Risk Topography: Systemic Risk and Macro Modeling

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This PDF is a selec on from a published volume from the Na onal 

Bureau of Economic


Volume Title: Risk Topography: Systemic Risk and Macro Modeling

Volume Author/Editor:  Markus Brunnermeier and Arvind 

Krishnamurthy, editors

Volume Publisher: University of Chicago Press

Volume ISBN:  0‐226‐07773‐X (cloth); 978‐0‐226‐07773‐4 (cloth); 

978‐0‐226‐09264‐5 (eISBN)

Volume URL: h p://www.nber.org/books/brun11‐1

Conference Date:  April 28, 2011

Publica on Date: August 2014

Chapter Title:  Challenges in Iden fying and Measuring Systemic 


Chapter Author(s): Lars Peter Hansen

Chapter URL: h p://www.nber.org/chapters/c12507

Chapter pages in book: (p. 15 ‐ 30)


1.1 Introduction

Discussions of public oversight of financial markets often make reference 

to “systemic risk” as a rationale for prudent policy making. For example, 

mitigating systemic risk is a common defense underlying the need for mac-

roprudential policy initiatives. The term has become a grab bag, and its lack 

of specificity could undermine the assessment of alternative policies. At the 

outset of this essay I ask, should systemic risk be an explicit target of mea-

surement, or should it be relegated to being a buzz word, a slogan or a code 

word used to rationalize regulatory discretion?

I remind readers of the dictum attributed to Sir William Thomson (Lord 


I often say that when you can measure something that you are speaking 

about, express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you 

cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowl-

edge is of the meagre and unsatisfactory kind: it may be the beginning of 

knowledge, but you have scarcely, in your thoughts advanced to the stage 

of science, whatever the matter might be.



Challenges in Identifying and 

Measuring Systemic Risk

Lars Peter Hansen

Lars Peter Hansen is the David Rockefeller Distinguished Service Professor in Economics, 

Statistics, and the College at the University of Chicago and a research associate of the National 

Bureau of Economic Research.

In writing this chapter, I benefited from helpful suggestions by Amy Boonstra, Gary Becker, 

Mark Brickell, John Heaton, Jim Heckman, Arvind Krishnamurthy, Monika Piazzesi, Toni 

Shears, and Stephen Stigler, and especially by Markus Brunnermeier, Andy Lo, Tom Sar-

gent, and Grace Tsiang. For acknowledgments, sources of research support, and disclosure 

of the author’s material financial relationships, if any, please see http:// www .nber .org/ chapters 

/ c12507.ack.

1. From lecture to the Institution of Civil Engineers, London (3 May 1883), “Electrical Units 

of Measurement,” Popular Lectures and Addresses (1889), Vol. 1, 80– 81.

16     Lars Peter Hansen

While Lord Kelvin’s scientific background was in mathematical physics, 

discussion of his dictum has pervaded the social sciences. An abbreviated 

version appears on the Social Science Research building at the University of 

Chicago and was the topic of a published piece of detective work by Merton, 

Sills, and Stigler (1984). I will revisit this topic at the end of this essay. Right 

now I use this quote as a launching pad for discussing systemic risk by ask-

ing if we should use measurement or quantification as a barometer of our 

understanding of this concept.

One possibility is simply to concede that systemic risk is not something 

that is amenable to quantification. Instead it is something that becomes 

self- evident under casual observation. This is quite diVerent from Kelvin’s 

assertion about the importance of measurement as a precursor to some 

form of scientific understanding and discourse. Kelvin’s view was that for 

measurement to have any meaning requires that (a) we formalize the concept 

that is to be measured, and (b) we acquire data to support the measurement.

The need to implement new laws with expanded regulation and oversight 

puts pressure on public sector research groups to develop quick ways to 

provide useful measurements of systemic risk. This requires shortcuts, and it 

also can proliferate superficial answers. These short- term research responses 

will be revealing along some dimensions by providing useful summaries 

from new data sources or at least data sources that have been largely ignored 

in the past. Stopping with short- term or quick answers can lead to bad 

policy advice and should be avoided. It is important for researchers to take 

a broader and more ambitious attack on the problem of building quantita-

tively meaningful models with macroeconomic linkages to financial markets. 

Appropriately constructed, these models could provide a framework for the 

quantification of systemic risk.

