of all beef not sold on the market through the Beef Intervention Scheme, which was being run down by the previous Administration, by not allocating sufficient funds for its operation. The Department of Veterinary Services has now been authorized to purchase all the beef available surplus to market requirement at the minimum prices agreed with the herdsmen’s representative. The statement released by the MTARYC - another shadow organization of the Opposition Party spokesman for Agriculture - is therefore frivolous.
Organic Agriculture is a complex issue and in the first instance action is being taken to provide the necessary legal framework in which such an activity may operate and be encouraged. All well-meaning proposals are being actively studied.
In the past five months the Government has successfully removed the obstacles to further development of the agricultural sector, particularly the uncertainty that the previous Administration instilled in all economic activity. Such measures included:

  • the revision of the water and electricity rates for farmers, which if implemented as proposed by the previous Administration would have caused irreparable damage to the farming community,

  • and the withdrawal of the proposal for the establishment of a Free Trade Zone with the European Union, which, as the Hon. Alfred Sant was reported as having himself declared, would have meant the end of any protection for Maltese Agriculture.


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