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Frank Wierzbicki is the head of the Jython project and a lead software 
developer at Sauce Labs. He has been programming since the Commodore 64 was 
the king of home computers (look it up, kids!) and can’t imagine why anyone 
would do anything else for a living. Frank’s most enduring hobby is picking up 
new programming languages, but he has yet to find one that is more fun to work 
with than Python.

About the Technical Reviewers 
Mark Ramm is project leader of TurboGears 2, and has written myriad 
articles, and a book about TurboGears. He is a web developer at GeekNet 
( and is the founder of Compound Thinking (, 
a consulting and development company focused on Python training, and web 
application development. 
Tobias Ivarsson is a software developer at Neo Technology, the commercial 
backer of the open source graph database Neo4j ( Tobias is 
also a developer on the Jython project, with focus on the compiler.

First and foremost, I would like to thank my wife Angela for standing beside me throughout my career 
and writing this book. She has been my inspiration and motivation for continuing to improve my 
knowledge and move my career forward. She is my rock, and I dedicate this book to her. I also thank my 
wonderful children: Katie, Jake, Matt, and our new addition Zachary, for always making me smile and for 
understanding on those weekend mornings when I was writing this book instead of playing games. I 
hope that one day they can read this book and understand why I spent so much time in front of my 
I’d like to thank my parents and grandparents for allowing me to follow my ambitions throughout my 
childhood. My family, including my in-laws, have always supported me throughout my career and 
authoring this book and I really appreciate it. I look forward to discussing this book with my family at 
future gatherings as I’m sure they will all read it soon. 
My co-workers, especially Roger Slisz, Necota Smith, and Matt Arena, who showed me the ropes in 
IT. Without that knowledge I wouldn’t have ventured into learning about Oracle and PL/SQL, which 
ultimately led to this! I’d like to especially thank Roger Slisz and Kent Collins for trusting me to guide and 
develop the applications for our department, and for allowing me the freedom to manage my projects 
and provide the necessary time and resource toward our applications and databases. 
I’d really like to thank Jim Baker for providing me with the opportunity to become the lead author for 
this book. I appreciate that he believed in me to provide the leadership and knowledge to make this book 
a reality. Jim Baker is a great person and a scholar; without him, this book may not have been written. 
Jim and I collaborated to find the other great authors that helped us write this book. In the end, I 
believe that the team of authors that was chosen provides the perfect blend of knowledge and skills that 
went into authoring this book. I thank each of the authors for devoting their time and effort towards this 
book; I think that it will be a great asset to the community! Thanks for everything, I look forward to 
writing the second edition soon! 
I owe a huge thanks to Duncan Parkes of Apress for providing excellent support and advice. I also 
wish to thank all of our technical reviewers and our Apress project coordinator, Mary Tobin. All of their 
efforts helped to make this book complete and we couldn’t have done it without you. 
Last, but definitely not least, I’d like to thank the Jython developers and the community as a whole. 
The developers work hard to provide us with this great technology allowing us to write Python on the 
JVM. Frank Wierzbicki has done an excellent job in leading the core of Jython developers to produce 
2.5.1, and I know that he’ll continue to do a great job leading into the future. Thanks to the community 
for using Jython and providing great ideas and support via the mailing lists; without this help I could not 
provide the newsletter and podcast. 
Josh J. Juneau 
This book is dedicated to my kids, Zack and Zoe, who are just about the best children a dad could hope 
for: happy, loving, and fun to be with. Fundamentally, what I love to do is create, so it’s wonderful 
watching you grow! 
Three years ago, we had this audacious idea of reviving Jython. We would jump to supporting the 2.5 
version of the Python language. And we would focus on making it a suitable platform for running the 
increasingly large apps that are being developed. This meant a renewed focus on compatibility for 
Jython. Fortunately, we could leverage the new reality that developers of Python applications,

frameworks, and libraries increasingly have a commitment to strong testing. Our problem was tractable 
because we could use this testing to converge on a robust implementation. 
This book documents how we, in fact, achieved this goal, while still preserving the ability to 
interactively explore and script the Java platform. In other words, Jython has grown up, but it hasn’t 
forgotten what made it both useful and fun in the first place. 
To my good friend Frank Wierzbicki, we made it happen; Charlie Nutter, for his commitment to 
collaboration; Albert Wenger and Bruce Eckel, who both convinced me that working on Jython was 
important; Leslie Hawthorn of the Google Open Source Programs Office; Dorene Beaver; Brian Goetz, 
John Rose, and Ted Leung at Sun, for their support of alternative languages on the JVM; Chris Perkins
Glyph Lefkowitz, Jacob Kaplan-Moss, Mark Ramm, and Raymond Hettinger for their support of a robust 
Python ecosystem; my fellow Jython developers, Alan Kennedy, Charlie Groves, Josh Juneau, Nicholas 
Riley, Oti Humbel, and Phil Jenvey, not to mention many other contributors. And especially to my 
Google Summer of Code students, now also Jython committers, Leo Soto and Tobias Ivarsson: it’s been 
wonderful watching you grow as both developers and individuals. 
Jim Baker 
Thanks to Liz and Rosie for putting up with far too many side projects this year. Special thanks to 
everyone in the Jython and Python developer community for making life as a programmer much less 
painful than it could be.  
Victor Ng 
First, thanks to my family for having patience with me when I took on yet another challenge which 
decreases the amount of time I can spend with them. Especially Eliana, my mother, who has endured a 
large part of that sacrifice, and also Nicolás, my brother, who gives encouragement in his own particular 
way. They and Leocadio, my father, who rests in peace, forged my personality and share credit on every 
goal I achieve. 
Thanks to all my friends for sharing my happiness when starting this project and following with 
encouragement when it seemed too difficult to be completed. I would have probably given up without 
their support and example on what to do when you really want something. 
Speaking of encouragement, I must mention that Jim Baker was responsible for having me on the 
team who wrote this book: first by mentoring me on Jython and later by insisting that I should share part 
of what I have learned on this book. He is a great person and I can only be grateful to have met him. 
Thanks to Josh Juneau, our lead author. He coordinated our numerous team members and made 
sure we all were on the right track. He did that while also working on a lot of chapters and also handling 
the paperwork. I have no idea how he managed to do it. All I know is that he rocks. 
Thanks to Duncan Parkes, our editor, and all the technical reviewers who worked on this book. Not 
only by catching mistakes but also by suggesting those additions that can seem obvious in hindsight but 
that would never have occurred to you. 
On the first half of the Django chapter, I received a lot of help from Jacob Fenwick who discovered 
some problems on specific platforms and offered valuable suggestions to overcome them. Thanks to 
him, many readers won’t experience the frustration caused when the code shown on the book doesn’t 
work on their environment. By the way, while working on Django integration with Jython, I’ve met a lot 
of nice people in the Django community. Special thanks to Jacob Kaplan-Moss for his outstanding 
support when I was working on that area. 
And thanks to the Jython community! Starting with our leader, Frank Wierzbicki, who has played a 
crucial role to move Jython forward in recent years. The core Jython developers are also really awesome 
people and I’m immensely happy to work with them on the project. And every person of the Jython 
community I’ve talked to has been nice and even when criticizing they know how to be constructive. I’m 
grateful to work with this community and hope their members will find this book useful! 
Leo Soto

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