In the short run, we may be limited in our ability to provide meaningful 

quantification. Perhaps we should defer and trust our governmental oYcials 

engaged in regulation and oversight to “know it when they see it.” I have two 

concerns about leaving things vague, however. First, it opens the door to a 

substantial amount of regulatory discretion. In extreme circumstances that 

are not well guided by prior experience or supported by economic models 

that we have confidence in, some form of discretion may be necessary for 

prudent policy making. However, discretion can also lead to bad government 

policy, including the temptation to respond to political pressures. Second, it 

makes criticism of measurement and policy all the more challenging. When 

formal models are well constructed, they facilitate discussion and criticism. 

Delineating assumptions required to justify conclusions disciplines the com-

munication and commentary necessary to nurture improvements in models, 

methods, and measurements. This leads me to be sympathetic to a longer- 

term objective of exploring the policy- relevant notions of the quantification 

of systemic risk. To embark on this ambitious agenda, we should do so with 

Challenges in Identifying and Measuring Systemic Risk    17

open eyes and a realistic perspective on the measurement challenges. In what 

follows, I explore these challenges, in part, by drawing on the experience 

from other such research agendas within economics and elsewhere.

In the remainder of this essay: (a) I explore some conceptual modeling and 

measurement challenges, and (b) I examine these challenges as they relate to 

existing approaches to measuring systemic risk.

1.2  Measurement with and without Theory

Sparked in part by the ambition set out in the Dodd- Frank Act and 

similar measures in Europe, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 

System and some of the constituent regional banks have assembled research 

groups charged with producing measurements of systemic risk. Such mea-

surements are also part of the job of the newly created OYce of Financial 

Research housed in the Treasury Department. Similar research groups have 

been assembled in Europe. While the need for legislative responses puts pres-

sure on research departments to produce quick “answers,” I believe it is also 

critical to take a longer- term perspective so that we can do more than just 

respond to the last crisis. By now, a multitude of proposed measures exist 

and many of these are summarized in Bisias et al. (2012), where thirty- one 

ways to measure systemic risk are identified. While the authors describe 

this catalog as an “embarrassment of riches,” I find this plethora to be a bit 

disconcerting. In describing why, in the next section, I will discuss briefly 

some of these measures without providing a full- blown critique. Moreover, 

I will not embark on a commentary of all thirty- one listed in their valuable 

and extensive summary. Prior to taking up that task, I consider some basic 

conceptual issues.

I am reminded of Koopmans’s discussion of the Burns and Mitchell 

(1946) book on measuring business cycles. The Koopmans (1947) review has 

the famous title “Measurement without Theory.” It provides an extensive 

discussion and sums things up saying:

The book is unbendingly empiricist in outlook. . . . But the decision not 

to use theories of man’s economic behavior, even hypothetically, limits 

the value to economic science and to the maker of policies, of the results 

obtained or obtainable by the methods developed. (172)

The measurements by Burns and Mitchell generated a lot of attention 

and renewed interest in quantifying business cycles. They served to motivate 

development of both formal economic and statistical models. An unabash-

edly empirical approach can most definitely be of considerable value, espe-

cially in the initial stages of a research agenda. What is less clear is how to 

use such an approach as a direct input into policy making without an eco-

nomic model to provide guidance as to how this should be done. An impor-

18     Lars Peter Hansen

tant role for economic modeling is to provide an interpretable structure for 

using available data to explore the consequences of alternative policies in a 

meaningful way.

In the remainder of this section, I feature two measurement challenges 

that should be central to any systemic research measurement agenda. How 

do we distinguish systemic from systematic risk? How do we conceptualize 

and quantify the uncertainty associated with systemic risk measurement?

1.2.1  Systematic or Systemic

The terms systematic and systemic risk are sometimes confused, but their 

distinction is critical for both measurement and interpretation. In sharp 

contrast with the former concept, the latter one is well studied and sup-

ported by extensive modeling and measurement. “Systematic risks” are 

macroeconomic or aggregate risks that cannot be avoided through diversi-

fication. According to standard models of financial markets, investors who 

are exposed to these risks require compensation because there is no simple 

insurance scheme whereby exposure to these risks can be averaged out.



compensation is typically expressed as a risk adjustment to expected returns.

Empirical macroeconomics aims to identify aggregate “shocks” in time 

series data and to measure their consequences. Exposure to these shocks is 

the source of systematic risk priced in security markets. These may include 

shocks induced by macroeconomic policy, and some policy analyses explore 

how to reduce the impact of these shocks to the macroeconomy through 

changes in monetary or fiscal policy. Often, but not always, as a separate 

research enterprise, empirical finance explores econometric challenges 

associated with measuring both the exposure to the components of sys-

tematic risk that require compensation and the associated compensations 

to   investors.

