Preface to the lecture, 1

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the photon



Fig. 4.5:   Two coaxial oscillating vortex rings (Lugt



      Lugt,  Hans J.:  Vortex flow in nature and technology.  Krieger publishing 

company, Florida 1995; page 42, ISBN 0-89464-916-7


properties ______________________________________________________________61


4.5 The photon


The ability to form structures as a consequence of the concentration effect gives the 

potential vortex a number of highly interesting properties. To derive these properties we 

can make work easier when we fall back upon the observations and experiences of flow 



Here the vortex ring takes a special place. Its vortex centre is not closed, for which reason 

it is not stationary and propagates in space with a constant speed. It can be observed that 

the velocity of propagation increases with the ring diameter becoming smaller. By means 

of the vortex rings, that skilful smokers can produce with pointed lips, these properties can 

be made visible. 

Now if two vortex rings run into each other with the same axis and direction of rotation 

then both oscillate around each other, by one vortex attracting the other vortex, thereby 

accelerating and thus contracting it. The second vortex then slips through the core opening 

and gets again slower and larger. Now the first vortex accelerates and plays the same game 

(fig. 4.5). 


would be obvious for the vortex of the electric field to have a corresponding property. 

The electron e- and with the opposite swirl direction the positron e+ will form such a 

potential vortex corresponding to the derivation. Two electrons, as like charged particles, 

would repel each other and surely will be out of the question for such a configuration. An 

electron   and   a  positron   however  will   attract   each  other   and   because   of their 

incompatibility they will mutually destroy unless they open their vortex centres to form a 

vortex ring. Now the e- shows its positively charged centre that shows the same swirl 

direction as the e+ seen from the outside. Therefore the vortices don't hurt each other, 

when the positron slips through the opened vortex centre of the electron and vice versa. 

This oscillating electron-positron pair has strange properties: seen from the outside one 

moment it is negatively charged and the next moment it is positively charged. Therefore 

over time on the average no charge will be measurable and no electromagnetic inter- 

action will take place. 

One moment the particle is matter and the next moment it is anti-matter. Hence no mass at 

all can be attributed to the particle. Interactions primarily takes place between both dual 

vortices. We can predict, the particle has neither mass nor charge. The environment 

merely sees a fast oscillating particle that only within every half cycle is capable of an 



The centre of the oscillating particle is open, for which reason it is not stationary 

anymore. Instead it propagates in z-direction with the swirl velocity, which is the speed of 

light, in this way preventing a rotation around the x- or y- axis (fig. 4.6). In this way a 

polarizability is present.


The only possible and, as we will see, necessarily taking place rotation around the z-axis 

gives the particle a spin of the magnitude of a quantum of angular momentum. After all 

the rotation for e


 and e


 is of the same magnitude with a spin of each time 



should be paid attention to the fact that for the case of an opposite sense of direction of the 

respective rotation around the common z-axis the spin on the average will be zero.


In addition the particle is characterized by an outstanding property: a periodically taking 

place oscillation with any frequency, but that frequency has to be constant. 

We now only have to take a table of particles to hand. Actually we will find a corre- 

sponding particle that has all these properties: the 

also called photon.




pair creation |



Fig.  4.6:    The photon as oscillating electron-positron pair


The decay of the  - quanta (photon)


( = pair creation = Bethe-Heitler-process 1934 ):




      Nachtmann, Otto:  Phanomene und Konzepte der Elementarteilchenphysik, 

Vieweg, Braunschweig 1986, S. 135, ISBN 3-528-08926-1


Properties ______________________________________________________________________63


4.6 Pair creation


Proof for the correctness of the model concept provides the decay of the photon in an 

electron and a positron in the presence of a strong field, as for instance in an atomic


nucleus. This observable decay is called pair creation or Bethe-Heitler process





In this process the elementary vortices for a short time get back their localization and are 

therefore detectable. Otherwise the electron and positron have the form of a sphere, the


photon however rather has the form of two oscillating discs.


The photon doesn't participate in the electromagnetic interaction, because the electric field 

lines run from one disc to the other (from + to -). The field lines are not open as they are 

for e


 or e


 (fig. 4.3). To open up the field lines an energy is necessary that corresponds to 

the sum of the two formed particles. But from this it by no means follows that this amount 

of energy will be released in the reversed and much better known process, where matter 

and anti-matter annihilate under emission of 

 At the end of the derivation the


vortex model will provide us the desired answers on questions of the energy of photons.


Here first of all only the properties will be concerned. 

Experiments, in which light shows as a particle, are the photoelectric effect, the Compton


effect and a lot more. According to the by Maxwell developed classical theory of light


however is light an electromagnetic wave that is not quantized in any way, neither as 

sphere nor as disc, the wave nature of light as well has a physical reality and is secured by


experiment. This is witnessed by the interference patterns of overlapping coherent light 



A concept in which light could exist at the same place and the same time both as wave and


as corpuscle could never be brought into accord with the principle of causality. Formulas


of compromise, like the uncertainty principle of Heisenberg that refers to the point of


view of the observer, can't change anything about this dilemma. The dual nature of light,


that in this context is gladly spoken of, rather consists of the fact that dependent on the


local field conditions, any time and spontaneously the wave can roll up to a vortex.


As an example of a violation of the principle of causality it has been indicated under point


3 (fig. 3.1) that both fields and quanta at the same time should be the cause of something.


This concept was formulated by Maxwell and written down in modern quantum electro-


dynamics by Dirac but in the field-theoretical approach we have dropped this concept


because it violates all rules of causality in an elementary manner. Therefore it only is


consistent, if we hold the view that the light is either wave or particle but never is both at


the same time!


In the spontaneous transition of the wave to the particle all the important properties are 

conserved: the propagation with the speed of light, the characteristic frequency of the


oscillation and the mentioned polarizability. 

The process of rolling up possibly takes place already in the laboratory, in a bubble


chamber and at the latest in our eyes. To receive the electromagnetic wave, we had to have 

antennas. We actually see the photons. It therefore would be obvious if our cells to see 

only could perceive vortices, in this case photons. We don't possess a sense organ for


fields and waves.


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