“Systemic risk” is meant to be a diVerent construct. It pertains to risks 

of breakdown or major dysfunction in financial markets. The potential for 

such risks provides a rationale for financial market monitoring, intervention, 

or regulation. The systemic risk research agenda aims to provide guidance 

about the consequences of alternative policies and to help anticipate pos-

sible breakdowns in financial markets. The formal definition of systemic risk 

is much less clear than its counterpart systematic risk.

Here are three possible notions of systemic risk that have been suggested. 

Some consider systemic risk to be a modern day counterpart to a bank 

run triggered by liquidity concerns. Measurement of that risk could be an 

essential input to the role of central banks as “lenders of last resort” to 

prevent failure of large financial institutions or groups of financial institu-

2. A more precise statement would be that these are the risks that could require compensa-

tion. In equilibrium models there typically exist aggregate risks with exposures that do not 

require compensation. Diversification arguments narrow the pricing focus to the systematic 

or aggregate risks.

Challenges in Identifying and Measuring Systemic Risk    19

tions. Others use systemic risk to describe the vulnerability of a financial 

network in which adverse consequences of internal shocks can spread and 

even magnify within the network. Here the measurement challenge is to 

identify when a financial network is potentially vulnerable and the nature of 

the disruptions that can trigger a problem. Still others use the term to include 

the potential insolvency of a major player in or component of the financial 

system. Thus systemic risk is basically a grab bag of scenarios that are sup-

posed to rationalize intervention in financial markets. These interventions 

come under the heading of “macroprudential policies.” Since the Great 

Recession was triggered by a financial crisis, it is not surprising that there 

were legislative calls for external monitoring, intervention, or regulation to 

reduce systemic risk. The outcome is legislation such as the rather cumber-

some and still incomplete 2,319 page Dodd- Frank Wall Street Reform and 

Consumer Protection Act. The sets of constructs for measurement to sup-

port prudent policy making remain a challenge for future research.

Embracing Koopmans’s call for models is appealing as a longer- term 

research agenda. Important aspects of his critique are just as relevant as a 

commentary on current systemic risk measurement as they were for Burns 

and Mitchell’s business cycle measurement.


1.2.2  Systemic Risk or Uncertainty

There are important conceptual challenges that go along with the use of 

explicit dynamic economic models in formal ways. Paramount among these 

is how we confront risk and uncertainty. Economic models with explicit sto-

chastic structures imply formal probability statements for a variety of ques-

tions related to implications and policy. In addition, uncertainty can come 

from limited data, unknown models, and misspecification of those models. 

Policy discussions too often have a bias toward ignoring the full impact of 

uncertainty quantification. But abstracting from uncertainty measurement 

can result in flawed policy advice and implementation.

There are various approaches to uncertainty quantification. While there 

is well- known and extensive literature on using probability models to sup-

port statistical measurement, I expect special challenges to emerge when we 

impose dynamic economic structure onto the measurement challenge. The 

discussion that follows is motivated by this latter challenge. It reflects my 

own perspective, not necessarily one that is widely embraced. My perspective 

is consonant, however, with some of the views expressed by Haldane (2011, 

2012) in his discussions of policy simplicity and robustness when applied to 

regulating financial institutions.

3. One way in which the systemic risk measurement agenda is more advanced than that 

of Burns and Mitchell is that there is a statistical theory that can be applied to many of the 

suggested measurements of systemic risk. The ability to use “modern methods of statistical 

inference” was one of the reasons featured by Koopmans for why formal probability models 

are valuable, but another part of the challenge is the formal integration with economic analysis.

20     Lars Peter Hansen

I find it useful to draw a distinction between risk and alternative concepts 

better designed to capture our struggles with constructing fully specified 

probability models. Motivated by the insights of Knight (1921), decision 

theorists use the terms uncertainty and ambiguity as distinguished from risk. 

See Gilboa and Schmeidler (1989) for an initial entrant to this literature and 

Gilboa, Postlewaite, and Schmeidler (2008) for a recent survey. Alternatively, 

we can think of statistical models as approximations and we use such models 

in sophisticated ways with conservative adjustments that reflect the poten-

tial for misspecification. This latter ambition is sometimes formulated as a 

concern for robustness. For instance, Petersen, James, and Dupuis (2000) and 

Hansen and Sargent (2001) confront a decision problem with a family of 

possible probability specifications and seek conservative responses.

To appreciate the consequences of Knight’s distinction, consider the fol-

lowing. Suppose we happen to have full confidence in a model specifica-

tion of the macroeconomy appropriately enriched with financial linkages 

needed to capture system- wide exposure to risk. Since the model specifies 

the underlying probabilities, we could use it both to quantify systemic risk 

and to compute so-called counterfactuals. While this would be an attractive 

situation, it seems not to fit many circumstances. As systemic risk remains 

a poorly understood concept, there is no “oV- the- shelf ” model that we 

can use to measure it. Any stab at building such models, at least in the near 

future, is likely to yield, at best, a coarse approximation. This leads directly 

to the question: how do we best express skepticism in our probabilistic mea-

surement of systemic risk?

Continuing with a rather idealized approach, we could formally articulate 

an array of models and weight these models using historical inputs and sub-

jective priors. This articulation appears to be overly ambitious in practice, 

but it is certainly a good aim. Subjective inputs may not be commonly agreed 

upon and historical evidence distinguishing models may be weak. To make 

this approach operational leads naturally to a sensitivity analysis for priors 

including priors over parameters and alternative models.

A model by its very nature is wrong because it simplifies and abstracts. 

Including a formal probabilistic structure enriches predictions from a model, 

but we should not expect such an addition to magically fix or repair the 

model. It is often useful to throw other models “into the mix,” so to speak. 

The same limitations are likely to carry over to each model we envision. 

Perhaps we could be lucky enough to delineate a big enough list of possible 

models to fill gaps left by any specific model. In practice, I suspect we can-

not achieve complete success and certainly not in the short term. In some 

special circumstances, the gaps may be negligible. Probabilistic reasoning 

in conjunction with the use of models is a very valuable tool. But too often 

we suspect the remaining gaps are not trivial, and the challenge in using 

the models is capturing how to express the remaining skepticism. Simple 

models can contain powerful insights even if they are incomplete along 

Challenges in Identifying and Measuring Systemic Risk    21

some dimensions. As statisticians with incomplete knowledge, how do we 

embrace such models or collections of them while acknowledging skepticism 

that should justifiably go along with them? This is an enduring problem in 

the use of dynamic stochastic equilibrium models and it seems unavoidable 

as we confront the important task of building models designed to measure 

systemic risk. Even as we add modeling clarity, in my view we need to aban-

don the presumption that we can measure fully systemic risk and go after 

the conceptually more diYcult notion of quantifying systemic uncertainty

See Haldane (2012) for a further discussion of this point.

What is at stake here is more than just a task for statisticians. Even though 

policy challenges may appear to be complicated, it does not follow that 

policy design should be complicated. Acknowledging or confronting gaps 

in modeling has long been conjectured to have important implications for 

economic policy. As an analogy, I recall Friedman’s (1960) argument for a 

simplified approach to the design of monetary policy. His policy prescrip-

tion was premised on the notion of “long and variable lags” in a monetary 

transmission mechanism that was too poorly understood to exploit for-

mally in the design of policy. His perspective was that the gaps in our knowl-

edge of this mechanism were suYcient that premising activist monetary 

policy on incomplete models could be harmful. Relatedly, Cogley et al. 

(2008) show how alternative misspecification in modeling can be expressed 

in terms of the design of policy rules. Hansen and Sargent (2012) explore 

challenges for monetary policy based on alternative specifications of incom-

plete knowledge on the part of a so-called “Ramsey planner.” The task of 

this planner is to design formal rules for implementation. It is evident from 

their analyses that the potential source of misspecification can matter in the 

design of a robust rule. These contributions do not explore the policy ramifi-

cations for system- wide problems with the functioning of financial markets, 

but such challenges should be on the radar screen of financial regulation. 

In fact, implementation concerns and the need for simple rules underlie 

some of the arguments for imposing equity requirements on banks. See, 

for instance, Admati et al. (2010). Part of policy implementation requires 

attaching numerical values to parameters in such rules. Thus concerns 

about systemic uncertainty would still seem to be a potential contributor to 

the implementation of even seemingly simple rules for financial regulation.

Even after we acknowledge that policymakers face challenges in forming 

systemic risk measures that could be direct and explicit tools for policy, there 

is another layer of uncertainty. Sophisticated decision makers inside the 

models we build may face similar struggles with how to view their economic 

environments. Why might this be important? Let me draw on contributions 

from two distinct strands of literature to speculate about this.

Caballero and Simsek (2010) consider models of financial networks. In 

such models financial institutions care not only about the people that they 

interact with, say, their neighbors, but also the neighbors of neighbors, and 

22     Lars Peter Hansen

so forth. One possibility is that financial entities know well what is going on 

at all nodes in the financial network. Another is that while making probabi-

listic assessments about nearby neighbors in a network is straightforward, 

this task becomes considerably more diYcult as we consider more indirect 

linkages, say, neighbors of neighbors of neighbors and so forth. This view 

is made operational in the model of financial networks of Caballero and 

Simsek (2010).

In a rather diVerent application Hansen (2007) and Hansen and Sargent 

(2010) consider models in which investors struggle with alternative models 

of long- term economic growth. While investors treat each of the models as 

misspecified, they presume that the models serve as useful benchmarks in 

much the same way as in stochastic specifications of robust control theory. 

Historical evidence is informative, but finite data histories do not accurately 

reveal the best model. Important diVerences in models may entail subtle 

components of economic growth that can have long- term macroeconomic 

consequences. Concerns about model misspecification become expressed 

more strongly in financial markets in some time periods than others. This 

has consequences for the valuation of capital in an uncertain environment 

and on the market trade- oVs confronted by investors who participate in 

financial markets. In the example economies considered by Hansen (2007) 

and Hansen and Sargent (2010), what they call uncertainty premia become 

larger after the occurrence of a sequence of bad macroeconomic outcomes.

In summary, the implications of systemic uncertainty whether in contrast 

or in conjunction with systemic risk are both important for providing policy 

advice and understanding market outcomes. External analysts, say, statisti-

cians, econometricians, and policy advisors, confront specification uncer-

tainty when they build dynamic stochastic models with explicit linkages to 

the financial markets. Within dynamic models with micro foundations are 

decision makers or agents that also confront uncertainty. Their resulting 

actions can have a big impact on the system- wide outcomes. Assessing both 

the analysts’ and agents’ uncertainties are critical components to a produc-

tive research agenda.

1.3  Current Approaches

Let me turn now to some of the recent research related to systemic risk. 

Just the wide scope of the Bisias et al. (2012) survey reminds us that there 

is not yet an agreed upon approach to this measurement. To me, it suggests 

that identifying what measurements will be the most fruitful to support our 

understanding of linkages between financial markets and the macroecon-

omy is an open issue. In a superficial way, the sheer number of approaches 

would seem to address the Kelvin dictum. The problem is complex and it 

has many dimensions to it and thus requires multiple measurements. But I 

am doubtful that this is a correct assessment of the situation. Alternative 

Challenges in Identifying and Measuring Systemic Risk    23

measures are supported implicitly by alternative modeling assumptions and 

it is hard to see how the full array of measurements provides a coherent set 

of tools for policy makers. Many of the measurements to date seem closer 

in spirit to the Burns and Mitchell approach and fall way short of the Koop-

mans standard. From a policy perspective, I fear that we remain too close to 

the Potter- Stewart “we know it when we see it” view of systemic risk.

What follows is a discussion of a few specific approaches for assessing 

systemic risk along with some modeling and data challenges going forward.

1.3.1  Tail Measures

One approach measures codependence in the tails of equity returns to 

financial institutions. Some form of codependence is needed to distin-

guish the impact of the disturbances to the entire financial sector from 

firm- specific disturbances. Prominent examples of this include the work of 

Adrian and Brunnermeier (2008) and Brownlees and Engle (2011). Measur-

ing tail dependence is particularly challenging because of limited historical 

data. To obtain estimates requires implicit extrapolations from the historical 

time series of returns because of the very limited number of extreme values 

of the magnitude of a financial crisis. While codependence helps to identify 

large aggregate shocks, all such shocks are in eVect treated as a conglomerate 

when extracting information from historical evidence. The resulting mea-

surements are interesting, but they put aside some critical questions that are 

needed to understand better policy advice. For example, while equity returns 

are used to identify an amalgam of aggregate shocks that could induce cri-

ses, how does the mechanism by which the disturbance is transmitted to the 

macroeconomy diVer depending on the source of the disturbance? Not all 

financial market crises are macroeconomic crises. The big drops in equity 

markets on October 19, 1987, and April 14, 2000, did not trigger major 

macroeconomic declines. Was this because of the source of the shock or 

because of the macroeconomic policy responses? Understanding both the 

source and the mechanism of the disturbance would seem to be critical to the 

analysis of policy implications. Further empirical investigation of financial 

linkages with macroeconomic repercussions should be an important next 

step in this line of research.

It is wrong to say that this tail- based research is devoid of theory, and in 

fact Acharya et al. (2010) suggest how to use tail- risk measures as inputs 

into calculations about the solvency of the financial system. Their paper 

includes an explicit welfare calculation, and their use of measurements of 

tail dependence is driven in part by a particular policy perspective. Their 

theoretical supporting analysis is essentially static in nature, however. The 

macroeconomic consequences of crises events and how they unfold over 

time is largely put to the side. Instead, the focus is on providing a mea-

sure of the public cost of providing capital in order to exceed a specific 

threshold. This research does result in model- based measurements of what 

24     Lars Peter Hansen

is called marginal expected shortfall and systemic risk. These measurements 

are updated regularly on the V-Lab web page at New York University. The 

use by Acharya et al. (2010) is an interesting illustration of how to model 

systemic risk and may well serve as a valuable platform for a more ambi-

tious approach.

The focus on equity calculations limits the financial institutions that can 

be analyzed. The so-called shadow banking sector contains potentially 

important sectors or groups of firms that are not publicly traded. One could 

argue that if the monitoring targets are only SIFI’s (so- called systemically 

important financial institutions), then the focus on publicly traded financial 

firms is appropriate. But system- wide policy concerns might be directed at 

the potential failure of collections of nonbank financial institutions includ-

ing ones that are not publicly traded and hence omitted by calculations that 

rely on equity valuation measures.

1.3.2  Contingent Claims Analysis

In related research, Gray and Jobst (2011) apply what is known as contin-

gent claims analysis. This approach features risk adjustments to sectoral bal-

ance sheets while featuring the distinct roles of debt and equity. It builds on 

the use of option pricing theory for firm financing where there is an under-

lying stochastic process for the value of the firm assets. Equity is a call option 

on these assets and debt is the corresponding put option. Gray and Jobst 

(2011) discuss examples of this approach extended to sectors of the econ-

omy including the government. In their applications, they measure sectoral 

balance sheets with a particular interest in financial crises. This approach 

neatly sidesteps statistical challenges by using “market expectations” and 

risk- adjusted probabilities in conjunction with equity- based measures of 

uncertainty and simplified models of debt obligations. Extending contingent 

claims analysis from the valuation of firms to systems of firms and govern-

ments is fruitful. Note, however, if our aim is to make welfare assessments 

and direct linkages to the macroeconomy, then the statistical modeling and 

measurement challenges that are skirted will quickly resurface. Market 

expectations and risk- neutral probability assessments oVer the advantage 

of not needing to distinguish actual probabilities from the marginal utili-

ties of investors in financial markets, but this advantage can only be pushed 

so far. A more fundamental understanding of the market- based “appetite 

for risk” and a characterization of the macroeconomic implications of the 

shocks that command large risk prices require further modeling and a more 

prominent examination of historical evidence. Such an understanding is 

central when our ambition is to engage in the analysis of counterfactuals 

and hypothetical changes in policies.


4. The potential omission of firms not publicly traded limits this approach for the reasons 

described previously.

Challenges in Identifying and Measuring Systemic Risk    25

1.3.3  Network Models

Network models of the financial system oVer intriguing ways to sum-

marize data because of its focus on interconnectedness. These models open 

the door to some potentially important policy questions, but there are some 

critical shortcomings in making these models fully useful for policy. A finan-

cial firm in a network may be highly connected, interacting with many firms. 

Perhaps these links are such that the firm is “too interconnected to fail.” A 

critical input into a policy response is how quickly the networks structure 

will evolve when such a firm fails. As is well recognized, in a dynamic setting 

these communications links will be endogenous, but this endogeneity makes 

modeling in a tractable way much more diYcult and refocuses some of the 

measurements needed to address policy concerns.

1.3.4  Dynamic, Stochastic Macroeconomic Models

Linking financial market disruption to the macroeconomy requires more 

than just using “oV- the- shelf ” dynamic stochastic equilibrium models, say, 

of the type suggested by Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans (2005) and 

Smets and Wouters (2007). By design, models of this type are well suited 

for econometric estimation and they measure the consequences of multiple 

shocks and model explicitly the transition mechanisms for those shocks. 

Identification in these multishock models is tenuous. More importantly 

they are “small- shock” models. In order to handle a substantial number 

of state variables, they appeal to small noise approximations for analyti-

cal tractability. Since the financial crisis, there has been a rush to integrate 

financial market restrictions into these models. Crises are modeled as times 

when ad hoc financial constraints bind.


 To use local methods of analysis, 

separate approximations are made around crisis periods. See Gertler and 

Kiyotaki (2010) for a recent development and discussion of this literature. 

There is some promising recent research developing and applying compu-

tational methods that allow for a more global approach to analyzing non-

linear dynamic economic models. More application and experience with 

such methods should open the door to a better understanding of stochastic 

models with linkages between financial markets and the macroeconomy.

Enriching dynamic stochastic equilibrium is a promising research agenda, 

but this literature has only scratched the surface on how to extend these 

models to improve our understanding of the macroeconomic consequence 

to upheaval in financial markets. It remains an open research question as 

to how best (a) to model financial constraints, both in terms of theoretical 

grounding and empirical importance; (b) to characterize the macroeconomic 

5. I use the term ad hoc in a less derogatory manner than many other economists. I re- 

mind readers of a dictionary definition: concerned or dealing with a specific subject, purpose, 

or end.

26     Lars Peter Hansen

consequences of crisis level shocks that are very large but infrequent; and 

(c) to model the origins of these shocks.


1.3.5  Pitfalls in Data Dissemination and Collection

Measurement requires data. Going forward, there is great opportunity 

for the OYce of Financial Research in the United States and its counter-

parts elsewhere to provide new data for researchers. Some of the data in its 

most primitive form will be confidential. Concern for confidentiality will 

create challenges for sharing this information with external researchers. One 

approach is to restrict the use of such data to be “in house.” This will limit the 

value of the data collection. If the objective is to ensure the high quality of 

research within government agencies, it is valuable to make important com-

ponents of the data available to external researchers. This external access 

permits replication of results, and nurtures innovative modeling and mea-



 Moreover, external analysis can provide a check against research 

with preordained conclusions or inadvertent support for policies such as 

“too big (or too something) to fail.” While providing external access requires 

that data be distributed in manners that respect individual confidentiality, 

the possibility of making such data available is a reality. The Census Bureau 

has already confronted such challenges successfully.

There are additional data issues that require scrutiny. Distortions in the 

collection of publicly available data can hinder the measurement of aggre-

gate risk exposures because of the temptation to disguise the problematic 

nature of policies in place. Moreover, even when intentions are good, pre-

existing policies can make the assessment of risk using historical data more 

challenging by partially mitigating risks in ways that are not sustainable in 

the future. Brickell (2011) identifies this latter challenge and argues that it 

may have contributed to errors in assessing housing market risk in the years 

before the Great Recession. These types of concerns place an extra burden 

on empirical researchers to model the biases in data collection induced by 

both public and private incentives for distortion.

Given this state of econometric modeling and measurement, I see a big 

gap to fill between statistical analyses measuring comovements in the tails 

of financial market equity returns and empirical analyses measuring the 

impact of shocks to the macroeconomy. This gap limits, at least temporar-

ily, the scope of the analysis of systemic risk. Closing this gap provides an 

important opportunity for the future. The compendium of systemic risk 

measures identified in Bisias et al. (2012) should be viewed merely as an inter-

6. For instance, the Macroeconomic Financial Modeling group funded by the Alfred P. Sloan 

Foundation explores the challenges to building quantitatively ambitious models that address 

these and other related challenges.

7. Andy Lo has made the related point that potentially relevant sectors, such as the insurance 

sector, are not under the formal scrutiny of the federal government and hence there may be an 

important shortfall in the data available to the OYce of Financial Research.

Challenges in Identifying and Measuring Systemic Risk    27

esting start. We should not lose sight of the longer- term challenge to provide 

systemic risk quantification grounded in economic analysis and supported 

by evidence. The need for sound theoretical underpinnings for producing 

policy- relevant research identified by Koopmans many decades ago still 

applies to the quantification of systemic risk. Policy analysis stemming from 

econometric models aims to push beyond the realm of historical evidence 

through the use of well- grounded economic models. It is meant to provide a 

framework for the conduct of hypothetical policies that did not occur during 

the historical observation period. To engage in this activity with the ambi-

tion to understand better how to monitor or regulate the financial sector to 

prevent major upheaval in the macroeconomy requires creative adjustments 

in both our modeling and our measurement.

1.4 Conclusion

We should not underestimate the diYculty of measuring systemic risk in 

a meaningful way. But success oVers the potential for valuable inputs into 

policy making. Wearing my econometrician’s hat has led me to emphasize 

measurement challenges and the associated uncertainty caused by limited 

data or unknown statistical models used to generate the data. Of course 

clever econometricians can always invent challenges, and in many respects 

part of the econometrician’s job is to provide credible ways to quantify 

measurement uncertainties. After all, quantitative research in economics 

grounded by empirical evidence should be more than just reporting a single 

number but instead ranges or distributions that include sensitivity to model 

specification. Good econometrics is supported simultaneously by good eco-

nomics and good statistics. Exploring the consequences of potential model 

misspecification necessarily requires inputs from both economics and statis-

tics. Economic models help us understand what statistical inputs are most 

consequential to economic outcomes and good statistics reveal where the 

measurements are least reliable. Moreover, such econometric explorations 

will benefit discussions of policy by providing repeated reminders of why 

gaps in our knowledge can have important implications.

Allow me to close by returning to the Kelvin dictum and drawing on some 

intellectual history of it as it relates to social science research. The decision 

to place this dictum on the Social Science Research building at the Univer-

sity of Chicago caught the attention of some distinguished scholars. This 

building housed the economics department for many years and the Cowles 

Commission for Research in Economics during the years 1939 to 1955 when 

many young scholars came there to explore linkages between economics, 

mathematics, and statistics.


 Two of the original pillars of the “Chicago 

8. After moving to Yale in 1955, the Cowles Commission was renamed the Cowles Foun-


28     Lars Peter Hansen

school,” Knight and Viner, had notable reactions to the use of the Kelvin 

quote and proposed amendments:


Knight: If you cannot measure a thing, go ahead and measure it anyway.

Viner: and even when we can measure a thing, our knowledge will be 

meager and unsatisfactory.

Perhaps just as intriguing as Knight’s and Viner’s scepticism are the major 

challenges that were levied to Lord Kelvin’s own calculations about the age 

of the sun. These challenges provide an object lesson in support of model 

uncertainty. Kelvin argued that the upper bound of the sun’s age was twenty 

to forty million years, although his earlier estimates included the possibil-

ity of a much larger number, up to 100 million years. Kelvin’s evidence 

and that provided by others were used to question the plausibility of the 

Darwinian theory of evolution. Darwin’s own calculations suggested that 

much more time was needed to justify the evolutionary processes. In hind-

sight, Lord Kelvin’s estimates were over one hundred times lower than the 

current estimate of 4.5 billion years. Kelvin’s understatements were revised 

upward by substantive advances in our understanding of radioactivity as 

an energy source. This historical episode illustrates rather dramatically an 

impact of model uncertainty on the quality of measurement. While Knight’s 

and Viner’s words of caution were motivated by their perception of social 

science research several decades ago, their concerns extend to other research 

settings as well. It is diYcult to fault Lord Kelvin for not anticipating the 

discovery of a new energy source. Nevertheless, I do not wish to conclude 

that the potential for model misspecification should induce us to abandon 

earnest attempts at quantification. Instead quantification should be a val-

ued exercise, and part of this exercise should include a characterization of 

sensitivity to alternative model specifications. Unfortunately, there are no 

guarantees that we have captured the actual form of the misspecification 

among the possibilities that we consider, but at least we can avoid some of 

the pitfalls of using models in naive ways.

Quantitative ambitions have the virtue of providing clarity for what is 

to be measured. Models provide measurement frameworks and facilitate 

communication and criticism. While simple quantifications of systemic risk 

may be a naive hope, producing better models to support policy discussion 

and analysis is a worthy ambition. Building a single consensus model is 

unrealistic in the near term, but even exploring formally the consequences 

of alternative models adds discipline to policy advice. Without such model-

ing pursuits, we are left with a heavy reliance on discretion in governmental 

course of action. Perhaps discretion is the best we can do in some extreme 

circumstances, but formal analysis should provide coherency and transpar-

ency to economic policy.

9. See Merton, Stills, and Stigler (1984).

Challenges in Identifying and Measuring Systemic Risk    29

While systemic- risk modeling and measurement is a promising research 

agenda, caution should prevail about the impact of model misspecification 

on the measurements and the consequences of those measurements. A criti-

cal component to this venture should be to assess and guard against adverse 

impacts of the use of measurements from necessarily stylized models. Com-

plete success along this dimension is asking too much, otherwise we would 

just “fix” our models. Nevertheless, confronting the various components 

of uncertainty with some formality will help us to use models in sensible 

and meaningful ways. As our knowledge and understanding advance over 

time, so will our comprehension and characterization of uncertainty in our 

model- based, quantitative assessments.


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